Bleach: Shattered Dreams [RP]


Weapon Rebirth [FFVII]
Jun 23, 2008


They live their lives in sweet ignorance of that which they simply cannot comprehend, that which could strike disaster into the very fabric of the balance between all known worlds. Hollows - normal human souls that, upon death, have been twisted through agony and despair into something dark and evil - stalk unseen through normal reality, feeding on other souls in order to quench their undying thirst. And so, Soul Reapers came into existence, Death Gods that fight the Hollows and keep the human world from complete annihilation.

For eons this balance has been kept, but, on one fateful day, this balance drastically shifted.

They struck into the very heart of Soul Society itself, seven ancient Hollows, known only in legend as Los Dioses - the 'Hollow Gods'. With the innate power to absorb all souls upon contact, even the most powerful Soul Reapers who had attained levels beyond all others, simply did not stand a chance. On that day, Soul Society was no more. With nothing left standing in their way, Los Dioses then turned their attention to the human world. It seemed as if nothing would be able to stop them.

Yet, all hope was not lost. Several Soul Reapers managed to escape the massacre at Soul Society and fled to the human world. It was here that they learned that, by performing an ancient and highly forbidden ritual of transferring their inner powers to a normal human being - in effect forging them into substitute Soul Reapers - that these new breed of protectors were immune to the soul absorption properties of the Hollow Gods.

Untrainned, and out of their depth, they are both world's only remaining hope...

Sign Up / Discussion Thread ||Profiles Thread

The Substitute Soul Reapers

1: Alia Fuji [Female]
2: Akioryu Yasuo [Male]
3: Namiko Jade Shino [Female]
4: Ryu Nakamura [Male]
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It was growing dark, yet night had long since fallen. Her senses, usually so sharp and focused, began to drift in and out of a stable consciousness, yet sleep was the furthest action from her mind. Adrenaline surged through her body in waves of pulsing desperation, yet she was immobile and not exhurting her body. It had happened so suddenly. One moment, she was walking down a back-alley that was a shortcut to her appartment, and in the next, she was fighting for her life.

Alia Fuji emitted a wordless cry, but no sound could escape her lips as her throat was being crushed by the weight of an invisible entity that bore down opressively upon her. Deep grey-blue eyes were peeled wide in both shock and panic, as she could only grasp helplessly within the alley-way, raven-black hair flailing widely around her features, as her fists struck harmlessly over the flesh of something dark and evil.

"What's going on?! ... What's happening to me?!"

Her mind screamed the words over and over even as the life was continuing to be squeezed, bit by bit, from out of her form. Within moments, a howl filled the night sky, sending a chill that tore through to the bone. The pressure that she now felt was more than just physical, it seemed to immobilise her very essence. Before her mind's eye, she witnessed the passage of time, of her very life. Books, school, movies, friends ... it seemed the greatest injustice that it seemed to be over far too quickly. Was this all that she had to show of her life? And yet, it had always seemed like she had time to do more. Always more books to read, always more time to read them in.

Until now.

Tears began to fall from down her pale cheeks. The fight was quickly being drained out of her. Her thrashing lessened, her mind weakened, becoming numb. All that was left was darkness ... until a sudden blaze of light caused her to gasp and scream - as the immense pressure was suddenly lifted completely off of her body. There, in front of her, she saw him, a young man who was dressed in raven-black robes, and who wielded a katana that shone oddily in the light of the overhanging lamp-post. He spared a cautious glance for her, but never let his eyes leave the sight of the creature which her mind could still not even comprehend.

"Do you want to live?" The question startled her. Through the panic, pain and tears, she turned to look at him, dumbfounded. "Do you want to live?" He repeated, in the same urgent tone.

"Yes!" Alia cried, seeming to shout with all her remaining spirit.

At this, a small smile formed on the edges of his lips. "... Then fight!"

With a scream, Alia watched in pure horror as he drove his blade deep into her chest. Terror. Pain. Blood. Death. And yet ... she breathed. She still lived. It was as if time itself had slowed, but in that instance, she felt a power beginning to rise up deep within her, with a strength and magnitude that burst forth in an aura of overwhelming light.

She was Alia Fuji - daughter of Amaru and Keiko Fuji, a family who had lived in Karakura Town for generations. She was Alia Fuji - an apt 19 year old student who excelled in her studies and loved both knowledge and books. She was Alia Fuji - all her dreams and aspirations for a future as a teacher, to share her knowledge with others and help them to learn. She was Alia Fuji - a strange slender form that was sprawled out on the floor with a blade plunged deep into her chest.

And yet, in that moment, Alia Fuji became so much more...

RP Notice
All participants are now free to make their introductionary post within the role-play. Within it, you must describe your character, with some fragment of their life or past, and end with a sudden Hollow attack with a chance for survival by an unknown Soul Reaper. Those characters who have some innate spirit sense are allowed to actually 'see' and describe the Hollow that is attacking them.

The second post you make will then be their actual emergence into a Substitute Soul Reaper, where your descriptions of clothing and Zanpakuto (katana) will be added to your character profiles. You will then be guided through a tutorial of combat.

If you have any questions or queries at all, please feel free to post them within the main discussion thread. I'm more than happy to answer them.
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Akioryu stepped through the dark streets, he often walked alone at night when none where around so he could think clearly, however tonight would be like no other night. As he was nearing his home he suddenly felt a strange presence behind him, as he turned to face it he was struck back by an unseen force. He looked up and saw a strange near-invisible creature before him, he couldn't make out the features but he could clearly see its presence, even in the dark. Akioryu quickly climbed to his feet and tried to run from it, after walking no more than 5 steps he was grabbed and lifted by his feet over 20ft in the air, then the creature's features seemed to appear, it looked sort of like an ape apart from the skeleton mask and hole in its torso.

Akioryu was almost in the creature's mouth when it fell back in pain and dropped Akioryu. As he got up he saw another man, he wore black robes and was wielding a katana, his hair was tied into a long ponytail at the back and he bore an expression of relief and seriousness.

"Are you prepared to fight for your life?" The man asked

"What do you mean?" Akioryu asked

"The world needs heroes, and you are one of the chosen, now prepare to accept my powers" The man stated.

The man then grabbed his sword in both hands and walked toward Akioryu, then swiftly he rammed his sword into Akioryu's stomach, too scared to move he was frozen on the spot. Awaiting death he closed his eyes though his strength didn't fade, instead it began to rise dramatically. Akioryu saw the man, now he was unarmed and looked very weak, like all his strength had been drained.

"Now fight" The man ordered.
As Akioryu looked over his body he noticed that he was now wearing the same outfit that the man wore, only his was in a smaller size to accomodate his height, he also had a sword over his back, from the feel of it it was a katana, like the man's one. As he turned to face the creature he pulled on the hilt of his katana and pulled it from his sheathe, the sword was almost as long as his body and only 3 inches wide, it had a sharp edge and almost seemed to will Akioryu to fight. As he readied his sword in both hands he ran towards the creature with his sword on his right side and as the creature tried to strike him he leapt over its huge arm and lifted his sword over his head and struck at the creature's skeleton-like mask. Light erupted from the wound as Akioryu landed to the floor and quickly ran between the creature's legs and tried to hide underneath it where he couldn't be seen.
Alia Fuji

The intense emanation of light slowly began to fade, retreating back into the confines of her physical form. Her mind still reeled, unable to comprehend everything that was happening, but knowing that it was something beyond anything that she had ever known. It seemed an eternity before her vision gradually returned, but when it did, she took a sharp intake of breath at the weapon which now rested lightly within her grasp. The mixture of sensations that gripped her was intense. It looked so foreign, and yet, also so strangely familiar - all at the same time. It was as if she had just spotted an old friend, not seen for years, in a crowded street and yet, she also felt the sensation of it being a simple extension of her own body; something that was seen every day and paid little attention. It was a strange and confusion feeling.

The blade was short, about half the length of her height, an astonishingly beautiful surface that seemed to shimmer with a faint eerie moonlight glow. Etched onto the blade, near the joining with the hilt, were a set of runic symbols; it's meanings lost to her. She lifted up the katana, and gasped once more at how light it was. She should never have been able to lift it with her strength and stature. Her eyes drifted towards the hilt, which was raven-black, strangely matching the colour of her hair, with grooves to better grip the weapon with.

"... Impressive." The voice startled her. Alia spun to the side, discovering the strange young man who had impaled her only moments before. He continued to smile, a slight nod of his head revealing his appreciation. "That is a truly beautiful Zanpakuto."

"Zan-paku-to?" Once more, the words brought forth that strange sensation - it sounded so foreign, and yet so highly familiar.

He nodded to her. "That will take some getting used to. You may not realise it, but a wealth of knowledge and skill has just been imparted onto you. It will take some time before you can recall it properly." He turned, glancing at something to one side of them.

It was then that Alia saw it, the strange demonic beast that had attacked her early. She took an unconscious step back in reflective horror. It was large, the shape of a twisted snake, with a pale white mask that covered it's face, and a large gaping hole in the middle of it's chest. It was a sick and dark thing that seemed to emanate pure evil.

"A Hollow." He explained. "A normal human soul twisted into what you see before you. But we can bring it peace." He turned to stare into her eyes with a deep intensity. Her mind suddenly flashed with every supernatural text that she had ever read. Demons? Fallen Angels? Creatures that stalked the night? "I am a Shinigami, a Death God ... and now, so are you." The words hit her like a wave. "It is up to you now. You must fight and cleanse this Hollow. Show me that I did not make the wrong choice in choosing you."

With that, he picked up his fallen blade and suddenly jumped into the air with astonishing speed and agility. He landed lightly on the roof of an adjorning building, then crouched down; better to view the entire proceedings. Horrified, Alia turned back to face the Hollow. She should have been completely terrified to her very core, but she also felt the courage and power of something that was continuing to grow inside of her. Alia took a step forward with a pair of wooden sandles, and finally noticed the outfit that now graced her form. She wore a robe similiar to what the man was outfitted in, a raven-black robe that was tied to the waist by a white ribbon, and that gradually transitioned out into a skirt. A plain white undershirt could be seen emerging through the slit of the robe that ran across her chest.

"I will fight..." She whispered, and with that, she launched herself forward.
Akioryu Yasuo

His long ponytail fluttering slightly in the nightly breeze, the weakened Shinigami nodded his head appreciatively as, from the moment he wielded his Zanpakuto, Akioryu's battle sense had seemed to awaken from deep within him. He silently watched as Akioryu struck the Ape Hollow hard across it's head with his blade, before diving into the momentary safety of it's legs. The Ape Hollow however, roared out in fury. It suddenly swung it's long muscular arms, their length easily reaching under it's legs. Akioryu was struck hard and sent flying towards a nearby wall.

"Careful." The Shinigami stated as the dust and rubble slowly began to settle. "It's strong, but somewhat slow. Use your speed to your advantage."

Akioryu Yasuo
HP [500 / 500]
SP [150 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou [50 / 50]
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3]


Ape Hollow
HP [1000 / 1000]
SP [60 / 60]
Attack [80 / 80]
Defence [15% / 15%]
Kidou [20 / 20]
Kidou Defence [2% / 2%]
Agility [2 / 2]

[Attack] Physical Strike [0 SP]
[Defend] Reduce damage by half [0 SP]
[Pound] Double strength attack [10 SP]
[Grip] An attack that reduces an opponent's defences [10 SP]
[Wild Swing] An attack onto all opponents [0 SP]

As Akioryu got back onto his feet, the Shinigami turned to him once more. "Your agility stat defines your ability to trade blows with that of your opponent. You currently have 3 Agility - this means that you can issue 3 commands, per round, onto your enemy. At the moment, you have a few commands at your disposal. These will grow as you develop your skills."

Starting Combat Commands

[Attack] Launch a physical attack onto an opponent [0 SP]
[Parry] Deflect an opponent's attack on the same turn. If physical, will be half your Defence stat. If Kidou, will be half your Kidou Defence stat [15 SP]
[Kidou] Use a spiritual attack onto an opponent [Various SP]
[Flash Step] Evade an opponent's attack on the same turn and strike back at an opponent [30 SP]

Your profile has been updated with these commands and a list of starting Kidou.

"Every attack or Kidou you use must be directed at a certain body part of your opponent." Continued the Shinigami. "Striking specific areas will weaken a Hollow accordingly. But be warned, you can also be attacked in these areas, so stay alert. Striking their Head will weaken their Kidou strength. Striking their Arms will weaken their physical strength. Striking their Chest will weaken their physical and spiritual defences. And striking their Legs will weaken their ability to act. Always remember these in times of trouble." The Ape Hollow roared, and began to charge towars Akioryu. "Now ... show me what you can do."

RP Information
You know have all the information you need in order to begin combat and start getting used to the system involved. Any questions, feel free to post them within the main discussion thread.
As Akioryu saw the Ape charge towards him he readied his sword across his back and ran for the Ape, as it ran for him he slid under it's attack and lifted the sword up and hacked at it's left leg before vaulting himself back to his feet. He then turned to the man while his enemy was down.

"You'd better stand back, this could turn ugly if its attacks become more wild." Akioryu said to the man, the man then nodded and began to limp away from the battle.

"You bastard! Just wait till I get my hands on your puny neck!" The Ape shouted, enraged by the attack.

Akioryu then thought back to all the times he had defended his friends, this was like one of the many times he had come to people's aid.

"Before you continue... It would be best if I told you of 'kidou' the spells we Shinigami are in command of, we can all perform it, some better than others." The man called out.

"Excuse me? Kidou? How do I do it?" Akioryu asked inquisitively.

"Merely clasp your hands together and concentrate your spiritual energy, then open them up so your palms face the target, then speak the name of the spell you wish to use." The Shinigami instructed. "As this Hollow is in the form of an ape it is safe to guess that a 'fire' attack would be most appropriate, so repeat after me... 'number 31, red flame gun', okay your turn."

Akioryu did as instructed, he clasped his hands together and closed his eyes as he gathered his spirit energy as best he could. he then opened them toward his oppenent and then alertly opened his eyes and shouted "NUMBER 31! RED FLAME GUN!" from his hands shot a large fiery projectile which struck the ape, quickly setting it's legs alight. "Wow... And i have this power?" Akioryu spoke to himself, looking at the palms of his hands in awe.
“Hahahaha! That was fun! Do you remember how he leapt out of that building and used his cape to fly? I mean, maaaaaan, that’s just plain awesome!”

On that dark night, Ryu and a couple of his friends were getting out of the movies. As usual, the loud Ryu kept on commenting and trying to perform most of the movie’s more action-packed parts while the others just nodded. Normally they’d be laughing by now but it was close to midnight and they all were tired. Well, not all of them. Surprisingly the brunette seemed to be filled with enormous amount of energy, just as if he had woken up a few minutes ago. Little by little, just as they arrived at the theater’s entrance, the friends began to say goodbye and walk off, each of them heading straight to their homes.

“This sucks” thought Ryu as he walked through the empty streets. He had had a lot of fun with his friends tonight and he hated the fact that it was all over and that now he had to go home and get ready for school tomorrow.

“Ugh! School….” The boy dropped his head, letting out a loud sigh. If there was anything that he hated in this world it was school. He had to wake up early…and he sucked at it. Besides, he had to sit down for hours and hours, listening to the boring sermons of his teachers. God, it was torture, pure and plain torture! But he had promised himself to attend… his brother was killing himself just to ensure his education.

These sure were hard times for the Nakamura brothers. They had lost their parents when his brother was his age and he was only 8. His bro had taken the difficult choice of getting out of school to get a job, so that both of them could eat… It hadn’t been fair. Kojiro had always been good in school and his dream had always been to enter a prestigious college here in Japan. But destiny shattered his dreams and now he literally worked his ass off, working at ungodly hours so that the brunette could get a decent education. Life sure hadn’t been fair and his skipping school would be like destroying everything his older brother had worked so hard to achieve. No, he just couldn’t do that.

Rising his head, Ryu looked at the full moon that floated on that endless sea of stars. There were no clouds on that warm night and that had been the main reason to why he had convinced his friends to go out and do something. It had taken him long enough to convince them to go to the movies on a school night, but he never gave up easily. Grinning, he thought he was lucky to have the friends he had. Even though they barely knew each other, they had greatly helped Ryu cope up with his loss. He had to be grateful for that. Life had taken a lot from him, but had also given him lots of things in exchange… like his friends and his wonderful brother.

He looked at his watch. “Crap! I can’t believe it’s this late! I’m sooo not gonna get up tomorrow”. The boy decided to take a shortcut through the alleyways which, unlike the main street he had been walking up until now, were only lit by the moonlight. He didn’t like going through there, especially at night; he always had the sensation somebody observed him….Paranoia or not, he needed to go that way or else he’d come home really late.

Turning to his right, Ryu went into the narrow alley that led him into a maze of back streets, lanes and other tight passages in which he was barely able to move. As the minutes passed and he got deeper and deeper into the dark labyrinth the boy couldn’t help but feel that somebody was watching him. Although he always got that feeling every time he went into a dark, lonely place at night and was starting to get used to this, that didn’t mean he liked it. He quickened his steps, turning his head around from time to time.

“What the—?!” The brunette gasped. He swore he had seen something red a bit to his right… He turned his head around and, using his cell-phone to light the area he finally found it… An arm, a severed arm, laying a pool of a red, sticky liquid. The boy panicked. This had been a bad idea after all… He didn’t think it twice and started to run towards the nearest exit. Or better said, that’s what he wanted to, but he felt something just as hard as a brick wall hit him straight on the chest and moments later, he was flying in the opposite direction and came to a stop just as he hit the wall behind him.

His breathing stopped for a moment. Desperately, he forced his lungs to suck in that precious air while his blank mind tried to understand what had just happened. It was really dark on that alley, but in the dim light Ryu managed to observe the silhouette of something…..something really big that was slowly walking towards him in what seemed to be four legs. In the dim light, he saw that the dog-like creature had a horrible white mask, a big hole in the center of its body and eyes that told him immediately that that thing was hungry…and was staring at his dinner.

The boy tried to get up, but his legs didn’t respond. He tried to use his arms but his muscles cried out in pain every time he moved them. There was no escape… But he refused to accept the fact that he was going to be eaten by that thing. Using whatever will power he had left he managed to slowly stand up and tried to run away. Well, running was not the right word for it; it was more like limp. Every part of his body was crying out in pain and he felt as if his muscles had been set on fire. But it was no use; the creature jumped in front of him, cutting his escape route. Then, a second later it had jumped forward, opening its mouth, tearing the boy’s head out of his body—

…but the creature came to a halt a few inches just before it got a chance to bite at his head. A person in black robes, wielding what seemed to be a katana had jumped just in front of him and had used the blade to block the creature. Muttering all the strength he had, the man slashed at the mask, apparently killing the wolf-like creature.

“Huh? W-who’re you?!”

The man turned around with a startled expression. He was a relatively young man who couldn’t be older than 25, had dark, short hair and had a brown right eye while the left one was covered by a black eye patch.

“You can see me?” His surprised eyes examined young Ryu, who had fallen to the floor again and was clearly in pain. “That’s surprising. Not many people can see us. You have high spiritual energy… all right, let me check on those wounds of yours”. He extended his hands around the boy’s chest and a greenish ball of light suddenly appeared. The pain on the brunette’s body slowly started to fade away.

“I’m surprised you were even able to move with those wounds of yours…” said the man. “Well, I better get going. The other one should be nearb—“


Another one of those wolf-like creatures had leaped out of a rooftop and had pierced the man’s body with two horns that protruded out of the mask.

Crap…” said the man, spitting blood. He fell to his knees but grabbed the creature’s horn with his left hand as he did so.

“Kid… you want to live?”

“What are you….?”

“You want to live or not?” The man had an expression of great pain. The creature had probably stabbed a lung and the libber and was trying to pull its horns out of the male’s body. “Look…I don’t…have enough strength…to kill this beast… There’s only one way…to get out of here alive…Unless you want to die…”

“I want to live!!!” cried Ryu. The man smiled and, grabbing his katana with his right hand, he used it to pierced Ryu’s chest.

What? The boy didn’t understand anything. His surprised eyes looked down at the sword and his mind told him he was going to die. There was just no way he could ever survive with a sword piercing his heart and he could do nothing but to accept it. Death, the end of all things. It was the destiny of all living things to meet their end sooner or later. But his destiny had come on much sooner than he thought. He felt how his breathing stopped, his eyes closed, the strength left his body, and how his mind froze….but he didn’t die. Why hadn’t he died? A split second later he felt how a great strength entered his body and how light enveloped him completely. He had ceased to be human and had become something else, something much more powerful…

(Phew! Enjoy my uber-long post xD)
Akioryu Yasuo || Karakura Town Alleyway || Ape Hollow Battle

RP Information
Remember, your character has an agility of three, which means that you can issue 3 commands per round. Scanning through your post, you only issued 2. Also, you can state body areas for Kidou attacks as well, so I have randomly chosen one for it.

Command Phase

Akioryu Yasuo
[1 / 3] Attack onto Ape Hollow's leg

Ape Hollow
[1 / 2] Attack onto Akioryu's chest

Outcome Phase

Akioryu Yasuo
76 HP lost

HP [424 / 500]
SP [150 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%] *
Kidou [50 / 50]
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%] *
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3]

Ape Hollow
42 HP lost

HP [958 / 1000]
SP [60 / 60]
Attack [80 / 80]
Defence [15% / 15%]
Kidou [20 / 20]
Kidou Defence [2% / 2%]
Agility [2 / 2] *​

As Akioryu had expected, the Hollow had gotten even more wild as it's flesh was torn asunder by the power of his Zanpakuto. The Ape Hollow screamed out in a mixture of pain and rage, lashing out with a clenched fist that forced all of the wind from out of Akioryu's chest.

Command Phase

Akioryu Yasuo
[2 / 3] Kidou #31 - Red Flame Gun onto Ape Hollow's chest

Ape Hollow
[2 / 2] Pound onto Akioryu's legs

Outcome Phase

Akioryu Yasuo
152 HP lost || 15 SP used

HP [272 / 500]
SP [135 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%] *
Kidou [50 / 50]
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%] *
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3] *

Ape Hollow
98 HP lost || 10 SP used

HP [860 / 1000]
SP [50 / 60]
Attack [80 / 80]
Defence [15% / 15%] *
Kidou [20 / 20]
Kidou Defence [2% / 2%] *
Agility [2 / 2] *

The Ape Hollow roared within the wrath of the flames, as it's weakness to the element allowed for the attack to forge additional damage to the Hollow's form. The Shinigami smiled as Akioryu used the Kidou magic. "Not bad ... for your first try. But there is a way to harness an even deeper strength to your Kidou. If you make an incantation, before you cast the spell, it will deal even more damage to your target."

RP Information
Adding an incantation to Kidou attacks will increase their power, depending on the quality of the incantation. All incantations must be four lines long. For example:

"O Heavenly father, he who is one of earth and sea,
Of smoke, of heat, of fires far,
Call forth Hell's flames to burn the souls of all your enemies.
Kidou number 31: Red Flame Gun!"​

Additional power will be granted on the areas of quality, of sticking to the subject matter, and by adding rhymes.

The Shinigami looked up in alarm as Akioryu was struck hard by the Ape Hollow. "Better hold back and recover for the next round. Use a healing Kidou, and either parry's or flash-steps to avoid attacks for now."

Command Phase

Akioryu Yasuo
[3 / 3] - No Command Issued -

Outcome Phase

- As Prior -​

---------- ---------- ----------

Alia Fuji || Karakura Town Alleyway || Snake Hollow Battle

Snake Hollow
HP [800 / 800]
SP [80 / 80]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [10% / 10%]
Kidou [70 / 70]
Kidou Defence [8% / 8%]
Agility [3 / 3]

[Attack] Physical Strike [0 SP]
[Defend] Reduce damage by half [0 SP]
[Venom] An attack that inflicts Poison [10 SP]
[Drench] A water-elemental Kidou assault [10 SP]
[Tail] An attack onto all opponents [0 SP]

She ran, faster and with more agility than she ever had before. She moved like the wind, almost invisible, but with a strength behind it that could tear down even the most impenetrable of defences. She could feel the very pulse of the power from deep within her. It flowed from a point in her chest, out to her arms, her legs, and finally into her Zanpakuto - a focal point of pure energy and power.

"I fight." She whispered once more.

The Snake Hollow dived forward, looking to meet the young woman head on. Alia vanished, seeming to disappear in the final seconds of their collision. She reappeared behind the Hollow, striking with a sudden slash of her Zanpakuto across the Hollow's features, before appearing once more in her original position.

Command Phase

Alia Fuji
[1 / 3] Flash-Step onto Snake Hollow's Head

Snake Hollow
[1 / 3] Venom onto Alia's Legs

Outcome Phase

Alia Fuji
30 SP used || Avoided Venom!

HP [500 / 500]
SP [120 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou [50 / 50]
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3]

Snake Hollow
45 HP lost || 10 SP used

HP [755 / 800]
SP [70 / 80]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [10% / 10%]
Kidou [70 / 70] *
Kidou Defence [8% / 8%]
Agility [3 / 3]​

Taking a step back, she focused her spiritual energy to a point in her palms, willing it to unleash.

"Ominous clouds gather, tempests brew,
A flicker of light that purges even the darkest sin,
A bolt of your holy judgement that sparks anew,
Kidou #4:White Lightning!"​

A liquid jolt of pure electricity thundered from out of her hands, striking the Snake Hollow in it's chest and blasting it backwards through the very air. It landed amongst the rubble, crashing into the side of the building.

Command Phase

Alia Fuji
[2 / 3] Kidou #4: White Lightning onto Snake Hollow's Head

Snake Hollow
[2 / 3] Tail onto Alia's Head

Outcome Phase

Alia Fuji
47 HP lost|| 15 SP used

HP [453 / 500]
SP [105 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou [50 / 50] *
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3]

Snake Hollow
184 HP lost

HP [571 / 800]
SP [70 / 80]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [10% / 10%]
Kidou [70 / 70] **
Kidou Defence [8% / 8%]
Agility [3 / 3]

Alia did not let up as she focused her Kidou once more.

"Kidou #1 - Obstruction!"​

Ancient symbols seemed to form all around the Snake Hollow, binding it more intricately than any man-made rope or metal could ever do. The magic sunk deep, with a power that would ocassional render the Hollow unable to even act.

Command Phase

Alia Fuji
[3 / 3] Kidou #1 - Obstruction onto Snake Hollow

Snake Hollow
[3 / 3] Drench onto Alia's Head

Outcome Phase

Alia Fuji
66 HP lost || 20 SP used

HP [387 / 500]
SP [85 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou [50 / 50] **
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3]

Snake Hollow
Paralysis || 10 SP lost

HP [571 / 800]
SP [60 / 80]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [10% / 10%]
Kidou [70 / 70] **
Kidou Defence [8% / 8%]
Agility [3 / 3]

The Shinigami that had saved her life, and granted her this amazing gift looked down at her with a nod of his head. "It comes naturally to you." He stated, a hint of awe in his voice. "What is your name?"

"Alia ... Alia Fuji." She said, gripping her Zanpakuto tightly as she waited for the creature's answering counter-attack. "And yours?"

"Reiko. Reiko Arugi."

And with that, the battle recommensed.
Namiko set down her book and reclined on the beach south of Karakura Town. Namiko watched the ebb and flow of the waters and allowed herself to sink into reflection. Though Namiko hated living in Japan, she acknowledged the beauty of the cascading waves and the surrounding skies with its aromatic crisp scent.

Namiko wished she could go to either America or Barbadoes. She had only been to Barbadoes four times. However, she felt much more at home there than in Japan. She thought of America. She thought of her aunts and cousins. She missed them. Perhaps she shouldn't have been so rough on them. She thought of school. She missed being able to wear a variety of clothes to school. She liked the education system in Japan better, however. She thought of friends. Friends... had she ever had friends? When she was in America, she rarely spoke to anyone in school. The kids weren't mean, but they never initiated conversation either. Namiko had not really been concerned with speaking to other kids. Even back then she had extracurricular activities. Most time consuming of all was her father's lessons. He was so intent on passing down the family's fighting tradition. Her mother believed in hard work and pressed her daughter to be her best. There was simply no time for friends.

Now Namiko was in Japan. At first, she had been excited to come to Japan. However, she learned that the grass was certainly not greener on the other side. An older group of kids tried to rob her of her lunch money on her very first day of school. She dispatched them quickly, of course, but she was not happy about the looks they continued to give her afterward. She wasn't happy about the other kids' whispered conversations about her. Her appearance drew attention, although she lived in Karakura Town in Honshu Prefecture. It was always evident that she had not grown up in Japan. Apparently it was this that caused the other kids to be distant from her.

Namiko gazed out at the setting sun on the horizon. The sun and its rays separated the skies from the waters. Namiko found herself feeling a bit relieved to get away from schoolwork and extracurricular activities. It wasn't often that she had the opportunity to escape to the beach. Namiko smiled and leaned her head back to observe the stars shining brighter.

Suddenly, Namiko felt an odd sensation. Something had slammed into her back. It felt as if she had been stabbed. Confusion crossed her face as she placed her hand on the object protruding from her torso. Her clothes were becoming wet... with her blood. The energy seemed to flow out of her body and she slumped forward. Still in shock, Namiko tried to make sense out of the situation. Am I dying? Namiko wondered with a strange type of detachment. It didn't make sense. How could she be dying under such a beautiful sunset? Even as she slumped forward, she thought she could hear a faint "NOOO!" She thought she heard scuffling. Then the object was ripped abruptly out of her body. She now sprawled out on the ground, back facing up. She could barely hold open her eyes. However, she could still see the last dregs of the sunset and the waves of the sea.

There was more noise... scuffling? then a flash of light. Then there was a brief pause as strange words were uttered: "Disintegrate, black dog of Rondaniini. Look upon your burning soul and sever your throat. Bakudou #9: Conquer!" Then a howl. Namiko felt herself being turned upright. The touch (was it imaginary?) helped lift Namiko's temporary shock. A trickle of blood came from the corner of her mouth as someone... or something... held her head up. The person/thing swore. Namiko could not hold open her eyes to see who or what had her. The arms felt like a human's. Namiko lapsed into a daymare of sorts. She had the realization she was dying, yet she felt the sensation of being in her mother's warm embrace. Perhaps she was in the arms of an angel. Namiko thought she heard "I'm sorry" before she felt the odd sensation again. A sword had been stabbed into her at the same place she had been stabbed from behind, only this time from the front. The angel of death has ended my life, Namiko thought, still feeling oddly detached. She felt both panic and resignation. She thought she heard a voice once again, but she did not know what it said. Her dreams, hopes, and aspirations were shattered as she ebbed away and melted into death.

Namiko began to feel a surge of energy. A pain ebbed from the wound that had killed her. Somehow it seemed as if the wound wasn't so bad. Namiko reached up to grab the sword protruding from her stomach. The effort was not as trying as she had assumed it would be. Was she dead? Namiko opened her eyes. Again, an easy effort. She looked upon the sword in her stomach. The sight of the sword jarred her and she finally began to panic. She screamed and yanked the sword out of herself. It was surprisingly simple to do. Immediately the wound closed itself up. I really died, Namiko thought. I must be in hell. She looked around. The scenery was the same, save for one exception. There was a person fighting with a creature with mantis-like claws. It seemed to be wearing a white mask. There was a large hole in its torso that enabled Namiko to see straight through it. "I'm in hell," Namiko said outloud. She said it in a tone that belied her doubt. She looked as if someone would jump out and shout "surprise!" at any time.

"No, you're alive," the person fighting the strange creature said. The person seemed to have the upper hand in the battle, although he (or she? Namiko couldn't tell yet) didn't have a weapon. "I'll explain everything later. For now, I need you to use that zanpaktou and help me out. I'll tell you how."


"That sword."

Namiko was about to respond with "NO!", but the creature broke away from the person and headed straight toward her. The person was faster. A swift kick to the creature's backside defrayed its course. "It's after you," the person said. "Let me tell you how to protect yourself." It looked like Namiko had no choice.
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The light had appeared out of nowhere and had engulfed him. No, actually… it was more like the light had emerged out of his body and it was this light that was bathing him. Either way, the boy felt a warmth course through his body and felt how unimaginable strength filled him. Ryu felt he could take on anything, cut through anything, block anything….do anything. He was invincible.

A few seconds later the light vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. The remaining gusts of wind created by the radiance flickered his brunette hair lightly. He was back at the ally but something was different now… He felt a certain kind of weight on his right hand. Looking down he found his fingers were holding the deep-blue hilt of a sword, a katana to be exact. He noticed that there was some kind of odd design carved in a metal band of some sort that separated the hilt in two. Looking at it closely he noticed that the design was that of a dragon, the same dragon that spread around the weapon’s guard. Finally he noticed how the long, silvery blade shone under the moonlight…

He swung his katana once and noticed how light it was. It was weird. Although it was the first time he’d actually held a sword in his hands the feeling was somehow familiar, as if the weapon was some kind of extension of his body and not an alien entity.

“That’s a nice Zanpakuto, kid.” Murmured the wounded man, still trying his best to hold on to the creature’s horns that had pierced through his body. The man just seemed close to passing out.

“A Zan-what?” exclaimed Ryu but then shut up. This was no time for questions. He needed to take care of the creature that had attacked them both. Looking at it closely, he noticed how much the creature resembled a wolf. It was grey and walked on four legs, had a horrible white mask with two horns and a big hole in the middle of its chest.

The boy grabbed the hilt of his sword with both hands and raised it to his head-level. The pitch-black clothes he was wearing were just like the man in front of him…comfortable and light. He’d had no trouble fighting on these. He nodded to the injured man in front of him. The latter nodded back and finally let go of the creature’s horns and was thrust against a wall. It was on this very moment that Ryu launched himself forward, ready to kill this monstrosity…
Namiko Jade Shino || Karakura Town South || Mantis Hollow Battle

Mantis Hollow
HP [750 / 750]
SP [40 / 40]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [10% / 10%]
Kidou [40 / 40]
Kidou Defence [8% / 8%]
Agility [2 / 2]

[Attack] Physical Strike [0 SP]
[Defend] Reduce damage by half [0 SP]
[Movement] Adds evasion chance [10 SP]
[Claw] An attack that reduces an opponent's attack [10 SP]
[Paralysis] An attack that adds a paralysis chance to an opponent [0 SP]

Weakness Fire

"Believe it or not, you have just cheated death. In order to save you, I had to impart, onto your human soul, all of the skills and powers of a Shinigami. In other words," The robed person's eyes met hers. "You are now a Death God." The words hang heavy in the air, but the person continued through Namiko's shock and confused expression. "You must defeat this creature, this Hollow. It was, once, a peaceful human soul, but has become twisted. Killing it will cleanse the soul and release it from it's torment."

The Soul Reaper suddenly spun with an agility that belied the eyes, a wide arching kick sending the Hollow retreating temporarily once more. But Namiko could also see the intense beads of sweat and fatigue begin to surge through the person's form. She could almost sense a weakening sensation.

"I must ... rest ... and recover some of the energy that I have given to you." So, it is up to you now." A smile began to stretch across the Soul Reaper's features. "Do not look so concerned. Within you are all the skills and techniques that you need to win this battle. Look inside, and you will find them."

RP Information
I have left the Soul Reaper's gender and names to your designs. This Soul Reaper will be a continuous friend and guide at various stages of the RP. Your profiles list all of the commands and abilities that you need to play out this fight. You must issue three commands per post, and they will be pitted against the Hollow's. When either the player or the Hollow is defeated, then the battle is over. The Soul Reaper will be imparting tips and knowledge (that having been stated yet) during combat.

Any questions, feel free to post them within the discussion thread.

---------- ---------- ----------

Ryu Nakamura || Karakura Town Alleyway || Wolf Hollow Battle

Wolf Hollow
HP [900 / 900]
SP [20 / 20]
Attack [60 / 60]
Defence [8% / 8%]
Kidou [30 / 30]
Kidou Defence [4% / 4%]
Agility [3 / 3]

[Attack] Physical Strike [0 SP]
[Defend] Reduce damage by half [0 SP]
[Bite] A double strength attack [10 SP]
[Howl] An attack that reduces an opponent's defences [10 SP]
[Ice] An attack that launches a shard of ice at an opponent [10 SP]

Weakness Fire

The Soul Reaper staggered, falling back hard against the side of the wall. Here, he slowly closed his eyes, focusing his remaining Kidou in order to restore the damage that his body had undertaken.

"O Heavenly father, he who is pure of spirit and light,
Cleanse this soul of wounds taken in mortal fight,
Kidou #12: Wings of Soothing Radiance!"​

An aura of pure cascading light began to sooth his wounds whilst his flesh began to reform and repair itself instantly. He leaned his head back against the wall, completely drained, but no longer hovering on the brink of death. He slowly re-opened his eyes, and watched as the young man prepared to launch himself at the Wolf Hollow.

"Hey kid." He said, in almost a whisper. "There's this old Shinigami saying - before you kill your enemy, they must know your name." He nodded to him. "What is yours?"

RP Information
As above
Namiko had an array of questions racing through her mind as she listened to the person in black clothes. She noticed this person for the first time. This person was a young boy. He looked to be a preteen. A kid? she thought. She couldn't make out his hair color, since it was dark and there was a demon mantis-looking creature trying to kill her. She also noticed the fatigue the boy must have had throughout the whole battle. Fighting without a weapon seemed to especially wear him down. She glanced down at her bloodstained clothes... only to find that they were no longer blood-stained. She was wearing an outfit similar to the boy's. Namiko concluded she must be going crazy. One: why had no one else seen this creature and the fight taking place? Even though no one was at the beach, surely someone in the nearby city could see them. Two: How in the hell did she become a Death God? That's impossible. There wasn't even a such thing. Namiko racked up the impossibilities in her mind. The creature had been temporarily driven out of the picture. However, the creature returned after seeing the powerful boy lose his energy. The mantis came straight toward Namiko once again. "Used too much kidou," the boy whispered as he involuntarily slumped down to the ground.

Namiko wanted to put an end to this madness. She was certain that it would end if she could just get rid of the demonic mantis pest. The boy watched intently as Namiko tightened her grip on the boy's sword and fearlessly ran toward the Hollow. She sliced at the Hollow's torso. She had no time for fear or games. She needed things to return to normal.

The boy called out to Namiko. "Hey, here's a crash course on Kidou. You've gotta repeat after me. Okay?"
"I guess..." she replied while still in combat.
"I'll say it once, then say it along with you. Then you have to unleash your deadly intent towards the Hollow. Say:

Krakatau, mighty mountain, bearer of the liquid flame
Rain upon us tephra to wash away obscenity
Cry for us ember tears to supply our spirits
Hadou Number 31: Red Flame Gun!"

Namiko made a slash at the Hollow's head while the boy was talking to her. When the boy finished, she nodded in readiness. The both of them said it together:

Krakatau, mighty mountain, bearer of the liquid flame
Rain upon us tephra to wash away obscenity
Cry for us ember tears to supply our spirits
Hadou Number 31: Red Flame Gun!

Namiko focused with deep intensity at the enemy. She wanted him to go away. At the end of the incantation of the kidou, a series of small flames shot toward the Hollow.

HP [500 / 500]
AP [150 / 150]
Attack [50/50]
Kidou [50 / 50]

[Attack] Hollow's Chest
[Attack] Hollow's Head
[Kidou] Hadou #31: Red Flame Gun!
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Ryu didn’t understand what was going on. A katana had pierced his heart and a split second later he found himself wielding a katana and wearing those strange, raven-black clothes that the other man was using. He was eager to ask the man away but this was neither the time nor the place to do that. He knew that the creature standing in front of him was hungry and was dangerous and by the looks of it, it wouldn’t hesitate to kill them both in order to eat.

"Hey kid." The brunette heard the man say after he’d performed some kind of weird spell, the same one that had healed him. Although the wounds seemed to have been closed and the bleeding to have stopped, the man seemed exhausted. It was as if that ‘juju’ had consumed the male’s strength to the point of exhaustion.

[FONT=&quot]"There's this old Shinigami saying - before you kill your enemy, they must know your name. What is yours?"[/FONT]

“Shini-ga-mi?! You’re a Death God?!” shouted the boy, his eyes wide open, the surprise almost throwing him off balance. “You gotta be kiddin’ me! I think you hit your head pretty hard!” Ryu had to fight back the urges to laugh. But what if… what if what the man said was all true? It was the first time seeing someone fight the way this male had…doing those weird spells of his. Well, those questions had to be asked later.

“I’m Ryu by the way. Nakamura Ryu. And you are?”

“Matou Shinji” muttered the man weakly.

“Anyways, what is that ‘animal’?”

“That’s a hollow. It used to be human once but now it’s nothing more than a beast with a voracious appetite, its main dish being people with high-spiritual energy like yourself. But there’s a way to bring him peace…” The man paused, seeing the blank expression on Ryu’s face.

“Look, I know this all’s hard to take in but…”

“Huh?” Grumbling quietly, the man used the thumb and index fingers on his right hands to slowly massage his forehead. He was trying his best to avoid throwing one of the scattered bricks at the boy.

“JUST kill it with you zanpakuto…that katana of yours!”

Nodding, Ryu tightened his grip on the hilt and, grabbing it with both hands, dashed towards the creature, performing a horizontal slash that was aimed at the chest of the creature. Unsure if that attack would do the trick; Ryu quickly raised his katana and performed a downward slash that was aimed at the head of the creature. He thought that if he managed to split its head in two, the creature would have to die. After all, no living creature could survive if their head was blown away, right?

The boy then rolled to his left and performed yet another cut; the boy’s intent was to attack the head again but his aim was not good enough and the slash went for the chest of the creature again.

HP [500 / 500]
AP [150 / 150]
Kidou [50 / 50]


[Attack] Hollow's Chest
[Attack] Hollow's Head
[Attack]Hollow’s Chest
Namiko Jade Shino || Karakura Town South || Mantis Hollow Battle

Command Phase [1 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino used [Attack] onto Mantis Hollow's Chest
Mantis Hollow used [Attack] onto Namiko's Head

Outcome Phase [1 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino -47 HP
Mantis Hollow -45 HP

Command Phase [2 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino used [Attack] onto Mantis Hollow's Head
Mantis Hollow used [Claw] onto Namiko's Legs

Outcome Phase [2 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino -47 HP and -10 Attack
Mantis Hollow -45 HP and -10 SP

Command Phase [3 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino used [Kidou] #31: Red Flame Gun onto Mantis Hollow's Legs

Outcome Phase [3 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino -15 SP
Mantis Hollow -161 HP

Namiko Jade Shino
HP [406 / 500]
SP [135 / 150]
Attack [40 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou [50 / 50] *
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3] *


Mantis Hollow
HP [499 / 750]
SP [30 / 40]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [10% / 10%] *
Kidou [40 / 40] *
Kidou Defence [8% / 8%] *
Agility [2 / 2] *

The young Shinigami boy turned his full attention to the young woman standing before him, uplifting a single eyebrow as he gave her an appraising glance. He had expected only a slight reaction and manifestation of her spirit energy upon completion of the incantation - not the powerful and tightly controlled display that he had just witnessed. Perhaps he had made the right choice in, not only saving her life, but granting her access to his powers.

"Hey. The Hollow seems to be weak to fire." He noted with a smile as it flailed about in agony. He turned back to glance at her, shifting his weight back against the wall, and suddenly smiled. "I know this is all too confusing to take in at once, but it will come to you." He opened up his eyes once more. "So ... what's your name?"

---------- ---------- ----------

Ryu Nakamura || Karakura Town Alleyway || Wolf Hollow Battle

Command Phase [1 / 3]

Ryu Nakamura used [Attack] onto Wolf Hollow's Chest
Wolf Hollow used [Ice] onto Ryu's Head

Outcome Phase [1 / 3]

Ryu Nakamura -28 HP
Wolf Hollow -46 HP and -10 SP

Command Phase [2 / 3]

Ryu Nakamura used [Attack] onto Wolf Hollow's Head
Wolf Hollow used [Defend] against Ryu

Outcome Phase [2 / 3]

Ryu Nakamura
Wolf Hollow -23 HP

Command Phase [3 / 3]

Ryu Nakamura used [Attack] onto Wolf Hollow's Chest
Wolf Hollow used [Defend] against Ryu

Outcome Phase [2 / 3]

Ryu Nakamura
Wolf Hollow -23 HP

Ryu Nakamura
HP [472 / 500]
SP [150 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou [50 / 50] *
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3]


Wolf Hollow
HP [808 / 900]
SP [10 / 20]
Attack [60 / 60]
Defence [8% / 8%] **
Kidou [30 / 30] *
Kidou Defence [4% / 4%] **
Agility [3 / 3]

Matou Shinji watched in awe at the expect swordsmanship that Ryu suddenly displayed. It was as if he had been fighting Hollows all of his known life. It just seemed to come natural to him. Soul Society records had shown that the synchonization after the energy-transfer, from a Shinigami to a human, came more quicker to those individuals with high spiritual energy. Ryu must be one of those humans.

"Not bad, Ryu." He stated, glancing at the Wolf Hollow. "But be on guard, that Hollow has quite the bite. One more attack should start reducing it's defences however, then your attacks can start to deal more damage."

RP Information
As you may have noticed, each time a body part is attacked a * is placed beside it. When each section has *** stars, then the stat will be reduced. Strategic players can use this tactic to lower the stats of their opponents. Whether it be their attack to reduce the damage that the enemy deals, or their defences so that you in turn can deal more damage. The choice is up to the player.

Note however, that the agility stat works differently here. After *** stars, it adds a chance for a turn to be skipped. This chance will increase with continued damage to this stat.
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Namiko watched the demon mantis intently as it writhed from her earlier attack. She listened distractedly to the boy speaking to her. "So... what's your name?" the boy asked. Namiko took advantage of the time in which the Hollow staggered and slashed at its head. "Shino desu," she replied with a heap of formality. She slashed at the Hollow's head again. She chanced a glance at the boy. She had not yet decided if she liked him or not. "You should have introduced yourself first." she said. She stepped back in preparation for her next move.

"I'm Kymo Kurosawa."

The girl was already rapidly repeating the kidou the boy had taught her:

"Krakatau, mighty mountain, bearer of the liquid flame
Rain upon us tephra to wash away obscenity
Cry for us ember tears to supply our spirits
Hadou Number 31: Red Flame Gun!"

When she finished, she turned her attention briefly to the boy. "Kurosawa-san... I don't believe the story you are telling me. It's late. You should return home to your parents and stop playing with swords." Namiko eyed the Hollow intently. "When I'm finished, I can escort you home. Then there will be no more talk of this madness."

HP [406 / 500]
SP [135 / 150]
Attack [40 / 50]
Kidou [50 / 50]

[Attack] Hollow's Head
[Attack] Hollow's Head
[Kidou] Hadou #31: Red Flame Gun!
After listening to what the man told him, Akioryu readied another attack, all the torso attacks to him were weakening him fast.

"Alright, I guess somone had better get rid of those big arms of yours!" Akioryu shouted at the Ape. He then felt a powerful aura surround him, he then prepared to attack.

"Gods of fire and flame!
Lend me your powers!
Obey my command and strike my enemy down!
Number 31! Red Flame Gun!"

He then unleashed a far larger, faster and more ferocious flame attack, it seemed the man was right, a chant seemed to increase its damage potential. Akioryu then grabbed his sword in both hands and held it above his head and then charged at the Ape, once he was close enough he leapt high and performed a 360 slash at the Ape's right arm, striking it twice. He then landed to his feet and quickly leapt back, to avoid a counter.
Alia Fuji || Karakura Town Alleyway || Snake Hollow Battle

The weakened Shinigami, who had introduced himself as Reiko, watched as Alia threw herself into battle. Though she was quickly learning the various skills and attributes that a Shinigami possesses, they were still very raw at this stage, and would take some time to master. Without preamble, she darted forward, summoning forth another White Lightning Kidou towards the Hollow, before following up with a strike across it's chest with her Zanpakuto. But, as she stepped back in order to take a breather, the Hollow used the sudden opening to strike, driving it's teeth into Alia's chest.

Alia cried out in pain just as he called out to her. Within moments she had fallen to one knee, her vision suddenly blurring, and the world all around her beginning to spin out of control. If she had any notions before of this being some strange dream, they were suddenly dashed in that instance.

This was all very real.

Command Phase [1 / 3]

Alia Fuji used [Kidou] #4: White Lightning onto Snake Hollow's Head
Snake Hollow used [Drench] onto Alia's Head

Outcome Phase [1 / 3]

Alia Fuji: -15 SP [Kidou], and -66 HP and -10 Kidou [Drench]
Snake Hollow: -184 HP and -10 Kidou [Kidou], and -10 SP [Drench]

Command Phase [2 / 3]

Alia Fuji used [Attack] onto Snake Hollow's Chest
Snake Hollow used [Venom] onto Alia's Chest

Outcome Phase [2 / 3]

Alia Fuji: -47 HP and Poison! [Venom]
Snake Hollow: -45 HP [Attack]

"Fuji ... are you ok?" Reiko inquired, concern overlaying his voice.

Alia blinked as she staggered back onto her feet. "I ... I think so." She tried to shake her head of a dense fogginess that gripped her. "I feel so strange."

"It's the Hollow's venom. It's going to slowly sap away at your strength, and you haven't the skills to purge yourself just yet." He paused in mid-step, suddenly gripping his fists. "And with my powers transfered to you, I no longer have access to my high class Kidous. You're on your own." The words hang heavy in the air. "But don't worry, you've still got a chance. Restore yourself with this Kidou, and plan your next moves."

Alia slowly nodded her head as he murmured an incantation to her. "Thanks Reiko. And please," she tried to smile. "Call me Alia..."

Command Phase [3 / 3]

Alia Fuji used [Kidou] #12: Wings of Soothing Radiance onto herself
Snake Hollow used [Tail] onto Alia's Legs

Outcome Phase [3 / 3]

Alia Fuji: -50 HP [Poison], +160 HP and -15 SP [Kidou], and -47 HP [Tail]
Snake Hollow: N/A

Alia Fuji
HP [337 / 500]
SP [70 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%] *
Kidou [40 / 50]
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%] *
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3]


Snake Hollow
HP [342 / 800]
SP [50 / 80]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [10% / 10%] *
Kidou [60 / 70]
Kidou Defence [8% / 8%] *
Agility [3 / 3] *

---------- ---------- ----------

Namiko Jade Shino || Karakura Town South || Mantis Hollow Battle

Kymo Kurosawa grinned at the young woman who introduced herself as Shino. He had saved her life, and given her something beyond mere mortal comprehension - which she was freely using - yet she still saw fit to dig at him. He had to say, he liked it. "What can I say? I'm not one for formalities. Besides," he began to smirk and placed his arms behind his head. "Haven't you got a Hollow to kill?"

Command Phase [1 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino used [Attack] onto Mantis Hollow's Head
Mantis Hollow used [Movement]

Outcome Phase [1 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino: N/A
Mantis Hollow: -36 HP [Attack], + Evasion Chance and -10 SP [Movement]

Command Phase [2 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino used [Attack] onto Mantis Hollow's Head
Mantis Hollow used [Attack] onto Namiko's Head

Outcome Phase [2 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino: -47 HP [Attack]
Mantis Hollow: Dodged attack!

Command Phase [3 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino used [Kidou] #31: Red Flame Gun onto Mantis Hollow's Chest

Outcome Phase [3 / 3]

Namiko Jade Shino: -15 SP [Kidou]
Mantis Hollow: -161 HP [Kidou]

Namiko Jade Shino
HP [359 / 500]
SP [120 / 150]
Attack [40 / 50]
Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou [50 / 50] **
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%]
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3] *


Mantis Hollow
HP [302 / 750]
SP [20 / 40]
Attack [50 / 50]
Defence [10% / 10%] *
Kidou [40 / 40] **
Kidou Defence [8% / 8%] *
Agility [2 / 2] *

"Stop PLAYING with swords? ... Escort ME home?!" Kymo glanced at Namiko in pure disbelief. There she was, using spiritual magic and fighting a demon for the first time in her life, and yet, she seemed to not even believe anything that was going on. "Open your eyes! This ISN'T some game here. This is all REAL. You die now, and there will be no going back." He paused, hoping that his words were sinking in. "Where do you think you got that sword from? Those clothes? Your power? ... Don't be a fool. There are things in this world that normal humans don't even understand." He folded his arms once more. "You humans are nothing but kids. We're the ones keeping you from harm..."

---------- ---------- ----------

Akioryu Yasuo || Karakura Town Alleyway || Ape Hollow Battle

Command Phase [1 / 3]

Akioryu Yasuo used [Kidou] #31: Red Flame Gun onto Ape Hollow's Arms
Ape Hollow used [Pound] onto Akioryu's Arms

Outcome Phase [1 / 3]

Akioryu Yasuo: -152 HP [Pound] and -15 SP [Kidou]
Ape Hollow: -147 HP [Kidou] and -10 SP [Pound]

As the flames began to die down all around it, the Hollow suddenly plunged forward. It's huge arms clamped around Akioryu's own. It howled, a chilling sound that ran through to the bone, before it began to squeeze hard, pounding down at Akioryu's very flesh. The move took it's toll, draining the energy out of him before the Hollow retreated.

Command Phase [2 / 3]

Akioryu Yasuo used [Attack] onto Ape Hollow's Arms
Ape Hollow used [Defend]

Outcome Phase [2 / 3]

Akioryu Yasuo: N/A
Ape Hollow: -21 HP [Attack]

Command Phase [3 / 3]

Akioryu Yasuo used [Attack] onto Ape Hollow's Arms

Outcome Phase [3 / 3]

Akioryu Yasuo: N/A
Ape Hollow: -42 HP and -10 Attack [Attack]

Akioryu Yasuo
HP [120 / 500]
SP [120 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50] *
Defence [5% / 5%] *
Kidou [50 / 50]
Kidou Defence [5% / 5%] *
Kidou Control [3 in 6]
Agility [3 / 3] *


Ape Hollow
HP [650 / 1000]
SP [40 / 60]
Attack [70 / 80]
Defence [15% / 15%] *
Kidou [20 / 20]
Kidou Defence [2% / 2%] *
Agility [2 / 2] *

The Shinigami turned to Akioryu, concern flickering across his features. "Careful kid. You went all out on the offensive, and just managed to survive that time. Heal yourself, or you won't make it through another round. The Hollow's attack is too strong to be taking chances like that."
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Similar to before, the Hollow staggered after being hit with the kidou. Kymo had inadvertently hit a nerve with Namiko. Kids these days, she thought. She wanted to finish the demon quickly so that she could properly talk to the insolent little boy. Quickly, she recited the kidou while focusing on the Hollow's head:

"Krakatau, mighty mountain, bearer of the liquid flame
Rain upon us tephra to wash away obscenity
Cry for us ember tears to supply our spirits
Hadou Number 31: Red Flame Gun!"

She turned her attention to the boy. "Stop talking as if you aren't human, kid. Futhermore, you most certainly look to be no older than twelve. It is unlikely you have reached upper secondary school yet. Therefore," her temper continued to flare, "I am not your child. You would be my kohai. I would be your sempai."

She aimed again at the Hollow's head and attacked. She unleashed another kidou upon the Hollow and ignored the pain from his earlier attacks. Kymo addressed her while she was preparing her attack.

"Krakatau, mighty mountain, bearer of the liquid flame
Rain upon us tephra to wash away obscenity
Cry for us ember tears to supply our spirits
Hadou Number 31: Red Flame Gun!"

"Reality will be reality whether you accept it or not." Kymo had ignored Namiko's attempts to explain his status. "Do you think this is all going to go away? You have high density spirit matter. Hollows love to feed off of the high spiritual energy. They are going to keep coming after you. Are you going to pretend this is a delusion when you get attacked again?"

Namiko had just finished her kidou attack. "I don't know the explanation for all of this. How do you expect me to reasonably believe that I'm a death god, I was saved from a deadly wound by you stabbing me with a katana, and that these clothes" -she gestured at the black clothing with the white sash resembling an obi tying a divided hakama into place- "magically appeared onto my body?" Namiko glared at Kymo. She had her own theory as to how they got onto her body. "It seems more reasonable that you were my attacker all along, and that you were distracted from your pranks by your own demon." Namiko looked back at the Hollow. "I'll accept the existence of demons, but the whole death god thing is outrageous." Namiko rushed at the Hollow and sliced at his head. Kymo addressed her.

"Think about it. You've been using the demon arts, specifically the destructive arts. How do you think you've been doing it? This power, the power to harness your innermost ability and bring them to a physical form, is not typical of a human. This is with the help of the death god powers I've given you."

"I will happily give you these 'powers' back."

"Then you will be defenseless against the Hollows who will come after you."

"I don't care. They're not after me, anyway."

Kymo sighed.

HP [359 / 500]
SP [120 / 150]
Attack [40 / 50]
Kidou [50 / 50]

[Kidou] Hadou #31: Red Flame Gun! at Hollow's Head
[Kidou] Hadou #31: Red Flame Gun! at Hollow's Head
[Attack] Hollow's Head
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“You son of a…” cursed Ryu as he got hit by a large piece of ice straight in the head, knocking him back to the floor. As he got back to his feet he noticed that the attack had opened a small wound on his temple and was beginning to bleed. But it was just a scratch. Again, he readied his sword and prepared to launch another attack at the wolf-like creature that stood before him. That ‘thing’ had blocked his last two attacks. This was going to be a long fight…

That’s where it struck him. It was the first time using a katana, not to mention it was the first time he’d fought against those creatures. Well, they never had given him a reason to fight, to begin with. True, he had seen them already but he thought they were only part of his imagination… after all, nobody else but himself had seen those beasts. And now, he was fighting for his life, fighting in order to live another day. That Death God over there had happened to find him and save him…

“Heh, the guys will never believe this” muttered Ryu under his breath, grinning lightly.

[FONT=&quot]"Not bad, Ryu. But be on guard, that Hollow has quite the bite. One more attack should start reducing it's defences however, then your attacks can start to deal more damage."[/FONT]

“Awesome!” answered the boy. “That thing’s defenses are good. Felt as if my last two attacks barely even scrapped him…” The boy readied the katana he tightly held between his fingers and, raising it slightly above his head, the kid prepared himself to strike again. He was going to take the man’s advice…after all; he didn’t have anything to lose.

Ryu rushed towards the wolf and quickly brought the blade of his sword down just as he was inches of touching the Hollow’s chest, performing a downward cut. Not losing any time, the kid then used his legs to do a 360° spin, slashing yet again at the beast’s chest and ended the spin with a sword trust, attacking the chest yet again. It was the easiest part to attack after all; the mask was just too hard to pierce with the blade and something just told him it was the right place to strike. So the kid listened to his instincts and hoped they were right.

HP [472 / 500]
SP [150 / 150]
Attack [50 / 50]

[Attack] Hollow’s Chest
[Attack] Hollow’s Chest
[Attack] Hollow's Chest