Boring set of playable characters


Keyblade Master
Feb 1, 2007
In FFXII the set of playable characters was the worst set yet. I like Vaan but thats it the rest were poor. Even Vaan was ...boring i spose. Don't you agree???
No I don't agree. I'm sure they could have made them a bit more different from each other, but to be honest they're a great set of playable characters.
NO. I thought Vaan was a strange lead character but hes only 17 so with that in mind hes alright. FRAN IS AWESOME. Simply said she comes from cool people, is great with a bow, rad style, and an awesome look. Balthier and Bash are cool too. I like Bathier more.... who wouldn't want to be a sky pirate?? Bash he's all honorable good guy coolness. Ashe and Penolo well ok I can agree with you ther but thats JMO. I'm not trying to knock anyone who like these girls but to me just plainly boring.
Nope, not for me. The most boring set would VIII's characters ( all bar one of them grew up in the one place until they went to Garden...poor.... ), they were all the same age, had similair lifestyles and by the end of it I didn't find them all that different personality wise. XII's crew on the other hand I find quite to my liking. Vaan isn't forced on you story wise in the same sense that others have been. Balthier and Basch are amongst my favourite Final Fantasy characters in general. The only character I found quite boring was probably Ashe, I didn't find much love for her when i played through it.
Nope, not for me. The most boring set would VIII's characters ( all bar one of them grew up in the one place until they went to Garden...poor.... )

Agreed XD

XIIs characters are awesome though...the only boring ones are Vaan and Penelo...there just there :P

Balthier is freaking awesome - his voice actor is amazing,
Fran is just all out amazing - her design her voice, everything,
Ashe is princess Leia but in FF form - so shes awesome
Basch - there are so many complexities involving Basch and he has an interesting backstory and great personality

XII has some of my favorite characters ever in it ^_^
i liked Basch, Ashe and Penelo a lot

Basch is like the mighty soldier, and a loyal guardian, makes a great tank
Ashe is like the nasty bitch who's gonna kick your ass if you ain't watching out, while still maintaining a Royal attitude
and Penelo's just a cute girl

Vaan was just stupid, he doesn't have a brain
Balthier's cool, but he's too... how do i say it... not in the mood to make his hands dirty, voice acting and attitude is magnificent though
Fran's pretty badass, but i don't like Viera's in general...

Basch, Ashe and Penelo are my main characters...
i tend to use the other 3 if i need to make a quit getaway to keep my main-team alive
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I liked Basch, Balthier and Fran but that is only half the cast. I still would have loved it if Basch was the main character but meh. Anyway, although I liked those three, I still think it was a bit of a poor set of characters because quite a few of them weren't quite as interesting of other Final Fantasy characters.
I don't agree at all either. I'm not exactly fond of Vaan or Penelo especially, but I didn't hate them either. I loved Basch, Balthier and Fran. Only character I didn't like or found boring was Ashe.

The most boring FF cast has to go to FFVIII.
Good lord, how could someone say that? Balthier and Fran have a following of fans, an army for Balthier at least. They have more personality and background story then the repetitve ones you get out of VIII. They are also underrated, compared to a lot of other characters from games.
The only characters which didn't do it for me were Penelo and Ashe. Sure, Ashe had a powerful and key role, but she really didn't strike me as a great character.

Penelo hardly had any say at all, and was just 'there,' more often than not.

The rest, however, I particularly liked. Balthier and Fran in particular. ;D
Whats wrong with Ashe? :(
She is my favorite character out of everyone, maybe because I like bitchy people :P

No, I just liked her quickenings. And she is like, the only one I'd find compatible with certain Espers like Ultima :P
Oh, I don't have anything against her "compatability" with anything. She proved herself to be a pretty decent fighter too, but she just didn't seem to have much of a personality at all. She was somewhat vague in that sense.

Determination for a good cause is respectible enough, but if that's all there is to her...
fran is my absolute favourite!

her voice and chaacter design is brilliant and so final fantasy. i like how shes really resevered but still more essential than more than half of the team.

balthier was really cool too, and funnily enough i actually really like penelo, i guess she kind of reminded me of rikku :P
Penelo and Ashe really didn't appeal much to me, but they don't seem that boring overall. I have to agree with Sun and Steel here and say that FFVIII takes this award.

Basch, Balthier, Vaan, Fran, all very likable characters depending on what aspect you view of them. Sure they didn't seem to have very explainable characters, but they were unique and there's gotta be one of these characters that you are drawn to after a while.
Penelo was like an 'add-on' character to me...just there to make up the know...3 men 3 was Basch. Ashe was OK but i could have done without her bitchy whinging attitude. Vaan, Balthier and Fran were great characters. I felt I could relate to them more than the others.
How was Basch just an add on? His story was far more important then that of Vaan's and Pennelo's.
A little pathetic? You seem to be missing out on the big picture. There's more to him than that..

You know, the whole Gabranth thing? ;D
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Okay, I may be setting myself up for some angry emails, but I'd have to say that this game was more boring than FFVIII. That includes the characters. I played VIII far longer than I played XII. Even though I only got to disc 3 of VIII, XII bored me to DEATH, I only played it for like 6 hours. I couldn't stand playing it any more. It was too big, for one thing, and the environment looked the same. The characters were all dull-looking, and with the fighting system, it was like I could go away for 3 hours, come back, and it's playing itself for me. Where's the fun in that?