Born This Way - Lady Gaga!

Thanks for sharing, Dave.

This is going to be a hit number one across the world. It's such an amaaazing song, I can see now why everyone was so hyped about it.
It's not at ALL what I thought it was going to be. From her preview clip at last year's VMAs I thought it'd be an epic ballad. Alas, another dance tuuuuuuuuuuune. It's not overly-directed at gays either so it's not excluding people like me from liking it LOADS.

I think I'm in trouble, I can't stop listening :lew:
Oh I forgot this was being released today. I also heard this song was going to be something huge.
I'm not really into Lady Gaga, I liked her at first but then got sick of how ridiculous she was becoming.. but this is actually very impressive! It's definitely a different tone for her.. it sounds a lot more fun and easygoing than most of her other stuff, while still having a lot of meaning.

Looking forward to checking out her new album. Thanks for sharing this Kerrigan.
I'm not gonna lie here, I've had a listen, and I really don't like it. Sure it's trying to get a message across, but the lyrics are waay to repetitive and the dance up tempo track is not really selling it to me, I do like Lady Gaga usually, but I won't be buying this when it comes out.
I do agree about the treadmill tempo there.. I think it would have been better if it was a little bit slower and had some sort of climax. I was going to mention that in my previous post, but I didn't want to sound like a hater.
This song's bland to me. It sounds alot like Madonna's old stuff -__- I got enough of that when mummy dearest forced me to listen to all that during my childhood. This one's less exciting. I can't be sexy with this record playing on the track -_- Ah well ^^
I just bought it off iTunes... I like it, and she's singing more like she was on Just Dance and Poker Face, but, it's not as instantly huge as those two songs, or Bad Romance or Telephone (come to think about it), were.

It sounds like an updated version of Madonna's Express Yourself. It's not as good as her other stuff, I'd say... but still better than 90% of pop released by anyone else.

I still reckon it'll hit #1 in about a million countries though... but I'd say that's for the hype surrounding GaGa the person, rather than the song.

That being said... I think it might be a grower. Unlike Poker Face which grabbed you instantly.
I won't lie, I hated Gaga when she broke on to the scene. Just Dance, Poker Face, Lovegame, Paparazzi - thought they were all awful. Then I saw her live at T in the Park and I was mesmerized by her stage presence - like it or not she's a fucking good entertainer. Then we probably all know how much I love her now.

Born This Way, if you hated it the first time you heard it, listen to it again. You cannot deny it's a fucking good tune.

I hated Bad Romance to start with ("what's she fuckin doing at the start?! rah rah gaga...fuck off") but it's definitely the best song I've ever heard. :wacky:

Fantastic beat, more meaningful lyrics than anything else pop spits out and overall just another fantastic hit!


If Rolling Stone says it, it be true.
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Yeah it's a nice song and has a nice catchy beat.

I like that it seems to be more like her first album and not so scary like her last one.

Not a fan of her getting too over the top with the freakiness.

Seems like she's headed in a good direction with this song. =)