Brief Synopsis of BBS

Dec 24, 2008
Okay, so there are these three keyblades warriors named Ven, Terra, and Aqua, wo are fighting against some old guy who is identified as an old incarnation of Xehanort, the on- going antagonist of Kingdom Hearts. As it seems, Old Xehanort has done something wrong and wants Ven, Terra, and Aqua to surpass him and "correct his mistake." Along the road, Terra joins Maleficent for some strange reason, but no matter she tells them, Aqua and Ven don't believe her. Now, to go farther into the future, it seems that Terra has the ability to choose who the next keyblade master should be and he chose Riku, but when Sora arrives with the Keyblade, he mistakes him as some descendant of Xehanort. As for Ven and Aqua, Ven has been reincarnated as Roxas, the nobody of Sora, but Aqua is dead, proven by Xemnas when he goes down the secret room in Radiant Garden (previously known as Hollow Bastion) where a collection of armor was found. Xemans sat in a chair and said,"Hello, old friend..." All that proves that Ven, Terra, and Aqua have a lot to do with the situations in the current Kingdom Hearts.
You're damn RIGHT! Other brief i found somwhere:

Long before Sora took up the Keyblade, there were other Keyblade masters. One of these masters, Xehanort, disappeared one day along with his apprentice. This event proved to be a foreshadowing of great disaster to come. Aware of the threat, another master ordered his three apprentices to seek out Xehanort and his cohort.
Any idea on how Terra's eyes became yellow and black at the end of the secret trailer of kh fm+?
hmmmm..concerning the terra eye color change......dont most of u think tht it might have to do with some great darkness buriedd deep inside of terra tht just bounced back up when he saw his best friend getting frozen right before his eyes...welll idk it's just what i think.
i am SOOOO confused! how can someone else be Roxas? & how r both Riku AND Sora keyblade weilders? i thought i had it all down. Til bbs came along. now im so confused :O hahaha
Well, to help you with your confusion. Riku was chosen to be the keyblade master but when Riku joined the darkness during the destruction of Destiny Islands, the keyblade changed to Sora.
However, now that Riku has been choosing a mixture of light and dark, he has regained a keyblade. This doesn't mean Sora has lost his. There will always be as many keyblades as those worthy to wield them.
Roxas only takes on the appearance of Ven (well that is my theory) I think something happened between Ven and Sora during BBS
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Yeah, there is some relations between Xenaroth(ansems the wise student) and Terra... Maybe they are the same ? Watch a new BBS TGS 09 trailer !!!