Bullied Fights back!


Suck my dick.
Nov 29, 2010

I absolutely adore this story, I love that this boy stood up to these little shits who think they're so tough. Bullies disgust me, they're so eager to be popular that they don't care how they hurt someone.

IN just one week, Casey Heynes went from having one friend to 230,000. The 16-year-old Sydney boy became a global Internet sensation after he was filmed picking up a bully in the schoolyard and throwing him to the ground after being repeatedly punched in the face for being "overweight''.

During an interview with A Current Affair , Casey said he had been bullied almost every day at school and even contemplated suicide a year ago when the taunts became too much.

"I started putting myself down and all the crap just kept piling on,'' he said.

"That's when I contemplated suicide.''

A Year 10 student at Chifley College, St Marys, Casey said he was being targeted by a new gang of Year Seven students last Monday when he was attacked by Ritchard Gale.

Standing up against the wall with nowhere to move, Casey was punched repeatedly by Ritchard until he snapped - lifting the Year Seven bully over his shoulders and throwing him to the ground.
The footage was captured by another student, who filmed the incident on his mobile phone and then posted it on YouTube.
Casey said his outburst was a "build-up'' of more than three years of being attacked verbally and physically by other students.

"They used to slap me on the back of the head and said I was a fatty and to lose some weight.

"I've been duct taped to a pole before as well. They target me because I don't retaliate.

"I've never reacted that way before but everything built up inside me for three years...I just had enough. All I wanted is for it to stop.''

His celebrity status peaked once again after his interview last night, with social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter - which have more than 230,000 followers - labelling him "a hero''.

One blogger, Wayne McCoy, said minutes after the television interview: "You have inspired alot of kids who have and are being bullied. you have changed lives. well done mate. hopefully the bullies will learn thier lesson.''

Others, like Aidan Blackley, said: "Good on ya!!! ur a legend''.

Casey said he had been overwhelmed by the amount of people who backed him after last week's footage went viral.

"I've never had so much support before,'' he said.

"Nobody touches me and teases me anymore.''

Both Casey and Ritchard were suspended by the school following the incident, as well as the student who filmed it on their mobile phone.

I am really upset that The school suspended him for sticking up for himself. Schools should take better care of the kids trusted to them 5 days a week!

What do you think?
i made a thread about this in spam

also, I think it's hilarious. that's how you do it :monster:

Casey only got suspended for 4 days though (the rat got 22 days), for anyone who's going to make a big deal about it. I think a lot of people can agree that the rat had it coming, but the school has to show that they do not endorse this action or support the behavior. :wacky:
Oh sorry, I didn't think to check in spam for this topic haha.
I guess you're right about the reason he got suspended... but the school should have done something about it years ago rather than leaving it up to the poor kid 4 years later.
Well like Casey says, it's something he's had bottled up. Some people just keep to themselves and are too proud to let other people see them when they are weak or what they consider to be pathetic.

One one side, people can't help you if you don't let them know that there's a problem.

But from another point of view; I've been through it all. I don't blame kids for being too proud to ask the school staff for their assistance.

At first, they'll assist you yeah sure. But as the dilemma drags on, they eventually are worn out with your complaints that other people will still not leave you alone after being discouraged and eventually tell you off with a speech and call you something of a tattle-tale.
The kid who dropped him shouldn't have been suspended at all, the only reason I can see why is because the way he floored him could have caused him some serious damage. It's quite clear from that video that he only reacted to being bullied so he was basically in a lose-lose situation. Let the other kids bully him and continue to get hurt both mentally and physically or fight back and get suspended. The bully was well and truly floored though, and rightly so. He won't be bullying him again any time soon.
To be honest I think both of them deserved to be suspended. Putting the 'hero standing up for himself' spin on it sounds nice, but it distorts the fact that he could have seriously injured the kid, if the first few seconds of the video weren't there, this article would probably be about 'the horrors of schoolyard violence' or something.

With that said, I guess I'm kind of glad he stood up for himself after being bullied for so long and I give props to him for stopping after the body slam. Whether this incident will actually stop some people from bullying him is another story.

o0PinkSquid0o said:
but the school should have done something about it years ago rather than leaving it up to the poor kid 4 years later.
I agree, I also think schools should take more initiative in helping kids make friends so victims of bullying don't feel so isolated, but as L said it is harder than it seems.
Ha that kinda reminds me of when I was in the second grade.
We had the whole "bad touch" topic that morning and a boy who liked to pick on me got ideas from said topic.So while standing in line after recess he started grabbing and slaping my but I tried telling the teacher by us but he told me to be quiet and stand still.....so the kid kept doing it and when he wraped his arms arround me he tweeked my kiddy nipples:( so I punched him right in the face^^
Unfortunantly thats when a teacher chose to look at us and guess who got in trouble? oh no not the pervert not even the teacher...Me :(

But if more kids stood up for themselves less bullying would accur. I know its hard and sometimes it makes it worse but when you dont stand up for yourself sometimes no one else will and 9 times out of 10 its worth the punishment of people knowing your not their personal punching bag.
Most underpriveleged/"different" kids tend to have low self esteem at young ages when other rich/popular brats rub it in your face how lowely you are.
I remember in the second grade as well having a girl walk up to me and tell me "I didnt want you to come to my birthday party because your poor but my mom said I had to invite you " Yeah thats a fuckin self esteem builder now aint it?
Kids are cruel to each other no matter the reason and other kids will lack self esteem because of it its all in how one copes with it.
Personaly at that stage of my life I had bigger family issues to cope with so being poor wasnt a high bother mark for me not thet it was particu;arly fun but it didnt necissarily make me lose my self worth either.
:rofl: :rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl::rofl:

That video is fucking epic win. +10000 cookiez.

Reminds me of myself when I got bullied because I couldn't speak English right.
kids are little bitches and if they think its ok to bully someone then they have to expect some consequences... whether it be by a teacher or the kid you're bullying body slamming you to the floor!

sucked in I say!
I've seen so much shit like this day in and day out.

- There a lot of wannabe "gangsters" in my high-school, and most of them think they're all hot shit. While in truth, they just hide behind the big guys of their group, much less even show up anywhere without them.

Those big guys are just being used, thinking that their getting something else in return.

It saddens me really. :sad3:
The kid who dropped him shouldn't have been suspended at all, the only reason I can see why is because the way he floored him could have caused him some serious damage.

The smaller kid ended up with a dislocated knee. So I think 4 days is reasonable. Though I would have also liked to see him get away with no punishment.
From what I've read, Casey was so often taunted and attacked that he was almost driven to suicide at some point in his life. The kid has gone through much of his school years being so thoroughly bullied that I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I do commend him for giving the guy the message and I'm happy with the fact that this could pretty much be the turning point of how certain people treat him. It does however, make me ask what the heck the school had been doing (or not doing rather) all this time if Casey had been so incessantly targeted like this. I don't doubt that some attempts to tackle this issue might have been pursued, though considering how virtually no action had been taken before this happened does beg the question. As for his suspension well, I can see their reasoning. This happened on the school grounds and the guy was injured by it so the school had to take some initiative to punish as appropriate as injury was inflicted. The bully received a longer suspension, so it looks fair to me.
If you can give it then you should be prepared to take it, serves the little prick right. just a shame the lad couldnt stand up for himself sooner.

bet that rat kid feels liek a right twat. hope he feels humiliated to. Not so nice when the boot is on the other foot
I think it's great that the kid stood up for himself and fought back. And I don't agree with the school suspending him, because even though he could've done damage to the bully, IMO the second you start beating someone up, you've officially forfeited your own rights to be untouchable, and you are fair game to be beaten the shit out of yourself. If you establish that you are okay with beating others up, then everyone else should have the right to beat you up too. But if the school tries to intervene and doesn't let the victim retaliate, or punishes them for trying, then the bully might still feel like he/she won, even if a suspension is the punishment. They'd probably be thinking "Haha, the school/rules/adults had to save you, but if we were on our own turf I'd still win," etc., and that doesn't teach anyone anything. In fact, if the bully hates school and doesn't care about his/her grades, then being suspended could be more like a fun vacation, if the parents don't bother to punish him/her enough--which many don't bother, or simply can't enforce the punishments if they work too many hours and are not at home to keep an eye on them. The main reason bullies exist in the first place is that they don't have any fear of doing it, and that's what the parents and schools really need to focus on if they ever are going to stop it.
I think the suspension was fair as if he didn't get suspended the other kids could have taunted him and tried to start more fights with him as to why he wasn't suspended and their friend was as I have seen it happen to some of the people in my school so the suspension does help because the other kids think he gets a fair punishment for what he had done to the bully

I would assume Casey went through a lot in his life because of bullies but at least when he did snap and attacked the bully he only dislocated his knee (which I know is not a good thing) and walked away, I know if I had of been bullied for three years I wouldn't be stopping at a dislocated knee so I think Casey should be proud that he walked away after he hit the bully

Still if the bullies leave Casey alone from now on, I don't think he will mind the suspension that he got
It does however, make me ask what the heck the school had been doing (or not doing rather) all this time if Casey had been so incessantly targeted like this.

Maybe no one really cared. Then there's that whole bystander effect. As long as it's not happening to them, everyone else is just dying to see or watch it unfold.

This is clearly apparent, even in the featured video. Action is taken only after it's all said and done, and the rat can barely walk - forfeiting his rite of carnage. :neomon:

I don't agree with the school suspending him

Well, what kind of message would deciding not to suspend Casey send? That it's okay to pass out dislocated knees like free candy every time someone talks shit to you?

It's just so much easier to make him aware that it is a reprehensible act and will not be tolerated inside their schools.
I loved this story!

It's what every victim dreams of doing to their bully!

I think it's disgusting that the school only acts when this sort of violence takes place.

What about all the other times Casey reported being bullied emotionally? Why don't those times count? Why couldn't you suspend the little shit before now?

Now poor Casey had to take it into his own hands and then he was suspended too!

The schooling system is so totally out of line when it comes to bullying. They really don't do anything to help except ask them to go see a councillor. It doesn't help the issue at all!
You have to retaliate or you will be picked on over and over and over and over. I've seen it happen, I've been a victim of it. This kid did the right thing.
i made a thread about this in spam

also, I think it's hilarious. that's how you do it :monster:

Casey only got suspended for 4 days though (the rat got 22 days), for anyone who's going to make a big deal about it. I think a lot of people can agree that the rat had it coming, but the school has to show that they do not endorse this action or support the behavior. :wacky:

I think schools need to understand when violence is necessary; I mean, yeah, violence shouldn't be endorsed but push comes to shove, if someone fucks with you enough, you're gonna retaliate. Teachers are permitted to use 'reasonable force' why not students? And what Casey did was most definitely reasonable force. Bullies are one of the lowest forms of life and should be dealt with accordingly. I know how it feels to be on the receiving end without being able to do anything about it for one, fear of repercussions and two fear of disciplinary action by the school.

This guy is a complete and utter boss and should be given an award at the school for services to its populace.