buying ff7 pc

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Dark Knight

Blue Mage
Mar 17, 2007
I was thinking about getting ff7 for my computer but I'm having a bit of trouble finding it so where can i get it?

I did look on EBay but all the ff7 pc's are in Singapore and that seemed a bit odd to me so I've got another question why are they all from Singapore

now i think i put this thread in the right spot but if not move it
Well... Out of all the places to find it on-line, Ebay would be your best bet, but given the PC version of the game is now 10 years old, you're gonna be hard pressed just finding one.

Best advice, (if you have a PS2 or PS1) get a PS1 copy. Trust me, if you happen to find a PC copy, you're gonna have screwy compatibility problems running it on a newer PC.
They have a few copies of the PC version at Amazon but the cheapest is around $70. I've never played the PC version but as F.F. Fan stated, you will probably have issues running it on a newer PC.
well I'm on holiday's at the moment and for some reason I've had the erg to play FF7 but i don't have my PlayStation with me but i do have my laptop so i fort maybe the FF7 PC but you people don't think it would work anyway

what about patches are there any patches that would make it work on

on and i did find a copy on Amazon

man i'm iching to play FF7 ugaah
Wait till you get home and play it at home. Seriously,youre on holiday, how are you going to get the game to you in order to play it on your laptop??
What? Its a pointless reason and Im not being funny your post is abit ridic also. Yeah, I love 8 to bits, but when I go on holiday, I dont take my laptop. And I dont want to go and order it, then have basically no chance of playing it till I get home cause frankly, they wont post it to a hotel and they may get it when you leave!

God sake, wait till youre at home. Geez.
my love for FF7 goes deeper they the way the would works

So you're willing to pay upwards of $70 to purchase a copy of a game you already own just because it isn't in front of you at the moment? Seems a bit silly to me.

And yeah, there are some patches that help it run on XP.
maybe this should be my last post on this thread it is getting a bit pointless

well um when i first started this thread i was thinking and hopeing i could pick the game up for $15 or something and get it local but no i'm not going to pay $70 just to play it but it would have been nice to fill my erg

but man Nephry and ~Sapphirestar~ take it easy i'm just a kid with dreams

Shops dont sell it anymore, its a rare game to get your mitts on. And online is really the only place to get hold of it.

Yeah youre a kid, we know that. But honestly, it was a dumb idea. Think about it. Theres no way youd get hold of it to play on your holiday.
i've got it on the PC and it runs fine on Windows XP.

No problems. I noticed they're from Singapore, i dont know the significance of it. could be genuine, but could be a scam. i wouldn't trust it to be honest.
Why not just download the torrent? Not to promote piracy and all but if you want to play it that bad just download it...
Im closing this as Im sure Dark Knight has come home from their hols now.
Youre best using Ebay if you still want that game.
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