Can anybody tell me what this dream means?


Aug 4, 2009
So I've had this dream last night, and twice prior to this (not sure when, but all three have been in the same week). I'll try to be as thorough as possible without sounding retarded.

I'm in a giant house. There are many doors leading outside and in scattered all over the building (some even going out in places not physically possible to reach [ie., some in the ceiling, some on high walls, etc]).

Anyway, me and my family (Mom, Dad, brother, and Dog) are sitting in the living room watching TV, and there's a knock at the door. I go to answer the door, and I see the person through the window. He is a burglar (He doesn't tell me. In the dream, I <i>know</i> he is). He begins to try and get into the house, and I [obviously] refuse. He leaves. As I go back into the room with my family, I begin hearing more and more knocks at many of the doors (sometimes numerous ones at the same time). No one in my family can hear them, so I'm answering the doors by myself. Each time, it's always a burglar, threatening to enter the house (although, anything beyond that is unknown). I continue to drive them away, but soon, I begin to hear the doors opening. So I'm darting all over the house, meeting with these burglars, pleading for them to leave my house. None ever take anything, hurt anyone, nor anything else. I manage to get them out, but just as they leave, I hear more and more knocks, followed by more and more forced entries.

I'm not sure if it matters, but one scene in particular stayed with me, and this is the end of the dream.

I walked to a normal-sized wooden door. The kind with the window on it, with flower curtains. There were two guys in the window. One was short, long black hair (which covered his face), and a black jacket, as well as a mute. The other was tall, bald, had a thick black moustache, missing teeth, and evil-looking eyes. He spoke, telling me to let them in (he actually sounded like Kano from the first Mortal Kombat movie). I kept telling him no, and he kept pounding the door. At this point, I'm in tears. I'm forcing all my weight on the door. I turn and yell for my dad, and when I turn around, "Kano" is in my house. The man with him is still outside the door, but I'm now on the floor, and "Kano" is standing over me. He simply says "we're in", and I wake up.

What the hell. Like the title states, if anyone knows what to make of this, please send some wordage my way.

That's quite a specific and peculiar dream and you are right to think about it since it is a reccuring dream (I'm no expert but I'd say having that dream multiple times within a week is quite extreme), and probably does have reflections on something you are feeling / experiencing, even subconsiously, now.

This appears to be about control, and feeling really helpless. Your house now has multiple doors, of which you are solely responsible for the safety of all of them in an impossibly difficult situation of multiple burglars trying to get into the house.

It sounds like you are feeling insecure, and that others don't understand / you believe that people won't understand whatever it is you are feeling insecure or not in control of.

It may mean that the house and the doors symbolise your mind, or just the concept of something you are struggling to control and you are trying desperatly to stop it from occuring or whatever.

Or... It could be literally your house, and you fear for the safety of the house. Perhaps the neighbourhood is rough and causing you concern. You fear that a burglar could enter your home with ease, and that they have many opportunities they have to do this.

As for the guys at the end... It seems that your mind has created what it would consider villain figures based on what you have seen and stored in there somewhere. You say one of them reminded you of Kano. Well that's possibly the source of that figure, and your mind just pulled your memories of Kano from within it, adapted it and sent it to your front door. And the mute small guy with the black coat and long hair covering his face is probably another image of what might scare you a bit, or something you associate with evil, along those lines. I don't think what they look like is really important to the meaning (if any) of this dream. They're probably just two random figures your mind generated to create fear and add to the pain you were feeling already in the dream trying to keep the other burglars out of the house.

I gather that, because you mentioned them seperately, that they looked considerably more menacing than the other burglars? Perhaps that is just because it was these guys that actually ended up beating you in the dream, as it were, and leaving you on the floor supposedly about to raid your house.

That you were left in tears and the burglars got in, despite your best efforts, and you could do no more is probably the crucial point in the dream. Or at least, it is the crucial emotion it was trying to present.

If any of this dream is to be taken as sending a message of any kind, and some dreams do, then my take on it is that it will probably be a message that you feel you lack control in a certain situation. While often dreams are just random neurons firing in any direction and creating random effects, the mind sometimes works problems out during dreams or can sometimes play with us by the unconscious mind loosening up and sending us little snippets about what are our deepest hidden thoughts or anxieties. Sometimes this can be presented as images, objects or weird situations that can possibly be translated into different concepts or feelings.

It isn't odd for a dream to humiliate us. A dream also would sometimes make several people not notice the anxiety of the person involved. You say your parents, brother and dog just continued watching TV and didn't noticed / wouldn't notice that you were under a lot of stress trying to keep the burglars out. That is a trademark of dreams too. It is one of the things they sometimes do to us, and adds to the feeling of anxiety in the dream.

I wouldn't have thought anything of it if it was just the one dream, other than "wow, that was odd". But that it is reccurring suggests it is probably one of the dreams that has a lot more rooted in it. Perhaps looking into your own life and what you may be feeling might explain this dream in that context, and what it is trying to unravel.

But.. I'm not Joseph, an oracle and I'm not a psychanalyst for that matter, so everything I just said could be absolutely useless. Nevertheless it is what I came to think reading your dream.