Can someone tell me the story of this game,


Chocobo Breeder
Apr 29, 2007
Can someone tell me the story of this game, like the whole thing if youve finished the game because I wanna know it so that ill understand FFCCCB
You probably won't need to know anything from this game to understand crystal bearers but since you asked so nicely here you go:


Long ago (long before the game is set) there was a giant crystal. There was a princess (you don't find out about her) and nobody ever forgot anything because memories never faded(I think that's right). Then one day a big meteor crashed into the crystal and scattered shards everywhere. Where the meteor crashed there was a large parasite who produced miasma gas. Monsters (which came from eggs on the meteor) can survive in this gas but to everyone else it's a deadly poison. People began to lose their old memories.Only people near the pieces of the crystal can survive as the crystal repels the miasma. Where the pieces of the crystals fell towns and cities sprung up.The crystals need to be powered by three drops of myrhh every year or they will fade and everyone in the town dies. The myrrh is found in myrrh trees and every year each town sends out crystal caravans to collect the myrrh(which incidentally is formed by memories). One time , two people learned of the metoer parasite and tried to destroy it. Unfortunately they were stopped and had their memories wiped (they aren't really important in the grand scheme of things.) Then you and your friends link up with GBAs and eventually (after playing the game for a number of game years and collecting myrrh)decide to go to this meteor crater site. You go there and when your just about to kill the parasite, your stopped. There is a big guy called Raem who is a big memory munching monster who needs the miasma to create painful memories which he loves to eat best. He ate all the memories of the last pair. You also meet Queen Mio (the queen of memories) who is similar but doesn't benefit from miasma or gobble up loads of memories. You beat up Raem, then you kill the meteor parsite. The miasma stops being made so it all goes away and everyone is happy.
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