Help Can't Beat Rufus!


Chocobo Breeder
Feb 4, 2010
can anyone help me beat rufus on disc one ( i think but idkcause its on psn) but can anyone help me beat him cause he keeps killing me!
It's not too bad as boss fights go.

Check how much damage he does and have Cloud use cure on himself long before Rufus would be able to kill you (two or three of Rufus' attaks, about 150 HP) is when you should heal yourself.

Kill the wolf thing first as it becomes a real nuisance casting barriers and mbarriers on Rufus, if you have thunder, hit it twice with that to kill it dead.

Also using Bio on Rufus if you have that would speed this fight up masses. Basically, keep your health up and MAKE SURE the wolf dies ASAP.
Thanks i'll post if i beat him this next time. I have Bio but i don't hae thunder (at least i think i dont)

Edit: beat him on the 1st try with the info from you ( it was my 2nd try i died once without ur info
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For later info

1st things 1st, make sure you equip Cloud before battle. The game makes sure you get a chance. If you read the offical strategy by brandy you'll know to not have the All materia equiped since most of the battle will be one on one.

Now when the battle begins quickly eleminate the dog. Then after that start trading blows with Rufus, curing when needing. Use good timing on your limit breaks and soon enough (after several attacks or spells like fire) Rufus will escape to live another day. You will see him again in the story.
The only way you can't have a Lightning materia is if you sold it or trashed it. Cloud starts the game with both a Lightning and Ice materia on hand. Maybe you are just not equipping properly?
Just keep using cure and attack him whenever you get the chance. I suggest using magic whe attacking him. It does more damage. Then he should run off eventually. I think I lost to him a couple times myself. Keep going at it and you'll eventually beat him.
hmm i find this strange lol i never had a problem with him.
i find if you just keep using lightning on the wolf then fire on him healing when needed you cant lose.
Alright; Rufus has a pet with him, Dark Nation. Kill Dark Nation first with magic(ice works best) as he is in the back row. Dark nation, at the begining of the fight will put a physical barrier on rufus, so damage is halved. This leaves magic, yet again. Kill him with ice or bolt and he should be finished soon. Heal at 150 with Dark Nation still alive and 100 with it dead. This is because Rufus can only his 45 with his shotgun, never less or more. This allows you to mess up, yet still live. To heal use a restore materia. If you are worried about materia on others, you do get the opportinuty to remove it before the fight, and equip it on yourself.