//Challange//Love Letters//Square-Enix'd


Chocobo Breeder
Jan 28, 2007
Over at my forum, I started a competition, but not lots of people entered, so, yea. =( (Two people Entered, including me).
Every single GOOD letter will go on my website's fan fiction (www.moogle-enix.net) on St.Valentine's Day (The 14th). I know it's kind of late, but I still hope somebody enters here. :(

Rules and Regulations

1) For this competition, you will take the place of an FF, or KH, that sends a letter to another character. You can cross final fantasies, such as Yuna sending a letter to Squall, or stuff like that.

2) These letters must be at least one word page, I will not accept less.

3) IF, if there are enough entries (Unlike a certain christmas contest), all the OK letter will be put in the website

4) No S** scenes. You can be subtle about it, but don't be obvious....This is not a hentai story competition.

TAKEN Couples

Cecil to Rydia
Celes to Locke