Characters You Love to Hate.

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
It'd have to be Delores Jane Umbridge, from JK Rowling's Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Particularly, in the film, her sweet but sinister tone drives me insane and the entire "You broke a rule!" aura about her actually makes me tense up inside and grit my teeth. I can think of no other character who evokes such a hatred in me other than Umbridge.
Yourself? :gmonster:
I know there are loads.....but the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Britney Spears. WHY isn't she dead yet? I heard her new single before (well half of it) and it's awful, I can't stand that weird noise that comes out of her mouth

Ugh, she's a dick head. To put it simply

Edit..... she's not a character is she....bollocks

Uh *thinks fast*

MARTHA - Dr Who, I actually didn't watch it when she was in it. Her voice goes through me and she is just so ANNOYING. And when she was in those couple of episodes last series I just wanted to strangle her. Being a figure of authority just doesnt suit her character. Go away. Kthnx

If we're saying real people, then Amy Winehouse. It's not like she's done anything useful for herself, or society in general. She simply can't sing, and I don't know why she won't do the decent thing and kill herself.
I'll stick to fictional characters. I've got no real reason for hating many people in real life.

Let's see...

-The adoring fan from Oblivion pisses me off.

-Bart Simpson irritates me (hate his voice).

-Fozzy Bear (whatever his name is), that Muppet thing. Wakka, wakka, wakka. Go to hell.

-Rocky's son in Rocky V. I despise that kid.

-The Wiggles. All of 'em. There mere sight of them bothers me.
The only real person I really really dislike is 'news anchor' Nancy Grace. :P
No offense to those who like her 'cause 'she tells it like it is'. I think the 'Caylee' story ran for 2 months straight and I kept wondering when she'd talk/rant about anything else...

Fictional characters...can't really think of any.
Jaws, the James Bond villain with metal teeth who was really strong. He was just such a beast that you had to hate him, he was unstoppable but somehow Bond always got away.

There are a lot of real people I hate. I think Catherine Tate tops the list at the moment, she can't act, all she does is yell and she sounds like a cow that's just been shot. Horrible woman.

Bon Jovi, I hate all the members of Bon Jovi and I wish they were all dead.
The only real person I really really dislike is 'news anchor' Nancy Grace. :P
No offense to those who like her 'cause 'she tells it like it is'. I think the 'Caylee' story ran for 2 months straight and I kept wondering when she'd talk/rant about anything else...
Amen to that. I actually enjoyed keeping up with that story but it ran it's course too long and it started to annoy me. That and the election.

Randy (Josh Meyers) from That 70s Show was the worse add on character to appear on that show since Eric (Topher Grace) and Michael (Ashton Kutcher) had left. Randy was one of the reasons why I hated Season 8.
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Medusa from Soul Eater. Seriously, I skipped 5 episodes of the series just to watch her die. It was so damn satisfying, that I watched her die 10 times in a row, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

The episode that really made me hate her is when she walks out of the school (that trains people into Witch killing machines) laughing because she made a deal with the Grim Reaper (school headmaster) stating that no one could harm her on her way out.

After that moment, I hated her. Maybe it's because she reminded me of myself. Cocky, head-strong, arrogant, and a sneaky bastard.
Jacob Black. He doesn't get the hint that Bella loves Edward and that's all there is to it.

now when it comes to the actor playing hate there. :awesome:
Video game characters count, right? Cait Sith from Final Fantasy VII, least favourite character in the game, I love the game, hate the character...the game would be even better if Cait Sith wasn't in it, just some typical villain replaces his role in the story (stealing the Keystone).

As for when he goes in to get the Black Materia...a bit more than replacing the character would be required for that, whether it is an NPC that tags along at some point, just for the sake of that point in the story, or whatever. :/
aerith from ff7!!!! shes so annoying, with her innocence. pfft. & also spongebob is annoying too :P
Mod edit: Can you please put slightly more effort into your posts please. Thanks =]
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If we're talking real people such as celebrities then there is a number of them that I'd love to punch in the face:

Amy Winehouse
Katie Price (Jordon)
Chris Martin (yeah, yeah, I know I'm probably going to get some stick for that one, but annoys me)
...among others.

As for fictional, I'm not quite sure. All the characters from Mighty Boosh would be a good place to start.
Misa - Death Note

Celestine - Magna Carta 2

(brings a whole new definition to jailbait...)

In case you're wondering, it's because she has a really crappy voiceover and the Mare are a race with a lifespan of about 40 years, and Celestine is only 12.

I shit you not. She's also not the brightest bulb in her box, and is a beastiality love crazy weirdo.

Luke Fon Fabre - Tales of the Abyss

He has his ups and downs, but most of the time he's an annoying douche D:

Jay - Tales of Legendia


I fucking hate that little douchebag clown. If he came to life, I'd give him a swirly and set off a firecracker in his ass myself.

I also really hated that Treasure Hunting chick too... Norma was it? Yeah, she was a bitch. <_<

Wakka - Final Fantasy X

To be honest, I really don't have a strong, deep-seated hate for Wakka's character in the overall story of Final Fantasy X. Just when he was being a douche about the teachings of Yevon and crying about going up against Bevelle even though they were after Yuna.

He also sucked at being a racist.

Colette Brunel - Tales of Symphonia

Colette: I'm sorry!
Lloyd: It's okay, I'm the one who smacked you in the face with the door!
Colette: Oh right... I'm sorry!
Lloyd: Stop being such a dork, you didnt do anything wrong!
Colette: You're right... I'm sorry.

After a while... It kind of makes you want to smash your head open on a desk. Or maybe just destroy your game console or TV.

Final Fantasy Tactics - Algus

Total douche. 'nuff said.

But yeah... I don't really watch TV enough or read books enough to say that I hate characters from a few series very much. only thing that really comes to mind is Sasuke from Naruto, and thats just because he wears a duck on his head. :monster:
When Sarah Wynter played Daisy Adair in the Dead Like Me movie. Oh my fucking god. I understand how she can play the character a bit wrong, because the director himself knew shit all what he was doing, but the least she could have done was some research and take up a few acting classes.

Marissa Cooper's younger sister in The O.C. I don't remember her name, nor do I care enough to find out, but fuck I hated her character. The actress played her pretty decently, I suppose. And since we're here, let me just say how awful and difficult it was to watch Mischa Barton try to act. Good lord, I feel kind of sorry for the poor girl.

Clare Stone playing that Macy chick in Mom at Sixteen. If you watch this, you'll see why she's such a hateable character.

But as for celebrities/real people, I'm going to have to stick with Miley Cyrus. I don't hate her, I just hate how she's so successful for nothing. The only thing she has going for her is her confidence to perform, which is lucky. The girl honestly cannot act. It's hard to watch her face contort into the wrong emotion, and her singing is atrocious. She's not the worst singer out there, so that one slides -sadly. I'm also very appalled that some people would even entertain the thought of her being a good role model.