Chocobo, Moogle, Cactuar, Tonberry

Cutest FF Creature

  • Chocobo

    Votes: 22 39.3%
  • Moogle

    Votes: 19 33.9%
  • Cactuar

    Votes: 5 8.9%
  • Tonberry

    Votes: 10 17.9%

  • Total voters


Feb 19, 2009
Which one do you like the most? For me, it has to be the Moogles. So cute!

I like tonberry. He's such a pain in the yeah but he's a good find and I'm always like alright gotta kill him before he gets close to me. Its always a nice fight. It would be cool if they made a game with tonberry as a character like moogles in ff9. Ton-net.
Cactuar are the best lil things ever, they were good, but then when FFXII came along and they had a greater range of movements, And hairstyles for that matter, it broke the mold and they became even better. Cactuars are also kinda cute in a 'weird moving cactus' sort of way
My vote goes to Chocobo, they are not only the cutest but also the most usefull to have around.

But Moogles if they're miffed and riding on the back of a wayfaring Cockatrice...
I voted for Tonberry. They're so little and appear innocent, but can be deadly >D And the GF summon in FFVIII is very funny (DOINK! XD)
I wouldn't use the word "cute" really for any of them, but the coolest to me are the Tonberries no doubt. They've got the slow, creepy, stealth moves that make you think you can take him out in a few swipes, but with his high HP and strength, he plays with your mind letting you think you can win, but then he stabs the crap out of you to annihilate your party.
Chocobo's for sure. They come in a wide variety of awesomeness. :P

The flying black Chocobo's from IV were pretty sweet. I don't know why they call them black though, they're more a bluish color than black.
Totally Tonberrry.
The thing plays tricks on ya like Busta said XD.
It's a total pain in the arse if you don't do the right moves but Tonberry's are kick-ass :D.

They are so cute! You've got the save moogles in FFIX who each seem to have their own personality. Then there's Mog in FFVI. I always use him in my party! And then you have the mog that Cait Sith rides on even. Minimog in FFVIII. They are just so cute and look so huggable. Even though they can get pretty pissed off,they seem like mild tempered creatures most of the time.
They are just so cute and look so huggable. Even though they can get pretty pissed off,they seem like mild tempered creatures most of the time.

[sarcasm]Pissed off? Moogles? Nah...[/sarcasm]

"I'm sharpening my knife, kupo."
-Angry Moguo, FFIX

"Hot! Hot! Hot!
You bastards!!!"
-Burning Mois with Vivi, FFIX
In terms of cuteness, you just have to give it to those bat-winged stuffed creatures with this red antenna like balloon atop their heads. They always look cute no matter in what forms, or games they appear in. Adore the moogles!
Chocobo of course! Cute and fluffy and really handy to have if you want to get somewhere fast!
Did anyone else think in FF10, Clasko had a bit of an.. unhealthy... relationship with chocobos?!?
Chocobos have very limited uses, and aren't always that cute. Moogles however, are far more useful, far more cute, and most certainly... kick Chocobo's asses anyday.
I voted Chocobo. Cool (not so) lil things

Mod edit: Please add a bit more effort to your post and explain a tad bit more as to why you find them cool. Thanks. =]
I'm a moogle fan, I feel they have a use, whether they sell you goods, send mail, give you quests, etc....Cactars are neat too, I liked the giant one in VIII with the mustache
I voted Chocobo. Cool (not so) lil things

C'mon now guys. Let's try not to spam the thread with one-liners such as this. Okay? If so, I'll be forced to move this thread to Final Fantasy Fun.