Christmas Wishlist 2009 and discussion thread.

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ღWhite Roséღ ♀
Nov 15, 2008
ღAustraliaღ ღQueenslandღღGold Coastღ
Inspired from the idea of Ryan's Christmas Gaming Wishlist 2009 and discussion thread. =)

I hope you don't mind Ryan but I used the same title, just taking out the 'Gaming' part. >_<

I figured that it's nearing closer to Christmas and for those of you who celebrate it, feel free to discuss the things that you desire for Christmas this year.

It doesn't have to be something you can buy, it can be something like, wanting to resolve a family issue, or hoping that by the end of the year a certain problem would have been sorted out.

Of course this will mostly be used for material items. XD

But I just thought that I'd let you guys know that it doesn't only have to be store bought items on your wishlist.

Okay, now before you start posting the following is unacceptable.

* Do not post:

1. Car
2. Phone
3. Money

This is classed as spam.

Any posts seen doing the above will be deleted without notice, as you have already been forewarned in this post.

Please give an explanation as to why you want the things on your wishlist, or even tell us a bit about them. It could be a car, but at least tell us about it and why you want that particular car etc.

I will post later with my list, as I've not yet decided on it. >_<
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Epic, I'm an inspiration :ryan:

Anyways, I'd quite happily take a car, preferably a Renault Clio since they're nice little cars and are quite easy to drive, of course I'm not going to get one since I can't drive, but here's to wishful thinking 8D I know I'm getting a pair of Levi jeans off my girlfriend because we discussed what I wanted earlier :ryan:

I'm going to go with money though, I know I'll get quite a bit off my mum, grandparents and uncle as well as my dad so that'll let me buy whatever I want really. Possibly an iPod Touch as well :hmmm:
Wouldnt mind a car, but I cant drive :P

Im going to be simple with gifts this year. I havent got a fella to surprise me anymore sadly :( so its a small easy list:

K, well money would be nice of course :D
Books - My Shit Life So Far by Frankie Boyle, Look Back in Hunger: The Autobiography by Jo Brand,FlashForward by Robert J. Sawyer, Thanks for Nothing by Jack Dee, I am What I am by John Barrowman, Stirred But Not Shaken: The Autobiography by Keith Floyd and Good Times! by Justin Lee Collins! Yes thats alot of books, all by some of my fav celebs. Books make great gifts and Im a huge reader and I love reading into other peoples lifes. Im not nosey, just curious lol!

Told you it was an easy crimbo :D
Realistically I want quite a bit that is non material, but I rather keep to the Material setting... so here we go.

I'm very easy.. when shopping for gifts..

1) I want an ipod adapter for my car. I'm so sick of putting my head phones on when I have really decent speakers in my car. I tend to always misplace my ipod, so this would help out quite a bit.

2) Everything else I can generally buy for myself.. so I have no idea. I wouldn't mind a Fence for my back yard. I'm so sick of the neighbors looking in when we are doing anything. I've heard horror stories of my neighbors W and E, who said he (W in this case) saw the girl butt naked nude. (pregnant).

3) I wouldn't mind something easier to carry around when I jog that would keep my ipod from slipping up and down my arm. It is frustrating as hell, to tell the least.

4) Stomach roller (i'm calling it that because I don't know what it is called) I have done quite a bit of stomach exercises but to be quite honest, the best one I have found is with the stomach roller. (a wheel that you put both hands on and bow like you were bowing to allah)

That's all I got...
Well, the things I want for Christmas are a little bit of both material and non-material things. First off on my material list is money. Yes, everyone wants money, but I want money I can actually save, because my allowance is impossible to save (750 pesos a week is a bit small since it includes lunch, commute fare, school supplies, etc). Also so that I will be able to have reserve money for when I really need it. Another thing I want is this cute grey bag with a cat's face on it that I saw this afternoon while in the mall with my sister. IT WAS SO ADORABLE. T^T And I want a PS3 but I know I'm never getting one. That's just how things are. XD

As for non-material things, for Christmas (or hopefully before), I wish my brother would have fully recovered from his basketball accident. He fractured a bone on his leg (forgot what it's called. It's located under the knee cap, like an 'upper shin') and had to go through a surgical procedure and have a metal plate and screw on to put his bones back in place. He's still having a hard time coping up, but at least he's able to walk a bit now. Also, I hope my aunt's house would be fixed before Christmas, as everything and the house itself, was destroyed (well, the inside) because of the typhoon that hit (Ketsana) last September 26. It's undergoing repairs at the moment, and hopefully, for Christmas, they get their home back all prettied up and fixed. Lastly, although this is to be done on my part, I wish I would be more diligent with my studies instead of just playing video games and copying assignments that I find too difficult to do. I know I have to learn this stuff on my own, so hopefully I finally have the initiative to study in advance and stuff.
All I want is Wii Fit. Couldn't give a rats arse about anything else. I might jut ask for cash and buy it myself.

I just want to get use ouit of my Wii, it sits there gathering dust and Ive been after Wii Fit for ages, its beats running, and I do want to get in shap, and I think It'd be funny for girly nights in too :hmmm:
I'll probably enjoy a new computer. This computer of mine here is... Well, about close to 5 years old, or more. Although it's relatively fast, I wouldn't mind something new for a change, say, the new Windows 7 would be an interesting try.

That, or maybe, a new lap top. I never owned one myself, so it'll be quite interesting as well.
I mostly just ask for video games, but I definitely get lots of other stuff, they are usually left to be surprises though, so it's hard to say much...

Do movies count? There's one movie I'm dying to get on Blu-ray: Bolt. Why do I want it? Because I saw it on TV a time and now it is my favourite movie, period. :D

Something I get quite a lot of is clothing. I like getting a lot of real nice new clothing, and they have good taste of clothing for me, so I don't really ask for anything special very often either, I always love getting a bunch of nice surprise presents Christmas Day morning (it takes hours for everyone to finish unwrapping all of the presents, there are so many (over 100 total for four people). ^_^

Something I've come to expect in the last couple of years or so when I get to my stocking is a pack or two of Pokémon cards. Yeah, I collect some of the cards, but I don't play that game with them, just collect 'em to look at, unfortunately my luck isn't that great so I have gotten plenty I couldn't care much less about, but it's worth it for the odd good card I get. :gasp:
I want a new vehicle. :( My truck last year, the breaks keep going out when it gets all nasty cold and gross outside. -_- I almost killed an old woman last year, which was not my intention I assure you. So maybe, a car that works? So I don't die?

And um... a bath tub. I haven't taken a bath in a year now. A shower, sure, but not a bath. I miss bubble baths.
Well for one a car, i had one but my father thought it would be a good idea to sell it to try and save the house he was living in at the time. Yeah that didn't work, that and it pissed me off because i had just started to work on the damn thing. Yet he kept his boats...and he doesn't even use them, not even in the summer.

Other than that i'd like a new battery for this laptop, the damn thing is on power save mode and IT still dies within an hour. I haven't had this thing long either its only 10 months old -_-.
1. Money

It's been difficult, as the years pass, to think of specific gifts. So far, money has been the most practical gift as I am usually very frugal in the first place. I might end up saving that money for later, but that's about all I can ask for.
I can't think of anything I'd want more than a Canon EOS 40D. I want it so bad, I'd sell all my future gifts just to have one.

I want it for Christmas because how the fo0k can I come up with $2000? I'm still hoping the parents would succumb to my constant plea; as of now it's highly unlikely:jtc:
Oh boy...

The ye ol' Christmas wishlist, eh? This is going to be difficult to limit the things I want into four basic things but let's see if I can.

1. A PS3, just for the heck of it. I could get a XBOX 360 to replace it but I am not to sure about buying and XBOX since I lean heavily towards RPGs and such and not first person shooters. So, maybe I'll just get a PS3 slim. The 60 GB one, since I am not as much of a gamer as I used to me. My PS2 still works fine so I don't need those crazy 120 GB consoles with the backward capability.

2. Iphone or just a new blackberry, because I really need a stylish phone in order to live. Pfffffffft! Maybe not...but I already got a laptop so I don't know what would fit here for the number two spot.

3. New clothes, stylish stuff. I definitely need to get a fancy dress or a new coat...Oh, yeah! Let's add in some shoes to this as well.

4. Art supplies, I am always in need for new art pens, charcoal and all that yin and yang stuff...
OMG I have soooooooo much that I want this Christmas. :gonk:

I'm rather greedy this year. :gasp:

1. Wii Fit; or just a Wii to start off with would be fantastic! I enjoyed it heaps when I was at my mates house and it really got everyone joining in and having fun. Whereas other consoles sorta isolate you from everyone else due to them being one player games. I really want the Wii Fit though because I think it'd be the funnest way to exercise!

2. PS3; Steve doesn't want us to get one yet because he reckons that the PS4 will be out soon enough and we would have spent all that money on a PS3. So I think I may hold off, but at the same time I keep thinking about FFXIII and just want to get the damn thing already!

3. Fridge; Our fridge at the moment is shit. It was free though so I can't complain. It was mum and dads old fridge of about twenty years. The seals have started to not stick anymore and the fridge freezes food, whilst the freezer over freezes and creates snow just about. XD So I definitely want a better and much larger fridge.

4. A thick gold necklace; (a belcher necklace) with a gold pendant on it. I want Steve to get me this and get it engraved. He's already decided what he is going to get engraved but doesn't know if he'll get the necklace for Christmas yet or not.

5. A Tattoo. I've been wanting to get this particular tattoo for the last year. I'm hoping to get it done before the new year.
My wish list has changed and been granted, Im officially old when the mother says she will pay to redecorate my living room for crimbo and Im excited about it :wacky:

The Wii is officially getting SOLD, I want a passport
The Wii is officially getting SOLD, I want a passport

Where are we going? =)

Anyway I'll add one more to the wishlist for the heck of it.

1) House to be rewired for cable.

Right now we are wired for cable but because they used splitters in so many different locations are cable is not optimized. Also we have problems with our transmission as far as wireless goes, so maybe a wireless router to go with that.

2) Back tail light replaced

- Well I have to fork up over 400 dollars to get a my light replaced as well as get a new license tag. Mississippi license tag will cost me 289 dollars =\.
I want:

1:Super Robot Taisen J Translated so that I can play. It is currently being done, so I want it in time for christmas
2: PS3, although I know this isnt coming.
3: Peace on Earth :wacky:
4:Knights In The Nightmare for the DS

I dont want much, right?
To be honest the thing I'd like most is money since I'm now a poor student. :gasp: But alas my father doesn't believe in giving money for Christmas and insists on giving presents, so I've asked for some hair straighteners.. because my hair is a mess, and a pair of Ugg boots because they're the comfiest things in the world. :awesome:
1. A Keyboard

Just took up piano lessons, and since I do not have a piano at home, I could do with a keyboard. However, the keyboard I have at home.... Is missing the bloody wire!! Which basically renders the keyboard useless... So, a new keyboard would please me to quite some extent.

2. iPhone 3G S

To be honest, I don't really care for this at this juncture, but if there's anything else I want after a keyboard, it would be this...

3. PS3

I'd wish for this if it were more possible. First, my family would probably not be able to afford this for now. Second, my electricity bills will shoot up like never before. Third, my television screen doesn't sound like it can play high definition videos... So, quite a big no no.

4. Money

Definitely the most practical gift. Also the one that I can make most use of. No doubt, however, it wouldn't exactly be what I hope to get though, compared to those above.
Lets see.... honestly I am a First Person Shooter at heart but obviously I like Final Fantasy too... so.

These are the games I want:
COD Modern Warfare 2
Left 4 Dead 2
Dragon Age Origins

Also like most people, cash is also a big want.

Oh and a PsP would be nice so that I can play Crisis Core and Dissidia!
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