Ciad Ayral


Jan 19, 2010
ORPG/URPG/RPB all 3 if possible

Name – Ciad Ayral

Alignment – Good

Race – Human

Gender – Male

Age – 18 Earth Years

Ciad is 174cm tall, 5'8ft. he weights 8 stone so he is rather thin but also muscular. He has pale white skin with a few minnor war cuts however he hids these under his clothes.

Ciad has dark brown hair, which is rather wild and uncontrolled. he has light sea blue eyes with a button nose and an ordinary mouth colour.

he wears black jean styled pants however the left leg is deliberatly torn and rather tattered beneath the knee, he wears a grey vest and covers it with a black leather jacket, he wears black boots and black fingerless gloves.

He wears a light silver chain pendent with a photo of his sister inside however this is often hidden under his vest. with a silver ring.

ciad wears no armour and usually dodges attacks, or blocks and counters however he does carry light chainmail underneath his clothing but it only defends minnorly amd cam be broken with heavy physical attacks.


Ciad is
introverted, brooding, cold, and a taciturn teenager who pushes away those who would otherwise be considered his friends. Though withdrawn, He does not shrink from what he considers his duty. As much as he resents assuming leadership, he is the first to ensure that what is necessary gets done.

Ciad is abit of a loner and doesnt really have many friends as he ussually pushes them away however he remains quiet around them. Ciad enjoy being alone as it gives him time to think and plan things, when Ciad is bored he trains to end his boredom. Ciad doesnt like being insulted and would challenge anyone even if he thinks he couldnt win. Ciad would be furious should anyone drop anything on him however with an apology he usually lets things slide.

Ciad hates the idea of killing inocent and would rather do anything else, he doesnt care if the oponent is criminal etc he will kill them, he will defend himself in self defence and would kill anyone who does try except his close friends.

First Impression

When most people meet Ciad, they would believe him to be a cold, arrogant man who cares for nothing but himself. though Ciad will do nothing to change people's opinion those who know him, understand why he is like he is.


Ciad is a powerful fighter however he knows he's by no means the strongest he usually attack heavilly with physical attacks and utilises a few ranged attacks.
he rates himself at 8 on strength he does on avarage 150 as always carries and uses weapon except the blast atacks.

Ciad can run at 23 mph, his attack speed is shockingly fast however again there are many people quicker, Ciad attempts to utilise both strength and speed.


he can run for about a maximum of 6 hours with breaks of 15 minutes every 3 hours. he trains for 4 hours everyday, using his gunblade. he can withstand a moderate amount of damage however he can be ko'd by heavier physical fighters.


Ciad reflex are leopard like. However, Ciad tends to focus majorly on one person finish them and move to the next which usually means he is only focused on one person so surprise attacks are usually very effective.

Fighting Style

Ciad specializes in draining an opponent's energy with swift, powerful combo attacks. his ranged abilities, though limited in comparison to his melee attacks, also allow him to hit multiple times.



Ciad weilds a Gunblade called the Cutting Trigger the blade is 38inches in length.

The Cutting Sword, unblade consist of some sort of sword blade with some type of gun action built into the hilt, with its barrel running inside the length of the blade. They are mostly used like normal swords, but triggering a round sends a shockwave through the blade, creating a vibration as the weapon passes through an opponent to increase damage by 25% uf physical attack.

-High Jump - As he carries no armour and his weapon is light (to him anyway) he can jump high, about 60 feet in the air.

Gun blast - Swings gunblade to surround self with red orbs of energy, he then detonates them. can be used twice or too tired to fight. the orbs are one ft in diameter and cannot be blocked damage 150. ( based on squal's fate circle in dessidia)

Gun Shot- Shoots a red lightning both from the tip of the blade,can travel 30ft and can be blocked does minnor damage. cost him 10mp as is more a natural blade ability.
Other Skills

Gunblade trained- As Ciad was trained in a special malitia he can weild gun blades very effectively.

Hunting - spent a lot of time living in the wild so can survive quite well in forest etc.


Ciad, was born in a small village on the outskirts called Perasi. Cied was five when Ciad's mother gave birth again, this time to a girl who they called Jesla Ayral. A month after Jesla was born Ciad started school. he returned to see his home completely ruined and barely standing. Ciad ran inside to find out what had happened there he found his perents were killed.

Ciad heard crying and as such ran upstairs to see his younger sister, with a note next to her. Ciad took the note and started reading

Ciad were all very proud of you. However, you must take you sister and leave now tell nobody just leave.

P.S Ciad look in the kitchen cuboard under the clothes.

Ciad picked up his sister and carried her downstairs, he walked into the kitchen, walking quickly to the cuboard he opened it to see a gunblade and a weird crystal. Ciad took the sword and took Jesla with him towards the countryside to hide.

.... LATER

Ciad returned from hunting, however he found he camp completely destroyed. Ciad looked arround the camp for months trying to find his sister, unable to fnd her he gave up and carries the pendant to remember her by. Ciad also doveloped his attiude here, because he felt that everyone he got close to dissapeared he would sooner not get close and make sure everyone was safe.

at 17 Ciad signed up for the malitia force, he easily passed the trials and the staff were very impressed and put him into a special task force.

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You've given a general description, but I'd like to see more. I'd like to be able to recognize Ciad from your description if I saw him walking past me on the street.

Also, you haven't described any armor, or otherwise defensive attire. How does he defend himself?


If someone could describe my personality in 4 lines, I'd be disappointed. Here are some questions to consider:
-How is your character around friends?
-How is you character if alone and bored?
-How is he if insulted by someone larger than himself?
-if someone accidentally trips and spills a mug of water on your char, but apologizes after, how does your char react?
-What outlook does your char have on the following:
|-Killing the innocent.
|-Killing evildoers (bandits and the like).
|-Killing in self defense regardless of the person.


How much damage could one of his typical strikes do? How much weight can he lift at once? How strong is one of his punches?


You have a character who is faster than an Olympic sprinter (about 23 mph), and has the endurance of a supermarathoner. One of the two needs to be changed.


What about his physical defensive capabilities?


How long is the blade? And in general, what are some of the physical characteristics of the gunblade?

Gun blast - Swings gunblade to surround self with red orbs of energy horizontally, then detonates them. can be used twice or two tired to fight.

How big are the orbs? How big is the blast radius? How much damage does each detonation do? Can one or both be blocked?

Gun Shot- Shoots a red lightning both from the tip of the blade

Does this drain his energy? How far can the bolt travel? How much damage does it do? Can it be blocked?

-High Jump - As he carries no armour and his weapon is light (to him anyway) he can jump high, about 60 feet in the air.

That would be an Ability.
You've given a general description, but I'd like to see more. I'd like to be able to recognize Ciad from your description if I saw him walking past me on the street.

Also, you haven't described any armor, or otherwise defensive attire. How does he defend himself?

If someone could describe my personality in 4 lines, I'd be disappointed. Here are some questions to consider:
-How is your character around friends?
-How is you character if alone and bored?
-How is he if insulted by someone larger than himself?
-if someone accidentally trips and spills a mug of water on your char, but apologizes after, how does your char react?
-What outlook does your char have on the following:
|-Killing the innocent.
|-Killing evildoers (bandits and the like).
|-Killing in self defense regardless of the person.

How much damage could one of his typical strikes do? How much weight can he lift at once? How strong is one of his punches?

You have a character who is faster than an Olympic sprinter (about 23 mph), and has the endurance of a supermarathoner. One of the two needs to be changed.

What about his physical defensive capabilities?

How long is the blade? And in general, what are some of the physical characteristics of the gunblade?

How big are the orbs? How big is the blast radius? How much damage does each detonation do? Can one or both be blocked?

Does this drain his energy? How far can the bolt travel? How much damage does it do? Can it be blocked?

That would be an Ability.

done better?

You've given a general description, but I'd like to see more. I'd like to be able to recognize Ciad from your description if I saw him walking past me on the street.

he does on avarage 150

Out of...? How much weight can he lift at once? How strong is one of his punches?

he can withstand a moderate amount of damage

What is 'moderate'?

Gun blast - damage 150

Out of...?