

This is your friend card. Write anything you want!
Jul 3, 2010
(RE-REVISED Recently revised sections will be marked with a *.)

Name: Cinexvnt (orphaned at young age so no last name)
Title: The Young Future
Alignment: Neutral Heroic. Cinexvnt wants others to be safe and will do anything to keep others safe.
Race: Human. They don't get more human-y than him.
Gender: Male
Age: 19 years old

*Apperance: Cinexvnt is an average looking person who could easily blend in crowds without his weapons. He is 5ft. 9 in height and 155 pounds in weight. Black, fairly short hair which is gelled up at the front. Dark blue eyes which could be mistaken with black if shortly glanced at. Slightly tanned skin. Cinexvnt is not very strong so he isn't very muscular ether.

: Cinexvnt usually wears a plain light gray T-shirt and black waterproof pants with pockets on the sides. Cinexvnt doesn't wear armor due him not being very strong.

Personality: Cinexvnt is kind-hearted. If he gets insulted he will usually he'd get very angry but will calm down and forgive the insulter over time. Cinexvnt tries to ignore insults or rude comments if they come from someone larger, stronger or with more skill because he knows he can't face them and would humiliate himself more. He has not many friends. 3 to be exact. But he's feels very okay with that. Cinexvnt is comfortable around his friends and acts calm and relaxed. His favourite childhood game with his friends is Final Fantasy when they pretend to fight monsters. Cinexvnt prefers to be alone and if he's not hanging out with friends or training to fight, he spend his free time reading books, trying to find new fighting techniques of skills. If somebody spilt water on him he would assume it as an accident, clean himself off and continue to do what he was previously doing. He feels akaward when others try to be nice to him especially around girls. Cinexvnt doesn't kill anyone unless he is trying to defend himself. But he will defend himself from anyone who threatens his life, even his friends.

First Impression
: Cinexvnt is uncomfortable around new people and can accidentally show signs of fear in front of an enemy. He will not talk to strangers unless required. Others would describe him as shy.

: Cinexvnt is not very strong. He is not a heavy weight lifter. If he tried to punch a brick wall he will injure his own hand.

With sword or knives he can do 25 to 60 to someone with 500 health. 100 if he gets lucky and hits critical.

: Cinexvnt would last as long as a regular person without special abilities or spells in battle would. Cinexvnt heavily relies on his spell Invisible Aura to protect him.

: Cinexvnt's bad strength can compensate with his great speed. A VERY APPROXIMATE guess is 40km/h. He is also very quick when it comes to side stepping.

: Cinexvnt can last in a fight for an hour. After he would use his remaining energy to run away and have a few seconds to charge up. Cinexvnt can run for roughly 20mins. but only 5mins. if he is escaping from battle due to using most of his energy fighting.

: Cinexvnt can dodge things coming toward him if he sees it and if it is not too inescapably large or moving too fast for Cinexvnt to react. Behind and unseen attacks usually make their mark on him.

Fignting Style: Cinexvnt will charge with his sword in close range combat. But if he realizes he has a slightly lower hand in the battle he will move back and use his throwing knives.

: Cinexvnt uses a typical medieval short sword made of steel in his right hand which is almost the size of his arm. He usues the short sword due to it's light weight compared to a great sword. He also has 6 throwing knives made of carbon steel which are 6 inches and strapped around his left arm in leather knife holsters.

: Cinexvnt isn't very skilled with magic had very little magical abilities.
-Magic Slice
Element: Arcane
Target: 1 target in range of 1 sword swipe
Energy/Mana drain: medium
Casting Procedure: Sword glows blue
Explaination: Adds arcane power to sword so when Cinexvnt attacks, his sword damage doubles.
Counteraction: Dodges swing sword. Immune to arcane magic.
-Magic Knife
Element: Arcane
Target: Multiple in range of sight
Energy/Mana: medium
Casting Procedure: Knives glow blue
Explaination: Adds arcane power to knives so when Cinexvnt throws them, his knife damage doubles.
Counteraction: Dodge knives. Immune to arcane magic.
*-Invisible Aura
Element: Arcane
Target: Self only
Energy/Mana Drain:light
Casting Procedure: Cinexvnt's body is surrounded in blue for a few seconds the fades away, showing that the ability is in effect.
Explaination: Cinexvnt doesn't wear armor so the Invisible Aura acts as armor. Cinexvnt can take a lot of physical and magic damage but over a range of time. .
Counteracction: Dumping a chunk of damage at him will surely leave him weakened especially with magic.

Skills: Cinexvnt can lick his own elbow.

History: Cinexvnt is an orphan who has been moved from orphanage to orphanage. At the age of 12, he is sent to a combat acadamy. In this school devoted to all types of fighting, Cinexvnt meets his 3 friends and is assigned to a master, Master Temsar. Master Temsar taught Cinexvnt and Cinexvnt wasn't really sucessful. Cinexvnt is always Master Temsar's worst and favourite student. 6 years later during Cinexvnt's graduation, Master Temsar tells all the students that "they are the young future". That inspired Cinexvnt and became his title. Cinexvnt still lives at that acadamey and seeks to begin his adventure.
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Going to need more here. I want to be able to recognize your character from your description if I were to pass him on the sidewalk.

Attire and Armor:

Same as above. Description is the key.


A good start, but we need quite a bit more. Personality should arguably be the largest section (though not necessary for approval). Here are a few questions to think about:
Think about the following questions:
-How is your character around friends?
-How is you character if alone and bored?
-How is s/he if insulted by someone larger than him/herself?
-if someone accidentally trips and spills a mug of water on you char, but apologizes after, how does your char react?
-What look does your char have on the following:
|-Killing the innocent.
|-Killing evildoers (bandits and the like).
|-Killing in self defense regardless of the person.

Need physical descriptions of the weapons. Length, designs, materials, etc. Also, how many throwing knives does he have with him at any given time?

arcane damage is added along with physical damage

How much is added?

With sword or knives he can do 25 to 60. 100 if he gets lucky and hits critical.

On a scale of...? 150? That's a lot. 1000? Not so much.


That's the old format. Endurance has been removed in favor of Vitality and Stamina. Check the Bio thread for more info on those tabs.

Reflexes: Cinexvnt can dodge anything coming at him as long as he sees it.

That would be god-moding. There has to be a limit to his dodge ability, regardless of whether he can see it.
Edited! Sorry it took so long. I'm still confused about all this RP stuff.