Final Fantasy Character Clubs
As the title shows, you can create clubs involving characters from Final Fantasy. Kingdom Hearts Clubs are also acceptable in this section. To help you understand what material you are permitted to post, the following has been written. It runs over what you should tell other members when informing them about your club.
- You should state, in your first post, who you are going to worship, i.e. Cloud, Rinoa, Kuja, Tidus, Judge Ghis, Riku and such like.
- State what is encouraged from members and what is forbidden. For example:
- ONE character club is permitted. Therefore, if you have created a club for Cloud, but one has already been created, yours will be closed. In some cases, leniency will occur from the staff where your club is more active than the older one. In this case, the older club will be closed, other than the newer one. However, duplicate clubs are still against the rules, so they should not occur anyway.
- Regular FFF rules still apply. Spam is more tolerable here, but still frowned upon. All other rules still stand as stated.
- It is possible to be warned for trolling here. To get this warning, your actions would include entering a club without asking to join, or by going against the specific club guidelines.
- Final Fantasy Character Clubs or general groups (such as the Silver Haired Men in FFVII:AC) should be here. While pairing clubs go in their own section.
- Clubs that are inactive will be closed and archived if they have not had a single post in 2/3 months or more.
- Do not bump inactive threads. If the club you wish to join has been inactive for the '2/3 months or more', do not post in it. Alert a mod to the club's inactivity, so that either you may create a new thread, or at least let other members know that they too may create the new club if you do not wish too.
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