Code of the Sword


The corruptor of your soul
Mar 28, 2007
Cetra Coin
Andre the Adamantoise
Mortimer the Malboro
Terence the Tonberry
Accessory (Head)
Accessory (Arms)
Sileen Tebnerus
FFXIV Server
It was a time of darkness and peril, the people of the planet living in nothing but fear. A being know as Dotin has ruled the people for ages. He spread fear through the armies he had under control, but also with a mystic blade he weilded that controlled the power of darkness itself. It went on for ages untill the various races of people finally united by putting aside thier diffrences, using the magic that flowed so naturally through thier planet they harnassed the remaining elements and enchanted them unto other blades. The blades that were created had the power of Fire, Ice(water), Air, Earth, Light, Energy(thunder), and Nature(plant). The creation of these blades came at a price, in the process of thier creation the people who crafted these blades also became them. That is to say that thier will was transfered into the blades so in that this process they became setinet. These blades could now chose thier weilders and constantly judged thier current holders to see if they were worthy. It was with these seven swords that seven people were able to defeat Dotin and his armies. After his defeat an alter was made to honor the warriors and thier swords. Soon the blades were lost to time and the war forgotten, but now a new force has emereged seeming to weild the dark blade again and is calling himself Dotin.

Now a new group of people must emerge who can prove them selves worthy to weild the seven swords of lore. There is a problem though the seven swords are lost and thier existence but a mere legend. The only clue that they are now real is the dreams that people have, a dream of an ancient alter located deep in a forest. The path to the alter is covered in vines and is not easily seen, if not for the dreams these people would just look it over.

The legend of the swords is a frightfull one. The history to why they were made dreadfull, but thier power is legendary. Each sword is said to have complete mastery over it's elemnet and boosts it's weilder's natural magic ten fold. The souls that dwell deep inside are said to be acient mages themselves who had complete controll over the very forces of nature. Though this is just a myth right, a fairytale to help children sleep. These mystic swords could not exist right? Well only the dreams provide the true answer, are you someone blessed by these dreams or will you be swept up in the current of this new war, and fight with these people or aganist them and ensure darkness falls?

Ok now for the rules for this RP:

1. Experienced Role Players only

2. You do not need to chose a sword to weild, but if you do you must abide by the most important rule for this. The sword shall constantly Judge your actions, there fore if you do something undeeming you shall not be able to use the sword.

3. Magic is common place in this world, it flows naturally through all people, so everyone can use magic. Though some people are not as fluent with magic as others.

4. No two people can weild the same blade at the same time. Once a blade has chosen it's weilder it will stay with them unless they judge them unworthy of thier power.

5. You can use a profile that is preexisting, but then it must be edited for this rp. So if you want to use a sword your magic section must match accordingly. Also you can make a whole new bio for this RP but same rule still aplies about magic. The element sword you chose must be your dominant magic, you can have magic of other elements but not a whole lot.

6. I shall have final say if you are in this or not.

With all this said if you join and are accepted have fun.

Well for this Rp I am using Zerek which is the 3rd profile.
Since this is an original idea, I'm moving it to the Cosmo Canyon area.

On a side note, I'm signing up for this with Felldoh. It was approved in RPL, is it alright here (remember, he's using the Sword of Light)
Lol Hera just remember RPL is not the same as FFF. Though since I approved it there and I am moving it here, yours shall be approved just post up the link like usual.
Oh, you misunderstand me. I mean that Felldoh was alright in the RP on RPL, so I expected him to be alright here, unless you came up with some new quams ;) I am totally aware how different RPL and FFF are ;)

On the other hand, hurrah! Felldoh shall be wielding the Sword of Light! Woot! Too bad he can't use the Sword of Darkness as well, you know, as a double wield. That would be cool.
Name: Skaol Edgar
Title: Knight of the Order of Swordsmen
Race: Human
Age: 21

- Hair: Black, yet shimmers like water reflecting the twilight sky, worn in a thin pony tail reaching to his waist. The front third of his hair is worn in two primary bangs that hang just outside his eyes, stopping just before the latitude of the point of his nose.
- Eyes: Dark forest green, he keeps them half open, giving him a perpetual sleepy look.
- Height: 5 ft, 10 in
- Weight: 140 lbs
- Complexion: Fair and rough
- Build: Slight, yet toned
- Noteworthy Features: A small piece of emerald green cloth from a corner of the cape of his friend fastened to a ring at the base of the hilt of his rapier.
- Attire: Enjoys dressing simply, normally a white linen short sleeve shirt and a pair of brown cloth pants.

Personality: Very easy going, bordering on lazy. His favorite passtime is sleeping, his favorite concious passtime is staring into space and thinking about anything that crosses his mind. He in rarely without a congenial smile, even in the middle of a battle. He puts everyone above himself, and is the first to self sacrifice, even for a stranger.
First Impression: Very quiet, yet smiles at everyone. Easy to approach and start a conversation with, though he sometimes does the approaching, if he feels he can be of help.

Weapon(s): The Sword of Wind (eventually). The sword is in the form of a rapier with an emerald encrusted hilt and a green dyed blade. Also, a ceremonial dagger given to him at graduation from his knight order. It has an ornate gold plated hilt, inlaid with thirteen small emeralds, and is kept beneath his tunic.
Armor: Full plate mail, colored green to mark his rank as captain. Over the armor is worn a white sleeveless tunic, bearing the emblem of the Order of Swordsmen: a double edged sword, point up, with an angel wing protruding from the right end of the hilt, and a demon wing from the left. No helmet.

Abilities/Skills: Though an adept of conventional swordsmenship, his true skill stems from his mastery of the Edgar Art of War. A practitioner of this school of fighting relaxes all the muscles of his/her body and disregards all concept of the movement of time. One takes into account only the present, niether trying to predict the opponents next move, nor attempting to establish an opponent's pattern of action based from his previous actions. By simply observing the opponent's current position, one's risk of being taken by a feint is significantly reduced. This does have a negative effect in that one's time in which to react is significantly reduced, with rapid enough strikes landing before the user can dodge. However, Skaol has developed a failsafe to compensate for his style's flaw. Similar to drunken martial arts, he puts himself into a self induced state of semi-conciousness which has the dual effect of maximizing the relaxation of his muscles and dulling the pain felt by a landed blow. When his adversary finally presents an opening, he snaps into full alert and strikes with everything he has. However, if a battle is protracted for too long, his addrenaline begins to forcibly extricate him from his state of half-conciousness. The beginnings of this first become evident normally after the first fifteen minutes. After thirty minutes, the effects have worn off completely.

Magic: Not an adept with magic, however he utilizes his basic wind magic and skill with a sword to slash razor-vaccums through the air (not above thirty feet from his swing). The vaccums are not enough to cut deep into flesh, however they do cause painful surface lacerations. He begins to feel drained after about twenty vaccums.

Quick History: Born to a family of well-off merchants, Skaol was able to enlist in the province's local knights-apprentice order. There, he earned quick respect from his tutors and his peers due to his seamless integration of his family's martial style and his own seemingly innate skill with the rapier. It was also there that he met his best friend, Wylliam. While Wylliam earned his teachers' ire by not taking classes seriously, Skaol earned it through his habitual sleeping during classes. He was even known to sleep standing up during role call and during drills. Eventually, the two were seperated into different orders according to their skills; Wylliam to the Order of Dragoons and Skaol to the Order of Swordsmen. In order to perpetuate their friendship, they exchanged corners of their capes to tie onto their weapons. The day before graduation, Skaol learned that his friend had left the Order just earlier that day for reasons unknown. Confused by his friend's sudden departure, he was, for the first time in years, visibly distraught. He decided to advance as rapidly as possible through the Order's ranks, hoping that his missions would bring him news of his friend. He achieved the rank of Captain a month before his twentieth birthday. He is now known among the units under his command as the Lazy-Eyed Swordsman, or Captain Lazy-Eyes.
Yeah, Id like to enter hee as well.
and as I said on RPL. I wish to acquire the Sword of Nature.
Within the start.

I'm working on the character
Will be interesting to see ^^
Well professor I see only two problems so far with your bio. One, the sword is not a rapier each of the elemental swords are a regular sword with a small insigina on thier hilt to indicate thier weapon.(blames swlf for that should have been put into intro.) Second you need more of a magic section as in this RP it plays a important role. So sad to say for now your bio is a NO GO.
Let me know if more is needed.

Name: Skaol Edgar
Title: Knight of the Order of Swordsmen
Race: Human
Age: 21

- Hair: Black, yet shimmers like water reflecting the twilight sky, worn in a thin pony tail reaching to his waist. The front third of his hair is worn in two primary bangs that hang just outside his eyes, stopping just before the latitude of the point of his nose.
- Eyes: Dark forest green, he keeps them half open, giving him a perpetual sleepy look.
- Height: 5 ft, 10 in
- Weight: 140 lbs
- Complexion: Fair and rough
- Build: Slight, yet toned
- Noteworthy Features: A small piece of emerald green cloth from a corner of the cape of his friend fastened to a ring at the base of his sword.
- Attire: Enjoys dressing simply, normally a white linen short sleeve shirt and a pair of brown cloth pants.

Personality: Very easy going, bordering on lazy. His favorite passtime is sleeping, his favorite concious passtime is staring into space and thinking about anything that crosses his mind. He in rarely without a congenial smile, even in the middle of a battle. He puts everyone above himself, and is the first to self sacrifice, even for a stranger.
First Impression: Very quiet, yet smiles at everyone. Easy to approach and start a conversation with, though he sometimes does the approaching, if he feels he can be of help.

Weapon(s): The Sword of Air (eventually). Also, a ceremonial dagger given to him at graduation from his knight order. It has an ornate gold plated hilt, inlaid with thirteen small emeralds, and is kept beneath his tunic.
Armor: Full plate mail, colored green to mark his rank as captain. Over the armor is worn a white sleeveless tunic, bearing the emblem of the Order of Swordsmen: a double edged sword, point up, with an angel wing protruding from the right end of the hilt, and a demon wing from the left. No helmet.

Abilities/Skills: Though an adept of conventional swordsmenship, his true skill stems from his mastery of the Edgar Art of War. A practitioner of this school of fighting relaxes all the muscles of his/her body and disregards all concept of the movement of time. One takes into account only the present, niether trying to predict the opponents next move, nor attempting to establish an opponent's pattern of action based from his previous actions. By simply observing the opponent's current position, one's risk of being taken by a feint is significantly reduced. This does have a negative effect in that one's time in which to react is significantly reduced, with rapid enough strikes landing before the user can dodge. However, Skaol has developed a failsafe to compensate for his style's flaw. Similar to drunken martial arts, he puts himself into a self induced state of semi-conciousness which has the dual effect of maximizing the relaxation of his muscles and dulling the pain felt by a landed blow. When his adversary finally presents an opening, he snaps into full alert and strikes with everything he has. However, if a battle is protracted for too long, his addrenaline begins to forcibly extricate him from his state of half-conciousness. The beginnings of this first become evident normally after the first fifteen minutes. After thirty minutes, the effects have worn off completely.


Aerial Fissure- A spell combining Skaol's skill with a sword with wind magic, allowing him to project vaccum razors the size of the sword swing at the opponent. They cannot travel farther than twenty feet. The vaccums are not strong enough to penetrate deep into flesh, however they are enough to cause painful suface lacerations. Skaol can send twenty such razors before he feels drained.

Gale Skates- This magic condenses the air beneath Skaol's feet and causes it to spin rapidly, allowing him to skate across the ground without being impeded by friction. At his fastest, he can go no more than twenty-five miles per hour in a straight line. The spell san be sustained no longer than ten minutes.

Heavy Air- A defense of last resort, used primarily against enemies too swift to fight with the basic Edgar Art of War. Skaol condenses the air within a three foot radius to twice its normal density, effectively slowing stikes before they land and allowing him to utilize his martial art. However, as the spell requires constant concious maintanence, it is impossible for him to utilize his self induced semi-conciousness simultaneously with the spell. The spell lasts for about fifteen minutes.

Gale Force- Used in combination with the Gale skates, Skaol creates a miniature cyclone wich spins him at eye blurring speeds. In this state of rotation, which lasts about twenty seconds, Skaol cannot see what he is slashing, so must rely on his preconception of where the enemy is. The use of this magic dispells the gale skates immediatly after the cyclone has stopped. Skaol usually needs about ten seconds to regain his equilibrium afterward. The skates cannot be used again in the same day.

Quick History: Born to a family of well-off merchants, Skaol was able to enlist in the province's local knights-apprentice order. There, he earned quick respect from his tutors and his peers due to his seamless integration of his family's martial style and his own seemingly innate skill with the rapier. It was also there that he met his best friend, Wylliam. While Wylliam earned his teachers' ire by not taking classes seriously, Skaol earned it through his habitual sleeping during classes. He was even known to sleep standing up during role call and during drills. Eventually, the two were seperated into different orders according to their skills; Wylliam to the Order of Dragoons and Skaol to the Order of Swordsmen. In order to perpetuate their friendship, they exchanged corners of their capes to tie onto their weapons. The day before graduation, Skaol learned that his friend had left the Order just earlier that day for reasons unknown. Confused by his friend's sudden departure, he was, for the first time in years, visibly distraught. He decided to advance as rapidly as possible through the Order's ranks, hoping that his missions would bring him news of his friend. He achieved the rank of Captain a month before his twentieth birthday. He is now known among the units under his command as the Lazy-Eyed Swordsman, or Captain Lazy-Eyes.
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:dry: You know, Prof, you CAN just edit your original post and say, "I've editted the post, can you please look over it again," or something along those lines :P

As per a question that might arise in the minds of others due to Soul's last comment, he and I discussed Felldoh's magic over MSN. If anybody else here has looked over his bio, you'll see that there is very little mention of magic in it. However, since Felldoh did not start with the Sword of Light, his magic will develop over time (it will, of course, be based on Light magic).
Not to double-post or anything, but I need this to be noticeable on the boards.

We should start the RP. Two people, possibly three if you say yea to Prof, is enough to start the RP. I might be able to get Julius to join as well, he's really good with his malicious characters.


I have to wait, since nature was apparently "pre reserved" and LS forgot to mention that.
it is ok, he explained it over MSN, so I have to await conformation.
Hmm. Do you know what's wrong with his FFF? I'd probably be much more learned here, but MSN time is restricted. It's wierd...why is it working for us and not for him?
if he cant enter FFF-
I had the same problem
I couldn't access FFF for a few days.
it was as if it did not exist.
give it time, and that will fix itself.
Sorry people for my prolonged absense. Internet got screwy then lost temporialy, Hera as to answer your question, very soon. As soon as I get confrimation from one person if they are still intrested it will be put up.

As for anything else I believe I said prof was accepted with his changes.
thx for waiting for me and holding the "Nature Sword" for me, LS. I appreciate it. ^_^

that's my charrie, like i toldja on MSN. Just take into account that she carries the Nature Sword on her belt, while keeping her other two blades strapped to her back.

Okiez, here's how she found it (happy LS? I'll put how she found it right here :P)

~~~Zeria had been walking along on another of her solo missions that she often did, considering her job as a mercenary brought her to places everywhere. Now, she was after some fool who stole something from one of the major knighthoods in the area.
"Bastard...I'm glad I get to bring him back alive and leave right away, I don't want to see what they'll be doing to him..."
Then, she tripped out of nowhere and tumbled to the ground.
"What the hell?"
She looked at what she'd tripped on. It was a sword.....and it seemed to glow as she picked it up.....

Earth Shatterer

A legendary sword forged by the fires of Uthmar Mountain, a fiery hell on Earth. The materials used were mostly mithril, and orichaicum mixed with a strong metal alloy of iron and steel. The sword's design was rather simple, yet it had the splendor and elegant design of a sword worthy of any member of royalty. The blade was light, though broad, almost 4 inches wide with a length reaching almost 3 feet, the tip of the blade was triangular, a redish light could be seen on the the blade beginning when the hand guard joined the blade and ending on the tip of the sword. Latin texts were carved on the blade was well, all of them having different meanings regarding an ancient war. The hand guard was shaped like a cross, the arms of the cross were wide and pointy with small rubies attached to the ends. The hilt of the sword was made of the same metal alloy used for the blade, coated with gold and covered with red silk, the end of the handle having an hexagonal emerald attached to it, the handle being 6 inches long. Finally, the weight of the sword was 15 pounds approximately, meaning that it required good physical training to wield it with one sword.
{Major thx to Julius Argexis for coming up with the sword's design for me!}
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How come I never noticed this? If allowed, I'll join as my main rp biography, though if you give me a few days, I'll submit a new rp bio and await for it to be corrected in order to use it for this rp.
Assuming, of course, that it is back up and running, I'm sure Soul would have no problem. All depending on the bio, of course.

BTW, Julius, I need you to post in the LoD.
Yes this RP is still up. As soon as I get a good post to open this up with. Sorry iv'e been busy a lot lately.