It was a time of darkness and peril, the people of the planet living in nothing but fear. A being know as Dotin has ruled the people for ages. He spread fear through the armies he had under control, but also with a mystic blade he weilded that controlled the power of darkness itself. It went on for ages untill the various races of people finally united by putting aside thier diffrences, using the magic that flowed so naturally through thier planet they harnassed the remaining elements and enchanted them unto other blades. The blades that were created had the power of Fire, Ice(water), Air, Earth, Light, Energy(thunder), and Nature(plant). The creation of these blades came at a price, in the process of thier creation the people who crafted these blades also became them. That is to say that thier will was transfered into the blades so in that this process they became setinet. These blades could now chose thier weilders and constantly judged thier current holders to see if they were worthy. It was with these seven swords that seven people were able to defeat Dotin and his armies. After his defeat an alter was made to honor the warriors and thier swords. Soon the blades were lost to time and the war forgotten, but now a new force has emereged seeming to weild the dark blade again and is calling himself Dotin.
Now a new group of people must emerge who can prove them selves worthy to weild the seven swords of lore. There is a problem though the seven swords are lost and thier existence but a mere legend. The only clue that they are now real is the dreams that people have, a dream of an ancient alter located deep in a forest. The path to the alter is covered in vines and is not easily seen, if not for the dreams these people would just look it over.
The legend of the swords is a frightfull one. The history to why they were made dreadfull, but thier power is legendary. Each sword is said to have complete mastery over it's elemnet and boosts it's weilder's natural magic ten fold. The souls that dwell deep inside are said to be acient mages themselves who had complete controll over the very forces of nature. Though this is just a myth right, a fairytale to help children sleep. These mystic swords could not exist right? Well only the dreams provide the true answer, are you someone blessed by these dreams or will you be swept up in the current of this new war, and fight with these people or aganist them and ensure darkness falls?
Ok now for the rules for this RP:
1. Experienced Role Players only
2. You do not need to chose a sword to weild, but if you do you must abide by the most important rule for this. The sword shall constantly Judge your actions, there fore if you do something undeeming you shall not be able to use the sword.
3. Magic is common place in this world, it flows naturally through all people, so everyone can use magic. Though some people are not as fluent with magic as others.
4. No two people can weild the same blade at the same time. Once a blade has chosen it's weilder it will stay with them unless they judge them unworthy of thier power.
5. You can use a profile that is preexisting, but then it must be edited for this rp. So if you want to use a sword your magic section must match accordingly. Also you can make a whole new bio for this RP but same rule still aplies about magic. The element sword you chose must be your dominant magic, you can have magic of other elements but not a whole lot.
6. I shall have final say if you are in this or not.
With all this said if you join and are accepted have fun.
Well for this Rp I am using Zerek which is the 3rd profile.
Now a new group of people must emerge who can prove them selves worthy to weild the seven swords of lore. There is a problem though the seven swords are lost and thier existence but a mere legend. The only clue that they are now real is the dreams that people have, a dream of an ancient alter located deep in a forest. The path to the alter is covered in vines and is not easily seen, if not for the dreams these people would just look it over.
The legend of the swords is a frightfull one. The history to why they were made dreadfull, but thier power is legendary. Each sword is said to have complete mastery over it's elemnet and boosts it's weilder's natural magic ten fold. The souls that dwell deep inside are said to be acient mages themselves who had complete controll over the very forces of nature. Though this is just a myth right, a fairytale to help children sleep. These mystic swords could not exist right? Well only the dreams provide the true answer, are you someone blessed by these dreams or will you be swept up in the current of this new war, and fight with these people or aganist them and ensure darkness falls?
Ok now for the rules for this RP:
1. Experienced Role Players only
2. You do not need to chose a sword to weild, but if you do you must abide by the most important rule for this. The sword shall constantly Judge your actions, there fore if you do something undeeming you shall not be able to use the sword.
3. Magic is common place in this world, it flows naturally through all people, so everyone can use magic. Though some people are not as fluent with magic as others.
4. No two people can weild the same blade at the same time. Once a blade has chosen it's weilder it will stay with them unless they judge them unworthy of thier power.
5. You can use a profile that is preexisting, but then it must be edited for this rp. So if you want to use a sword your magic section must match accordingly. Also you can make a whole new bio for this RP but same rule still aplies about magic. The element sword you chose must be your dominant magic, you can have magic of other elements but not a whole lot.
6. I shall have final say if you are in this or not.
With all this said if you join and are accepted have fun.
Well for this Rp I am using Zerek which is the 3rd profile.