Console Dissidia...

Apr 8, 2011
Don't you think it would be completely amazing if there was a console on the ps3 or xbox360 with all its powerful graphics and ability to happen on a massive screen.

I love dissidia but I think it would be a much more enjoyable game if it wasn't on the psp...I know people may not agree, my flatmates don't but is there anyone who shares my opinion.
personally I think square made a mistake putting it on psp and should have spent a little longer developing it and put it straight out on a console...what with all the design, audio and general effort they put into it, it doesn't seem worth it for it all to be on a tiny screen limited by the psp's size.

anyone agree?

Wow, never thought of that..............

I guess it could be done, but then again it would take forever for SquareEnix to either port/remake the game for consoles.

Plus, given the fact that the game was made "exclusively" for the PSP, i really don't see it coming to the PS3 or XBox360 anytime soon (maybe a release on the next generation of consoles?), we can only hope. Keep your fingers crossed.
I would adore a PS3/XBOX 360 remake.... soo much better graphics XD and controls would be much easier

the storyline might be a bit better as wel if they had the game on xbox 360 and/or ps3 because they could do much more than what they can on the psp

finally.. with a ps3/xbox version we could have as many characters as possible
How much would really change though? I wouldn't want to buy the game again without any awesomeness involved. Better story would be a good thing though.
U could just hook u'r PSP up to you're Ps3 And play it on the TV though. if you just want it on the big screen ofc :P
I think the problem is that those console games take a very long time to make, and it's hard to balance several big projects like that at once. Nomura is still doing versus XIII or whatever, and I know he has plans for other games, like Kingdom Hearts 3, which is still a long while away. Who knows what the other Square-Enix developers are working on, but creating a portable game obviously takes much less time, effort, and likely money; it's something they can do as a "side project" to the big ones, which is why the company has been releasing so many portable titles recently.
cIt would be awesome if they had a Dissidia console version!!


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It would take a long time to make.....but think of how great the graphics would be XD

And also, with a bigger console there is more more room for tons more characters. If there were ever to be another Dissidia sequel, it should be on the next generation of consoles. I think 2014 is the year the PS4 is set to come out.
Square Enix Exec Troubled by E3 Showing.
Eidos side saved company's face, but executive not too pleased with Japanese output.


And just a couple of days beforehand Sony unveils PSP remaster series for PS3.


We all know Squeenix is slow ^^', maybe they dont have enough next year and decide to do Dissidia + Crisis Core + Type-0 on ps3?

Argh i dont care, i just really want Dissidia on ps3, i agree with you OP psp screen size is just too small comapred to 45inch 50inch HD TV.
I agree 100%. I love Dissidia (and 012) on the PSP, but the potential for a PS3 remake (I say PS3 because I don't have a 360 so I could care less if it got it or not) would be amazing. They'd have so much more room to work with. Yuna's summons wouldn't have to be cut in half! We'd have a lot more characters and stages. It would simply be a bigger game overall.