Copies of the celestrial weapons

Dark Fantasy X

Dark Kamui
Oct 14, 2006
in a place far away from where you are, locked in
Well we all know what the Celestrial Weapons are rite...?

Well i was wondering seeing as how they get weaker when certain attruibutes of the character goes down, is it possible to successfully copy the weapons abilities?

Tidus - gets weaker when his hp drops
Wakka - gets weaker when his hp drops
Rikku - gets weaker when his hp drops
Kimarihi - gets weaker when his hp drops
Yuna - gets weaker when mp drops
Lulu - gets weaker when mp drops
Auron - gets stronger when hp drops

i tried, and was unsuccessful, did anyone else try and succeed, or did you fail like me?
I'm in the process of trying to build my own Onion Knight. The rest I'm going to earn myself, 'cause the rest of the side games really aren't that hard.
LOL I've spent at least 100 hours on this game, and I haven't beat more than 5 monsters at the monster arena...and that's where i get all of my material to make weapons.
I played for 135 hours the fourth time, 93 hours the third, and just some random other times through... Though I have many times thought about making my own Caladbolg because it's the only one I can't get... One question how did you fail was it the abilities or the name... Because if it's the name then I'm fine but if for some reason it won't let you put the abilities on then I won't even try. That having been said what abilities does Caladbolg have so I can make my own.
just get the calabog it isnt all that hard... just collects heaps of balloons and avoid the birds then its done rest is super easy
well celestial weapons ignore enemies defence so it wont deal as much damage
im currently at 220 hours and ive got 99999 hp with my 3 main characters (hp took the most time)
well celestial weapons ignore enemies defence so it wont deal as much damage
im currently at 220 hours and ive got 99999 hp with my 3 main characters (hp took the most time)

Impressive......I have more or less 450hrs of gameplay on my very first FFX memory. I've been playing it since 2002 and every now and then I go in and improve my characters some more. All my stats are maxed out, the only thing that isn't is my HP. I'm at around 55-60 thousand more or less.
yeah hp takes the most time since you have to beat that stupid iron clad which has super defence
then you have to get luck spheres

besides luck isnt as important as other stats