Create A Character

Name : Henzak Stashi
Gender : Male
Style : Fast attacks,combos and long distance attacks
Equiptable : Katana Axe Sword (It would be cool if there were bows but alas...)
Moves : Ground Bravery - Sword pumle( hit in the face with blunt parts of weapon with a kick here and there)
Destiny Charge( charges foe with random attacks) can be charged(for only 10 secs)

Ground Hp - Haika flame( weapon gathers firery energy and shoots it or slices it at opponent with a devastating speed)
Soul Splitter(10 slashes and a thrust each hit gets a wee bit stronger)

Air Bravery- Grab and hit ( simple but effective you grab him hit him push him and repeat )
Leap of faith(assassins creed sorry) - you get close to the enemy jump up off of them and land on them with a elbow or somsort of hit

Air HP- Leap of faith(sorry it sounds cool) same thing as bravery except faster and with a sharp thing
... and someother move

EX mode - For any one who watches bleach

It will be like Uryuus bow in Las NOCHES LINK or
For the sword it will be like a sword version same with axe or whatever
Please remember to put a bit of effort into your posts please. This is a post-count section after all. Any further spammy posts will be deleted. Thanks. :)
Character Name: Noname.

Description: [Lazy] Careless and lazy. Uses mainly long range attacks because he is too lazy to walk up to the enemy. Probably blandest character in the game.

Apperance: Regular Clothing

Alternate: Different Regular Clothing

Equipable Item Types: Clothing, Swords, Daggers. Selection can be expanded by learning the "Equip/Use" Extra abilities.


Bravery Ground Attacks

Shoot (ground) | Range: Long

Description: Shoot Magic. Effects: Chase

Bravery Air Attacks

Shoot (mid air) | Range: Long

Description: Shoot magic. Effects: Chase

HP Land Attacks​
Blast (ground) | Range: Long

Description: Blast Magic. Effects: Wall rush

HP Air Attacks

Blast (mid air) | Range: Long

Description: Shoot magic. Effects: Wall rush

EX Mode: EX

Bonus Effects: Regen, Lazier: Long range attacks (all attacks) become Ultra-long range.

EX Burst: Nap Time. Noname takes a nap while player (you) do all the work. BRV damage is dealt while Noname is sleeping and does HP attack when he wakes up.

Button mash O before Noname wakes up.

~Character Voices (and what others would say when they encounter the character)~


Encounter 1"This is lame"
Encounter 2"Why do I fight?"
Encounter 3 (Adversity 1):"You think you're such a hot shot"
Encounter 4 (Adversity 2):"Bor-ing"
Encounter 5 (Overpowered 1):"Finally! A time to relax"
Encounter 6 (VS. Warrior of Light):"The light...whatever"
Encounter 7 (VS. Firion):"You're over doing it"
Encounter 8 (VS. Onion Knight):"You're not my type."
Encounter 9 (VS. Cecil):"Different"
Encounter 10 (VS. Bartz): "Too afraid to be your own"
Encounter 11 (VS. Terra): "Sorry"
Encounter 12 (VS. Cloud):"Did you gel your hair?"
Encounter 13 (VS. Squall): "Someone who understands me"
Encounter 14 (VS. Zidane): "You need a haircut"
Encounter 15 (VS. Tidus): "I don't like playing with balls"
Encounter 16 (VS. Garland): "Your sword is too big"
Encounter 17 (VS. The Emperor): "Ur EX mode is U L G Y"
Encounter 18 (VS. Cloud of Darkness): "Put some clothes on"
Encounter 19 (VS. Golbez): "Do you only have 1 eye?"
Encounter 20 (VS. ExDeath): "The Void, thats somewhere I wanna visit"
Encounter 21 (VS. Kefka): "Dude, 1 word: mirror"
Encounter 22 (VS. Sephiroth): "How do you stand in elevators?"
Encounter 23(VS. Ultimecia): "Stop manipulating time and start wasting it"
Encounter 24 (VS. Kuja): "Your underwear is showing"
Encounter 25 (VS. Jecht): "Put a shirt on Mr. Mid-life Crisis"
Encounter 26 (VS. Shantotto): "Your laugh makes you look like you're having a cunvulsion"
Encounter 27 (VS. Gabranth): "2 swords?"
Encounter 28 (VS. Noname): "Hey me"
Encounter 29 (VS. Chaos): "Overated"
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Character Name: Avatar Aang. From Avatar: The Last Airbender

Gender: Male

Description: [Elementalist] uses the elements.
Appearance: Bald, with a blue tatto of an arrow. Orange and yellow monk robes.

Alternate: Hair and a headband. Red 'Fire Nation' robes.

Equipable Item Types: Clothing, staff. Selection can be expanded by learning the "Equip/Use" Extra abilities.


Bravery Land Attacks

Freeze | Range: Long

Description: Freezes opponent.

Earth Wave
| Range: Mid.

Description: A wave of earth. Efx. Chase

Bravery Mid Air Attacks​

Airbending Slice
| Range: Long

Description: Similar to Gabranth's Innocence. Efx. Wall rush

Fire Shot | Range: Mid

Description: Fires 3 balls of fire

HP Land Attacks​

Water Whip | Range: Mid

Description: Slash of water

Earthquake | Range: Close

Description: Similar to Garland's Earthquake except push down with rock instead of sword.

HP Mid Air Skills​

Tornado Sphere | Range: Close

Description: Similar to Terra's Tornado except ends in sphere.

| Range: Long

Description: Similar to Cod's Long Particle Beam except with fire.

EX Mode: Avatar State

Bonus Effects: Regen, Airball (ground): Travel on a ball of air, making speed intensely faster, Airball (mid air): Hold X to fly on a ball of air, Power of the Avatars: Past Avatars increase damage and defence.

EX Burst: Power of the Elements. Aang unleashes a fury of elements.

Combines Tidus/Jecht and Shantato's EX actions. Select the element when the "thingy" reaches the center of the gauge in the order of Air-Water-Earth-Fire.
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This is Dissidia FINAL FANTASY so here is the EX mode of Zack Fair from the Final Fantasy 7 Series.

EX Mode: Digital Mind Wave
EX Burst: Limit Break then Chain Slash.
Explaination:The EX activity or action would be the slot machine and pressing O at the right time to make pictures match.
LIMIT BREAK, Chain Slash or
2 hits

or something like that.
Alright, let's see what I can whip up . . .
I've decided to lovingly borrow one of the characters from the .hack series. ^_^

NAME - Haseo
AGE - Disputed to be somewhere around 16 or 18 years of age; abstains to reveal.
ARMOR - garbed in a black bodysuit not of this world, decorated in elaborate symmetrical gleaming red patterns; matching black boots that run the length of his muscular calves and ornate gold belts complete his ensemble. Note that his hands are gloved.
EQUIPMENT - an intimidating and impressively large sword wielded with two hands.



Wind Cleave -- Range: Short-Distance, CP cost: 30 (15) (Mastery) / Ground / AP for Mastery: 120 / Effect: Chase / Devastating spinning attack, that leaves enemy temporarily stunned and knocks them back a bit.

Aerial Cut -- Range: Long-Distance, CP Cost: 30 (15) (Mastery) / Ground / AP for Mastery: 130 / Effect: Wall Rush / Launches an enemy into the air, then subsequently slams them into the ground with a pulverizing smash of the hilt of his blade.

Ground Pulse -- Range: Mid-Distance, CP Cost: 20 (10) (Mastery) / Aerial / AP for Mastery: 80 / Effect: Wall Rush / Plunges his sword down into the ground with great force, causing reverberations to pulse, the impact rushes forth and launches the enemy into the air.

Death Star -- Range: Long-Distance, CP Cost 20 (10) (Mastery) / Ground / AP for Mastery: 120 / Effect: Chase / Shoots a great blast of emanating light from the tip of his blade.

Blade Dance -- Range: Short-Distance, CP Cost 30 (15) (Mastery) / Aerial / AP for Mastery: 140 / Effect: Wall Rush / Swings his sword in three devastating arcs, then swings the blade in a fierce upward slash.

Heaven's Descent -- Range: Long-Distance, CP Cost 30 (15) (Mastery) / Ground / AP for Mastery: 180 / Effect: Chase / Launches the enemy to a great height with a powerful upward swing, then jumping up, sends them hurtling back down with a powerful smash to the face.

Heaven's Ascent -- Range: Long-Distance, CP Cost 20 (10) (Mastery) / Aerial / AP for Mastery: 140 / Effect: Wall Rush / Launches the enemy into the air with a swing of his sword.

Seraph's Fury -- Range: Mid-Range, CP Cost 30 (15) (Mastery) / Ground / AP for Mastery: 300 / Effect: Chase / Three stinging jabs in succession all leading up to a fierce and powerful fourth jab, with a blast of energy for good measure.

Rising Tempest -- Range: Short-Distance, CP Cost 20 (10) (Mastery) / Ground / AP for Mastery: 400 / Effect: Wall Rush / Circles the opponent five times before rushing to knock them back with his sword.

Raging Tempest -- Range: Long-Distance, CP Cost 30 (15) (Mastery) / Aerial / AP for Mastery: 140 Effect: Chase / Circles the opponent once, launches them into the air, and then slashes three times vertically in a consecutive fashion.

HP Attacks

Brave Arc -- Range: Short-Distance, CP Cost 40 (20) (Mastery) / Ground / Raises sword to the heavens, charges up currents of energy, swings sword out in three swift arcs, and unleashes pent up energy straight at his intended target.

Hack Wave -- Range: Long-Distance, CP Cost 40 (20) (Mastery) / Aerial / Slashes sword upward and shoots a bolt of energy, slamming straight up into his adversary's stomach.

Daemon's Teeth -- Range: Short-Distance, CP Cost 40 (20) (Mastery) / Ground / Whirls his massive sword around and then uses the momentum to "carry" his opponent on his blade, swinging them around three times, before slamming them into the ground forcefully.


Gateway to Heaven -- Range: Mid-Range, CP Cost 40 (20) (Mastery) / Aerial / Sprints toward the enemy and launches them into the air, firing a jettisoning ball of resonant energy into them, then jumping up, slams the adversary into the nearest wall.

Seraphim's Fury -- Range: Long-Distance, CP Cost 40 (20) (Mastery) / Ground / Knocks enemy back and hits them five times successively with the dull edge of his blade, driving them deeper into the ground.


Haseo's equipped weapons change from his formidable Broadsword to twin pairs of handguns. The added effect is Dash, allowing him to seemingly dart and flip over his opponent with very little effort on his end. He can fire rapid beams of energy in succession before executing his EX Burst mode. Equipping the Dual Guns, (as they're called) will also allow Haseo to regenerate his HP at about 45% of his usual rate.


By holding the R and square button, the player can fill up the charge-up gauge until the appropriate time. Simultaneously releasing the buttons, will allow Haseo to shoot the opponent a grand total of ten times with powerful energy beams.


Encounter 1: "Let's get this over with . . ."
Encounter 2: "Hmph . . ."
Encounter 3 (Adversity 1): "Don't struggle too much."
Encounter 4 (Adversity 2): "What a bore."
Encounter 5 (Overpowered 1):"Get ready!"
Encounter 6 (VS. Warrior of Light):"That light will be your downfall."
Encounter 7 (VS. Firion):"Spare me the optimism.
Encounter 8 (VS. Onion Knight):"Time to teach you how to really fight."
Encounter 9 (VS. Cecil):"A challenge . . . how lovely."
Encounter 10 (VS. Bartz): "I don't have time for petty kids."
Encounter 11 (VS. Terra): "Your luck's run out."
Encounter 12 (VS. Cloud):"Alright emo-kid . . . let's duel."
Encounter 13 (VS. Squall): "Ooh . . . are you . . . about to cry?"
Encounter 14 (VS. Zidane): "Ha, you're overcompensating, boy."
Encounter 15 (VS. Tidus): "Let's go!"
Encounter 16 (VS. Garland): "I've fought tougher opponents before."
Encounter 17 (VS. The Emperor): "Time to flatten your kingdom."
Encounter 18 (VS. Cloud of Darkness): "Cover yourself up, then we'll talk."
Encounter 19 (VS. Golbez): "Am I supposed to piss my pants now?"
Encounter 20 (VS. ExDeath): "You're boring me."
Encounter 21 (VS. Kefka): "Hmph . . . what a joke."
Encounter 22 (VS. Sephiroth): "This will be child's play."
Encounter 23(VS. Ultimecia): "Come on . . . bring it."
Encounter 24 (VS. Kuja): "What . . . are you exactly?"
Encounter 25 (VS. Jecht): "Pitiful . . . your own son hates you."
Encounter 26 (VS. Shantotto): "Ha, your big words will get you no where. I'll crush you."
Encounter 27 (VS. Gabranth): "I'm practically shaking in my boots."
Encounter 28 (VS. Haseo): "No big deal . . . "
Encounter 29 (VS. Chaos): "Oh look . . . it's the big bad wolf. Come to blow all of the houses down?"
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Hello, I saw the this thread and knew I had to make a character set-up for Pyramid Head from the silent hill games so here goes nothing (please note the images are not mine):

Name: Pyramid Head
Equipment: Greatswords, Spears, Clothing, Heavy Armour, Light Armour, Bangles and Helms.
Normal Look (Pyramid Head):

Alternate Look (Silent Hill Origins 'Butcher' enemy):

Whilst in his normal mode he uses a Spear to fight. When Ex mode is activated he changes this for his trademark 'Great Knife', except when in his alternate costume when he changes it for the 'Butcher's Cleaver', used by an earlier version of Pyramid Head, similar to Cloud's Alternate Costumes/weapons. When in Ex mode and Normal mode his attacks differ slightly to suit the different weapons.

In keeping with Silent Hill tradition the attacks have very basic, 'Does what it says on the Tin' names with a few exceptions. Pyramid Head is a very strong Ground/Melee fighter, so his Air-based moves are pretty lacking, especially since he has no aerial HP attacks. Also, almost all of his attacks are powerful one-hitters.

Normal Mode
Bravery Attacks
Forward Thrust - Thrusts spear into/towards enemy, knocking them over.
Side Swipe - Swings spear horizontally.
Ram - Charges a short distance towards enemy, smashing into them and sending them flying enabling Chase mode.
Stomp - Uses bodyweight to fall down on victim, crushing them beneath him.
Headslam - Slams opponent using helmet, which sends them crashing to the ground.

HP Attacks
Impale - Grabs opponent and slams them into floor, then stabs them with spear and flings them away.
Ignore - Pyramid Head stays completely motionless, even if he is hit with BRV attacks. If he is hit by a HP attack he will block the attack and counter by slamming foe with spear. After a while he will be able to move again.
Air: N/A

Ex Mode:
Name: Equip Great Knife (Normal Costume)
Equip Butcher’s Cleaver (Alternate Costume)

Whilst in Ex Mode Pyramid head becomes slower and he drags his weapon along the floor. His clothes become dirtier, going from a dull white colour to a moulding yellow colour. He gains the Regen ability, an unstoppable attack ability which means that his attacks cannot be blocked and the ability to use his Ex Burst, obviously. Before I describe that, however, here are his Ex mode Bravery and HP attacks:

Bravery Attacks:
Downward Slice - Slices blade downwards, sending foe backwards a short distance.
Upwards Slice - Slices blade upwards, sending foe flying and allowing chase mode.
Ram - See Normal Mode attacks.
Stomp - See Normal Mode attacks.
Headslam - See Normal Mode attacks.

HP Attacks
Decay - Sends a wave towards opponent which causes the ground to decay. Causes numerous small hits but only makes opponent flinch.
Decapitate - Very similar to Impale, but instead of stabbing foe and flinging them away Pyramid head slams his sword down onto them, then kicks them away.
Ignore - See Normal Mode attacks, except with a blade instead of a spear.
Air: N/A

Ex Burst:
Name: Transition
Description: When Pyramid Head activates his Ex Burst the trademark Silent Hill Sirens sound. Pyramid Head runs up to his foe and sends them flying with his sword. The player must then press the arrow buttons (Up, Left, Right and Down) in the shown order before the enemy lands. If this is done successfully the opponent will land in a walled corner. Then, an extra Pyramid Head will appear and they will surround the opponent. If you are using the alternate costume the extra Pyramid Head still appears in his normal costume, not his alternate one. Once they have surrounded the opponent, after a brief silence, the opponent is hit 4 times and then one last time for the final blow, result in 5 powerful hits. If the player fails the input task then instead of landing in a corner the opponent will be caught by stings of barbed wire, which will cause multiple, but very weak hits. The failure attack is called 'Punishment' and the success attack is called 'Dual Judgement'. For his Ex Burst finishing pose Pyramid Head stands next to a sign surrounded by mist which reads ‘Welcome to Silent Hill’, like the one shown in this image:


When he wins a battle Pyramid Head stands like he does in his Normal Costume picture with either a spear or his Ex Mode Weapon depending on what he was using when he won. If he loses he stands his spear upright, whether or not he was in Ex Mode, and impales himself upon it. Unfortunately Pyramid Head doesn’t speak in the games, except through written messages, so I am saying he can only talk using grunts, hisses and other animalistic noises. When you fight against him he just walks on and slams the base of his spear onto the ground and roars. These are the other character’s encounter voices when they fight against him:

Warrior of Light: The nightmare must come to an end!
Garland: I have no fear of you, demon!
Firion: I feel your sorrow, deprived spirit.
The Emperor: I shall rule even in nightmares.
Onion Knight: My fear won’t hold me back.
Cloud of Darkness: Your darkness is sickening
Cecil: It appears even you have some light.
Golbez: What do you hide beneath that helmet?
Bartz: You’re too slow for me!
Exdeath: The void is too good for one like you.
Terra: No... Not you...
Kefka: Hey there metal-head!
Cloud: I will overcome my fears.
Sephiroth: You don’t even exist.
Squall: Why are you here?
Ultimecia: Even you shall turn to dust.
Zidane: I just hope you don’t catch me.
Kuja: I have nothing to fear, I know my fate.
Tidus: Your aura... It’s so disturbing...
Jecht: Pure fear huh? This’ll be interesting.
Shantotto: Even nightmares can be destroyed by magic.
Gabranth: Have you come to punish me?
Chaos: Even fear will be destroyed.
Pyramid Head: (Silence, not even a roar).
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This thread has officially piqued my interests. As such, I'll create a hero character, he would be the representative hero for my RP, Kingdom Hearts: The Unsung War Trilogy

Name: Raven Otsdarva

Age: 18

Equip (Weapon): Swords, Greatswords, Katanas, Machine (only character who doesn't need a skill to use this weapon type)

Equip (Armor): Parrying, Gauntlets, Helms, Light Armor, Heavy Armor

The Four Wings:
Level 20, Attack: 18, Initial Bravery: +20%

Golden Lion:
Level 60, Attack: 49, HP: +225, DEF: +1, Regen: +30%

Demons Legacy:
Level 100, Attack: 70, Wall Rush HP Damage: +30%, Minor Counterattack Effect

Normal Appearance:
Raven has long black hair that extends to his lower shoulder blades, which is tied in a ponytail. Raven is 5'7" and weighs 200 lbs even. His eyes are red in color, the color of blood. He is of a muscular build.

Raven wears a black leather jacket that reaches down to his knees, underneath the jacket is a black wife beater, and a black combat pants. Raven also wears crimson-colored gauntlets on his arms to protect himself from harm.

Alternate Appearance:
Raven's alternate appearance has Raven having shorter hair, extending to the bottom of his neck.

His alternate attire is only a few cosmetic changes to his standard attire, a Dark Grey longcoat (lighter color than his normal attire) and armor on his shoulders. The wife beater is replaced with a full bodysuit of sorts, black in color, it is light, yet durable.

Raven's fighting style is labeled as "Demon Soldier" His attacks are designed to incorporate the use of both powerful strikes and quick blows to pummel his opponent. Most of his attacks are close-quarter sword strikes, but can be mixed with mid-range attacks using various black magic and gunfire from his pistol, his Celestial Weapon, the Peacemaker.

HP Attacks (Ground):

-Fire (Ground):
20 CP (10 Mastered)
180 AP
Raven fires a Fireball from the palm of his hand that tracks an opponent at slow speeds.

30 CP (15 Mastered)
140 AP
Raven launches a three hit combo with his Keyblade, then finishes with a upward swing with the butt of his Pistol. Initiates Chase

-Four Horsemen
30 CP (15 Mastered)
180 CP
Level 7
Raven shoots the opponent three times using the Peacemaker Revolver, followed by swinging the Keyblade at the target. Initiates Wall Rush

-Final Option:
20 CP (10 Mastered)
180 AP
Level 25
Raven rushes forward and punches the opponent in the lower torso, followed by a right hook and left hook and a roundhouse kick that knocks an opponent back. Initiates Chase


-Fire (Aerial):
20 CP (10 mastered)
90 AP
Raven fires a Fireball from the palm of his hand that tracks an opponent at slow speeds.

30 CP (15 Mastered)
120 AP
Level 12
Raven fires a slow moving ball of dark energy that homes in on an opponent to slam them downward to the ground. Initiates Wall Rush

30 CP (15 Mastered)
120 AP
Level 27
Raven summons a shield of air and charges at the opponent, upon contact the opponent loses Brave points for as long as he/she is caught in the attack until the shield is blown away. Initiates Wall Rush and Chase

HP Attacks (Ground)

-Sonic Strike
40 CP (20 Mastered)
360 AP
Raven jumps up and rushes towards the opponent, upon contact, he strikes his opponent with the Keyblade, gets under his opponent and does a spinning heel kick that launches an opponent in the air.

-Tigercat's Slash
45 CP (25 Mastered)
180 AP
Level 36
Raven charges forward and strikes the opponent with a flurry of strikes from his Keyblade followed by a beam of light. Initiates Wall Rush

HP Attacks (Air)
-Fira Burst
40 CP (20 Mastered)
360 AP
Raven shoots a Fireball at the opponent at close range. Upon contact, the opponent at close range is disoriented as the Fireball separates then contracts and explodes around the target area.

-Vicious Pummeling
45 CP (25 Mastered)
180 AP
Level 30
Raven charges at the opponent. Once in contact, Raven grabs the person by the neck and launches several Punches to the Gut before launching a final punch to the face. Initiates Wall Rush.

EX Mode: Raven Wing. In this form, Raven grows a single raven black wing on the right side of his back. In this mode, he has the ability to glide, his attacks do double damage and has access to use the Feather Shot Attack ( R+[] ).

EX Burst: Demonsbane, Raven does multiple swings with the keyblade as flies past his opponent multiple times. The player must press a random button within a time limit of 20 to keep it going. A Perfect combo is when Raven lands a total of 8 hits on his opponent. His Finishing blow is when Raven transforms his Keyblade into a Giant Rail Gun, which fires upon his opponent, dealing massive damage to him/her.

Character Voice & Encounters with Other Characters:
Encounter 1: So be it...
Encounter 2: Out of my way...
Encounter 3: (Adversity 1) Do you really want to take me on?
Encounter 4: (Adversity 2) Let's hope for your sake you know what you're getting yourself into.
Encounter 5: (Overpowered): Come on then!!!
Encounter 6: (Vs. WoL) Don't be so overly reliant on the light, buddy.
Encounter 7: (Vs. Garland) This is your fault!!!
Encounter 8: (Vs. Firion) Like you, I have dreams worth fighting for!!
Encounter 9: (Vs. Emperor) I will see your Empire Burn!!!
Encounter 10: (Vs. Onion Knight) You fight like a true Strategist.
Encounter 11: (Vs. Cloud of Darkness) You don't look Genderless at all.
Encounter 12: (Vs. Cecil) Don't think, react.
Encounter 13: (Vs. Golbez) I hope you fight as good as your brother.
Encounter 14: (Vs. Bartz) You can never outpace the original, buddy!
Encounter 15: (Vs. Exdeath) Your void won't be enough to stop me!!
Encounter 16: (Vs. Terra) So you fear your strength like I do sometimes, huh?
Encounter 17: (Vs. Kefka) Clowns, I hate clowns.
Encounter 18: (Vs. Cloud) Let's see how good you are with that big hunk of steel.
Encounter 19: (Vs. Sephiroth) Everybody's exaggerating about you.
Encounter 20: (Vs. Squall) Looks like you're also a good leader.
Encounter 21: (Vs. Ultimecia) Not even time will heal the wounds I'll inflict on you.
Encounter 22: (Vs. Zidane) Let's see how you fare, nature boy.
Encounter 23: (Vs. Kuja) Dude, you look like a lady...
Encounter 24: (Vs. Tidus) I can't see how you enjoy being the popular guy
Encounter 25: (Vs. Jecht) You're confident, I'll give ya that.
Encounter 26: (Vs. Shantotto) You could give Luna a run for her money
Encounter 27: (Vs. Gabaranth) We're both dogs of war, you and I.
Encounter 28: (Vs. Chaos): I will destroy you, once and for all!!!

Encounter Voices facing Raven:
Encounter 1: (Vs. WoL) My ideals for peace will triumph over yours.
Encounter 2: (Vs. Garland) I will crush just like your father!!
Encounter 3: (Vs. Firion) It's an honor to fight with such a decorated war hero.
Encounter 4: (Vs. Emperor) Won't you serve me as my general?
Encounter 5: (Vs. Onion Knight) That's a fancy weapon you got there.
Encounter 6: (Vs. Cloud of Darkness) Your Dreams are worthless.
Encounter 7: (Vs. Cecil) Let us fight for our dreams.
Encounter 8: (Vs. Golbez) Can you bear the burden you hold in your heart?
Encounter 9: (Vs. Bartz) Your sword looks funny.
Encounter 10: (Vs. Exdeath) The Void shall purge you of everything you hold dear.
Encounter 11: (Vs. Terra) I feel sorry for what you've been through.
Encounter 12: (Vs. Kefka) Go pick a lock why don't you?
Encounter 13: (Vs. Cloud) Do you have something worth fighting for?
Encounter 14: (Vs. Sephiroth) My power shall cut you down, Demon.
Encounter 15: (Vs. Squall) It's Scary to lose something precious to you, isn't it.
Encounter 16: (Vs. Ultimecia) Even heroes fade away to time.
Encounter 17: (Vs. Zidane) I want a sword just like yours.
Encounter 18: (Vs. Kuja) I shall be the key that unlocks your death.
Encounter 19: (Vs. Tidus) Loosen up and take me head on.
Encounter 20: (Vs. Jecht) Let's see who's the true star
Encounter 21: (Vs. Shantotto) You don't have the confidence of a hero.
Encounter 22: (Vs. Gabranth) Even a Demon can be judged.
Encounter 23: (Vs. Chaos) No Demon can escape the darkness.