Crisis Core Crisis Core


Self Proclaimed Ruler of Earth
Jun 30, 2006
When I first heard of Crisis Core I thought it was a commercial for an anime. Was the anime just Last Order?
Yes, the anime was just Last Order. I don't think there was any mention of another anime (unless you cound Advent Children). Crisis Core is a game for the PSP, supposidly set in the ages before and during the events of Nibleheim. It follows Zack's story but also introduces Sephiroth and Cloud as well as a new cast of characters and a few returning faces such as Tseng, G and some of the ShinRa Staff.
I need a PSP then >:( :mad: bad thing it's for PSP :/, aaagh, I can't do anything, that's the only game I wanted to play of the Compilation :P
Hopefully, I'll acquire a PSP from my parents for Christmas or something. xD I was planning on getting one for another game I had wanted. It'll come to good use!
I Want a PSP NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dude your parents say it's a waste of money!
Look. Just because your smarter, doesnt mean that you can talk ok?
Crisis Core for the PSP seems like it's a good idea. I would love to get my hands on it. Let's hope it doesn't become a PSP to PS2 game.
Last Order was a anime by Madhouse depicting the correct events of the Nibleheim incident .
Crisis Core is a psp game featuring zack taking place from before Before Crisis up to Zacks untimely death , CC will feature both new and old characters one of whom is Zacks mentor and true master of the buster sword (apparently) named Angeal .
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I got an idea if enough people complain, and if its a hit on psp. it might come out on ps2. Like liberty city GTA. So start complaining.
Yeah, Crisis Core will be ported to PS2 like Before Crisis will turn into a PS2 game. Until Square Enix makes that choice...we'll just have to wait until the future is unfolded.
Here is some more info on it-

Square Enix is bringing this role-playing game to the PSP as part of their Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series.
Name: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
By: Square Enix
Genre: Action Role-Playing
Release Date: TBA

Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII [working title] will be an action RPG, and it is currently slated to release in early 2006. The game will be produced by Yoshinori Kitase, who directed the original 1997 game. Tabata Hajime, who directed Before Crisis - Final Fantasy VII, the mobile phone Compilation game, will direct Crisis Core. The character designs will again be the work of Tetsuya Nomura, who designed the characters for FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, and the Kingdom Hearts series, among other Square Enix games.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Preshow Report
Square Enix showed off what it called a "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII," which is a collection of products set in the Final Fantasy VII universe. One of the titles shown was Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, a spin-off for the PlayStation Portable that focuses on the role Soldier and Sephiroth played in Project Genesis--specifically the character of Zack. Square Enix showed a lengthy trailer for the game, and we're bringing you the details.

Crisis Core is a prequel to Final Fantasy VII that tells the story of Zack, a young recruit working for Soldier, the elite private military of the Shinra Corporation. Zack is eager to prove himself and achieve first rank in the organization. However, an older character who seems to be somewhat of a mentor to Zack tries to temper the young fighter's eagerness.

The trailer showed lots of heated discussions between Zack and this other character, and eventually Sephiroth came into the picture. Sephiroth is a legendary soldier, and Zack vows to be even stronger. Eventually Zack and Sephiroth meet and Project Genesis is mentioned, and it seems to be a point of contention within the organization.

Very little actual gameplay was shown in the trailer, but from what we did see, it seems that the game is very action-oriented. The combat sequences are fast, and we saw several moments where Zack jumped from one enemy to another, slashing with his sword as well as using a gun.

There was no sign of Cloud in the game, but Sephiroth made several appearances. Most notable was the sequence that closed the trailer, which showed Zack and Sephiroth battling with swords. The two clashed blades and Zack vowed to defeat Sephiroth, but of course Sephiroth would have none of that, and he effortlessly flung the young soldier aside.

Crisis Core is still currently in development, but both the rendered cinematics and the in-game footage look sharp. The world is dark and sterile, much like the headquarters of the Shinra corporation in Midgar in the original Final Fantasy VII. We'll bring you more details as soon as they become available, but for now, be sure to take a look at our gamespace for some brand-new screenshots of the game.



Those are the only screens i can find for it, and about all the information on it...i tried to go to the teaser site, but it's in japanese. This will have to do for now.

I also don't understand why they said it should be released in early 06, the year is over half way over already >.<
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No-one posts in this thread.:huh: This is gonna be the best of the Compilation so far. It'll out in Japan soon. This site isen't too good at covering Crisis Core though. Whatta shame.>_<
Crisis Core is due out spring of 2007 in japan, and hopefully get to the US and other nations within 6-8 months. the recent TGS featured more gameplay footage which was described a roulette wheel in the corner. How this will work im not entirely sure. Suggestions believe it could work like Tifa or Cait Sith's limit break or similar to Shadowhearts. Other's have suggested it will work like Xenosaga's bonus where it would add to the attack.

timeline wise, its suggested that Crisis Core will take place 6-7 years before FF7 and most likely end before the Nibelheim incident. the Characters we know of are :

Angeal - if you've seen scans, he's Zacks mentor and the original owner of the buster Sword

and Genesis which we know little apart from his brief scene in DoC.
I saw some screens of it somewhere, but it seems as though Zack fights Sephiroth near the Shinra Building. Now THAT never happened, did it?
Seriously, my #1 interest in this will definetly have to be the storyline, because we are in the past of when Sephiroth is revered as a hero, and this is before he becomes a Fallen Angel as you might say. So I'll be very interested in his storyline, not to mention, I'll also be interested in what Zack brings into the storyline as well.

This is very exciting, however my saddest notion is that it will only be on the PSP :cry2:and I never bothered to buy one. So that's about it, and I highly doubt I'll buy it for just one game, especially when the PS3 and FFXIII are just looming over the horizon.

Still, I look forward to it, and it would've been better in my opinion if this would've transfered over to the PS2 instead.