Cut Content from Final Fantasy XIII Could Create an Additional Game

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yaoi master ari
Oct 25, 2009
While Final Fantasy XIII is a huge game as it is, it was once bigger. A new interview with the game’s art director Isamu Kamikokuryou, he touches on content that was deleted from the game.

It’s normal for any game development team to create a few areas that don’t make the final cut of the project. However, with Final Fantasy XIII, there was enough deleted content to form a whole other game.

Some of these areas deleted include: a full area surrounding Lightning’s home that looked like a park, a secret base for resistance group Nora inside a shop, and a zoo for Nautiuls Park.

Apparently, while the content was already up and running on PS3, they decided to nix the areas due to considerations for game volume and overall balance.

Source: ScrawlFX
However, with Final Fantasy XIII, there was enough deleted content to form a whole other game.

Well no wonder some people have said the game is awfully short. I don't know how true that statement was, but if so, it seems to make a bit of sense. However if that quote above isn't an exaggeration, that seems to sadden me quite a bit.

But if they can use that content somewhere else, I can see it being used as DLC or something (God forbid :gasp:), or in the International version that will never likely come out in the west.
I'm not entirely sure what to think, if there's a genuine reason for it like unbalancing the game then I can see where they're coming from by deleting it. However, if it comes out in paid DLC in a few months I'll be less than impressed, especially since a fair few gaming companies seem to be looking at that idea. PSN/LIVE is single handedly the best and worst thing to ever happen to their owners. More content, uncompleted games you need to pay for DLC to complete (looking at you Assassin's Creed II and Chapter 12 and 13) :mokken:

I've heard they could make another game, not from cut content though. About the story of Oerba Yun Fang and Oerba Dia Vanille as a prequel.
I heard something about it having to do with the 360 version. I can't find the information to confirm this though. I hope not because i'm already annoyed when i found out about this. I want a long FF game not a short one :/
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