Dad Asks Daughter For Sex Through Facebook


Wait, what?
Jun 20, 2006
West New York, NJ
Itami Raizou
FFXIV Server
I opened youtube and then a news video had this labled I was like WOW, wtf? O_O


You can find a discussion about it on TYT page on youtube about this subject.

This guy is just sick! and what makes him more sick is that apparently his Daughter is only 13 yours old, not to mention he just proved he's the stupidest person ever, I mean Facebook? How stupid can you be, seriously? =.=

So what do you think? D:

P.S I don't know if this subject was already posted or not, sorry if so.
The man is clearly sick and Im so happy he gets locked away for lfie and beaten to death by thugs inside. Im sorry, but people like this make me sick! How dare he do such a thing, its so wrong I cant put it into words without wanting to pucnh something.

Sick bastard, hope he gets all he deserves!!
That's just disturbing.

That girl is going to be scarred for life even though he didn't even do anything physically to her.

Imagine having your own father telling you such things, especially when she's just only not long left primary school.

It's disturbing and I don't know why the hell he thought he could get away with this.

Thank God that girl was smart and knew better then to get sucked in to his bullshit.
That's just disturbing.

That girl is going to be scarred for life even though he didn't even do anything physically to her.

Imagine having your own father telling you such things, especially when she's just only not long left primary school.

It's disturbing and I don't know why the hell he thought he could get away with this.

Thank God that girl was smart and knew better then to get sucked in to his bullshit.

You said it, Kandy.

What a disgusting thing to read. (Specially in the morning). Who the hell does this? I think for starters he's a complete idiot doing this over the internet, although, I'm not sure if I should be glad it was THAT, stead of real lie. That would've been worse for the girl.

So if anything I'm glad it only came to this point, but damn what a sick dickhead. -__-
That is absolutely disgusting, I cannot believe a man would do something like that to any child never mind their daughter! Thankfully though the kid was smart enough to go and tell someone what had been going on.

But what makes things like this worse is the fact that this man isn't the only person doing it...
How the hell did he honestly expect her to react..? Ugh, disgusting AND idiotic.
Moderator Edit: Can you please put more effort into your posts in the future. Thanks =]
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Holy moley. That's vile...not only that, how stupid can you get, did he not think he'd get caught? I hope they lock him up for a very long time, ugh. People like that need castrating
With an ugly mug like that it doesn't surprise me that he would stoop so slow and be so idiotic about it. I mean seriously he looks like he was born in the back of a chevy pickup and conceived on a white snake concert floor. I wonder how out of touch with reality a person has to be in order to go through with such stupidity.
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My question is why did he have to use facebook to set up a time and place for that if he's her father? If they live in the same house, it's not like there wouldn't be a chance to do something like that. Unless he's like my friend in that everything he does has to be on facebook, like making me tell him happy birthday on facebook even though we were in the same house. Either he was really stupid, or he wanted to get caught. No use dwelling on it now, I suppose.
What an appalling father. To fantasise intensively about his own daughter is the newest form of lowness nowadays. I shudder at the thought of what he had planned for his innocent daughter. Thank goodness that this isn't a very intelligent man opting to use Facebook. His daughter must have used a lot of courage to put her father to justice, and rightfully so.
Seriously? is he really that desperate as to ask his own fucking daughter? it's disturbing and sad really. And the stupidest part of it was that he asked through facebook! ugh, it makes me sick :ffs: people like that should like--dissapear forever better yet drop dead >_< my question is why?? like why would you want to have sex with your own child? yucccccccck. D:
The man is clearly sick and Im so happy he gets locked away for lfie and beaten to death by thugs inside. Im sorry, but people like this make me sick! How dare he do such a thing, its so wrong I cant put it into words without wanting to pucnh something.

Sick bastard, hope he gets all he deserves!!

forget that i don't wont him to be beating to death.

I wont him to becomes bobs new girlfriend while he is in jail.

That would be justic

then on his last day bob feel lonly that his gf is leaving so bob the rapest kill this sick men and himself so they can die together like lovers.

Well this is my thought on this subject any way sorry for bad grammar
Wow...thats scary good thing he wasn't necessarily close enough to ask personally at least. And well types like those usually never think about the consequences of actions and morals. It's good that he's going to jail but jail only keeps ppl for so long.
Yuck :sick: And what, he was going to tape it or something? What a perv. I got through about half of the article and I just didn't want to read anymore.
If he's that frigging desperate he should just hire a prostitute. At least he wouldn't emotionally scar anyone for life after that.

Of course, there is the very strong possibility that this had NOTHING to do with sex, and that he got a twisted pleasure from the sense of power and control he felt over his daughter the more he began trying to convince her into this online. In which case he needs far more help than just with relationships, he should get a long jail sentence to get his priorities straight.