Daemion H'Relter

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Mister Orange
Feb 12, 2007
Original (intermediate/advanced) character creation template

Name: Daemion (Daemi) H'Relter
Pronouciation: (Da-mee-on [Da-mee] Rel-ter)

Gender: Male
DOB: November 7th, 2694
Age: 19
Origin/Birthplace: Verik
Current Residence: None, Wanders
Height: 7'0"
Weight: 200 pounds
Build: Tall and lank.
Hair color: Bright Red.
Eye color: Dark green
Skin color: White
Complexion: Albino
Race: Verauz

Appearance: Born of the Verauz race, Daemion is a tall, skinny, powerful, red-haired psychopath. With piercingly dark green eyes and a typical, long, green-dyed leather coat and boots, he was quite the walking contrast. If one were to take a good look at his left hand, they would find a small, dark red scar on the palmside of his thumb.

Distinguishing characteristics:
He often swings between two seperate personalities, both of them sinister and, to put things lightly, mental. The first, Re'Nard (pronounced as Ra-nard), is a cerebral mastermind, apt to outsmart most of his enemies, this personality has a clouded self perception, as he believes himself to have black hair and silver eyes.

The other is his supposed 'original' persona, a fiery man, quick to anger, who tends to want violence more than merely outsmarting his foes. This is believed to be his true persona, Daemion, who sees himself with bright red hair and dark green eyes.

A cursed race, the Verauz are all born with flaws, determined by their birthdate, as well as a curse, given to them by their Gods, to be used as a guideline or 'key' to the afterlife. Only a Verauz who lives their life without breaking the curse is allowed into the afterlife. Those who break the curse die the second of their betrayal to their Gods, without the hope of reaching the afterlife.

This information is neccessary to understand the scar, as the scar is the mystical seal to the curse. Daemion's scar, a dark red teardrop shape, means that he is cursed to never kill, which contradicts his normal, bloodthristy persona.

Political position:
Daemion Persona- All who oppose him is his enemy.
Re'Nard Persona- Everyone is neutral to me, unless proven otherwise.

Hobbies and Recreation:
Daemion- Spar and Fight.
Re'Nard- Solve puzzles, play games of wit.

As mentioned earlier on this profile, Daemion has two personalities; The Aggressive, ill-tempered Daemion, and the sophisticated, self-confused genius, Re'Nard.

Daemion- Defeat all whose strength rivals his own.
Re'Nard- Find the ultimate rival in mental ability.

Aphenphosmphobia: The fear of sudden physical contact.
Pyrophobia: The fear of fire.

Comeraderie (Allies).

Anyone more powerful or intelligent than himself.

Re'Nard, the skewed personality, leans toward using his intelligence to manipulate people to receive the effect he so desires.

Sense of Humor:
While Daemion has little tolerance for humor, Re'Nard often tricks people for his amusement, making him a powderkeg of sorts, when it comes to humor.
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Hold on sweetie.
Before I read this, could you copy and paste it into your other character thread?
It might be a good idea for each member to have just one bio thread.

I can change the name of the other one if you want. =]
Oh, sorry! ^^; If you could, please rename that one to 'Cid's Characters'. Thanks in advance, and sorry if I was making the character section too messy with this one.
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