

White Knight
Dec 31, 2007
Auralesca Vlangia

In the lands of Easn lay a castle so magnificent that from afar, it seems like a fort of heaven. The grasslands around it are so green that it seemed surreal. The lakes and hills around are so picturesque that it is impossible to not be awed by them.

This is Dalmaska, a dream city and a city of dreams.

You are a citizen of this bizarrely marvellous city, and you are not happy at all.


At the head of the political hierarchy is a tyrant. This is one tyrant unrivalled in terms of tyranny. He rules over Dalmaska and he rules over you.

You are not happy – at all.

What will you do then?

Will you resist, or will you desist?

Reality is a prison…

There you have it. There are many role plays running, but most of them appear to already be quite deep in already… Kinda leaves me with lesser choice than I’d like to have…

Thus this role-play; variety’s the word.

Dalmaska is a modern city that mirrors our own. However, people seemed to have grasped the importance of environmental friendliness, and have created technology that leaves behind little to no carbon footprint. All this, on top of the fact that everything looks otherwise similar to existing technology of today; and also the existence of laser as a weapon, as well as satellite lasers as the new ‘nuke’ of the day.

By ‘tyrant’, I mean that he literally bosses everyone around him, and he explicitly uses his money, which came from taxes that your character pays, to fund his life. He is also renowned for his rather underhanded actions during the presidential elections. Consequently, there are few political parties, or independent politicians, that exist in the political sphere.

There is, however, the ‘Resistance’, which is essentially an underground society against this tyrant. Do note that the Resistance does engage in terrorist tactics like blowing up subways or basically blowing things up - though at least they don’t use ‘suicide’ bombing.

Please notice also that their bombings, somehow, has never hurt a single person in Dalmaska.

Please also note that security in Dalmaska is not tight at all.

Your characters should be against the tyrant and either:

- In the Resistance
- Related to the Resistance
- Not against the Resistance

A rough skeleton of the character bio here for your convenience:

Occupation: (Students acceptable)
Family size: (Please… No orphans. Your character’s family should play a role in this role play)
Skills: (From the mundane to the paranormal – like telekinesis and the like. I may or may not accept them depending on the turn out. Avoid the latter though, I’d recommend.)
History: (Story time)
Alignment: (For the Resistance? In the Resistance? Or a Neutral with no ill feelings for the Resistance?)

I probably won’t need a lot of players for this one, maybe a maximum of five. However, participating players should be literate. I won’t stand for too many generic grammatical errors or spelling errors.

Hopefully, as detailed as possible. Be like a novelist!

Also, all your characters will inevitably die at the end of this role play. Be warned.

EDITED (9/4/11):

That, and I'll so love to have more players... You're free to express interest and put a character bio up for consideration. At the moment, there are only three characters: one from me, and two from Tipsy.

Role play thread linked in main title of this post.

It’s all a conundrum.

Bear that in mind.

… Characters …

Anachia Iilyavich "Electricus" Vesperia - Sevensheep

Iglesias Vertentis Fabiolas "Balalaika" Farandole Vespertania

Basil Reeves
Last edited:
Holy shit. If you would let me, id throw in Anarchia into this Rp with a few tweak. Considering the setting and such, she would be kick ass.

Here is the link to the original bio.


While she may seem subservient to power as of now, that is only to keep the status quo. Tbh, she'd more lean to revolting if she found an excuse to
Looks good to me. I'm sure special, supernatural abilities should do fine... Though I may have suggested otherwise in that first post.


Hm... If the turn out doesn't improve, what say you to the idea of a 1x1 role play?

I don't think it's been done here before... Or it's just really rare. Hm >.> Not a confirmed deal yet. Only assuming if there're really no others that would join. Like, after the end of this week.
Not really. It just means two role players in one role play. Lol. Just the story being told from two characters' perspective.

All the role plays here so far involves a lot of characters, and thus, a lot of perspective. 1x1 means just the two participating characters. They don't have to be in a conflict.

And well, it's still early to decide this. I created this thread just yesterday, after all.
Lol. unfortunately, Kate and i have been doing that for FFFRP. Since everyone went dead, i hijacked the rp and made my own story. So right now, its her character and two of mine.

But yea. I think itd be fun tbh. More control and less likely to die
Anyhoo.. lets throw up the profile first.. Well first things first.. Can i keep my power?

Name –
Anachia Iilyavich "Electricus" Vesperia - Sevensheep

Her full name is Anarchia Iilyavich
"Electricus"Zazie Farandole Vespertania Vesperia - Sevensheep


Railgun, Captain/ Kapitan/ Hauptmann, Electricus,








Appearance 1# 2#
Anarchia is a rather pale woman. Her face is pointy in shape and her features are equally sharp, giving her a less homely and more independent and rather stunning look. This sets her apart from the "cute" town lasses appearing feminine and striking. Anarchia's nose is slender and comes to a point, while her cheek bones are higher. Her lips are of average size and are equally pale, being a light pink and slightly down turned while her eyes are large, but sharp in shape like an eagles. Matching her eyes are her eyebrows which are thin and angular. Her choice of hairstyle is surprisingly childish, being pulled into twin side pigtails with relatively long fringe down to her lips. It is parted on the left side of her head with most of her fringe sweeping right with a bit on the left going left, thus leaving her left eye clear while her right is somewhat hidden behind hair.

Anarchia has the bad luck of having her mother's recessive genes of the Troika Tribe, giving her teal coloured hair and eye colour. It is made worse when it is not a slight under colour to her natural hair colour, but to her eyebrows and entire head which has been turned into this fantastic bright teal. Anarchia is of average height at around 165 cm tall and weighing at about 55 kg, ideal for her line of work.


Anarchia have been given a good deal of freedom in the military. Her clothes are far from standard issue, but nonetheless, were neat and tidy enough to be allowed. Her shirt is a black, short sleeved, buttoned suit shirt. Starting from her neck, running along the shoulders and down the side vertically to the end of the sleeves on both side is a teal line just slightly narrower than the width of her shoulder. She also has teal shoulder straps on her shoulders. Along her collar near the bottom is also a single teal line. Along the front where she buttons the buttons, it is also teal in colour. All buttoned but the top, Anarchia keeps the shirt closed via a thin teal tie. Her shirt is left untucked and covers a bit of her teal pleated skirt. The skirt reaches just halfway down her thighs. Slanted across her waist is a teal belt with a darker teal decoration which is where she clasp on her black carry cases for her gun and other instruments. On her legs, she wear thigh high black stockings with lighter black short heels that have teal decoration.

Along her left arm is a teal armband that has two black lines near its edges with her company, the
Nordwind Kampfer Fallschirmjager, symbol silhouette, the winged heart (it is black instead), in the middle. On her hands are a pair of teal, leather officers glove while on her ears are a pair of headphones with built in mic, which usually rest on her neck (they can be connected to her hair tie like in the picture when she puts them on). What holds her pigtails together aren't rubber bands or elastics, but two black square object with a space in the middle, with a pink line down the middle on each. These do not touch her hair, but hover with the pigtails threaded through the middle. Given to her by her mother, these mysterious things run off her natural electrical ability and creates a sort of field that bounds it together like an elastic.

On her left collar, she has her double silver bar captain insignia as well as the stars on her shoulders. Her rank insignia is similarly on the collar of her greatcoats.
On all of her great coats, she has her national army emblem (Replace with Dalmaska Army Emlem)on its upturned collar on the both side with the a horizontal captain's bars behind them.

On top of her normal clothes, she has a M42 Greatcoat
in three colours. Her standard is dark olive green for her front line times. In winter, she has a white greatcoat. For more formal situation, she has a black one with her medals and ribbons. The tails on her white and green one are very long, reaching to her ankles. Anarchia tends to wear them in a way which there is a visible split at the front whilst being held together by a military belt which she holsters her other sidearm carbine and her other front line gear. On her head, she wears a garrison cap, with her captain double bar on the left side and her
division's (Fallshmirjager/ paratroopers) formal badge (Replace all swastikas with the double ended cross T in this pic) badge on the right side of the front, but is worn very sparingly. When not worn, it is stuck on her greatcoat belt or fold and slipped into her shoulder straps.

Lastly, she carries with her always her megaphone. Odd, but she does. It is not overly large and is the same colour as her shirt. The rim around the end of the megaphone is teal green as is the inside. A long pink electrical cord trail hangs from the handle, trailing for a long length. It is connected to a reel in which is tug activated. Pull to extend and a tug to automatically retract the cord. This cord can similarly be unplugged from the handle. The reel itself is clipped to the back of her military belt. She sometimes uses the cord to plug into a louder sound device or use it to connect herself to sources of electricity via the metal plugs at the end. Stamped on the side is her company symbol in teal.


Anarchia's ability provide enough protection that she does not wear armour. Not even standard soldier protection gear.

[FONT=&quot]Anarchia's personality is a rather complex person. A basic look at it is that she is a whimsical yet scheming and planning, very unpredictable. Her interaction with people is best summarised with ice queen. As beautiful as the snow....and just as cold. Anarchia is unable, or chooses not to, empathise or take into consideration of others feelings. The first and foremost important thing is her mission and her goals. Whatever needs to be done will be done in order to achieve what she wants. While she isn't the tyrannical arse hole that knocks children ice cream from their hand and enjoy terrorizing every village she goes to, she will not hesitate to use force to get her way. Mostly, she is persuasive and manipulative enough to convince people to do what she says, but often she herself would get physical and confrontational or pull out a pistol when things do not go smoothly. As CO of the military strongest powerhouse, her presence and intimidation is enough to ensure that she is able to pull it off.

She is snarky and at times somewhat a narcissist. She is the best ally you can recruit, but the worst enemy to have. Given her achievements and position in the army and her personality, she is not above playing politics to get her goals, through undermining and collaborating.

As stated above, Anarchia does things at her own pace. She would not stand being ordered around by people less powerful than her, her superiors inclusive. Despite her lower rank, Anarchia has a lot of pull in the army. Depending on her mood, she can either pistol whip you in the face for annoying her or be generous and give offenders a chance, though it is usually said in a somewhat demeaning way. In a sense, she acts somewhat like a mob boss. She does not take lightly to insults. Life is cheap, especially those that wish to stand in her way. Companionship is optimal, but not a necessity. She does not mind being in the group, but will be the stoic one, the quiet, proper type that tries to avoid frivolity, though she often can get too along with the mood and join. While she can talk normally, she tries not to show weaker feelings such as excitement, joy, embarrassment and such in case it shows her to be weak, though these innate human emotions poke through now and then.

Whether it be evil or good, both she will kill willingly and without hesitation. Of course, as said, she isn't some dictatorial monster, so for the good and the civilians, she would give them more warning, and negotiate longer before resorting to violence. Let's also not forget, she would not actually kill the civilians she was supposed to be protecting, so those from her country are relatively more protected from her wrath than other people. Those that raise arm against her deserve to be brutally punished and Anarchia would see to it that it be done. She may pull back depending on the person, but they were still going to be in a whole world of hurting.

First Impression
How people react to her is straight forward. She is a military personnel, hence she carries herself straight and upright in a true military fashion. Her eyes tell people that she is not someone that is to be messed with or taken lightly, someone ruthless and cold and people can tell they are dealing with a trained professional soldier. Many would first notice her Teal features, being her eyes and her hair as well as its style. Next would be the military uniform and her carbine pistols. Past that, if they are still staring at her and not taken aback with fear, they may notice her striking features.

Even though she is military and a front line soldier, Anarchia isn't overly strong. She is average and up to military standard, but due to her more reliance on her powers, which is more powerful than her soldiers weapons, Anarchia carries very little gear, hence her lower strength is not a problem. Against most civilians and the light weights, Anarchia can easily go and beat them. The more sturdy middleweights, will have her going toe to toe and with the powerhouse, Anarchia's unenhanced strength would do little.


As much as strength is not her forte, any military soldier has a good constitution and a strong body, tempered through tough training and experience. None more tough than those in the Nordwind Kampfer Fallschirmjager. As its commander she herself is tough, able to sustain a fair amount of damage and abuse. However, her main weakness is her dependency on her power to not get hit. As such, if compared via how many hit one can take, Anarchia would be on the lower end of the scale of the company. Around 7-9 direct hits will bring her down.

Electricity does wonders to one's body. Using magnetic propulsion, it is entirely possible for Anarchia to reach well over 80 kmph, providing there is enough metal pieces to create magnetic fields along her path. However, on her own body, Anarchia can reach a peak of 37 kmph on flat terrains and 30 kmph on uneven surface. In steep climbs, this is further reduced to 26 Kmph.


Anarchia is more for urban fighting, where reinforced steel is everywhere. In such situation, she can in a way, bounced off buildings through electromagnetic fields she can generate, making her able to travel extremely quickly with ease without using too much energy. However, like vitality, every soldier in her company is drilled and hammered to perfection, and as one who lead by example, she herself is equally trained through the same training regime she puts them through. Since her need to keep up her stamina is not at severe as her soldiers, since she carries less, thus last longer, Anarchia has an average stamina. When stripped of all gear and compared, Anarchia is only average. Peak running is obviously capped at 3 minutes, before exponentially rising as the speed drops. Combat time is around 15-20 minutes of fighting, dropping to 10-15 when its intense combat. In terms of on the battlefield during war, where she has support, this can increase to several hours.

Blessed by her Troika blood, her nerves are like lightning. Of course it is still much slower than actual lightning, but her reactions are blitzing fast, limited by only her mortal flesh body. Troika blood enables the power of electricity. However, the more power one possess, the larger the strains of untrained power usage will have on the body. Had Anarchia not been trained since birth, the slightest movements would be exaggerated and would snap the bones in her body, and any further movements caused by pain convulsion will result in more bones breaking.

That said, after 22 years of adjustment, Anarchia can move with ease without said risk anymore. Anything in her field of vision that appears hostile will garner an immediate reaction. If she see a person going for their gun, by the time they
pull it out of their holster, she would already begin evasive maneuvers, either completed a roll out of the way using her powers to pull her to safety. As a combatant, she has also developed a sense for danger. The type where one can feel something when an unseen gun is pointed to their head, or a stalking person. Granted, if it is unseen, then chances are, completely dodging gunfire is improbable, but she has a decent chance in parrying melee attacks as well as dodge arrows from rather far away.

Fighting Style

Anarchia fight almost always with her powers integrated with military hand to hand/ melee combat, concentrating on counter attacks and single critical hits. That is not to say that she cannot fight without her power.

Her unarmed combat allows Anarchia and smaller stature soldiers to counter and get under guards to land accurate single hits that would be devastating in contrast to many normal hits. Her moves range from grabs, elbows, punches, knees, kicks, throws and chokes.

Armed melee fight is with her military combat knife, fought both upright grip and reverse. Reverse is for parrying while upright is used for more offensive, stabbing and slashing and the like. Knife combat are often in tandem with hand to hand attacks.

Shooting is also second nature to Anarchia. She can use most conventional firearms and adjust quickly to non conventional ones rather fast. However, she is most efficient with her pistols and her personal semi automatic rifles. With rapid fire assault rifles and such, she is only an average shot at distance past 100 meters. With most other weapons besides machine guns, she is accurate within this range, which is rather poor as a soldier. She fares a better with her pistols, its range increasing to 110 meters for accuracy, but similarly drops after. Her rifle range when sharp shooting is up to 400-500 meters

Her primary combat style is to use a coin and generate an electromagnetic field and shoot it out like a railgun. It is the most simplest way to use her power as it does not require much effort to generate. It can be flicked in mid air, resting in her hand or held between any part of her body. Any part of her body can launch such projectiles, however, its accuracy is reduced as it is harder to guild a coin at the elbow, in comparison to using multiple EM fields at her hands to line up her shots. It does not have to be a coin, but anything metallic would do. However, the larger the item, the more energy is needed to propel. Her coins do have a structural limitations, meaning they only have an effective range of 40-55 meters. Another way she uses her power is to "bounce" around her opponents, by magnetising herself with her powers towards surfaces with metal in or behind it. This allows her to get behind enemies and avoid attacks with ease as well as letting her get into positions quickly. There are many more usages for her power, but her main style is to launch projectiles at enemies or use her powers for maneuvers.


As a military solider, her main armaments are supposedly her guns. However, instead, she has a whole stack of coins ( 29 mm in diameter) in which she uses to shoot at people with. She also has a habit of playing with a medallion (45mm), which the coins are replica of, which is special to her. She stores them in spring pushed coin dispensers (but in dark black like her top) on her coat belt as well as her main belt inside, so that she can just slip them out. The type of attack is more blunt type than pierce type, due to the projectile she chose to use. That said, it can still kill people if hit in the right spot with the right power, but Anarchia usually leave people alive if its not during war. The power can destroy buildings and such, depending on the power she uses in shooting the coin.

She does not trust being unarmed anywhere, hence she has a multitude of knives where she takes rather extreme measures to hide.

Her weapons are as followed.

Riding Crop:
An odd addition to a paratrooper, Anarchia uses this black authentic riding crop in place of her officer's baton. On her belt, both greatcoat and inside belt, she has a small holster for it. It can be used both as a training tool for discipline or as an actual weapon in tandem with her melee fighting for blinding and stunning.

.45 ACP Luger #2:
Longer than the average luger with a 17cm barrel. This pistol is her main gun, carried around on her inside belt. It has a 10 round magazine. She carries 5 extra clips on her inside belt on the left side of her hip. It is holstered on her right. Range 75-100 meters. It is her Officers pistol, given to her for being its highest achiever in the OCS. It heavily engraved and one of a kind, being blackish with golden engravings and pieces.

Walther PPK:
This is her emergency pistol. A gift from her father for graduation and for her first tour. It is kept on the inner left thigh with the spare clips on the holster straps. Carries 8 rounds in the magazine plus extra in the chamber. She has two extra clips that she carries. 50-70 meters

Retractable Knife:
Hidden on her right outer thigh on a strap.

Stiletto Knife (Top): (Not going to be really used. For Original RP use)
The last of her knives. The one where she hides with extreme effort. This one is hidden in her underwear. Yes, her underwear. Custom tailored to be able to hide this knife at her buttocks in a sown slim pocket just the right size. While most underwear leaves space between the cloth and one's crack is, Anarchia has her underwear made to utilise this space. It is where she hides the knife. It is not inside the crack per se, but just outside. When patted down, even under the closest feel, it cannot be detected unless they strip her of her underwear. Sitting and normal daily functions are not hindered at the least.

Combat Knife:
A large knife that is also clipped onto her utility belt outside of her cloak. It is 31 cm in length with a 18 cm blade.
What she uses mainly for her melee fights.

Twin C96 Mauser Pistol with extended barrel #2
These two pistols are interesting. They are Anarchia's artillery. Two 20 inch barreled Mauser's hang from each side of her waist from its holsters. Also chambers the .45 ACP round, but has better range and accuracy, increasing to 110-150 meters. However, it is restricted at extremely close range. Funnily enough, it somewhat resembles two swords at her waist when they are holstered. Each clip carries 12, with 6 spare clips on her belt.

Gewehr M51 DMR:
The Gewehr 51 is the standard DMR for the Army. While hopeless with automatic weapons, Anarchia has a surprisingly good gift of accuracy when shooting single fire. As a result, the armoury issued her the Gewehr 51 DMR, which is for designated marksmen. The rifle is an accurized version if the Gewehr M49, with a heavier barrel, customised sights, customised stock with sight rail. While she is supplied with a x10 scope, Anarchia prefers shooting unscoped with uncanny accuracy. Most of the time, when she can get away with it, she does not carry it personally. Anarchia will have an aide hold it for her along with the rest of the rifle gear. When this is not possible, she has it slung over her right shoulder. It is designed to use detachable magazines, whether that be 10 or 20 rounds. Anarchia uses 10 round detachable clips. As this is not her main weapon, Anarchia carries 4 clips + one in the gun.

Abilities Of course, Anarchia's abilities is her Troika blood, the power of electricity. Her powers enable her to do the impossible for ordinary people, such as direct electricity at people, either through contact or through the air, create electro-magnetic fields for attraction, repulsion and shape forming, use it as a travel medium etc.
The basis of her attacks. In essence, it is a misnomer. There is no rail to speak of as she often flicks the coin while applying shaped magnetic fields to propel it. Anarchia never terms her attacks, so the non-scientific soldiers wrongly named it as railgun. However, if she wanted, she could hold the coin between two fingers and use those as rails.

While it can obtain extreme speed and deadliness, Anarchia has chosen to use coins due to its non lethal properties. Originally, the army made special bullet like darts for her to fire, but Anarchia chose to have her lucky medallion reproduced and used as ammunition instead. With coins, due to their cheaper make in comparison to her medallion, it has a structural range of 40-55 meters. It is a blunt force weapon, meaning it does not pierce bodies. It can break bones and crush organs, but it does not pierce. Therefore, Anarchia can leave her targets alive, or dead, depending on where she shoots. Usually, the level of power she uses leave them alive since she is not in war mode. There is only a short 0.5 second delay when shooting. Against buildings, its like a sledgehammer. With more force applied by the field, the bigger the things she can punch through. Her normal attacks are enough to bust down normal house walls with a sizeable hole.

As her main mode of attack, it has very little drain on her at 1%.

Attractive and repulsive propulsion:
By directing electric current through nearby buildings with metallic objects within its structure, Anarchia can produce an electromagnetic field that can attract herself to the surface, be that the roof, walls or in some cases, objects through the wall. In those instances, if there i a big metallic object, by exerting a bit more power, she can use that in place of the reinforced steel within structure. The smaller the object the more electric she has to pour into the object to create a big enough field. This is inversely proportional. A fridge will require almost next to no additional power whereas a knife will require a much larger portion of electric power.

Repulsion is very much similar. Power needed is inverse to metal present. However, repulsion is very good f0r quick acceleration from an object while attraction is good for acceleration in mid air. When timed correctly, Anarchia can pull herself through the cities at amazing speed like a flash by, in an ideal urban city, repel herself from the ground and in the middle between the repelled object and Anarchia's target, she switches to attraction towards her target and just before she reaches her target, she begin's repulsion and shoots herself towards her next target.

Standard movement within a city with normal sized metallic objects such as reinforced concrete, white appliances, cars etc have zero stamina effect as it her norm. As the smaller the item goes, the more drain there is. At the smallest item she can use, the drain is medium of 15%.

Lightning Bolt:
As its name implies, it is a simple lightning bolt at an enemy. This travels through the air from any part of her body. It is most accurate from her hands, however, as it enables her to target the lightning more precisely. As lightning has many branches, with her hand, Anarchia can limit to how much these branches fly off and strike things she does not want hit.

With her hands, if she wants one target hit, it will only strike one target. In essence, its just like limiting a nozzle. A narrow nozzle will funnel all the electricity to one point. A wider nozzle will let the lightning wider to branch off when it flies. When she widen's the "nozzle" she cannot control who they hit properly. The wider she opens, the more branches open from the end, not from her fngers. So if a group of four was gathered, she would loosen her control a bit and near where she aims, the lightning will begin to branch off. If there was a crowd in front of her, she would lose all control and shoot it straight towards the end of the group, lightning branching off all along the length of the main bolt.

Another standard attack. It drains her 5% of her stamina

Through direct contact, Anarchia courses electricity into her target. It has high damage instant damage at the cost of needing to have direct contact. An additional effect is that it causes nerve interference and temporary paralysis for a few seconds.

Stamina costs is rather moderate at 15%

Bolt Spike:
Bolt Spike is similar to Lightning Bolt, except that this is more of a crowd controller. Anarchia expels lightning bolts freely in all direction with no control, zapping all those withing a 5 meter radius.

Bolt Spike requires 15% stamina drain

Eleectric Transferral:
If there is an electrical port, power pole or even a break in a cable, Anarchia can turn her entire being into electricity and travel down the wires and emerge from other ports. She can even cut her own wires and create an optimal battlefield with multiple ports for her to enter and exit from. This is perfect for infiltration missions. In actual fact, she can course her electricity into powering machines, but that is more draining. Since she is using a medium to carry her with a current already, there is very little cost in terms of stamina (3%)

Lightning Speed:
Less offensive, more for movement, Anarchia turns herself into electricity for a split second. What differs from Electric Transferral is that there is no medium such as a wire. She will change herself into pure electricity for a second or two and move at lightning speed and move to a targetted spot in almost and instant. While she is impervious in that state for that period, she is unable to attack until she exits that state, even if she wants to electrocute someone.

As a result of the lack of medium, the cost of stamina for each "jump" is relatively high at around 20%

Final Blitz:
One of her finisher moves, Final Blitz is in essence a large spear of electricity. Javelin is more the correct word as that is how she uses it. The Javelin that materialise is 8 meters in length. It acts like an explosive arrow. Anarchia throws it like a javelin, except it travels in a straight trajectory and on her command, usually a snap of her finger, it will explode in an spectacular fashion with equally deadly effect. Blast radius is about 10 meters.

Stamina effect is substantial at 40%

Bullets and most weapons made of metal or with metal in it can be blocked by this barrier. The barrier is just an amplification of her natural electromagnetic field that surrounds her due to her powers. It is not a passive barrier that is constantly up as her normal field is not strong enough to do much but maybe deflect a small knife stab at close range. Upon striking, a visible shimmer of gold sphere is visible near the area.

When activated, range has a large role in what it effects as does the power. Her standard barrier consumes 15% stamina. At close range, her standard barrier can deflect 3 blows from a metal based melee weapon before collapsing. For gunfire, this is increased to a barrage of about 20 bullets at around 25-75 meters. Within 25 meters, this is dropped down to 10. Past 75, this is increased to 40.

For stronger shield prepared preemptively, number of melee strikes double while number of bullets increase by 5. At maximum output, she can even tank artillery shells, though that completely drains all her power and she is reduced to just her physical abilities.

For standard shield, stamina costs 15%. For the preemptive shielding, this is jumped to 30%.
Her powers are born with and is due to her blood, so she knows no magic.

Other Skills

Piano, violin and gymnastics skills is at a mastery level in an attempt to maintain a sense of feminity in Anarchia. The pro for being extremely good at gymnastics is that she is incredibly flexible, which is a pro in combat.

She is also an accomplished horseback rider and able to pilot most aircraft, but more proficiently in the transportation kind that her company uses for insertion.


Anarchia's family history is as much her own as her own life span. Both her mother and father were military, as was her ancestors on both side. However, her parents both possessed very pure pedigree bloodline of royals and accomplished soldiers. Her parents were extremely accomplished military heroes and as their child, she was expected to achieve greatness.

Upon birth, her Troika blood was gauged. It was a rare blue moon for a baby to be born with the blood strength strong enough to black out the surrounding areas. As a sign, Anarchia's mother took it upon herself to hammer her daughter into the finest sword for Dalmaska and for the Vesperia House. Whilst it is usually the father's job to do so, Sir Isaac's penchant for coddling Anarchia forced the responsibility onto the more strong willed Arikaria, which produced wondrous results.

With her mother's strict guidance, Anarchia managed to rope in her powers without much hitch. Only when she was able to move with her electric booted nerves and reaction in check was she allowed out. Whilst her childhood was not devoid of family warmth, she did play a good deal less than those her age due to study. Anarchia did not mind as she enjoyed the knowledge and power it brought her. This continued on when she entered compulsory education and into OCS. Even if she lacked her bloodline, Anarchia would have been popular due to her charisma. However, with her bloodline, the kiss ass and suck ups were endless, which Anarchia was not fooled by. Living with the rule of survival of the fittest, Anarchia could tell who were truly loyal and who had true strength and ability.

Plowing on with her own strength, Anarchia refused easy promotion unless she earned it. Her starting rank was 2nd lieutenant when she graduated and true to her expectation, she hit Captain within 3 years at 19 years of age, the youngest to do so as a front line soldier via accomplishment rather than replacement due to death. Her personality was solidified with her mother's training, that she should be strong willed and that one's goals are most important. As a result, her current reputation has been built in the 6 years she has been in the army, spreading up and down the rank as well as across the country borders. People feared confronting the "Railgun"

Unfortunately, Anarchia had been feeling dissatisfied with the way the country has been run by the tyrant ruler. The endless machinations within all spans of government irked and annoyed her, festering the belief that if Dalmaska was to survive and thrive once more, the root of all this rot had to be removed. All that was required was time and careful planning.
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Btw, i have finished tinkering with the bio. Removed most of the original history as well as anything related to her original background, so it should mostly fit in with your setting for the RP
Hm. Well, almost. It's just a minute detail, but I'd appreciate if you could alter the background such that she's born in Dalmaska. That, and I'm likely to come up with my own character bio anytime soon.

Feeling lazy, ha!
Srry for dp, but the only line that was left from my old country was there because i missed it when i was deleting. As for Troika, treat it more like an area in Dalmaska.
Hm. Troika.... A type of Russian dance hm... Well, it's a coincidence, but that could have a wee bit of significance in this story. Goodie. Guess Troika it is.

I'll get my bio up in this post as soon as I can. Fixed up a PS2 emulator, borrowed some Final Fantasies, and totally forgot about role playing here lol. Soon. Soon.
She is meant to be from a snowy area so her being from a russian sounding area is a plus i guess. And lucky me. What a coincidence. Hope its not something bad
Here it is. I suppose the role play should start soon. Turn-out's really bad >.> Wednesday then, to feed my still-hopeful self.

Basil Reeves






Resistance Leader (Research Psychologist)

Family size:
3 (Basil’s an only child)

Quick thinking; Basil tends to think in the spur of the moment. Despite this, more often than not, his thinking allows for a positive outcome that may not have been possible if the other alternative was taken.


Born an only child to a family in Troika, Basil was raised in a happy family. He was an ideal child – well behaved, kind, loyal and compassionate. It was these characteristics that subsequently spurred him on his mission to take down the Tyrant, in spite of his job – which he loved and which also earned him enough to get by.

He has been leader of the Resistance for over 12 years now.

Peace and calm; Sane people; Apples; Technology


Chaos; violence; unwarranted deaths; crime


Leader of the resistance
Just like In This Life, a lackey for Anarchia

Name –
Iglesias Vertentis Fabiolas "Balalaika" Farandole Vespertania


Sergeant Major, Balalaika, Fille (French for Lass. Meant in a cute and endearing way), Pack Mule (by Anarchia as a joke)


Lawfully Neutral, following Anarchia







Even though Iglesias inherited little of the Troika bloodline abilities, her blood still affected her hair and certain aspects of her appearance. Rather than being blonde as it would be if she was from elsewhere, her Troika blood has turned her hair to white with a very pale tinge of purple colour in it. Her eyes are a lighter red. Like most Troika women, her skin is pale due to the lack of sun. As relatives go, Iglesias is the polar opposite to Anarchia. Whilst Anarchia appears mature with sharp features rare for Troikan girls, Iglesias is the epitome of it. Cute and adorable, Iglesias is the type that retains a youthful appearance even when she is old. Her eyes are wide-eyed innocence type and her lips and nose are petite with little makeup. Eyebrows are thin and normal, giving her a much more approachable and less intimidating face.

Her hair is short, but still not with military standards. The back portion of her hair grows down just past her collar while her sides cover her ears on both sides. Her fringe grows loosely across her face on a left to right slant. The small amount of left portion goes down the left side of her face while the rest goes across her face, which Iglesias always brush aside, but unfortunately, always falls back down

Her figure and face is rather child like in growth, being THE shortest AND lightest in the
Nordwind Kampfer Fallschirmjager at 158 cm tall and weighing in at 52. She is truly the image of a delicate, frail and innocent village girl.


Being in Anarchias company had a lot of perks considering Anarchia's care for those around her and her family. One thing is that iglesias' uniform is like Anarchia's; non regulatory. On the inside, she wears a white uniform shirt with a thin red tie which is above a black corset vest that doubles as her holsters. On her legs, Iglesias wears a light purple base tartan dress with white and black stripe patterns that reaches just above her knees.

For her legs and feet, she has a pair of knee high black socks and a pair of black uniform leather loafers. On her neck, she has a light-ish blue scarf wrapped around her neck. When out and about, Iglesias wears a leather jacket similar to a pilot jacket. On her jacket, she has her sergeant chevrons sewn on while her collar on her shirt has her sergeant badge pinned on.

Almost always on her head over her ears are a pair of headphones with a retractable right side boom mike. With her as well is her tactical eyepiece that she keeps on her right side.
Kept off when not in combat, Iglesias always keep with her a pair of shooters gloves with her that are gray in colour. They are rather big, perfectly made for precision shooters. On her back, she carries a back pack with a slight light and dark gray camouflage pattern with white purple straps. hanging from one of the straps is a name tag and a smiley face badge and a teddy bear. The bag resembles more a japanese school bag than a military issued rucksack.

As a soldier, she carries a plethora of weapons. Of which, she needs holsters, harnesses and packs. Her black corset vest doubles as harnesses for her holsters for her pistols. The harness wraps around her waist like a corset, sitting just under her breasts and has two straps over her shoulders, leaving her upper chest and back uncovered. If she carries nothing, it can pass as just another piece of evening wear. This harness allows for her to clip on many things used on missions. On this, her holsters hang on her sides. On her waist, is a military issue belt which on it, Iglesias clips most of her packs as well as a bullet belt for where she slots in her shotgun shells. C
lipped on to the military belt, is a large waist length pack. All along both sides of her waist are smaller oblong packs that hang from the belt.


Unfortunately, unlike her counsin, Iglesias does not have the advantage of powers that nullify the use of armour. Still, her sniper and infiltrator role has lighter armour in any case. She has are steel capped boots, shin guards which she covers with her socks, plating in her shooting gloves and forearm guards. Her packs are lined to act like waist pauldrons for some additional protection. Her main chest armour is interesting. Supposedly, she is meant to also have a ballistics helmet, but she always leaves it behind. Rather than the standard harness that has a plating inside already, Iglesias has a detachable chest and back piece that she can clip on her torso harness. These are form fitted to her and, due to Anarchia's intervention, of really high quality make, much more than what other Sergeants have. lighter and thinner, it retains the same capabilities of the standard issues if not a bit more efficient in stopping bullets.

As well as looks, Iglesias's personality is a contrast to Anarchia; soft spoken, sympathetic, shy, sweet and caring. If said cynically, she is gullible, a push over and much too forgiving. Despite her powerful heritage and standing, she is easy to intimidate and can be swayed easily. Iglesias fortunately did inherit the Vespertania ability for decision making and leadership, even if she doesn't know it herself. While the choices she make are often correct, she is easily influenced and gullible enough to be persuaded. While Anarchia gains support and obedience via respect, fear and ability, Iglesias's subordinates listen to her due to her care and friendly nature. That and that she does make the right choices.

With her more soft personality, Iglesias is a much more approachable and sociable creature. Company with people is much preferable, even if its just sitting around and such. Being alone is no issue as she is a sniper, but she does prefer to be around others when she can. With friends, she tend to be the passive goody and the good friend type, trying to convince her friends to not do wrong things, but will stick with them regardless of their decisions.

As a soldier, she definitely is not adverse to killing people. She is trained for it. In fact, as a sniper, her mentality to kill people is stronger as her class are trained to go and kill off a specific person. A trained and used killer. Soldiers, can fire blindly and pass off killing someone as sheer luck and accident. Snipers, on the other hand, live by the belief that when the trigger is pulled, someone dies. They are shooting people that are no threat to themselves and bear the psychological responsibility of killing someone. Hence, snipers require high will and mental capacity to bear this pressure. Iglesias' devotion to her country is strong, but more importantly, her devotion to Anarchia means that she is willing to shoot coldly for the good of her cousin. During missions, if there were any obstacles, she shoot. Soldiers and enemies get no chance. If she has enough leeway, she may give civilians time to move until the last possible moment. If they still obstruct, she shoots. However, when not in operation, she could not be any more different. Iglesias would not harm a fly and try to cater for others rather than herself. She would not think of taking a life callously unless absolutely necessary, and even then, since it has no links with Anarchia's wishes, she would not shoot so carelessly.

First Impression
Anyone's first impression would often be a rather accurate picture of her personality. A rather nice and docile town girl that is passive and shy. What they will fail to know until a bit of digging is that she is a soldier with an uncanny skill in killing people without them noticing it. However, most people will just see her as a nice girl that fits the perfect picture of a future wife.

Iglesias has poor strength in a certain aspect. Her muscles are developed for stamina. They deal more in having longer endurance than dealing damage. While she can lift and sustain heavy weight through her powers, she cannot deal very good physical damage without a weapon. This is only somewhat negated with her shoes and forearm armour that add some weight behind her strikes as well as the snake form of her hand when she fights, but her empty strikes are still somewhat pitiful, despite Balaikan CQC techniques. That is why she depends heavily on knife combat in CQC.


Somewhat better than Anarchia's due to her having to take hits, but not by much. A right hit in unprotected or open area would hurt. 9-12 unblocked hits would bring her down. However, if the opponent is a much more strength based person, then this would be down to 8-10 hits.


Iglesias' slight stature and her muscle type means she is very good at running. Whilst infiltrating through enemy territory, her small size and speed makes her the perfect scout for avoiding detection and scouting. On unimpeded run without the need for stealth, Iglesias can cap at 45 Kmph. If she wants to prioritize stealth, this is reduced to 35 Kmph in a stooped, silent run. When obstacles are factored in such as slopes and fences, her speed both drop only by 3 Kmph as she is very proficient in Parkour. Obstacles are not such a big deal and sometimes, are essential for her to cut time off when running through an area, even increasing speed with momentum at times.


Iglesias is still a NCO of the strongest military group in the Dalmaskan armed forces. Therefore, her stamina is quite high. Luckily her powers enable Iglesias to carry heavy weight without stamina cost. Her stamina is above that of Anarchia due to her needing to exert herself and as a front line soldier that is always fighting. At capped running speed, she can keep it up for about 3 minutes. Stealth running, due to it being only in short bursts is hard to gauge, but if she was to run across an open area, at 35 kmph, she can hold out for 5 minutes. Similarly, as speed drop, time rises steeply. Combat time is one thing Iglesias is proud of. Slow, deep infiltration are extremely taxing, but she is an expert at it. Intense combat time is around 30 minutes and rises as the intensity decreases or support is available.


Relatively fast. Her reflexes are built for quick reactions that she can pick up and lock onto targets very quickly the moment they pop into her view. Her reflexes do not work quite well with her strength. In CQC she is fast enough to ensure that she can block most frontal attacks, but her lack of strength mean powerful enough strikes will pressure her into blocking only. Any un-enhanced strikes with bare hands, unless landing on a critical spot, will be rather pathetic, hence why she rather attack her opponents when they are unaware or with guns, which she is able to quickly acquire and sight in on targets.

Fighting Style

As an infiltrator, her style of fighting is different than that of most soldiers. Her comrades fight in relatively medium range combat, ranging from 100 to maybe 800 meters. Iglesias prefer long range or extreme close quarter. Either way, she would prefer to be at a range where she can kill without reaction. From range, she would snipe. Up close, Iglesias would either assassinate and kill off enemies one by one, quietly, or be close enough to unload lead in a fashion that rudimentary aiming would still incur a high percentage hit rate at full automatic fire.

When confronting enemies at close range, rapid fire weapons is her choice, preferably something small with large magazine capacity in which she can clear a room with one clip. Since she mostly infiltrates alone or in very small group behind enemy line, Iglesias fights in an unconventional way, employing
surprise and guerilla tactics. Heavy suppressive and accurate fire, mostly from silenced weapons is her modus operandi along with funneling enemies, trap laying and retreat and lure. She always try to avoid direct, full frontal confrontation. If she is unable to inflict a preemptive strike of substantial damage in close range, Iglesias would fall back and create as much distance as possible. If she is within 100 - 200 meters of her enemy, she would continue fighting. Beyond that, Iglesias would retreat as far as possible, hopefully past 600 meters to set up long range shooting opportunities.

In melee combat, Iglesias fight with a knife always. If she doesnt have anything to supplement her strength, she would usually flee until she can get her hands on something, even if its a fork or a chopstick. Mixed in with Balaikan CQC techniques for smaller stature soldiers, Iglesias uses chokes and holds, knees and elbow rather than kick and punches. All her moves centralise on using centrifugal forces to increase damage.


A redeeming feature about Iglesias is her ability to carry heavy gear. When infiltrating, infiltrators often carry all their gear that they need in, rather than relying on company quartermasters. That and her lack of power, both blood and raw strength, meant that Iglesias has to depend on weaponry and technology. Most of her ammunition are subsonic, meaning it is relatively silent. Coupled with a suppressor, most of her guns are a whisper. Most of her ammunition are slipped into the small musette pouches that hang on her utility belt.

Standard Load out:
Combat Knife: An interesting weapon which is unique for Troika people. It is able to feed off of the current in their body. Most average Troika tribesmen are able to generate enough electricity through this knife to lance out at about 12 meters, like any Taser, but without any probes. The higher the power, the faster one can recharge and shoot again. For Iglesias, she possess enough power to only lance out 3 meters and a slow recharge time of 7 seconds. As a result, it is not something she relies on too often, trusting the blade part more than the stun part. The blade itself is in total around 25 cm in length. Often used in tandem with her ballistic knife. Iglesias holsters this on her outer right thigh under her skirt.
Ballistic Knife: In order to compensate for her lack of range with her Combat Knife, Iglesias equips herself with a Ballisitic Knife. This knife is spring loaded with a heavy duty spring which can shoot the blade with deadly force up to 15 meters away. It is a silent take down weapon which can be used as a normal knife. Its length is 25 cm in total and is often used in tandem with her Combat Knife. Clipped onto her combat belt that hangs on top of her skirt at her waist on the left side with three spare knives slipped into slots on the scabbard harness.
Misriah M6C/SOCOM: Special Op issued pistol that has a muzzle break, suppressor and link up HUD scope. These additional equipment allows Spec Op soldiers to gain tactical stealth advantage over enemies. Chambers a .50 Semi Armour Piercing, High Penetration round designed specifically for stealth and use in these silenced guns, Iglesias is able to deal a deadly shot with the first bullet, even through walls. With the 4x scope, it has very good accuracy over range at around 100 meters, though it is most effective within 60 meters of shooter. Each magazine has 12 rounds with 5 magazine, one in the gun. It is holstered on her left side shoulder holster. The magazines are slipped onto her belt on the left side waist. Like all her guns, she also has spare clips in her backpack, giving her a total of 10 clips in total, but only five on hand in combat
Juutilainen and Litvyak CAWS TAP C90 (J&L C90): Another Special Op weapon. This is basically a one shot pistol shotgun made to be as silent as possible. While still somewhat audible, it is mostly silent due to the subsonic ammo and the make of the gun. It is silent enough to not be heard through a normal room wall, though those inside the room will hear it. Its low grain ammo and the extensive baffles and vent holes in the barrel help muffle the noise. The weapon is designed to be used pressed against a person's back or body, which also muffles the noise when fired. Normal shotgun shells reach maximum range of 300 with optimal being 150-200. However, due to its low grain and silence priority make, its maximum range is reduced to at max 70 meters with optimal range being 35 meters with its spread pattern reduced considerably. At optimal range of 35m, its spread is about 70 cm diameter. After that, the spread grows proportianlly to the distance. Reload action is via open breech, where the shell automatically gets pushed out. Her shotgun shells are slotted into a bullet belt that hangs with her military belt. She has 20 shells hanging from there with an additional 30 in a box in her bag. This is holstered on her left waist holster that is below her M6C/SOCOM ammunition.
Custom FN P90 and laser dot) (Minus side ammo, underhand grip):
The FN P90 is Iglesias main weapon for CQC. Like her other weapons, it chambers subsonic ammunition and is loaded with a suppressor and additional scopes and mounts. One peculiar addition is the suppressor (image). When added with subsonic rounds, it makes a noise of only 30 dcb. It comes with a mount rail that also houses the torch. What it can house underslung is a single shot door buster. Its appearance is similar to grenade launchers, however, loaded is a self expanding round that can tear a door off its hinges. Shot into people, it can knock them unconscious and can be reused. On top is a reflex sight that can accommodate IR sights. She carries 8 50 round magazine with one in the gun and 6 in her backpack. They are slipped into her musette pouches on her waist at the back and the gun is slung across low on her back in a position it can be swung into her right hand ready easily.

WA200: Her mainstay rifle. Again, it uses subsonic ammunition with silencer for the quiet take down. Has a magazine of 6 bullets. She carries with her 6 clips with one in the gun. The rest of the magazines are slotted into cloth loops on her back on her corset. Her scope is capable of being accommodated with IR sights.
Out of these two, she picks one.
Custom C96 Infinity: Her back up and personal pistol. This is the only gun in which Iglesias has not modified for stealth. When fired, it retort is tremendous as is the muzzle flash. This is particularaly bad during dusk or night. Engraved with red patterns and with a wooden furniture handle, the gun has nice curves and a highly polished finish. In contrast to the .50 round used by her M6C/Socom, her C96 chambers the full powered .50 AE. However, due to the same dimensions of both bullets, the C96 can chamber the SAP-HP from the Socom, but not vice versa. It loads a 10 round double stack magazine. Iglesias takes care when aiming and attempt at a one shot take down due to the powerful bullet and how expensive it is. The Infinity is holstered on her right side shoulder holster with two magazines on her right waist with one in the gun. She has two extra magazine worth of rounds in her pack.​
Ruger Mk 3 Tranquilizer: Can be taken along replacing Iglesias C96. This gun is another military issued weapons for Special Op units. It fires a low powered round made to sedate within seconds a target. It is a .22 pistol with subsonic ammo and a built in suppressor. The Mk3 requires it to be cocked every time the trigger is pulled by a rear rocking device. Carries 11 sedative bullets in a single stack magazine with two extra clip on her waist and two in her pack. Even though it is a sedative gun, if shot in the wrong area such as the eyes, mouth or any facial orifice at relatively close range (3-5 meters), it still can kill. 5 meters onwards, most head shots are survivable as long as those areas aren't hit. Head shots decrease the time for the drug to set in to 2 seconds while body shots require around 5 seconds. Range is short at 40 meters.
Additional Weapons: Weapons that require a trade out with several standard equipment in order for Iglesias to take along. These weapons are rather bulky and such, so it will be stated in SU/D threads wheteher she has swapped out and quipped one of these. More often than not, this will be used for my own rp

CheyTech M200 Intervention: Sometimes carried in place of her Walther WA 2000. The Intervention is her long to extreme long range sniping rifle. When carrying this, due to the weight of the required equipment, Iglesias drops her C90 as well. Optical laser Range Finder, maintenance kit, weather finder, match grade ammunition, Advanced Ballistic Computer and additional sights. She carries with her 5 seven round magazines of match grade ammunition for long range accuracy. These are carried in the musette pouches around her waist with a box of 35 extra bullets. The gun itself has a carry bag with her. While most snipers carry their equipment in there as well, Iglesias has a case just big enough to keep it protected while carrying the additional gear in her pack. It is designed to be as portable as possible for quick battlefield deployment, capable of being slung across her back.

Barrett M107: As opposed to the Intervention, the M107 is another rifle that Iglesias can carry. Carrying similar gear as the Intervention, Iglesias uses the Barret for more urban area due to the better penetrative properties the Anti material round offers. However, it has a shorter effective range. With it, she has 4 magazines of 10 bullets with one in the gun while she has 40 extra rounds in the back pack.

Custom Lati L-39: A heavily modified anti-tank rifle, the Lahti L-39, originally weighing in at 49 kg, has been cut back by over 24 kg through use of special materials and tighter tolerance acceptance. So hefty this gun is, Iglesias has to drop all but her P90, her knives and her M6C/SOCOM. Even then, her speedy movement is slowed down. The gun holds a detachable 10 round magazine chambering the 20mm high-penetration, semi explosive rounds. These bullets are designed to penetrate armour, then explode upon entering the vehicle. It is enough to shred through most armoured vehicles. All but the toughest main battle tanks would be able to shrug off the bullets without consequence. Due to size and weight of it, often, this is used for defensive purposes. Iglesias often need a spotter for assistance, though she can operate it alone. It has an off side scope mount for long range, mounted shooting, though its weight, negating much recoil, makes relative point and shoot rather easy.

Antique Dalmaskan Percussion Cap rifle: The last of her weaponry is an antique Dalmaskan Percussion Cap rifle that has been handed down the family. Unlike most families, the Vesperia (and by marriage, the Vespertania) keep all weapons functional, whether that be antique swords, bows or muskets. A rare example of an early rifle that had rifle grooving, this Percussion Cap rifle fired minie ball rounds making it highly accurate in its category. The percussion cap mechanism also makes firing more reliable. Being a large caliber round, it does massive damage on limbs and targets. It is a muzzle loader, meaning it has slow reload speed. However, Iglesias is able to reload a t an amazing 7 seconds and shoot with deadly accuracy considering the type of gun it is. Horrifyingly so, one of the most deadly aspect of this gun is that with proper wadding and propellant, Iglesias can use ANYTHING that can fit into the barrel as ammo. She can stuff needles or in essence, anything that can fit into the muzzle, inside and if loaded correctly, the rifle can fire flechette rounds with impromptu projectiles.

: She also has a plethora of other gear to make herself more deadly on the field. This includes C4, grenades, both lethal and non lethal, Claymore, Bouncing Betty, mines, hearrtbeat sensors, door breaching explosives etc. These are all kept in her pack or on slots in her musette packs.


Iglesias is a close relative of Anarchia whom she had played with when they were children. Playing was probably not the most accurate term to use. While She and Anarchia genuinely loved each other as close relatives, Iglesias adoration of her cousin meant that she happily went along with everything that her cousin did. Anarchia treated Iglesias in a way that is a mixture of sister/ pet/ friend and confidant.

As they grew up, Anarchia was more busy with training to control her powers. For the zero bloodline talent Iglesias, she saw their relationship in jeopardy. Full of determination to be of some use, Iglesias joined the army and poured her entire soul into it, drilling herself till she perfected everything through repetition. As was her intention, she was transferred to Anarchia's Company. Since Anarchia did not participate in nepotism, Iglesias had to crawl her way to being Master Sergeant, the senior NCO. There Iglesias diligently works for her cousin's sake, from carrying her gear to probing deep into enemy territory and assassinating key targets.

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Whhaaaat... What the hell. That's a freaking long name!

Cool weapons, though it'll be interesting to see the character lug them around on the battlefield. Accepted. I suppose I should start the role play soon. 1x1 :sad3:
Odd.... Anarchia had a longer full name tho. But, yea. Wednesday. Lemme see if i can hook a person into this.


And thus shall it be remembered that 'a picture speaks a thousand words'.
Right. i saw the black lettering. So when we starting? I wanna test run Anarchia