Damn that smooth talking Salesman


Me Gusta
Apr 13, 2010
Canada, eh?
So I went to The Source to drop off a resume, I was casually looking at smartphones cause when I get a job, I hope to get something for emergencies (but flip phones and blackberries are ugly >; ).. Casually.. CASUALLY looking, and I told him what I'd need but can't afford now..

He directs me to The Tab line which are free phones with low monthly rates, no contracts... doesn't matter WHAT problem I tried to throw at him for not being able to buy it, he seemed to find an answer.

-__- I woulda walked out with a Samsung right then and there if they had them in stock.

That's because they're trained to do that. they pressure you and stalk you untill they get a sale. I get it with the Cable (We call it Austar here) company. I'd casually walk past and they'd catch me in the corber of their eyes and give me the "I'm not letting you go" look then start dribbling shit, EVEN after i told them i already had it.....
-__- I hate my awful impulse buys... he made it sound so good, he's calling me when they get them in stock. :sad3:
I don't do that.

Mainly because no one has to encourage me to buy something, I do it on my own, even when I'm poor. :sad2:
this happens to me all the time too.

Once I was looking at some nice Eyeshadow in Inglot.
and the lady comes over and she somehow makes me buy three colours when I just wanted one. Then she told me that this eyeliner would go well with it and told me it would look awesome on me, so I got it, then I got a brush coz she said eyeshadow would be better with this particular brush and I bought a lipgloss.....

I kicked myself when I got home. All that flattery made me buy the whole store almost!
I'm very direct with sales people.

I work in a shopping centre and always get them coming up to me when I'm trying to go on lunch or whatever.

I either don't look at them and ignore any advances, or if they do happen to catch my eye I just say, 'No I don't have time.' and ignore anything else they have to say.

Even when Steve and I have been targeted and they start talking to us about trying to buy a water system or whatever I'm just like, 'No we don't have that sort of money to throw at you right now.'

They always continue on right after you start walking away too. XD I'd hate to have a job like that.
I tend to just shake my head and tell them I'd rather browse at my own pace if they approach me in a store. If it's the type that prowl outside or at a stand I'll pretty much just apologise and say I don't have the time to linger.

If they persist I just tend to leave the store or ignore them. I feel sorry for them at times, because it strikes me as an awful job revolving around having to fulfill a rather strict quota.
This is a pretty good topic, actually, as was pointed out to me. So I'll go ahead and shift it over to Costa. From here on out, make sure your posts reflect its new status.
After having worked in customer service for the past nine years, I've kind of learned how sales people work, and can usually see through it when they're trying to pressure me into stuff XD It's hard sometimes though if you don't have any evidence against what they're saying :hmmm:
xD Excellent. +poastcount

I usually feel bad in stores when they're all eager to make a sale and they charge, and it's liek HALT. I doth not want yonder products.

However this guy.. I was genuinely interested in getting a phone it's just.. I probably really shouldn't right -now-... even though I probably will go back for it next week.
HAHA. I used to work in San Diego California before I went to China selling a water-less wash and wax product for your car to strangers at gas stations. I was a G when It came to selling people who had no idea they would be buying shit at a gas station. seriously the element of intrests, surprise, showmanship, humor, and logic = their money in your hands.
You're one of them. -__-

I wish he sold me the caller id. =/ I keep getting a call twice a day WAKING ME UP from the same people calling for a 'Martin'. I don't know the number if I can't call back, they don't LEAVE a number and they're some automated calling service so I can't saying anything to them.

I've had this phone for less than a month. WHYYYY
Sales people can't get me. In fact, sometimes, if they're getting too much, I turn my gaze upon them, switch on my black magicks, and send them running into the back room with a sudden case of explosive diarrhea. I know what you're thinking - would my mother approve of that? - but my mother's not always there to watch over me. Only on Tuesdays and Fridays when they let me out of the asylum on day release.
this is why I love my headphones, if they catch my eye I just shake my head and keep walking. I cant stand the way folk try to force sales on you. I want to browse at my own pace rather than getting badgered

If i need assistance il fucking ask for it
I just tell them I'm fine or that I'm only looking, even if I get into a conversation with them, whatever they say I'll make sure they know I have no intention of buying anything. It's really not difficult to do. :wacky:

The people in the street trying to force you to sign things are far, far, far worse.
I've never been a victim of impulse buys. I know what those salesmen are doing and what their goal is and I am especially wary of them when I'm with my mom. I do this because I know she's got a problem with buying shit she really, really doesn't need. So I try to keep her attention focused on the most important things.