Death Bringer


Jan 24, 2007
So i just got done talking to the garif, right after getting the dawn shard, i do some side quests, kill a few marks, get the key to barheim passage and say ah what the hell, lets give it a try. Im goin in the passage and find 2 rare game, i steal form one, and guess what i get, a frikin deathbringer how awesome is that, 90 attack power, 1 hit KO, its a huge step up from my 43 attack power swords i have right now. Anyway, what the discussion for this thread is, did anyone else get it that early in the game? I feel like im almost cheating now, everywhere i go lol.
So i just got done talking to the garif, right after getting the dawn shard, i do some side quests, kill a few marks, get the key to barheim passage and say ah what the hell, lets give it a try. Im goin in the passage and find 2 rare game, i steal form one, and guess what i get, a frikin deathbringer how awesome is that, 90 attack power, 1 hit KO, its a huge step up from my 43 attack power swords i have right now. Anyway, what the discussion for this thread is, did anyone else get it that early in the game? I feel like im almost cheating now, everywhere i go lol.
No dude. Its awesome you got that so early. I didnt get it till...well...theres an area where you need to use your esper to get through a gate....i dont remember how far in....buts its closer to the end than your at. hahaha. but thats when i got it, and i used it thoughout the game after that...actually i take that back...i didnt use it during the last 3 battles....but yeah man, you got yourself a nice sword there. Just let your weakest person use it. and your strongest people use whatever is the strongest weapon available in the game...keep your eyes out for the axes. Hand axes worked well for me.
No dude. Its awesome you got that so early. I didnt get it till...well...theres an area where you need to use your esper to get through a gate....i dont remember how far in....buts its closer to the end than your at. hahaha. but thats when i got it, and i used it thoughout the game after that...actually i take that back...i didnt use it during the last 3 battles....but yeah man, you got yourself a nice sword there. Just let your weakest person use it. and your strongest people use whatever is the strongest weapon available in the game...keep your eyes out for the axes. Hand axes worked well for me.

Yeah after i got it, i went to salika wood, to farm the little dudes that have screem roots, got up to a chain of over 100, stealing the whole time with my mage, with thief cuffs, left there, sold my stuff, i earned close to 200,000 gil, and guess what, the fancisca axe was in the bazaarr, lol. its an awesome axe. Im about to go find a rare game in salika and poach it for a claymore, which is gonna be great, i havent even been able to buy broadswords yet! Im on a roll with the weapons lol.
I didn't get the Deathbringer until you're able to buy it.But it is awesome.Especially with behemoths,one slice and you hear that distinctive BONK sound and they're down.You'll have a breeze with it,for a while.The tougher enemies in the hidden boss areas aren't that susceptible to the KO on hit status.Enjoy it while it lasts!
Man, you're lucky to get death bringer at such an early time, I was stuck with lame weapons that did barely any damage
Yea, the creatures name is Ithuno and its a mimic, you can find him in the back of special op sector 5 I think (he is to the right behind a giant boulder). I stole 9 Deathbringers from him in little under an hour.
The rest of the game will be easy for you.
I've get it earlier too x)

that reminds me of pandora, the strange mimic-chest near the hidden npc of the necrohol; I thought she would give me a nicer steal u_u , because she doesn`t appears always ._.

add: I've stole 3 deathbringers btw x)
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Dont say anything thats a lucky break even tho I cant remeber where I got my deathbringer, but thats not the point the point is....congratulations you have a great advantage from now on ^_^
thats a very big huge step this will save you a lot of troble by making the game easier and sadly i did not get the death bringer so early in the game.