defeatin the undying 'something' aka larsa brother


Chocobo Breeder
Aug 22, 2007
im talkin about the last lord larsa's brother, when he becomes the big undying monster. how do i defeat him please???:blink:
You have to take his hp down to 0. Physical attacks work well until he puts up his paling. You must then use magic.
Or get a lot of Elixirs and do Quickenings, then restore MP with Elixirs and cast Quickenings again and repeat the process. I think you need like 4-5 Quickenings to beat him.


Forgot to add that Quickening chain you cast must deal atleast 30000 damage.
Well, he sometimes have barriers up where any physical and magic attacks aren't hurting him, so use that time to simply heal your characters and wait it out until you can attack again. When he casts Faith or Bravery, make sure you cast Dispel on him. It'll make the job easier. Bubble proves to be very handy as well.
if you level up enough he will be no problem, just go out and do some training, try hunting some marks and stuff like that.
Well, he sometimes have barriers up where any physical and magic attacks aren't hurting him, so use that time to simply heal your characters and wait it out until you can attack again. When he casts Faith or Bravery, make sure you cast Dispel on him. It'll make the job easier. Bubble proves to be very handy as well.

That's how I beat him, he completely annhilated me first time but once I got bubble belts on everyone & healing while he was invulnerable to attacks I was ok, and also as previously stated I did a few quickening chains on him and used elixers.
Seems like thats' the best way to beat him :)
Quickenings fail. And the more you level up the harder he gets. He was a decent challenge at lv99.
oh is that how he works? i was at around level 85-90 and i didnt have much trouble taking him down my first time.
My quickenings didn't work either. I must have tried 5 chains before my mum said "Samantha, what are you doing you idiot? It's not affecting him"!

But I kicked his ass easily by mostly using physical attacks. And I had appropriate protection from thundaga and holy.
Okay then, tell me how much damage did it do? Then tell me, would the mp be more useful elsewhere like curaja for instance? Also how much damage did your physical attacks do?
I beat him at about level 48 across all of my characters. Twas rather easy. You don't even need to bother with physical attacks. My attacks were taking off 1000+, and with Haste on the party you really rack up the damage. When he puts a Physical Damage barrier up, then blast him with Flare. When his Magical Damage barrier is up, beat him to death with your physical attacks :P

When his All-Damage shield is up, just heal constantly. He'll attack you with a gun, and he can shoot you really, really quickly. Eventually this annihilated my first party. Then my reserve team kicked his arse.

When his shield is down, just hack the crap out of him. When he uses Terraflare, he is close to death. He'll keep using Dispelga on you, but just keep buffing yourself with Haste. Then keep hacking away.

Then he'll die XD

My second go at him, my first team beat him so badly. I didn't even need my reserve team.

Apparently he gets harder the higher level you are. So, a level 99 team will find him harder than my level 48 team did :P
Okay then, tell me how much damage did it do? Then tell me, would the mp be more useful elsewhere like curaja for instance? Also how much damage did your physical attacks do?
First Quickening 60000 damage, next two 30000 damage and THE END for The Undying. I had like 5 Megalixirs :D, and dealt around 2000 damage phisicaly.
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I used my main 3 of Balthier, Vaan, and Basch and just attacked him like I usually did. With all the augments filled and magic learned, I had the ATB bar filling as fast as possible. Also with MP being restored every time I attacked physically, I could use up as much magic as possible and have my MP bar filled within 5 seconds again.

So basically Gambits kicked ass and I hacked away at the MoFo.