Demonsbane problems: bridge won't raise.


Apr 6, 2008
Okay, so I kicked that walls ass, then I went to touch the crystal. When I touched it nothing happened. WTF? Last time I played through I had this problem too, but I don't remember how I got around it.
You gotta beat BOTH walls- optional and unavoidable. And you DON'T kick the optional Demon Wall's ass. Unless, of course, you're like me, and skipped it and forgot about it until after you beat the Pharos, and beat it in about 3 seconds.
By the way, welcome to Final Fantasy Forums.
As said, you got to beat both walls, the first wall is obviously avoidable, you just run into the next room where the second wall is, which you have to fight. You need to take out both.

I kicked the first walls ass my second playthrough by the way, BUT I'd power levelled using Dustia was at level 39/40 when I fought him, also Beserked everyone (including Vossler) except Fran, just incase I needed a healer lol.
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And, I had the same problem when I replayed XII recently. You have to kill both Demon Walls before the bridges will raise. =]
As everyones saying you have to beat both walls in order to procced.

This is easier if you come back latter thought but there are other ways like power training or using some choice spells and weapons correctly to bring it down fast.

I think this thread is just about finished as the question has been answered.