Did anyone else enjoy crushing the nobles at the auctions?


Loard of the board
Mar 6, 2007
Whenever I entered Treno and decided to go to the auction I always had an insane drive to crush the nobles hopes and dreams by auctioning possibly 50,000 gil more than I should do. I was just wondering whether this happened to anybody else?
Oh yes. :neomon:

I, however, bought a rather un-expensive pirate copy of the game, wherein the opening sequence is preceded by a list, which allows me to enter any cheat I wish, including but not limited to infinite health and magic, unlimited gil and maximum stats for various characters.

As such, even if I bit the maximum number of digits for something as simple as Mini-Cid, I'd return to having 9999999999999999999 gil afterwards.

Those buggerlugs always stayed silent after that. :wacky:
Haha yes. But I only did it a couple times as I didn't really wanna waste too much gil. I know I had a lot of those to spare, but still...I don't like throwing gil around so carelessly.
I had lots of gil after training up so I decided to persue my hatred of those pitifull noblemen unfortunately I soon had no gil left but in my eyes I won =]
I dunno why, but I never had any pleasure in beating the nobles out. Probably because I hate spending money in RL, and I felt lame spending that much in-game when really, I should have been saving my money. Plus, the nobles didn't seem too mean to me, just adamant about getting that item they'll never use. :elmo:
On FF games I'm always a stingy bastard :P I have a terrible "save money for a rainy day" attitude.

But thankfully in real life I am a real compulsive buyer and always have no moeny ;) Guess that balances it out.
I seem to be a compulsive buyer in anything be it life or an RPG its just the way I am I suppose oh well im sure i will learn eventually =]
lol yea there is a kind of perverse pleasure in not letting them get their grubby mitts on the items!!!!
still you don't have to spend that much money thou you jus wait until the auctioneer is about to sell the item (he says summat like 'are there any more bids' its been a while since I played it) and then bid 100gil on top of that and you get the item every time :neomon:
Ah crushing Nobles was a... I'm actually tempted to say "honourable past-time"...
but it wasn't...
Fun though.
Although what Cube says is true, you can just add 100 gil everytime, sometimes they upped, oft times not.
I can't say i enjoyed it because i was only interested in buying the things i really needed. I suppose having Zidane walk inside an auction house and buy all of those items, would be the same if a bumb walked inside a real auction house and was able to buy all of the good stuff while the fat and rich men of our world looked in amazement.
i loved crushing the nobles and in turn of crushing them, i was hoping that i would run across the magicians finger but i still havent! so im going to keep getting more money, crushing the rich bastards in betting, and getting more items til i get my finger!
haha well I only spent as much as I needed to win whatever item I wanted/needed there at the auction. I mean I didn't waste more time or money than needed, so I really didn't think of 'crushing' the Nobles.
I'm far to stingy to bid a ridiculous amount xD

I'd just wait and bid at the l;ast possible moment to get theitem as cheap as possible, and when I was selling them on, Id have a rant about how stingy the nobles were who bought them off me for less than I paid....so no, I didnt enjoy crushing the nobles at the auction....haha
SOmetimes I would put in a massive bid on disk 4, when i had far too much money, just so they could all go "hmmmm" and not buy it.

but when it came to buying doga artefact, une's mirror etc, I tried to go low and tried to make a profit by re-selling cos i was tight then! :)
Oh yes. :neomon:

I, however, bought a rather un-expensive pirate copy of the game, wherein the opening sequence is preceded by a list, which allows me to enter any cheat I wish, including but not limited to infinite health and magic, unlimited gil and maximum stats for various characters.

As such, even if I bit the maximum number of digits for something as simple as Mini-Cid, I'd return to having 9999999999999999999 gil afterwards.

Those buggerlugs always stayed silent after that. :wacky:

I use to have the same kinda copy, but it wouldn't let me play disk 3 so I got the real one, but yeah I enjoy out bidding noble people
I use to spend hours getting enough gil to tear the nobles apart, i always wanted to make them run out of the auction room crying....supprisingly it never happened.

I can't really remeber much of my auction days.