Did you even bother to take the challenge that is ruby

King Sean

I am the bone of my sword.....steel is my body and
Jun 6, 2009
Northern Crater
Yeah,i want to know who took the challenge.who stepped up.who went the extra mile and beat the SOB ruby weapon and felt real nice inside after that accomplishment.I....sadly....did not:dry:
Yeah, only managed to beat it first time on my last run through though

W-summon - KOTR+HP absorb - Mime

In all the years I struggled , then took it down really easy with that set up was almost dissapointing....almost, but not quite
Yeah I did. FFVII was a pretty easy game overall, and I wanted to experience any and all real challenges. Saying that, I didn't find Ruby all that hard, because once you have Counter + Mime and....whichever that Materia is that enables you to hit 4 times, you're pretty much hax. I beat it first time and found Emerald harder.
If you have the correct materia-combination it's easy. There's no skill involved. All you need to do is keep triggering mine and sit through roughly 20 Knights Of The Rounds animations until the big lad hits the deck.
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I didn't. I didn't have the right materia and my people sucked. So i pretty much wiped every time i did it.
I did. I don't know exactly which materia combo I used, only that KOTR and Hades were involved. Ruby and Emerald are some of the easiest optional bosses in FF history.
The first time I played through VII, I was at 95 hours before I actually beat Ruby. By that time I had already killed Emerald. I killed it with the most common Knights of Round + Mime. But after that I tried to kill it with other strategies, such as using only Limit Breaks. If you actually set out to really "challenge" Ruby and Emerald in general and not just toy with them using Knights of the round, they're actually really time consuming to take down.
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I challenged Ruby.......and failed many, many times. Stupid Weapon demolished me seconds after I entered the battle. It was horrible.

Then, on about my 3rd playthrough of the game, I decided to challenge it again. This time around, all my party members were in top form, and had mastered their equipped materia (especially Knights of the Round). I also made sure to actually apply some strategy and not be stupid enough to just use brute force. I won, thank goodness. I felt so proud of myself afterwards.
Is Ruby the one that forms next to the golden saucer???

If so I keep getting my ass handed to me by that thing!! I have no clue how to beat it at all. I am in pretty good shape too I just do not have KOTR. =(
Yeah I beat him... But as for feeling "nice inside" and accomplished... Not so much.

The reward was a gold chocobo and yet despite coming as a reward for beating Ruby, it sucked. That bird practically limped around the track at the gold saucer. >_>

IMO the only benefit of beating Ruby is just being able to say "I beat Ruby weapon!".
Can we try to add abit more depth to our posts please guys? Tell us abit about your experience with Ruby ^^
Nuuu, I haven't beaten him yet. I started replaying FFVII, and I'm getting everything literally everything before starting over on this game this time. xD So yes, I kinda HAVE to coop with dying like probably a billion times. I WILL GET THIS FUCKER DOWN! >.<

I've not actually tried it.

I mean obviously I've curiously wandered in the desert, saw what looks like a wobbly red willy in the middle of the desert and checked out what the heck it was doing there.. But then I'd get my ass kicked obviously.

But I've not REALLY tried to defeat it, not by levelling for it, equiping the correct materia and going at it with tactics. I hope to be able to do that at some point with my current playthrough of the game, as I guess its one of those things you can brag about to people.

I know I could just make it up and say that I did it so that I can brag anyway, but I suck at telling fibs like that and I will regret it for the rest of my life. I'm a nutter and if I tell even a small lie unless it was for good reason I enter a state of regret and feel terrible for ages. :ness:

So yeah, one day perhaps. :D
I actually couldn't be arsed to do it before, but I might do it this time if can be bothered, but I can't see that anytime soon at the moment cause I've got a well busy month ahead of me with holiday and all that :gasp:

I'm gonna try and avoid Knights of The Round tactic though, cause from what I've heard, it seems to make it too easy. Would be nice to kill that little desert willy (as Argor puts it) this time.

I ran into it before though just to see how fast it would kill me. One round I believe.
He was a real SOB! I completed the whole game 6 times and the 7th i decided to go kick hiss ass... It was actually disapointing, just too easy :-(
I beat him. My team, Cait sith, Vincent, and Cloud. Super easy. Long. But easy.

Underwater weapon was the most hard battle out of them all in my opinion.
Ruby weapon

Ruby weapon is the hardest bad guy in finalfantasy 7 so there a unique way to defeat it you could use the knight of the round tactic a good way is to put it HP absorb so you get all the MP back so you could just keep using it until its dead thats what i did and if you do that ur laughing
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I seem to have tried almost everything... i never got mime and no matter how many times i bred those damn chocobos i never got a gold one.. so i couldnt use Knights of the Round.. does anybody else have any suggestions besides those?