Did you have a favorite disc, or rather part of the game?


Blue Mage
Mar 5, 2009
I'd say Disc 1 was my favorite and by Disc 4, I was actually losing interest in the game. I fucking loved this game, but I wish they could have kept Zidane's lightheartedness, and furthermore, the carefree feel of the game throughout more of it. Examples being: Zidane grabbing Garnet's ass, Steiner and Zidane's tension, and so on. Once it got so serious that Zidane would not even crack a joke, I didn't like it as much.

I really enjoyed most, if not all, of disc one. Disc two was starting to slip, and by the end of disc three... well, I just stopped playing for a while. It really bothered me. Disc one really trapped me in the whole story, and I wouldn't have kept going if disc one hadn't grabbed me within a few minutes :) I also like the characters you meet on disc one better, and the Festival of the Hunt! I love that thing :D Plus Garnet learning to speak common folks' English... total WIN! :D
I really enjoyed most, if not all, of disc one. Disc two was starting to slip, and by the end of disc three... well, I just stopped playing for a while. It really bothered me. Disc one really trapped me in the whole story, and I wouldn't have kept going if disc one hadn't grabbed me within a few minutes :) I also like the characters you meet on disc one better, and the Festival of the Hunt! I love that thing :D Plus Garnet learning to speak common folks' English... total WIN! :D
I 100% agree with all that. Disc one had a kind of fun, festive medieval feel and it made me so addicted. But they got so far away from it by the end. I could even make the claim that Disc one was one of the most entertaining and possibly the best individual CD for a game I've played. However, the last discs kind of took it down some...
Mm. This is like picking your favorite child for me. I'd probably have to go with Disc 1 as well, for a few sections. 1) Running around Alexandria with Vivi. 2) The swordfight. 3) Zidane copping a feel. (I wouldn't have had the balls, but I'd've been staring straight at it.) 4) And Burmecia. Holy crap I love that part.

I actually really liked Pandemonium, where Zidane turns into an a-hole. It did something that the two previous PSX Final Fantasies didn't: the lead character showed a marked personality change. Conflict leads to change. Squall didn't change at all. Cloud did a little, but it was kind of a..... retroactive reversion..... to coin a phrase. It also showed Zidane's humanity. He went from carefree thief - excuse me, treasure hunter - to saving the world in a short time, and to expect someone not to change, or at least have a tough time, is a bit naive.

Anyway, yeah, Disc One ftw.
Yeah, my favorite really would have to be Disc 1. The opening just really grabs your attention, like at the very beginning when Tantalus kidnaps Garnet (though she went willingingly). It was a nice way to start off the game. Very lively and entertaining. I'll admit that the later discs were no longer as fun, but I still found good character development in them, which is what I look for in a game (besides storyline). Disc 1 is my favorite, but I still enjoyed the other 3.
Disks 1-3 was pretty much near perfect for me, Disk 1 would probably get the nod for overall best for having a quicker pace than the others although D2 had some truly epic moments.
Hmmmmm im not sure. I liked them all to be honest. Each disk had certain events that i really liked. Il go with disk 2 though. I thought the excitement really picked up after your defeat to Beatrix in Burmecia. You have to fight in Cleyra then evacuate before Odin destroys the place. Then theres charging into Alexandria to save Garnet. Really good disk.
I think I like Disc 1 too, mainly for the excellent opening and the way the game starts 'small' as it were, leaving the plot to build up later. But I think the criticisms of Disc 4 are harsh, of course it will be more serious and less fun by then (though there are still a few jokes) as by that point the world is in serious danger so obviously the mood of the game changes. Plus bear in mind Disc 4 is pretty short in terms of the main plot, it is essentially Memoria, Crystal World and the final battles before the ending. It's all climax whereas the previous discs have more room for set-up and character moments.
My fav is most certainly Disc 1. Everything seemed so unique in Disc 1-maybe it was the exposition and how the game presented itself- but after that the game started to slip. idk the whole game is good but Disc 1 is the best.
This is my favorite Game in the entire FF series, and I feel every disc has its own epic moments, obviously Disc 1 has many, Burmecia especially is such an amazing piece of gaming and story coming together. The rain adds such an element and the passion Freya has for defending her Homeland is just...wow. Disc 2 I am suprised is not getting more respect as it had its share of epic moments, The dance is cool the battles are all great and your characters truly begin to become more powerful. On top of that, you can finally set your party because everyone (almost) comes together. Disc 3 and 4, while both fantastic are interchangable I feel after those two. Both are great, but it is correct to say they are lacking compaired to the first two.

Oh and for everyone talking about how Zidane wasn't "Crae-free" enough and how things got to serious in later discs, thats the best part about this game. You see the characters develop and grow more than in any other FF for ps2 in my opinion. Zidane is such happy go lucky dude at the beginning until the responsibilty falls upon him, and he answers the challenge. And grows up. Man, I think i'm gunna go play this game right now!

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Oh and for everyone talking about how Zidane wasn't "Crae-free" enough and how things got to serious in later discs, thats the best part about this game. You see the characters develop and grow more than in any other FF for ps2 in my opinion. Zidane is such happy go lucky dude at the beginning until the responsibilty falls upon him, and he answers the challenge. And grows up. Man, I think i'm gunna go play this game right now!
I see what you mean, and I already thought that, but just cuz' it should be that way doesn't mean I want it to. Even though it worked for the character development and story, I still wanted Zidane to be fun at the end...

Oh, and sorry to get off topic, but fuck the Cowboys! :D Romo is gonna' keep chokin'. NINER PRIDE! :funnyface:
Really enjoyed the second CD really felt like the drama and the energy of the story started to pick up. Kuja's role of a badguy started to appear more often and it was cool to explore more places around the world.

Would pick the 3rd CD but it has so many annoying dungeons on that disc. ;/
I think Disk 3 was my favourite Disk. The attack on Alexandra in particular stands out as one of my favourite parts of the game. Disk 3 showed a lot of action and a lot of drama, and was just a fun and exciting disk to play.

Attack on Alexandria, Kuja's Palace, Terra. All fantastic parts of the game.

I hope I'm right in saying they were all in Disk 3...I haven't played FFIX for ages though :gasp:
Zidane doesn't REALLY lose his funny side.

He stops joking around so much by Terra because there's nothing to joke about. Examples of humour late on in he game includes "that" door in Ipsen's Castle and Zidane trying to leave Chocobo's Paradise using Mene.

It's pretty hard to be funny when you've found out your purpose in life is to wipe out everything on a planet and then existence itself is threatened.

As for my favourite part of the game. That would probably be....
Damn, that's a hard question..... I don't really have one. The game meshes together to well to pick out a defining moment. The entire GAME is a defining moment.
I don't really have a favorite part in this game either. I've played the game so many times that it seems that the whole game is just one fun part. The part that I liked the least was going through Terra. I hate that place because I always end up getting lost somehow.
Just after the start of the second disc. You don't know where the story is going and it really keeps you hooked. In no time at all you're on to disc 3. The whole pace of the game is well judged but I found this bit the most exciting on the first play through. I couldn't wait to find out more of the story and was frequently under-leveled because of it! ^_^
I think Disk 3 was my favourite Disk. The attack on Alexandra in particular stands out as one of my favourite parts of the game. Disk 3 showed a lot of action and a lot of drama, and was just a fun and exciting disk to play.

Attack on Alexandria, Kuja's Palace, Terra. All fantastic parts of the game.

I hope I'm right in saying they were all in Disk 3...I haven't played FFIX for ages though :gasp:

I completely agree!

I don't remember a lot of stuff, but Garnet's city is pretty amazing. A lot of the cities are really nice in the game. The thing that was coolest was the part when Kuja goes trance.. real epic.
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I have to admit that by the fourth disc the game does lose some of the appeal that it had in earlier discs. The design for Terra was kind of boring for me. And from when Kuja captures everyone (disc 3) to the end, the characters don't really say or do much that resemble their earlier personalties. They just go along with what Zidane tells them.
The story had me hooked at the start, love it. I don't think it does down hill, but the atmosphere and relationship between characters certainly changes, and things become more serious.

A part of the game which stands out as being my favourite is when Steiner and Beatrix are defending Alexandria, I love that scene. And also when Garnet and Eiko summon Alexander.