Different Part


Chocobo Breeder
Mar 30, 2007
Somewhere with lots of Insanity
Okay, I know lots of people like to talk about stuff they didn't like about a game or stuff they would have liked them being different, well this is your time to shine!

I'm not talking about the Game's system, or the controls or graphics -- I'm just asking about the story, what would have you prefered into the Story? Or what would you like to be changed?
Nothing. I loved the story... the only thing I wish is that the game did a better job of explaining it so everyone had a good grasp on it.
Nah, they knew kids would love Cloud and Sephiroth so they left a bunch of loop holes in the plot, so that if Square needed the money they could just throw a bunch of crap together and have Sephiroth and Cloud fight again (AC, anyone?).
I'd like it if Aeris didnt die...or if a certain other character died instead of her ;)

or just that she died at the end...so i dont have to buy a cheat disk to acheive that XD

but still the game was amazing and i wouldnt wanna see anything of the storyline changed
I wouldn't have change anything either, even for the complex plot/storyline. The is one of the main reason why the game is so great even to this day. I simply love it.
I'm sorry, I really adore Tifa, but I hated her in disc 2. She was way too clingy and it seemed like all she wanted was to be with Cloud, and she was only doing everything for Cloud and that she just didn't care about anybody BUT Cloud. Take away her clinginess and things would have been fine. Also, I wish Aerith wouldn't have had to die or that in some way she could have been revived after Meteor was destroyed. I'll agree with Rydia, cut back on the melodrama in disc 2, seriously.
The only bit i didnt like about the story (FF VII is my favourite) was the begining it was a bit rushed i thought, all of a sudden you were thrown in to a shinra reactor. But apart from that nothing it was perfect :)