Digimon Re: Create [Datalog]


All your username are belong to me.
Nov 20, 2009
Somewhere else
Digimon Re: Create


Table of Contents

1. Prologue
2. Help Files
3. Glossary of Terminology
4. World Landmarks
5. Human Factions
6. Digimon Factions
7. Timeline
8. Cast of Characters
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The Digital World has always been a place of conflict, yet for every evil, there is a corresponding good. So, when the Demon Lords, after centuries of imprisonment, rose up to overthrow the four Sovereigns of the Digital World and claim it for their own, they were met in opposition by an army, led by Digidestined; chosen warriors with the power to see them cast down permanently.

They failed. The Gate of the Seven Deadly Sins was thrown open, and horrors far greater than that of even the Demon Lords were unleashed upon the Digital World, plunging it into ruin. Yet not even Lucemon himself could predict the repercussions of opening the Gate, as the Digital World, inexplicably, merged with the Human World. Physical reality and data became woven together, and through the chaos, something new was born: a world where humans and Digimon existed together. The Gate was closed, and the evil was resealed, yet the world remained in a state of decline. The Demon Lords vanished, yet their evil remained to plague the land.

That was three years ago.

What is now known as simply The Merge has shattered the bonds between nations; shattered the very land itself. Scattered to the winds and vastly diminished in numbers, humankind now finds that it is no longer the dominant species on the planet, which has itself changed beyond recognition, being neither physical nor digital, yet something in between. Creatures of immense power known as Digimon now roam the land in abundance, and many are not kindly disposed to their new neighbors.

Despite the chaos surrounding the Merge, the world has reached a tenuous stability. However, the arrival of new Digidestined, and the stirring of the ghosts of the past, have thrown this stability into chaos, and what will rise from this chaos, none can know for certain. Will these new Digidestined bring forth a glorious new era for Mankind, or for Digimon? Which species will rise to dominance over the new world, and which will fall, becoming little more than a memory? As each side works to bring its own plans for the future to fruition, those who are caught up in the maelstrom must set their own course, and with it, the course of this new world…

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Help Files

Choosing your Partner Digimon

This RP will be using the Digital Monsters Almanac (DMA) as its primary source of information. With the exception of select forbidden Digimon (see below) if a Digimon is listed on the DMA, it can be selected as a partner Digimon.

You may follow any Digivolution line you wish, as long as it does not require an item or a partner Digimon to achieve. Alternate Digivolutions are listed under the “Or” section in the DMA. For example, you could have a Digivolution line consisting of Agumon -> Deputymon -> Taomon -> Boltmon if you really wanted to, as these are all options in the DMA. This is to allow maximum freedom of choice; options will be extremely limited otherwise, and as Digivolution lines are not allowed to intersect (i.e. if someone else chooses a Digimon, you cannot choose that Digimon yourself) this is a compromise to ensure that nobody is stuck with anything they really do not want.

Anything counted as “Jogress Evolution” on the DMA Digi Dex should not be a part of your Digivolution line, unless another player in the RP has the other Digimon needed for that Digivolution. For example, your Digivolution line could not consist of Veemon -> ExVeemon -> Dinobeemon unless another player had Stingmon as a part of their Digivolution line, and was willing to DNA Digivolve with you.

You could, however, have Veemon -> ExVeemon -> Paildramon, as Paildramon is included in the “Or” section in the DMA, and does not necessarily require a Stingmon to achieve. Note that a Paildramon achieved through DNA Digivolution would be stronger than one made of one Digimon, however, as DNA Digivolved Digimon are slightly more powerful than regular Ultimates, to account for the fact that two Digimon went into its creation.

Similarly, anything listed under “Armor Evolution” or “Item Evolution” should not be a part of your evolution line, unless your Digimon can digivolve to that form without the use of said Armor or Item.

In the case of “Hybrid” or “Armor” Digimon that your Digimon can digivolve to naturally, they will be counted as the next level up from what they Digivolved from. For example, if your Digivolution line was Gabumon -> Garurumon -> WereGarurumon -> MagnaGarurumon, MagnaGarurumon would be classified as a normal Mega-level Digimon, despite its definition as a Hybrid. Similarly, if you wished to have Veemon digivolve to Flamedramon, Flamedramon would be classified as a regular Champion.

If you are uncertain about the validity of your Digivolution line for any reason, PM me.

The Forbidden List

You may not have the following Digimon in your Digivolution line:

  • [*=left]Demon Lords
    [*=left]Royal Knights
    [*=left]Digimon Sovereigns
    [*=left]Imperialdramon Paladin Mode
    [*=left]Digimon that lack a level (for example, Shoutmon and NeoVamdemon)
    [*=left]Burst Mode Digimon

The reasons for this vary, but the most common reasons are as follows:​

  1. [*=left]These Digimon play a significant role in the plot. It would be very strange, for example, to have two Dynasmon running around, or have another Lucemon under the control of one of the Digidestined.
    [*=left]Overwhelming power that it would be unrealistic to restrict. Demon Lords and Royal Knights in particular in a class by themselves, and the Digimon Sovereigns are GODS. Others, like Susanoomon, can punch everything in existence simultaneously according to their description.
    [*=left]These Digimon lack a level. This is a real problem when a Digimon’s strength, in this RP, is determined by its level: a Rookie cannot take on an Ultimate.
    [*=left]The Digimon in question represents a more powerful variation of a normal Mega, and not every Digimon has such a Mode. This is the case for Burst Mode Digimon.

Battle Mechanics

Battle Mechanics

Digimon may Digivolve up to the Champion level initially. This can occur when there is a need for it, and will end when the need is gone. Digimon may NOT remain in a form above the Rookie level for an extended length of time outside of battle. It is up to you to decide when your Digimon digivolves, for how long, and when it returns to its previous stage. Digimon may return to their previous stage in one of the following situations:

  1. The battle has concluded
  2. Your Digimon has suffered a great deal of damage (use your common sense to decide this)
  3. Your Digimon is out of energy (if it has been battling for an extended period of time)

When severely outclassed by an opponent, Digimon may return to their In-Training form, rather than their Rookie, and may not be able to digivolve again until they have recovered their energy. Generally, this will be the case if you face a Digimon of a higher level than you: so, a Champion facing an Ultimate would likely return to their In-Training form.

Digivolving to higher levels requires crest activation. Crests will be activated on an individual basis as a result of character development, and need only be activated in a moment of development once to reach the Ultimate level: once done the first time, your Digimon will be able to reach the Ultimate level without your character being in a state of tension. Digivolving to the Mega level will require sufficiently more, and will be discussed as a part of the plot when the time comes.

Digimon cannot die. They can, however, be destroyed, and once they are destroyed, their data will be reconfigured into a Digiegg, which will appear in Primary Village on File Island. They will be the same Digimon as they were prior to their destruction, and you will need to go and retrieve them. Given the state of Primary Village, caution is advised. Those Digimon in the top three tiers, such as the Royal Knights and Ophanimon Falldown Mode, are capable of destroying Digimon outright, no matter what their level, and Digimon two levels higher than your own – for example, if you faced an Ultimate with a Rookie – may also do this.

Battles are conducted in real time, and you are free to be as creative as you would like, just remember: there must always be give and take, and you will not be able to block or intercept stronger Digimon attacks with your own. Digimon attacks are as listed in the DMA, and you are free to describe them however you wish, but you must not make up your own attacks. Attack descriptions should also be similar to what they sound like: for example, Seraphimon’s Strike of the Seven Stars would take the form of seven energy projectiles, not a singular beam attack. One attack may have multiple forms – for example, Phantomon’s Shadow Scythe may be a physical slash with a scythe, or a shockwave generated from swinging the scythe – but try not to go overboard, and use your common sense.

If, at any stage, you struggle with battling, ask.


To clarify this absolutely, this is the hierarchy of strength for this RP. A Digimon that is placed lower on this hierarchy than another cannot defeat that Digimon in single combat as a general rule, and in some cases, two or three Digimon wouldn’t be able to win either: you wouldn’t expect any number of Rookies to be able to defeat a Mega, would you? However, a normal Ultimate might be able to tackle an X-Ultimate or one of the Seven Generals; it’d be a close call determined by the way the battle went. This is a guideline; use your common sense to figure out the rest.

Tier 1: Lucemon (all forms), Fanglongmon
Tier 2: Digimon Sovereigns, GranDracmon, Susanoomon, Dexmon, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, X Royal Knights, X Demon Lords, Ophanimon Falldown Mode
Tier 3: Demon Lords, Royal Knights, DNA Digivolved Mega, X Mega
Tier 4: Mega
Tier 5: DNA Digivolved Ultimate, X Ultimate
Tier 6: Ultimate
Tier 7: X Champion
Tier 8: Champion
Tier 9: X Rookie
Tier 10: Rookie
Tier 11: In-Training/Baby


Can I use this Digimon?

If it's not on the above Forbidden List and nobody else has claimed it, yes.

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Glossary of Terminology

The Merge

The Merge marked the end of the Celestial War, when the Gate of Seven Deadly Sins was thrown open by Lucemon. The exact circumstances surrounding the Merge – how it happened, or even why it happened – are unknown, and the surviving humans and Digimon are no closer now to finding an answer as they were three years ago. The Merge was little more than a shift in perceptions to those who experienced it, as continents vanished and reappeared, some expanded in size, others reduced. Approximately 85% of the population of humans and Digimon alike simply ceased to exist in that moment, although whether they died or still exist somewhere is, similarly, unknown. Those who survived the Merge are trying to rebuild their lives as best they can, although their efforts are being hampered significantly by the Nightmare Soldiers who survived the crossing…as well a their mysterious leader, Lady Nex.


Digital Monsters, known commonly as Digimon, are creatures that were constructed of leftover data fragments floating around the internet, and were given sentience as a result. Many Digimon parallel creatures that exist in the human world in some form, although they are noticeably more powerful and intelligent: almost all Digimon are able to communicate with humans, and even the weakest have more power within them than animals in the human world. Digimon also experience evolution at an accelerated rate, allowing them to take on stronger forms for a limited period of time.


The Digidestined are young humans – never younger than twelve, yet never older than twenty – who have formed a link with a Digimon, who becomes their partner and is able to use their energy as a source of strength, allowing them to reach levels of evolution higher than they would be able to achieve alone. Digidestined are something of a mystery, both in their selection and in how they are able to boost the power of their Digimon partner, yet no other Digimon. Once a human forms a bond with a Digimon in this way, it is a bond that lasts for the duration of the human’s life.

Digivices are small, handheld devices that appear to be similar to stop-watches, which serves as a link between Digidestined and Digimon. It is through these devices that Digidestined can channel their energy in the form of raw data, allowing their Digimon to reach the next stage of evolution. A Digivice is one of the identifying marks of a Digidestined; without it, they are little more than ordinary humans with Digimon partners. Digivices are genetically coded to their owners: they cannot be used by another. Their durability has yet to be tested properly, yet they are surprisingly sturdy. In the old days, they allowed the holder to transport themselves to the Digital World. Now, they lack this function…

Crests are physical manifestations of traits that are the greatest strength of the Digidestined that holds it. The exact nature of Crests is unknown, yet after they have been activated, they respond instantly in times of need, allowing Digimon to reach the Ultimate level. The energy involved is phenomenal, and cannot be forced: it must come from what poets might refer to as the heart. Attempting to force-activate a Crest can have disastrous consequences…

Despite their strength, Crests do not necessarily represent dominant personality traits in the Digidestined in question: it is not unheard of for the holder of the Crest of Courage to be a coward, or for the one holding the Crest of Light to have a heart filled with uncertainty or even hatred. Often, Crests represent that which Digidestined must aspire to obtain, so that they may grow with their Digimon, or raw, unrefined qualities that they must come to understand are their greatest asset.

For the new generation of Digidestined, there are eight possible crests: Courage, Friendship, Love, Sincerity, Reliability, Knowledge, Hope and Light.

The original Digidestined wielded the crests of Kindness, Miracles and Destiny. It is rumoured that these Crests are still active, as they have yet to be passed on to others…

Project X
Project X was mounted by an unremarkable (and now infamous) computer scientist and later theologist, Dr. Marcus Clyne, who first established the existence and nature of the Digital World. Presumed dead in the aftermath of the Merge, his research was nonetheless made available to scientists, who later developed Project X, when the Digimon they shared the planet with began to represent a threat. By tapping into a Digimon’s computer program through the use of specialised terminals – only three of which had ever been built, and only one of which remains operable and within human hands – it was possible to re-write their code, implanting sequences of data that acted very much like a virus, spread by touch, which slowly erased a Digimon’s computer code, ultimately erasing it from existence.

The resulting X-Virus was devastatingly effective, capable of permanently erasing even Mega level Digimon, although it’s use was immediately brought into question: it was simply not right to wipe out the Digital Monsters that they now shared the world with, many argued, and given the assistance offered to the Consultants by the Royal Knights, it was difficult to gauge how they would take the creation and implementation of such a virus: they had worked hard, over the last two and a half years, to build alliances with Digimon, and such a weapon could only jeopardize that.

It is unsurprising that a split arose between the factions, and the Arbiters were formed. They were quickly removed from power and summarily dismissed when they were discovered, yet they lingered within the civilization built by the Consultants, and became something of an organized cult. It was, they believed, their moral obligation to take back the planet for humanity, and despite having no official authority, they remain very prominent figures within the remnants of human society.


Recently, new Digimon, twisted by the virus, and under the control of humans, have been sighted, suggesting that the Arbiters, despite not possessing access to the one remaining terminal, have managed to find an alternate solution, and have managed to bring Digimon under their control. It is also possible that this is a natural mutation of the X-Virus, although that these Digimon willingly follow the commands of humans suggests otherwise.

X-Digimon are stronger than their regular counterparts. However, their code is highly unstable, and cannot handle the raw power required for digivolving for very long. They can be forced to digivolve, but their data will quickly scatter afterwards, reforming to become a DigiEgg, rather than returning to their previous form. This makes them useful in battle, but tremendous liabilities…

The Celestial Trinity

The Celestial Trinity is composed of Ophanimon, Seraphimon and Cherubimon, who were the fully evolved forms of the Digimon partners of the original Digidestined. With powers that were exceeded only by the Digimon Sovereigns themselves, it was believed that they would easily defeat the forces of Lucemon. Yet they all possessed one fatal flaw, and it was this that ultimately cost them their victory, and both the Digital World and the Human World. None know for sure what became of them, or their partners, in the aftermath of the Merge, yet some report having seen them in moments of great crisis…

The Gate of Seven Deadly Sins

An ancient device constructed – or perhaps found – millennia ago by Lucemon, it’s ultimate purpose is unknown. It is said that behind the gate lurks an evil more powerful than even Lucemon; an opposite to the Creator itself, from which the Demon Lords draw their power. Others believe that the gate leads to another world – the human world – and that opening it in the Digital World causes the two worlds to be united. Many believe that opening the gate a second time would cause the worlds to separate, yet in the aftermath of the Merge, the gate disappeared, and none have been able to locate it.
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World Landmarks

Clicking on the name of a place will provide a sample image, where applicable

Folder Continent
Divided broadly into three zones, what has become known as the Folder Continent has largely been abandoned by both humans and Digimon alike. The cities that survived the Merge have become little more than ruins, and now only a few Drifters patrol the lands. Only the hardiest can survive the harsh conditions, and few others have any inclination to try.

Ash Zone

Stuck in a perfect monotone, the Ash Zone is a mute testament to the destruction that was visited upon the world during what has now become known as the Celestial War. A greyscale world that seems to be outside of the rest of the world, the Ash Zone does not experience day or night, and the passage of time is similarly obscured. Electrical devices no longer function, and several broken vending machines can be found scattered through the landscape, their contents looted. Whilst the safest area of the Folder Continent, it is no more inhabitable for it.

Metal Factory

An old fashioned factory that could have originated from either world, the Metal Factory, for lack of a better name, is the only visible sign of activity that one will find in the Ash Zone, as flames and thick, choking black smoke pour forth from its chimney stacks at all times, a mute testament to the work being undertaken there. Exactly what the work is, none know for certain: the front gate is guarded by two extremely belligerent Machinedramon, and Guardromon frequently patrol the area, discouraging anyone from entering. Consequences for being caught within the grounds are never pleasant…

New York

Once thought of as one of the grandest cities in the world, New York has been utterly destroyed, and is now little more than a collection of hollowed-out, half-destroyed buildings, gutted by scavengers who live in the newly established New York Base. There is little to recommend the city now; whilst stronger Digimon pay it no mind, there is still sufficient danger in the streets to discourage visits, especially after dark.

New York Base

A collection of underground rooms that started life as storm cellars or basement floors of buildings that have been expanded and connected through man-made tunnels that have been dug over the years, the New York base is a well-kept secret, and few know of its existence, making it a relatively safe haven, although tunnels are frequently collapsed if there is any danger of antagonistic Digimon discovering its location. Its population is small – around 5000 – and they live on the edge of poverty, relying upon what they can scavenge from the city and fish from the sea. The people live fairly autonomous lives, with the majority vote determining what should be done. Majority is often skewed in favour of a few individuals who have earned a name for themselves as mercenaries or diplomats, however. The New York Base welcomes all remnants of humanity, and is one of the few places where even Digidestined can seek safe harbour. Those who harm the community are met with the harsh punishment of death through imprisonment and starvation, however, making it quite a difficult world to live in: more than one person caught stealing has been sentenced to the harshest penalty by a skewed majority vote.

Volcanic Zone

One might be forgiven for thinking that the Ash Zone and the Volcanic Zone were one and the same, but the closer they were to come to the only landmark of the area, Mt. Vesuvius, the more they would discover that this is not the case. The ground is uneven and considerably harder underfoot, from where lava has run over the land and later hardened, the air is extremely difficult to breathe, and temperatures closer to the volcano are at dangerous levels. Travellers who find they must go through the Volcanic Zone will often skirt its edges, as close to the sea as possible – despite the danger from predatory seafaring Digimon who anticipate them doing just that – to avoid the volcano outright.

Mt. Vesuvius

Previously declared inactive, with the Merge and its subsequent dramatic shift in positioning, Mt. Vesuvius has now become more dangerous than it ever was when the worlds were separated. Earthquakes are not uncommon in the region and, whilst Vesuvius does not react violently to these events, it has erupted no less than thirty-four times in the last three years. Few Digimon inhabit the area, preferring to avoid it entirely, and it is not difficult to see why.

Desert Zone

Juxtaposed with the volcanic wastelands, the Desert Zone seems relatively tame by comparison, although frequent sandstorms and freezing temperatures at night would quickly dissuade one of the illusion that it would be the easier place to live. Hotter than even the Volcanic Zone during the day as the Sun blazes overhead, the Desert Zone is one of the harshest environments in the new world. Small oasis are scattered throughout the barren landscape, although these may be more trouble than they are worth…


A technologically advanced Pyramid that is the chosen base of power of one of the Seven Generals of the Nightmare Soldiers, NeoDevimon. Pyramidus is a foreboding structure, with highly advanced defences and, of course, numerous Digimon between the Rookie and Ultimate level to run them. Whilst it was destroyed in the Celestial War, it has evidently been reconstructed, although whether it used existing material from one of the pyramids of the human world that survived the Merge or was made from scratch is unknown. None have been able to infiltrate it to find out. Rumours that this model can also fly have yet to be verified one way or the other…


Rome is somewhat unique, in that it was the only city that survived the Merge in its entirety. However, it is also the only city under the control of the Nightmare Soldiers, who effectively hold its entire population hostage. Whilst technically under the jurisdiction of NeoDevimon, he rarely intervenes directly in the city politics, leaving it to his more capable underlings to ensure that the people are kept in line. They are, for the most part, allowed to go about their daily lives as normal. However, there is a strict curfew, several Digimon patrol the streets acting as “law enforcement” and, often for no adequately explored reason, people are singled out at random and carted off to the Platina Mine, never to be seen or heard from again. Some are even made to fight Digimon in the Collosseum for amusement. Whilst they live in a constant state of fear and oppression, however, the mortality rate is quite low: they are very valuable resources, after all. Some in government have even rise to positions of prominence, although they have gained themselves no popularity from doing so.

Platina Mine

A crater that appeared in the aftermath of the Merge, the Platina Mine is a bustling centre of activity, as humans and Digimon alike are frequently made to work the mines for long hours in squalid conditions, mining what is believed to be the raw material necessary for Chrome Digizoid. Prisoners are generally not harassed as long as they do their fair share of work, although the demands for the material they are extracting is extremely high, and the slightest mistake is often punished severely. Security is very tight: any who enter the mine don’t leave it again.


Far larger and grander than the Colosseum of Rome, this was constructed – or perhaps it is a relic of the Merge – for the sole purpose of having Digimon fight one another in competitions of raw strength. Recently, battles between humans and Digimon, or two humans, have also become quite popular, and it is here that NeoDevimon spends most of his time when he is on the continent, enjoying the entertainment provided. Most rebels wind up duelling to the death against one of his pets – some of which are at the Mega level – or one another.

Data Continent

Originally a part of the larger Binary Continent, the Data Continent was formed in the aftermath of the Merge, when the land split apart as a result of seismic tremors, resulting in an entirely separate landmass. Some still refer to it by its original designation – the Ice Zone – although many think of it as a separate landmass. It continues to drift further away from the Binary Continent at a steadily increasing pace, as ocean currents pick it up and carry it away to parts unknown…

Ice Zone

What essentially makes up the entirety of the Data Continent – although it has slowly started to warm up – the Ice Zone is difficult to live in, which temperatures being well below freezing during the hottest part of the day, and difficult to survive at night. Not designed for humans, it is unsurprising that the few humans that do reside her live within well insulated buildings, or underground.

Lab 33.1

A fairly modern building that was originally a weather observation facility, it has since been converted into a laboratory by the Arbiters, for the purpose of developing Project X into a more viable weapon against the Digimon threat. Rumours of the lab’s true purpose have long since been in circulation, to the point that few give them any credit: after all, wouldn’t the Royal Knights or the Nightmare Soldiers have done something by now, if they were true? However, the growing presence of X-Digimon suggests that experiments are progressing apace…that, or that another presence is working their evil on the world…

Crystal Forest

A rather dramatic name for a forest that was suddenly transplanted into the middle of below-freezing temperatures, yet one that has stuck; the Crystal Forest is clearly from the human world, as little in it has survived the freezing temperatures. Unnaturally quiet, the forest nonetheless provides a welcome retreat from the harshness of the surrounding climate, as the trees provide some measure of shelter from the elements.


Adjusting to the climate was extremely difficult for the people of Cairo, although it was something that they little choice but to make the most of. The city managed to keep itself functioning for a time, and remain autonomous – protection offered by the Royal Knights was politely refused, and the absence of Nightmare Soldiers meant that a tentative peace was established for the people - until an attack by Lady Nex and her Digimon partner, Ophanimon Falldown Mode, resulted in the city’s destruction, and the annihilation of its populace. Many who survived were killed by the climate, and those few who remained were left without anything to call their own. Since then, Cairo has been left abandoned; not even Digimon take up residence in the ruins.

Steel Terminal

A small shrine on a small, peaceful island that was once a part of the Data Continent (and remains strangely untouched by the harsh cold that now characterizes the continent), the Steel Terminal was constructed as a shrine to the Digimon Sovereign Baihumon, who guards the Western portion of the world. It is also, it is believed, the site of his resting place, after he was cast down by the Demon Lords. Entering the shrine will transport one to the dimension where the Digimon Sovereign reside…or so it is believed. Many attempts have been made to discover if this is true, yet many highly aggressive and extremely powerful Digimon have made the Steel Terminal their home, and do not take kindly to intruders…

Binary Continent

Once the largest continent in the Digital World, very little of the Binary Continent survived the Merge, and that which did has been juxtaposed with zones that were previously on the opposite side of the continent, resulting in some very odd climate changes. Nonetheless, much of the Binary Continent remains inhabitable for both humans and Digimon.

Dust Zone

The newly named Dust Zone consists mostly of flat, easily traversed plains, occasionally interspersed with small copses of trees, patches of long grass, and small reservoirs. Many drifters choose to make their home here, for the soil is fertile and lumber is plentiful; whilst it is entirely exposed, its close proximity to two settlements guarded by Royal Knights means that the Nightmare Soldiers do not enter often, although they have grown increasingly bold as of late. Dust storms are not uncommon in this part of the world, hence the name; it is rare that you can see your hand in front of your face on a day where there is even a slight breeze.

Clockwork Factory

An outdated and antiquated building from another age, the Clockwork Factory is another Digimon-designed, Digimon-run structure, although unlike the Metal Factory, it is not off-limits to outsiders, and it seems to have no particular function. Hagurumon and Mekanorimon bustle around, attending to machinery that appears to be several centuries old, unaware that the world around them has changed. If the contraptions they create have any practical use, it has yet to be discovered.


Formerly the capital of Latvia, approximately 75% of Riga did not survive the Merge, leaving the impression of a rather unfinished, disjointed city. The outskirts of the city have been abandoned due to lack of working facilities – most noticeably, sewage and electrical systems – although the densely urban centre of the city is still very much active, as the people attempt to carry on with their lives as usual, preferring to forget the strange circumstances and the existence of Digimon entirely. Under the protection of Kentaurosmon, the city has flourished, and despite its close proximity to the Graveyard Zone, it has not fallen under the attack of the Nightmare Soldiers. At least, not yet…

Dust Tower

An inspiring tower in an artificially made crater that seems to reach up into the very heavens – and, indeed, perhaps it does – Dust Tower is the oldest structure in the new world. It is believed that not even the Demon Lords themselves dare to destroy it…although perhaps they simply didn’t have the time to. At the top, it is rumoured, is a being who knows the secrets of the world. Needless to say, many humans and Digimon alike have attempted to scale the tower to discover what has befallen the world – or the answers to more trivial matters, yet none have succeeded.

Lake Zone

The Lake Zone is an idyllic setting, with both fertile soil, an abundance of fresh water, and a temperate climate, even in the winter months. Under the protection of Crusadermon, the people there live happy, healthy lives in peace with Digimon, and have set up something of a utopian society which, whilst not without its flaws, functions effectively.

File City

The former capital of the Digital World, File City has now become the capital of the new world, at least, to the extent that any city can be called a capital. A sprawling, high-tech metropolis populated by both humans and Digimon, it has remained prosperous through its isolationist policies: the borders are tightly maintained by various Mega level Digimon, and the people within are concerned only with their own affairs. Their Royal Knight benefactor, Crusadermon, does not entertain the notion of alliances with others, who should be strong enough to stand on their own two feet, and this is a sentiment shared by the people and Digimon alike living in the city. Law breakers are punished by exile, and there is little pity to be spared. Those who abide by the law have nothing to fear.

Celestial Castle

One of three landmarks remaining from the Celestial War, the Celestial Castle was the base of operations for the Digidestined, and is now the main base of what remains of the Celestial Host. Now ruled by SlashAngemon, it acts as a hub of sorts, as the bulk of the host is on the Server Continent. It also acts as a check against the present of Myotismon, being within a fair distance from both Riga and File City.

Graveyard Zone

Little more than a barren wasteland interspersed with dead trees and rows of tombstones, the Graveyard Zone once belonged to Daemon (and was significantly larger) but is now ruled over by Myotismon in his stead. A large force of Nightmare Soldiers is assembled here, yet they seem content – for the moment – to remain within the boundaries of the area. A thick mist covers the ground at all times, obscuring vision beyond a few feet and making it all too easy to get lost. Few are foolish enough to enter, and those that do are not seen walking out again.

Myotismon’s Manor

A grand and antiquated two-storey manor house that sits within the Graveyard Zone – exactly what you’d expect of a vampire Digimon. None have ventured inside and returned to tell the tale, yet fanciful tales of lavish banquet halls, expensive finery, and a dungeon where humans are kept and experimented on, or saved to quench the thirst of the mansion’s owner, are rife. Myotismon’s Manor is, strangely, entirely unguarded: the gates are open to all who would wish to visit, and the door is unlocked. Of course, there is the matter of finding the Manor first without being detected by those who wander in the mists, and then there is the question of why one would want to go there in the first place…

Coast Zone

At one point in time, the Coast Zone joined onto the Lake Zone, creating a large expanse of open, inhabitable land. The creation of the Graveyard Zone, however, resulted in a split between the two, and now much of the Coast Zone is crumbling away into the ocean. Cliffs several hundred feet high which are literally vertical drops, coupled with poor footing, make this a dangerous place to be, and the once pristine sands below are now littered with rocks, rubbish from cities that did not survive the Merge, and the occasional wreckage from a boat or two.

Wanderer’s Cape

A series of interconnecting caverns that, if rumours are to be believed, extend for miles beneath the ocean, Wanderer’s Cape is the home of the lawless: bandits, mercenaries, murderers and cutthroats of every kind of background and creed gather here to form a loose-knit society that lives by its own set of rules, away from the rest of the world. They will, on occasion, even do business with the Nightmare Soldiers: humankind never did them any favours, either before the Merge or after it. However, not even they have explored the extent to which the catacombs run, and more than one has found themselves lost in the tunnels. Many lead straight off the edge of a cliff, or into a dark, deep pit. Dangerous living for dangerous folk.

File Island

A modest island a short distance from the Binary Continent, File Island is seen as a place of new beginnings by many; a safe haven for younger, weaker Digimon to grow until the stage when they are ready to enter the wider world…this was, of course, before the Celestial War. Whilst File Island remains something of a lush tropical paradise, it is no longer as safe as it once was: younger Digimon are frequently indoctrinated into the Nightmare Soldiers, and the guardians of the area are no longer around: it seems that they did not survive the Merge.

Infinity Mountain

At the centre of File Island lies Infinity Mountain; a daunting climb that few dare to attempt without good cause. At the top of the mountain SkullSatamon, who oversees the area, can often be found, with his chosen recruits; although this is a job he neither takes seriously nor takes very seriously. It is rumoured that he plans on constructing a palace to himself, although is having difficulty in getting the materials up the mountain.

Primary Village

Once a pleasant place where new-born Digimon could hatch in peace and enjoy a period of play before ready to take on the Rookie form, Primary Village has now become something of a military training ground. Cold and sterile, those Digimon that do not look promising enough are promptly dismantled, so that they can reform into something far more worthy of the cause of the Nightmare Soldiers. Security is not particularly tight around the area, given the general weakness of the Digimon inhabitants, but is more than enough to prevent any escapees…

Port Island

A small island that was formed in the aftermath of the Merge, Port Island seems to be a part of neither world, and has something of a surreal, unnatural feeling to it. There are neither Digimon nor human inhabitants on it, and whilst the surrounding greenery is pleasant and the air is crisp, it has an almost artificial feel to it: the flowers do not react to the wind, and the grass does not grow. Almost as if it were frozen…

Terminus Ruins

A series of large, ancient stone structures, the Terminus Ruins, at first glance, appear to be Mayan in design, yet the inside of the structure is quite clearly Egyptian. Grand marble columns and mosaic floors, however, suggest a Roman design. An awkward mix-and-match of various ancient civilizations, the Terminus Ruins would no doubt fascinate archaeologists, were there any left to study them. The most interesting thing is that some of the mosaics appear to depict Digimon, suggesting that this isn’t entirely draw from human culture…

Fire Terminal

A short distance away from the Terminus Ruins is a shrine similar to that which can be found on the island that houses the Steel Terminal, bathed in incandescent crimson flames. Constructed in honour of Zhuqiaomon, the Sovereign who watched over the Southern area of the Digital World, it is also believed to be his final resting place…although any who attempt to enter are immediately burned to ash by the flames surrounding it. Famous for his temperament, it seems that something of the Sovereign has survived in the wake of his death, and the force of his wrath is more than sufficient to ensure that his resting place remains undisturbed…

Crystal Island

Much like Port Island, Crystal Island was formed in the aftermath of the Merge, and its namesake is immediately apparent: large crystals form a natural barrier around the island, making entry by sea or land impossible; in order to get further in, one must travel by air. Crystal Island carries with it the same unnatural aura that is present on Port Island, although this is only further enhanced by the crystal formations, which are products of neither the human nor the Digital World.

Forest Terminal

The Forest Terminal is a small shrine that was constructed in honour of Ebonwumon, the Digimon Sovereign that watched over the North area of the Digital World before his untimely demise at the hands of Lucemon. The Forest Terminal is surrounding by an impenetrable wall of petrified trees and thorns; stone structures that do break even under the strongest attack. This makes it impossible to even see the shrine, much less enter it.

Server Continent

Much of the Server Continent survived the Merge, and the expansion of the Tropical Zone makes it the largest continent in the new world. The Server Continent houses the largest population of both people and Digimon, and it is here that many battles take place between the various factions that are struggling for control of the planet.

Server Asylum

An old-fashioned hospital, the Server Asylum was converted into a prison by LadyDevimon, one of the Seven Generals of the Nightmare Soldiers, and has earned its name through blood, tears and screams: any human that enters does not make it out again alive, or does in such a twisted manner that they would be better off dead. Exactly what is done to them in the asylum is unknown – although there are plenty of stories – but when they re-emerge, assuming they survive the treatment, they are little better than shells. LadyDevimon is, apparently, acutely interested in the way the human mind works, and how the body functions; humans are such fragile things, after all. It’s interesting to see their limits…

New London

New London is the only human settlement that was constructed entirely by humans, for humans, in plain site. Using what little could be scavenged, New London is surprisingly developed, being made up of modest timber houses with what little brick that could be salvaged going into fortifications and essentials, like a school building. The population of New London – roughly three million – are a close-knit group, although they are actively involved in the outside world, having good relations with Sanctuary Fortress and the Royal Knight Gallantmon, and openly oppose the Nightmare Soldiers, despite the danger to themselves. Something of a symbol for humankind, they have a well-established and ethical democratic government with a justice system based on English Common Law, and welcome survivors of the Merge with open arms…although Digimon are still treated, by and large, with some suspicion.

Heaven Zone

The Heaven Zone has special significance for Digimon, being the only section of land that remained free of the Demon Lord’s control during the Celestial War. It was also the place where the Digidestined first arrived, and serves as a memorial for that time. For some, this is bitter, given their failure, although many see this new world as preferable to a world ruled by Lucemon and the other Demon Lords. The Heaven Zone consists mostly of grasslands, with some hills. Winds from the shore make it slightly warmer in the winter months, and slightly cooler in the summer months, although it is often hit worst by the storms.

Star City

Once a thriving, technologically advanced city, Star City was destroyed in much the same fashion as Cairo by Lady Nex, with an army of Nightmare Soldiers at her back. The battle lasted for several hours, although ultimately those who fought back were either killed or forced to flee to the Sanctuary Fortress or New London, and . Betrayal from one of the Digimon was the cause of downfall, leading to an acute distrust between Digimon and humans being sown…which, of course, was likely the general idea. There is little left of Star City now other than a few building fragments; the city was quite literally razed to the ground by Ophanimon Falldown Mode, to ensure that none could return, and those hiding within the city could not escape.

Star Bluff

An expansive series of high cliffs, standing at the tip of Star Bluff allows one to see much of the new world from all directions, although reaching the tip is extremely difficult: the Nightmare Soldiers have made a home here, using the cliffs as something of a base from where they can observe the activity of their enemies, and few venture into the area now.

Celestial Crater

Whilst not a crater per say, but more of a natural dip in the land, the Celestial Crater is the site where the original Digidestined entered the Digital World, making it a site of historical significance and hope for many Digimon. There is nothing particularly remarkable about the site; just a battered old television that rarely works sitting in the exact centre of the landscape, and a couple of old, empty vending machines. Many Digimon choose to gather on the anniversary that the original Digidestined arrived, in the hopes that they will return…

Dragon Zone

The Dragon Zone is characterized by winding valleys and rocky canyons…and, of course, dragons. The Dragon Zone is populated exclusively by Mega-level Dragon-type Digimon, whose sole concern is honing their skills to their maximum. They remained apart in the Celestial War – to the relief and disappointment of both sides, as their combined strength would have very quickly shifted the war one way or the other – and remain apart from the conflicts in the world now, despite numerous approaches. They are relatively mild-mannered for the most part, but are quick to anger if pushed: no means no.

Mountain Zone

The Mountain Zone is, as the name suggests, mountainous. Many of the peaks are capped with snow, and some even extend up into the clouds. In the winter months, conditions here are particularly harsh, and whilst there is a relatively even path that allows travellers to avoid all the mountain pathways, avalanches and rockslides are not uncommon, and the path is often guarded by Nightmare Soldiers, even on the lookout for any who may be seeking the safety of one of the settlements. Unless given no other choice, most choose to avoid the Mountain Zone.

Valley of No Return

A dark, mist-covered outcropping in the rock, the Valley of No Return is not so much a valley as it is a cave. Exactly what lies within this cave is unknown, yet it is well named: none who enter return again, and even the Nightmare Soldiers avoid it. A being of great power, older than even the Demon Lords, is said to dwell within, biding its time until the day that it will conquer the rest of the world will come, yet none have ever seen this being, or have any idea as to who or what it might be. The popular theory is that it is Lucemon, although may discredit this as wild rumour. Whatever it is, it shows no signs of stirring…for now.

Tropical Zone

The Tropical Zone is a lush paradise that makes up the bulk of the Server Continent. The slightly warmer climate, coupled with the frequent rainstorms coming in from the Storm Zone to the northeast, make it one of the more pleasant places to dwell, and many drifters make their homes here, foraging the way nature intended. Many dangerous predators – large insectoid Digimon in particular – dwell here, but there are plenty of places to hide, and the dense undergrowth makes it extremely difficult to spot something until you are right on top of it. Many Digimon choose to make their homes here as well, although those that prefer a milder climate are more likely to be found in the Woodland Zone.

Soulmon Marshes

In many places in the Tropical Zone, the ground has liquefied due to the temperature and the instability caused by the Merge, turning into a bog that has ensnared many a human and Digimon alike. The Soulmon marshes is a moderately large patch of land in which this has occurred, and where any attempting to cross by land may quickly find themselves sinking into it. There are, of course, many safe pathways through the marsh, but those change frequently, and the only ones who know for certain what they are the Soulmon for which the swamp was named…and as they serve MetalPhantomon, one of the Seven Generals, it is doubtful that they would willingly disclose that information…

Plains Zone

The Plains Zone appears to be a scene straight out of the American West: a wide, dusty expanse scattered with dry grass and small watering holes. The ground is extremely tough, and not ideal for planting crops, although that hasn’t stopped many from trying, or even constructing sod houses. Strangely, train tracks have also been laid for Trailmon, although where these tracks actually lead and where the Trailmon come from is anyone’s guess…


The former capital city of Russia, Moscow survived the Merge mostly intact, but has since been the subject of constant attack, being in such close proximity to the Nightmare Castle. Lacking a Royal Knight protector, the people who still dwell there are defenceless, and frequently driven from their homes as raids are frequently conducted, mostly because the government refuses to submit to the rule of the Nightmare Soldiers. The government itself has undergone few structural changes, although it now refers to itself as the New Moscow Federation. Much of Moscow has been reduced to rubble, and many are contemplating abandoning the city altogether, as attacks grow more frequently. Of the 11-million strong population, perhaps fully half survived the Merge, although half again at least have since been killed or take prisoner, and maintaining such a population in the new world has become extremely difficult.

Mist Zone

The Mist Zone, as the name may suggest, is covered by a permanent mist, one that, at times, almost seems to possess intelligence: it is extremely difficult to pass through at times, and all too easy to get lost in. The main base for the Nightmare Soldiers on the Server Continent, several offensives have been launched on the Mist Zone, yet none have even come remotely close to finding Nightmare Castle, the stronghold that lies within. Many powerful Digimon lurk within the mists, preying upon those foolish enough to stumble into their territory, be they friend or foe.

Nightmare Castle

An old fashion, medieval castle of colossal size and impressive fortification, the Nightmare Castle is the dwelling place of Lady Nex and her partner, Ophanimon Falldown Mode. Once the castle of Lucemon, it has since become the primary base of operations for the Nightmare Soldiers, and where the bulk of their remaining forces still lurk. Many Mega level Digimon dwell here, and not even the Royal Knights have been able to launch a successful offensive, never mind infiltrate it. It remains, for all intents and purposes, impregnable.

Storm Zone

A cracked, desolate landscape, the Storm Zone was once a part of the Lake Zone, although lack of water and the slightly more humid climate has caused the land to dry up and, no doubt due to the close proximity of the Thunder Terminal, it is now a hub for storms, with hurricane speed winds and tornadoes not being uncommon. Despite the excessive rain this zone receives, the ground remains permanently cracked and parched, and nothing grows here. Little better than a wasteland, it is not a place that many choose to call their home.

Thunder Terminal

A small shrine dedicated to Azulongmon, the Digimon Sovereign that watched over the East of the Digital World before the days of the Celestial War, the Thunder Terminal is the eye of the storms in the Storm Zone: few can reach it because, the closer one gets to it, the more violent the weather becomes. Many believe that it is the cause of the weather in the Storm Zone, yet this has yet to be confirmed, if only because people can’t get close enough to the shrine to find out…

Plant #15

One of the many hydroelectric power plants that existed within the Lake Zone, Plant #15 is, unsurprisingly, inactive. However, the Digimon that maintained it all remain within it and, whilst many have de-activated due to lack of a purpose, many remain active, and they are definitely not pleased with the current state of the world. Despite its inactivity, Plant #15 still produces a small measure of power, although where this power goes, none know for sure…

Woodland Zone

Juxtaposed to the Tropical Zone, the Woodland Zone is a remarkable change, as the trees suddenly become much larger and sturdier, colours of leaves and flowers become duller, and the ground become more stable underfoot. The Woodland Zone is an ideal place for humans Digimon to make their homes, so much so that many small nomadic communities have chosen to make the woods their homes, their only possessions what they can carry with them. The Woodland Zone is an odd place, as it fluctuates wildly in accordance with the seasons, yet is unaffected by them: trees take a week at most to blossom, yet by the end of the following week they have withered and died, and the area surrounding them is coated with dead leaves. This happens even in the middle of winter, when the surrounding zones are bitter with cold, it may be as mild as a spring day within the Woodland Zone, and snow in Summer is not unheard of here. However, food is plentiful – almost every type of tree can be found here in some place – and avoiding Nightmare Soldier patrols is not particularly difficult when you have so many places to hide.

Giga House

A rather ordinary house in a clearing in the Woodland Zone…at least, ordinary save for the fact that it is fifty times the size of a normal house. The Giga House is, as the name would suggest, a very large house, eclipsing even the largest of Digimon. It has no occupant save for the Digimon and humans that choose to live in it, and is possessed of all the luxuries you would expect a house to have: a central heating system, bathroom (although where the waste goes is anyone’s guess) and even cupboards of food and a fridge that seem to mysteriously restock themselves once a week. There is something decidedly spooky about the Giga House, but it is a safe haven for many.

Celestial Shrine

A shrine erected in honour of three original Digidestined in the aftermath of the Merge, the Celestial Shrine is under constant guard, if only to stop it from being defaced by those who disagree with the sentiments that founded it. Once a cathedral, it has since been converted into a shelter for the homeless and hungry, and is something of a pet project of the Digimon that run it; high-ranking authorities in the Celestial Host. It also acts as a recruitment base for the host, although this is a less official capacity, and not overtly encouraged. But, if people want a way to repay the kindness visited upon them…

Scrap Zone

With the Merge, much of human civilization vanished. Much of it – or what is left of it – appears to have turned up in the Scrap Zone. Various buildings appear to have been simply dumped in an erratic mess and left to rot, and there is little of value to be had here, a much of what could be salvaged has been taken to create Sanctuary Fortress. Many smaller scavengers still choose to make their homes here, however, and abandoned children will often wind up here, unable or unwilling to enter Sanctuary Fortress, yet unwilling to stray too far from the relative safety it provides against the more malicious Digimon out in the world.

Sanctuary Fortress

A sprawling city that stretches across the coast and has even begun to expand into the sea, Sanctuary Fortress is the largest city in the new world, with a population of nearly thirty million; the majority of what remains of humanity. Whilst File City can be called the capital of the new world, many see Sanctuary Fortress as the safer city, as it is guarded by not one, but three Royal Knights: Omnimon, Dynasmon and Examon. Sanctuary Fortress was founded shortly after the Merge, with Omnimon spearheading the development process. The political system is rather similar to that of China’s socialist market economy, with the state – a group commonly referred to as the Consultants – owning a large percentage of the various enterprises which have been established in conjunction with an open-market economy where supply and demand determine the value of goods, yet with an established price ceiling on essential goods such as food, water and clothing, to ensure that those who are poorer can afford the bare essentials. This works to a degree, although there is still a very large sector of the city where those who are poorer have difficulty feeding themselves despite the numerous charity organizations that have been set up and, whilst discrimination is not tolerated, it is still very much present in parts of society, although Digimon and humans live in a state of near equality.

Other Landmarks


A city that rests upon the ocean, Atlantis – named by the humans who live there – is in much the same position as Rome, in that it is run by one of the Seven Generals (in this case, MarineDevimon) and the people who dwell in it live fairly ordinary lives, yet are being ruled through fear. The governmental system can only be described as a dictatorship, with the humans who display the most ambition and corruption being put into a position of power – MarineDevimon is far too concerned with inland affairs to run the city himself – and determining what laws are implemented and the distribution of wealth. Needless to say, assassinations are common.

Abyssal Whirlpool

An extremely large whirlpool with a void of utter darkness as its centre, the Abyssal Whirlpool was formed in the aftermath of the Merge, and is slowly drawing in everything around it. In time – best estimates provided by the Arbiters is twelve years – it will consume everything. It is unknown how the whirlpool formed, or where it leads to, although it is a serious concern for all who know of it.
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Human Factions


The majority of the human population outside of the settlements are Drifters: those who, as the name implies, travel from one place to another, scavenging what they can, and living in a way very similar to ancient nomads. Many travel in groups for protection – groups typically never number of two-hundred and fifty people – although an equal number travel alone, and there are many factions within the Drifters: the Lost Boys, for example, are the children who dwell in the Scrap Zone. Drifters are particularly vulnerable to disease and sudden death – the average life expectancy is approximately forty-eight years for both men and women – and are not highly regarded by those who dwell in the cities, who see them as little better than thieves…which, of course, is something that many indulge in, in order to survive. Drifters often have their own unique laws within their societies, and for the most part they are fairly open and friendly towards one another. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, however.

Grey Swords

A mercenary guild, the Grey Swords are regarded with suspicion and distrust by human and Digimon alike, yet that does not stop either side from making use of their services. Scorning the protection of the Royal Knights and the new human governments, the Grey Swords make a living by scavenging from cities and surroundings and trading for what they need from it. On occasion, some will take escort contracts, although as humans they can do little more than provide a distraction against the more powerful Digimon, and this, of course, has a higher price. Grey Swords are surprisingly adept at countering Digimon, however: traps work very well even on Mega Digimon, and whilst casualties from such manoeuvres are alarmingly high, the success rate is something that gives them an excellent reputation.

Grey Swords, for the most part, live by their own code, although they have a rather simple common creed to live by. Jobs taken must be registered, and 40% of the profit, whatever it may be, goes back to the Guild. Payment is taken in advance, if a job is failed, payment must be returned, along with additional compensation of the Guild deems it to be necessary. The Guild provides shelter, protection and reputation, making it a profitable exchange…although not more than one person complains about it. Breaking these rules, depending on the severity, results in banishment and subsequent blacklisting, or execution.

The Grey Swords do not hold the monopoly on mercenary activity, yet they are the most well-recognised organization, to the point that many governments will refuse to hire anyone else. There are several informants in each city, and they are treated very well indeed, being ambassadors of sorts. Grey Swords will take any job, no matter who offers it, although jobs are on an individual basis, and cannot be against another member of the Guild: this prevents any…unfortunate incidences. They are, for the most part, politically neutral, and will even take jobs from the Nightmare Soldiers if the price is right; the only business ethics that matter are their own, and morality is an individual factor for each Grey Sword that decides, for them, whether or not to accept the job. Pragmatic and ruthless, yet flexible and fair, the Grey Swords are perhaps the most successful enterprise in the new world.

The Consultants

The governmental body of Sanctuary Fortress, the Consultants are responsible for the majority of the facilities and businesses in the city, although they do not interfere with the market, save to set a price ceiling to ensure that people do not misuse their ability to manipulate supply and demand…although there are, of course, people who know how to play the market and work in the rules set by them. Rather than have united parties, individuals apply for positions within the government, and are elected by the populace based on their ideas for the role: elements of government are fairly autonomous, although cabinet meetings are often called to ensure a certain level of synergy, and larger-scale plans require majority Royal Knight approval: something that has been thrown into disarray recently with Omnimon’s disappearance. The Consultants are an elite group, and whilst it would be difficult for someone of low status or wealth to become a member, it is not unheard of, as advertising is restricted solely to public speeches, of which each candidate has a fixed number.

The Consultants advocate harmonious human-Digimon relationships, and this has been integrated quite effectively in their society: Sanctuary Fortress began as a settlement for both species and, whilst the human population massively outnumbers the Digimon residing there, those Digimon that have taken up residence have gained an enormous amount of respect, and are essential to the key operations of the city: Datamon manage the city information network, for example. Their ability to defend themselves, as well a communicate, means they are rarely discriminated against…although the same cannot be said for the ethnic minorities in the city. The Consultants have a general law that forbids racism of any kind, yet they do little to act upon it, because it simply isn’t feasible to enforce it. Whilst a positive force for equality and free markets – although they are far more capitalist than they would care to admit – there are several gaps missing in their society that allow for poverty and misery.

The Arbiters

An underground (or perhaps, not so much) faction within Sanctuary Fortress, the Arbiters are a group of radical extremists who believe that the world belongs to humanity, and that Digimon are little better than a plague. Whilst they hold no official influence, they have much sway over many of the poorer people who do not benefit from the Consultants, and have attracted a large number of followers in the last year, as the Nightmare Soldiers continue to launch aggressive attacks on the city. Their leadership consists, primarily, of researchers and scientists, who have studied the new world and come to the conclusion that it is more real than it is digital, despite the naming of the land itself and the disappearance of the vast majority of the world’s population and cities. Some believe that they are within an alternate dimension, and that exterminating the Digimon will re-stabilize the world. Others are simply bitter that their work on Project X was declared illegal and unethical, and the project was shut down. The Arbiters have research facilities, and representatives, across all the continents, and are frequently trying to rally humans to their cause. They make frequent use of the Grey Swords, and receive their funding from a mysterious backer that none but the leaders of the group know of.

The New Moscow Federation

The New Moscow Federation (NMF) is the new government of Moscow, which is only slightly different from that of the original government. With the sudden disappearance of the federal subjects of Russia, diplomats from those areas have found their limited power drastically reduced, and the harmonic ideals that the President had for the country have fallen out of favour, given the turmoil of the world around them. The NMF has become very militaristic in its thinking and dynamics, as safety takes priority over freedom, and the people have unknowingly entered into something that has become almost akin to a dictatorship. The NMF are currently undecided about whether they should request the aid of a Royal Knight protector, and tightly control the flow of people in and out of the city, as well as the activities of trade and commerce. In the public’s best interests, of course.

Human Revolution Faction

The Human Revolution Faction (HRF) is an anti-violence group of protestors who advocate freedom and peace for humans from Digimon. They do not share the same radical beliefs as those of the Arbiters, but they do believe that Digimon are foreign invaders who seek to monopolize society and make humankind dependant upon them, and demand freedom of choice and freedom to live how they choose. Many in New London are of these ideals, and many Drifters, too, cling to these beliefs, although they are not a part of the faction. The HRF is defiant in the face of Digimon oppression…which, of course, means they have a high casualty rate, yet they seek to act as a message for humans across the new world.

The HRF have the most influence in Rome and Atlantis, where Digimon openly oppress humans, although their roles in those two cities are notably more antagonistic than in areas such as New London: Digimon casualties, even those that are innocent, are high in those particular cities, and protests are often considerably louder and more bloody. The HRF does not encourage these actions officially, yet in the face of oppression, peaceful ideals are often disregarded…
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Digimon Factions

The Demon Lords

The Seven Demon Lords were the greatest evil the Digital World had ever faced. Led by Lucemon, who fell from grace even before the Digital World’s creation, their purpose was simple: to destroy the world and create it anew by opening the Gate of Seven Deadly Sins…a goal that they ultimately achieved, although it cost them their lives to do so. The final fate of Lucemon is unknown, although the other Demon Lords were all destroyed during the Celestial War, by the Digidestined or their own kind in some cases. Despite this, they are still widely feared: this is not the first time they have seemingly been defeated, and surely they would have had a contingency plan in the unlikely event that something like this would happen…


The leader of the Demon Lords, Lucemon instigated a rebellion against the mysterious Creator of the Digital World in ancient times, and was cast down into the Dark Area for it after a battle that shook the very foundations of both worlds, with his followers, who would later become the Demon Lords, sealed with him. Whilst much of Lucemon’s loving nature remains, a darker personality has since formed within him, leading to the desire to destroy the world and create it anew. Despite his defeat at the hands of the Creator, Lucemon’s pride has not diminished. Soft spoken, yet callous in his actions, Lucemon is widely feared by Digimon even in his Rookie form, and is commonly regarded as the most powerful being to walk either world: not even the Digidestined, or even the Digimon Sovereigns themselves, could stand against him. Lucemon’s disappearance with the opening of the Gate of Seven Deadly Sins has done nothing to temper that fear: he is not the type that is felled so easily…


Little is known of Daemon, who spent much of his time isolated from the others – even his closest subordinates saw little of him – wrapped in his own schemes. His true form, a demonic entity, was hidden beneath his cloak, much like his ambitions to ultimately surpass Lucemon and rule in his place: where Lucemon had failed, he would succeed. It is unlikely that Lucemon himself was not aware of Daemon’s schemes, yet he allowed the Demon Lord a great deal of leeway, in exchange for his servitude and his armies. Whilst Beelzemon was responsible for leading the Nightmare Soldiers, it was Daemon who created them, shaping them into the fighting force that they remain to this day. Despite his formidable prowess, Daemon ultimately fell in combat to the Digidestined after he was betrayed by Barbamon, who abandoned him to his fate.


The only woman amongst the Demon Lords, Lilithmon spent much of her time with Lucemon, seeking both his confidence and his approval. She is, perhaps, the only one who managed to earn either – although it is doubtful that Lucemon ever saw her as anything other than an amusing distraction – as she was charged with the task of hunting down the Digidestined…a task that she ultimately succeeded in, although not before they had reached their full potential, allowing them to destroy her. Much like Barbamon, Lilithmon preferred to manipulate others into doing her bidding, although she was significantly less subtle about it, which is perhaps why she was so effective at doing it. Contemptuous of others and extremely vain, Lilithmon took great delight in scarring or breaking others, a trait that was passed to her general, LadyDevimon.


The most cunning of the Demon Lords, Barbamon seemed to have an agenda within an agenda. Unlike Daemon, he was never ambitious enough to overthrow Lucemon, yet that did not stop him from attempting to manipulate him – or any of the other Demon Lords, for that matter – into doing his bidding. Barbamon’s very presence was enough to put even Lucemon on edge: what did he hope to gain? Indeed, Barbamon did nothing to discourage this paranoia, and would often call meetings just to discuss the state of affairs. In life, he made all others dance to his strings, yet those strings were ultimately cut by Lucemon after his betrayal of Daemon during the Celestial War. Although there are some who would believe that Barbamon’s destruction was a part of his plan all along and, given that he did not take anyone into his counsel, it is difficult to determine whether this is true or not…


Whilst one of the strongest beings in the Digital World, Leviamon possessed a trait that ultimately led to his downfall: cowardice. Having been cast down into the Dark Area once, he was not eager to repeat the experience and attract the Creator’s ire a second time, and thus spent much of his time in seclusion in the deepest pits of the Dark Area, forgotten by the world…but, unfortunately for him, not by Lucemon, who demanded his assistance in the Celestial War. This would ultimately prove to be Leviamon’s undoing, as he was destroyed in one of the first battles by the Digidestined, dying in much the same way that he lived: in obscurity. Whilst Leviamon’s name is one that strikes fear into all seafaring Digimon, he is perhaps the least noticeable of the Demon Lords.


The strongest of the Nightmare Soldiers, Beelzemon was raised to the rank of Demon Lord due to his prowess in battle, and the title was little more than an inconvenience to him; a distraction from his passion: battle. A tactician and a warrior first and foremost, even after his ascension Beelzemon continued to serve under Daemon, allowing him to deal with the demands of the others. Whilst not stupid, Beelzemon did not care to think, only to fight. It was this that ultimately cost him his life and much of his army, as he was one of the first to be destroyed by the Digidestined.


After the war between the Demon Lords and the Creator ended with their banishment, Belphemon had little to do but sleep. Like Beelzemon, he cared little for the politics amongst the Demon Lords; he did not even care to think for himself. All that mattered to him was that he had something to destroy, be it friend or foe. The Dark Area offered little to entertain him, and thus he slept, until the Celestial War began, when he was forcibly awakened by Lucemon and ordered to rampage, which he did gladly. He was ultimately stopped by the Digidestined, yet not before he laid waste to an entire continent, eliminating every living thing that crossed his path.

The Digimon Sovereigns

Often known as the four Harmonious ones, the Digimon Sovereigns – Azulongmon, Baihumon, Zhuqioamon and Ebonwumon – have guarded the four corners of the Digital World since its creation, and are commonly worshipped as deities by other Digimon. With the releases of the Demon Lords, the four were cast down from their positions, and they final fate remains unknown, as their shrines are no longer accessible. Have they been destroyed, or do they remain alive, trapped in limbo and unable to influence the world?

Guardian of the East, Azulongmon is the oldest of the Sovereigns, and subsequently, the wisest. His views are somewhat antiquated, however, which often puts him at odds with his comrades, and whilst he is not arrogant, he expects deference when his mind has been made up. It was Azulongmon that selected the Digidestined the first time around, in accordance with Fanglongmon’s wishes, although he had nothing at all to do with the selection of the latest Digidestined…something that, assuming he is still alive after his confrontation with the Demon Lords, would trouble him greatly.

Guardian of the West, Baihumon once actively explored the Digital World, interacting with those who lived within his dominion, ensuring harmony between them. It is unsurprising that he was the first one to feel the wrath of the Demon Lords, and his loss has been felt most keenly by those who knew him. Short tempered and impulsive, yet also passionate and kind, Baihumon was the youngest of the Sovereigns, yet no less competent for it.

Guardian of the South, Zhuqioamon is infamous amongst the Sovereigns for his explosive temperament, and the often catastrophic results of this: of the four, he is the one who has seen the most combat, and fought to his last breath to resist the Demon Lords. Zhuqioamon favours quick, decisive action over deliberation, and will act against the wishes of his comrades if he believes something should be accomplished immediately.

Guardian of the North, Ebonwumon is on good terms with the Royal Knight Examon – both have a jovial disposition and an all-encompassing sense of humour. Ebonwumon is unique amongst the Sovereigns in that he values happiness over all else, and is the most concerned about the welfare of those subject to his rule, rather than their stability. You can be poor, diseased and just about to die, but as long as you’re happy, that’s all that really matters. Ebonwumon takes some time to come to a decision; like Azulongmon, he prefers to consider all possibilities before deciding one way or the other.

The ruler of the Digimon Sovereigns, Fanglongmon rests in the very heart of the world, forgotten through the ages by all but those who serve him. Sealed by Lucemon in a titanic battle that took place shortly after his fall, Fanglongmon was once the most powerful Digimon on the planet, although like the four whose harmony he maintains, he has fallen far indeed from those days, and now relies upon others to maintain the balance: specifically, the Digidestined.

The Celestial Host

In answer to the threat of the Demon Lords, the Celestial Host was formed. Led by the three Celestial Digimon Ophanimon, Seraphimon and Cherubimon with their Digidestined partners, it was the last, best hope for both worlds. It failed. Whilst its leaders have also vanished, and the army’s numbers have been dramatically reduced, it still remains one of the primary fighting forces in the world, and remains neutral in the conflict between humans and Digimon. A reliable source of help for all those who need it, the Celestial Host, despite its failures, is still highly respected.


SlashAngemon is the sole remaining Mega Digimon in the Celestial Host, and was a natural choice of their new leader, in the absence of the Digidestined and the Celestial Trinity. A veteran from the Celestial War, SlashAngemon is extremely bitter about the loss, and blames, naturally, the Digidestined. He thinks very highly of the Celestial Trinity, yet does not approve of humans in any way and, whilst recognises that it is his duty to protect them, he sees this more as a chore than as a mission: the mission, of course, is to exterminate the remaining Nightmare Soldiers. SlashAngemon is not particularly approachable, and whilst he is an excellent tactician, is a poor general, as he frequently takes to the field himself, disregarding his own life for the satisfaction of combat. He has, however, managed to hold the host together.

The Royal Knights

An unforeseen consequence of the Merge was the awakening of the Royal Knights, who now explore the new world. Their goals and motives are unknown, yet they have served as peacekeepers between humans and Digimon since the conflict began, often working with the Celestial Host, yet equally as often enforcing their own merciless brand of justice. In the absence of the Demon Lords, they are the most powerful force in the world, and even the Nightmare Soldiers flee from them…although no Royal Knight travels alone, as many have had close brushes with deletion. Alphamon remains absent, and Omnimon, who worked closest with the largest remaining human population, the Consultants, has now mysteriously vanished, yet the others remain active in the new world. The Royal Knights operate independently; each member is an army unto themselves.


The leader of the Royal Knights, Alphamon remains absent from the world, despite the awakening of the other Royal Knights. Many believe that, when the situation has degenerated sufficiently, the Lord of the Empty Seat will rise to claim his throne and set the world right again. However, an equal number believe that Alphamon is either dead or lost: could things really get any worse than this?

Ever the perfectionist, Craniamon is extremely dissatisfied with the world as it currently is: it lacks any sense of decorum, with every tacked together as it is. He is not particularly motivated to change it, however, and prefers to wander the lands, simply observing what transpires, rather than actually taking part. Somewhat arrogant, Craniamon rarely shows any respect for others; they are, after all, weak. Even his fellow Royal Knight receive this treatment, although he is, perhaps, slightly more careful with his choice of words around them.

Crusadermon has been labelled as the “Indifferent Warrior” in the past, and this is a rather accurate description: he cares for nothing other than the Kingdom he has established in File City. The outside world, and the conflict going on in it, are none of his concern, and he has remained stubbornly neutral for the last three years…which is, perhaps, why he has been left alone up to this point. Whilst Crusadermon is by no means the most formidable of the Royal Knights, he is the fastest and most cunning, and a dangerous opponent.

The strongest of the Royal Knights, Dynasmon is something of a pacifist, in that he will not attack unless he is threatened himself, or unless requested to by Omnimon, whom he obeys without question; above all else, loyalty is Dynasmon’s defining personality trait, and it shapes much of what he does. Confident in his superiority over all other Digimon, Dynasmon does not feel the need to prove as much by engaging in battle, and is far more concerned with upholding justice in the society of Sanctuary Fortress, the task set out before him by Omnimon. Humans are corrupt, and if they are to be worth protecting, they require a storm, firm hand to guide them. Dynasmon’s justice rules over Sanctuary Fortress, serving as a very effective deterrent for any who may feel inclined to commit a crime.

Examon is unique amongst the Royal Knights, in that he has a sense of humour. An all-encompassing sense of humour, in fact. Whilst he is generally laid back, and rarely takes things seriously, Examon has a sound mind and a sharp tongue: it is his duty, he has decided, to make sure the other Royal Knights don’t forget WHY they’re fighting, and that you need to laugh every once in a while. He is popular with the people of Sanctuary Fortress, although his size and menacing appearance means he spends more time in the skies than on the ground. It’s rather difficult to fold wings as large as his, after all. Despite the current dire circumstances, Examon remains optimistic and hopeful that things will, eventually, work out.

Chivalrous and brave, Gallantmon is easily the most revered of the Royal Knights, for his unwavering resolve to do what is right. The paragon of knighthood and virtue, Gallantmon will not hesitate to charge in when he sees a wrong that must be corrected, and has frequently done so: he has taken out a large number of the Nightmare Soldier’s forces since his awakening. Gallantmon is, however, driven beyond rational thought at times: his current goal is to avenge his fallen comrades, and to do this he will stop at nothing…

Kentaurosmon is mysterious, even to the other Royal Knights: he is rarely seen, and has little to say when he does choose to reveal himself. He protects the city of Riga, yet his presence is unknown to those who dwell within the city, for many of them have never seen him. He is unflinching in combat, and rarely will he try diplomacy in the face of hostility: the best option is the quickest one. Best to get these things out of the way as quickly as possible.

For Leopardmon, justice equalled power. The strongest made the rules, and exacted punishment for those who refused to follow them. The natural order was that the strong survived, and the weak perished. It was simply the natural order of things. Leopardmon had never been possessed of a desire to become involved in the world before and, when he awakened after the Merge, nothing had change. At least, not until Magnamon, his comrade in arms, was slain. Enraged by this defiance of the order that the Royal Knights upheld, he sought out the ones responsible…and was promptly slain himself, even with his companion, UlforceVeedramon, to assist him.

As the weakest Royal Knight, Magnamon had always been hot-headed and eager to prove himself: it is unsurprising, then, that his first action upon awakening was to take command of the Celestial Host. His actions are often frowned upon by his peers – Dynasmon in particular dislikes his impulsive behaviour – yet this did not deter him from acting in accordance to his beliefs. Magnamon was the first Royal Knight to be defeated; slain in combat by Ophanimon Falldown Mode when he attempted to stop her from destroying Cairo. His death enraged both UlforceVeedramon and Leopardmon, and ultimately led to their demises as well.

The leader of the Royal Knights in Alphamon’s absence, Omnimon’s whereabouts are currently unknown; he vanished several months previously, attempting to track down the Lady Nex and end the threat she posed to the world. Omnimon is a realist, one who realises that he cannot do anything about the state of world, and accepts that in order to have the most impact, he must focus on what he can: thus Sanctuary Fortress was born, and continues to prosper. Omnimon is not a pacifist, however, and it has not been unknown for him to fly to the aide of the Celestial Host in times of the past. He has made several very powerful enemies – both human and Digimon – through his actions over the last three years.

The newest member of the Royal Knights, UlforceVeedramon was selected by Imperialdramon Paladin Mode for his speed and power; he could strike quickly and decisively, ending combat quickly. Unlike his brethren, who had extensive experience in his role, UlforceVeedramon’s awakening after the Merge was his first experience as a Royal Knight, and he had difficulty living up to the role. For a time, he assisted Magnamon in eliminating the Nightmare Soldiers, and for a time he protected Cairo, although this was a position he did not hold for long. With the destruction of Cairo and Magnamon both, UlforceVeedramon was given a clear purpose: to eliminate the one known as Lady Nex, and her Digimon, Ophanimon Falldown Mode. He teamed up with Leopardmon to do so, however the two were quickly destroyed, despite their overwhelming strength when working together. Thus did the newest member of the Royal Knights fall.

The Nightmare Soldiers

The Nightmare Soldiers are the largest united force of darkness on the world, being what remains of the army the Demon Lords led against the Seraphim three years ago. Bereft of their masters, their new goal seems to be to cause as much chaos and destruction as possible in this new world and this is something they have accomplished very effectively, as their influence spreads slowly, but surely. Led by the seven generals who served as the right hands of the Demon Lords, they work in surprising harmony, given the fierce rivalry that exists between them. This would suggest that they are taking their orders from someone else …


With an alarmingly high-pitched cackle and a sadistic streak, SkullSatamon is, by his estimation, a textbook villain, and he’s loving every second of it. Never satisfied unless he is destroying something – or someone – SkullSatamon finds himself reluctantly playing the role of teacher as he manages the operation in Primary Village…which, to him, constitutes sitting in a chair and randomly barking orders at his underlings, and occasionally knighting new members in an elaborate ceremony. SkullSatamon finds most things funny.

Of the Seven, LadyDevimon is easily the most feared: she takes great delight in eviscerating her victims, be they human or Digimon, and draws out their suffering for as long as possible before she eliminates them. She has become particularly infamous for establishing the Server Aslyum, where she spends long hours simply testing the extent to which a human or Digimon may be pushed before their mind or body breaks. Her appetites are not something that even her fellow Generals look kindly upon, and many who serve under her do so in obvious reluctance.

The most cunning of the Seven, NeoDevimon spends as little time with them as possible. It is a necessary evil – ah, what delicious irony! – to work with them, and not something he enjoys. Much of NeoDevimon’s time is spent in the Colosseum, watching humans and Digimon destroy one another, although this is likely a cover: the construction of Pyramidus suggests that he has something else in mind for the world…

Myotismon has a ridiculous flair for the dramatic, although this doesn’t seem to be something that he is aware of…although it is something that SkullSatamon and MetalPhantomon love to point out. Myotismon seldom ventures out of his castle, unless it is to stock up on fresh victims to whet his appetites: predictably, he has acquired a taste for human blood. Despite his gentlemanly, well mannered demeanour, Myotismon is unquestionably the strongest of the Seven Generals, and has proved himself a capable tactician.

Self-proclaimed ruler of the seas, MarineDevimon spends much of his time in them. Four times the size of the other Demon Lords, SkullSatamon often jokes that his brain shrunk proportionately, and this does seem to be true to a certain degree: MarineDevimon is not very intelligent. Formerly the right hand of Leviamon, he was chosen for one reason only: he’s good at smashing things. Just point him in the right direction, and he’ll carve out a trail of destruction. He does require very specific instructions, however.

A tactician first and foremost, Phelesmon has taken over the roll as the leader of the Seven Generals…or, at the very least, he is the one that they will defer to in the matter of strategy and tactics. A cold being, Phelesmon is all business, and his dry, dead voice and flat stare unsettles even the light-hearted SkullSatamon at times. Phelesmon’s sole concern is continuing with what his master started: the complete subjugation of the world. To do this, he will manipulate human and Digimon alike as much as is necessary. He is, perhaps, the real power behind the Nightmare Soldiers, and one of the reasons they remain a united force, rather than seven smaller ones.

A new addition to the Seven Generals – Lucemon had no right hand – MetalPhantomon is something of a joker; he doesn’t take anything seriously, making him a source of constant ire for the other Generals…excluding SkullSatamon, of course. MetalPhantomon generally avoids fighting things that are bigger than he is – which is most things – but there are rare occasions that he will take an active hand in things. After all, if you’ve got a scythe, what else are you supposed to do with it but…scythe things?

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Timeline of major events

[Note: subject to sudden additions]




17 – The Demon Lords break free of their confinement

19 – The Digimon Sovereigns are cast down and sealed by the Demon Lords

20 – The original Digidestined enter the Digital World

27 - Siege of File City begins. Combined forces of Beelzemon and Leviamon prevent allied forces from aiding the Digidestined, who are being hunted by Lilithmon.


3 - The Celestial War, the final confrontation between the Digidestined and the Demon Lords, begins, as the Digidestined acquire the power to Digivolve their Digimon to the Mega level. The Celestial Trinity of Ophanimon, Seraphimon and Cherubimon is formed, and the Celestial Host is born as the few remaining free Digimon rally behind the Digidestined.

5 – Confrontation between Lilithmon and the Digidestined results in her destruction.

9 – The Gate of the Seven Deadly Sins is unearthed by Lucemon.

16 - Forces of Beelzemon and Leviamon both decimated as the Digidestined launch an assault to free File City from its siege. Beelzemon falls in battle. Leviamon’s whereabouts unknown; presumed destroyed.

19 – First assault on Nightmare Castle. Assault is broken; Celestial Host is driven back by Barbamon’s forces, which arrives to reinforce Daemon.

21 – Barbamon’s forces depart from Nightmare Castle, betraying Daemon, who is subsequently defeated by the Digidestined.

22 – Belphemon awakens from Sleep Mode, rampages for a full week and destroys over half of the Server Continent before finally being defeated by the Digidestined.

30 – Lucemon destroys Barbamon for his treachery and absorbs his data.

31 - Battle of Infinity Mountain. Digidestind are defeated by Lucemon, who releases the seals on Gate of the Seven Deadly Sins.



1 – The Merge occurs.

3 - The Royal Knights awaken and begin to actively patrol the new world.

8 – The New Moscow Federation is formed in response to an attack by Nightmare Soldiers on the city, resulting in the elimination of nearly half the surviving population. Construction on shelters underneath the innermost regions of the city begins.

9 – Omnimon approaches the New Moscow Federation, offering his protection, and is swiftly declined.

15 – Survivors of the Merge in New York driven underground by the Digimon that invade the city; beginnings of the New York Base established.

20 – Crusadermon claims ownership over File City.


21 – Official creation of the Grey Swords, as a large number of mercenaries are forced out of Riga and make their way to the Coast Zone, setting up a small base at Wanderer’s Cape.


17 – Sanctuary Fortress built by the Royal Knights Omnimon, Dynasmon and Examon, as a refuge for surviving humans.

25 - Foundation of the Consultants, the governmental body of Sanctuary Fortress.


15 – Foundation of New London.

22 – Project X begins.



22 – The first appearance of Lady Nex, who lays waste to Cairo and destroys Magnamon with her Digimon partner, Ophanimon Falldown Mode.

30 – Primary Village turned into a concentration camp by SkullSatamon, for the purpose of Nightmare Soldier recruitment.


13 – First X-Digimon created by the Consultants as a result of experimentation with Project X.

27 – The former president of the New Moscow Federation is assassinated by a Grey Sword in a suicide attack. None have been able to identify the man’s employer.


2 – Project X is temporarily suspended as an inquiry is launched pertaining to the ethical issues surrounding it.

14 – Antioch destroyed by Lady Nex and Ophanimon Falldown Mode. Survivors of the city captured by NeoDevimon and relocated to Rome, later to form the foundations for the Human Revolution Faction in the city.

16 – Leopardmon and UlforceVeedramon successfully track Lady Nex and engage her in battle. Both are destroyed.


1 – Project X permanently shut down; laboratories in Sanctuary Fortress decommissioned and research destroyed. X-Terminal locked down.

4 – A series of protests in the streets at this action lead to several hundred people being exiled from the city, and several more being incarcerated. These individuals would later form the beginnings of the Arbiters.


11 – Creation of the Arbiters, as those who were previously incarcerated are released.

23 – Lab 33. 1 is opened in secret by the Arbiters to continue Project X. Many quit Sanctuary Fortress at this time to strike out for this new Lab, although a large number of representatives remain active within the city.


5 – Star City is destroyed by Lady Nex, with an army of Nightmare Soldiers at her back. First confirmed sighting of the two factions together.



22 – Siege of Sanctuary Fortress by the Nightmare Soldiers begins.


15 – The forces of the Celestial Host on the continent begins to march towards Sanctuary Fortress, but are delayed and ultimately wiped out by Nightmare Soldiers, cutting off reinforcements.


12 – First assault on Sanctuary Fortress, after a month and a half of siege. Enemy forces unable to infiltrate the city, but heavy losses are suffered on both sides, meaning that the battle is inconclusive. The Nightmare Soldiers withdraw to a safe distance, still cutting off all routes in and out of the city whilst they wait for reinforcements.


2 – Lady Nex leads the second assault on Sanctuary Fortress. Driven back by Omnimon, Dynasmon and Examon, and forced to withdraw. Siege ends.

6 – Retaliatory assault by the Celestial Host is launched on the Mist Zone. None who entered the area returned; presumed dead or taken prisoner by the Nightmare Soldiers.

31 – Last known sighting of Omnimon, who departed to track down Lady Nex. Whereabouts unknown.



9 – X-Digimon under the control of humans appear, launch an attack on a small group of Nightmare Soldiers, eliminating them all. What follows are a series of quick, surgical strikes directed at their forces, taking out large numbers each time.

18 – The Nightmare Soldiers withdraw into their own occupied territories


12 – A small group of Arbiters attack the Graveyard Zone, and are destroyed by Lady Nex. Arbiter activity diminishes after this excursion; rumours tell they are attempting to reach the next stage of evolution for X-Digimon.


7 – NeoDevimon departs the continent. Spies for the HRF report that he is travelling to Nightmare Castle at the behest of his superior.


1 – The Human Revolution Faction stage a coup in Rome in NeoDevimon’s absence, with the assistance of the Arbiters and several powerful X-Digimon.

1 – Lady Nex launches an assault on File City