dirge of cerberus good story bad gameplay


Jul 22, 2010
i like the story becuse it tells you more about vincent and his life

but final fantasy is a roll play thay shouldent try to change that it's just not right
I loved the story in Dirge of Cerberus, but absolutely hated the gameplay, it felt like I was playing Devil May Cry, BUT a really cheap half-assed version, with no fun elements in it at all. It felt like a chore playing it, everything about the gameplay just screamed "boring and repetitive", even as i got further, I thought the gameplay might get better somehow, but it never did. The enemies and bosses were way too easy, but alas, the story was really interesting, so not all was bad.

This game is so meh.
I loved the storyline too. The gameplay was bad because they didn't try. But it itself was a pretty cool new thing to try.
They figured a FF7 shooter would practically sell itself, so they slacked on the gameplay. Nonetheless, they had to reveal things about Vincent eventually because his mysteries are barely looked upon in FF7.
i loved the story, totally. but yes the gameplay, well... i was struggling with the gameplay. im not really used to that kind of gameplay and it took me a little while to master how the game works. still i managed to finish some missions because i was so determined and its all because of the vincent-lucrecia drama scenes. :)

if only DoC was like the other FF games with the same battle system, maybe it'll be easier to finish. im still stuck at chapter 9 with the azul boss. its so freakin' hard! o_O
I particularly dislike the way the story was written. It seems they couldn't roll with Lucretia simply not liking Vincent and actually liking Hojo, and possibly being just as much of a mad scientist as he was. Instead we get a totally unnatural story of she knowing Vincent's father's death and how Lu felt guilty over it. That was obviously not the intention of the original title.
I was very happy with how Vincent was in FFVII: he lied to himself that Lucretia was a great woman because he loved her, and he lied to himself about she staying with Hojo for pity because that ungrounded version of the tale pleased him. That is how you make a good character: sometimes their beliefs are better constructed on illogical grounds, because that is how real people are.
About the gameplay, it was good enough for the game's length. Obviously it wasn't the focus there. What certainly can help players is to set camera and sight speed to max, because that makes you turn faster, saving Vince a good chunk of HP.
Interesting, I've never thought of it as Vincent lying to himself. I always interpreted that Lucrecia loved him, but also loved Hojo ('cause apparently Hojo was one hell of a lady killer back in his day) and wanted to have her cake and eat it too until Hojo stamped his foot down and she went with him. His using her as nothing more than a subject for his experiment was her retribution, or so my thinking goes. Vincent just blames himself for it until that final scene in FFVII. This was before I played DoC though.