012: Duodecim Dissidia 012 Character Discussion Thread

Setzer Gabbiani

Dark Knight
Apr 28, 2009
Puerto Rico
This thread is for discussing about all of the characters in Dissidia Duodecim 012. You may talk about their moves, combos, builds, etc.
Oh goodie~ I have some Yuna Comboes. just let me go grab them from the fanclub....

Yuna mainers Listen up! i uncovered some Assist combos with Yuna and Kuja!

Combo 1 MeteorStrike/ChaseWallrush/Heavenly strike>Kuja assist>assist chase Megaflare>Kuja assist>Any HP attack. You need both assist bars full. and the ">"s mean to show what the next part in the combo.

I need to explain.

BLizzard impact: Use Charged Impulse. You need all of the orbs to hit. When they do Start tapping the button for Heavenly strike. If done correctly. Shive will use Heavenly strike at long range and slam the oppent into the ground. Credits to a nUser on the Dissdiam forums for this awesomesauce link glitch.

Combo 2: Blizzard Impact/Hevenly strike>Kuja Assist>Jump up and use BLizzard Impact while Kuja Attacks>KujaAssist>Assist chase HP attack.

Needs Both assist bars full. and Perfect timing for the Blizzard Impacts.

Combo 3: BLizzard impact>Kuja Assist>BLizzard impact>Kuja Assist>Any HP or brave attack.

I found these out by my self. Exculding Blizzard impact. Go thank the Dissdia forums guy!

I hope you Yuna mainers find this use ful~

Look,Read,Practice,Use,Enjoy. :monster:
here some combos i found with bartz and kuja XD

Here is a program that I found on a Dissidia forum. It allows you to select and put the current skills, accessories, assist character and equipments your character/s has on them. Here is the link of the program.


Here is my Cloud set up at the moment.


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ok did it for me XD


Spawn you need to save the image and upload it.. or the image will be broken :)
Yeah I just found out how to do it. Anyway, why you have 2 Heavenly Strike on your character?

opps that was meant to be sonic wing XD
Dissidia Duodecim Character Disscussion

I can't see this kind of thread yet on here soo here it is... the place to talk about the characters of duodecim and things like combos, assists tatics etc... sooo happy talking XD mod can sticky if they want to XD
Okies Disussion topic!

First off. Everyones bad match-ups consist of Either Exdeath or Sephiroth. Just throwing that out there.

Garland had got a huge buff. in return for some lost comboes.

Yuna is a GTFO type of character. And you need to space her before attacking. Kinda the oppisite of Kuja(bulos)

Lightning is a jack of All trades. Just you need to learn when to use certain paradigims.
MEDIC is useless. Just get rid of it moves so you have extra CP. and you dont have to cycle through Medic when switching paradigms.

Kuja's Ex mode got destroyed. Dont bother useing it alot. you can be simple blocked doin just about anything.

Terra's got hit by the Nerf hammer. HARD. Blizzara is toned down. It dosent reach as far now. Meltdown has lower Cooldown in exchange for slower startup.(allthough is is still debatable. It just seems this way to me.)

Kuja and Jecht are the Kings of Assists. Almost anyone can chain ultiple comboes off Each of them

Squall is SO much better now. Heel crush got hit by the Nerf Hammer Pretty bad. and Blizzard flurry(or what ever it is) also got toned down. but he gained the oh so needed Pressure tool.

Emperor has gotten a lot of little buffs.

Shantottos Manafont EX mode has been replaced. She now recovers brave quicker.

Thats all i Have For the moment. Dissdia forums helped me with some of this.

Oh and Feral chaos is destroyed by Exdeath.
I've merged the threads because there technically is already another one on general character discussion here.

Guys, rather than simply sharing Youtube clips and images in your posts, be mindful of the fact that this is a thread in a post count section and that your posts should reflect this. =]
opps my bad XD lool i even posted here fail

on topic i'm really starting to learn sweet combos with squall :D the best one i like is....

beat fang - ground wall rush - kuja assist - thunder barret (during kuja attack) - assist chase - beat fang

my current yuna build XD i'll do squall's and lighting's later XD