This thread provides you with some information and the location of all the moogles and gateways. This will make it easier for you guys to locate the moogle shops in the World Map.
Here is a World Map with the locations of all the Gateways, Teleport Stones, Treasure Chests, Moogles Shops and manikins.
Here is a list of all the moogle shop with their items and location.
Cornelia Castle
Moglin - Next to Cornelia Castle Stone.
KP Earned|Item|KP Cost
240 Pre-EX Revenge - 200 KP
280 Banish/Death - 10 KP
340 Behemoth - 50 KP
410 Armorless - 115 KP
500 Dusty Elixir - 25 KP
600 Pre-Ex Mode - 200 KP
710 Pupu - 50 KP
850 Pre-Air Dash - 200 KP
1000 Hatless - 140 KP
1200 Level Gap >= 90 - 180 KP
1500 Elixir - 50 KP
1800 Ultima, the High Seraph - 120 KP
2100 KP Bonus - 10 KP
2600 Gloveless - 100 KP
3100 Hi-Elixir - 75 KP
3700 Weaponless - 150 KP
4400 Megalixir - 100 KP
10000 Gilgamesh - 1 KP
*All of the above items are limited. You may purchase one per day. The Level Gap >= 90 booster and the no equipment boosters are found in this shop on one of the two days following your Bonus Day. Pupu and Behemoth are acquired from 2 post special day buys. Some of the limited items are unlocked after you've earned a certain amount of total KP in the game, not saved.
North from Cornelia Castle Stone.
HP = 100% (x1.5) - 15 KP
HP <= 50% (x1.4) - 40 KP
HP <= 25% (x1.5) - 40 KP
BRV = 0 (x1.4) - 20 KP
No BRV Damage (x1.3) - 15 KP
No Damage (x1.5) - 100 KP
Full EX Gauge (x1.3) - 100 KP
Empty EX Gauge (x1.5) - 100 KP
EX Mode (x1.3) - 100 KP
EX Revenge (x1.4) - 60 KP
Maintain EX Mode (x1.4) - 100 KP
Full Assist Gauge (x1.3) - 40 KP
Empty Assist Gauge (x1.5) - 100 KP
Assist (x1.4) - 40 KP
Maintain Assist (x1.5) - 100 KP
Full EX & Assist Gauge (x1.5) - 100 KP
Damage Time >= 5 sec (x4) - 100 KP
Pre-Bravery Attack (x1.5) - 40 KP
Pre-HP Attack (x1.4) - 80 KP
Pre-Jump (x1.4) - 100 KP
Pre-Guard (x1.5) - 100 KP
Pre-Evasion (x1.5) - 100 KP
Pre-Assist (x1.4) - 100 KP
Grounded (x1.5) - 40 KP
Aerial (X1.5) - 40 KP
(Opp) HP = 100% (x1.3) - 40 KP
(Opp) HP <= 50% (x1.4) - 40 KP
(Opp) HP <= 25% (x1.5) - 40 KP
(Opp) Break (x1.3) - 60 KP
(Opp) Pre-Bravery Damage (x1.3) - 30 KP
(Opp) Empty EX Gauge (x1.3) - 60 KP
(Opp) EX Mode (x1.3) - 15 KP
(Opp) Pre-HP Damage (x1.3) - 100 KP
Level Gap >= 10 (x1.3) - 40 KP
Level Gap >= 20 (x1.4) - 60 KP
Level Gap >= 30 (x1.5) - 80 KP
Level Gap >= 40 (x2) - 100 KP
Level Gap >= 50 (x2.5) - 120 KP
Level Gap >= 60 (x3) - 170 KP
Level Gap >= 70 (x5) - 230 KP
Level Gap >= 80 (x8) - 280 KP
On a island between "Gateway of Good and Evil" and "Beyond the Continent" Gateway, west of Pravoka Stone.
Ifrit - 50 KP
Shiva - 30 KP
Ramuh - 30 KP
Carbuncle - 50 KP
Magic Pot - 40 KP
Demon Wall - 30 KP
Magus Sisters - 30 KP
Odin - 40 KP
Phoenix - 30 KP
Alexander - 50 KP
Leviathan - 50 KP
Bahamut - 60 KP
Chocobo - 60 KP
Mandragora - 20 KP
Bomb - 20 KP
Asura - 20 KP
Titan - 80 KP
Atomos - 80 KP
Iron Giant - 80 KP
Cactaur - 60 KP
Tonberry - 30 KP
Malboro - 60 KP
Ultros - 20 KP
Typhon - 40 KP
Deathgaze - 40 KP
Lich - 100 KP
Marilith - 100 KP
Kraken - 100 KP
Tiamat - 100 KP
Scarmiglione - 100 KP
Cagnazzo - 100 KP
Barbaricca - 100 KP
Rubicante - 100 KP
Land Worm - 120 KP
Calcabrina - 120 KP
Giant of Babil - 120 KP
Syldra - 120 KP
Zalera, the Death Seraph - 120 KP
Brynhilder - 120 KP
Ancient Volcano Ring-Gulg
Next to “Encounters and Treason” Gateway.
Scarletite - 50 KP
Gear - 150 KP
Pink Tail - 200 KP
*You need 6 Gears to complete the Machine set and 20 Pink Tail for the Ribbon.
Elven Snowfield
Past “Frozen Continent” Gateway, east from Elven Castle Stone.
Warblade - 200 KP
Heike’s Blade - 200 KP
Heike’s Shield - 200 KP
Warlord’s Soul - 200 KP
Heike’s Helm - 200 KP
Heike’s Armor - 200 KP
Warlord’s Coreselet - 200 KP
Warlord’s Gauntlets - 200 KP
Southeast island in Elven Snowfields, past "Gateway of the Great Will," south from Crescent Lake Stone.
Flame Equipment - 60 KP
Ice Equipment - 200 KP
Mythril - 20 KP
Gold - 25 KP
Diamond - 50 KP
Crystal - 30 KP
Rusted Metal - 50 KP
Shiny Metal - 50 KP
Corel Ore - 50 KP
Narshe Ore - 100 KP
Gulg Steel - 100 KP
Gagazet Steel - 100 KP
Figaro Gravel - 50 KP
Yaschas Massif Gravel - 50 KP
Basilisk Pebble - 50 KP
Gargoyle Pebble - 100 KP
Epitaph Stone - 100 KP
Golem Stone - 100 KP
Mithra Tooth - 50 KP
Bangaa Tooth - 50 KP
Wererat Claw - 50 KP
Silver Lobo Claw - 100 KP
Sphinx Fang - 100 KP
Cerberus Fang - 100 KP
Chocobo Chick Powder - 50 KP
Chocobo Powder - 50 KP
Skeleton Fragment - 50 KP
Skull Knight Shard - 100 KP
Unknown's Bone - 100 KP
Dragon Lich Bone - 100 KP
Mandragora Twig - 50 KP
Alraune Twig - 50 KP
Rafflesia Vine - 50 KP
Treant Branch - 100 KP
Macalania Timber - 100 KP
Golmore Timber - 100 KP
Flan Membrane - 50 KP
Black Flan Membrane - 50 KP
Sahagin Skin - 50 KP
Lizardman Skin - 100 KP
Coeurl Hide - 100 KP
Chimera Hide - 100 KP
Glass Beads - 50 KP
Oerba Beads - 50 KP
Ore - 50 KP
Polished Ore - 100 KP
Floating Continent Gem - 100 KP
Elemental Jewel - 100 KP
Fish Scale - 50 KP
Delicious Fish Scale - 50 KP
Aged Turtle Shell - 50 KP
Ancient Turtle Shell - 100 KP
Scorpion Shell - 100 KP
Garchimacera Husk - 100 KP
Zombie Rag - 50 KP
Ghost Rag - 50 KP
Fine Cloth - 50 KP
Silky Cloth - 100 KP
Walse Fabric - 100 KP
Troian Fabric - 100 KP
Mu Fur - 50 KP
Moogle Fur - 50 KP
Cockatrice Feather - 50 KP
Zu Feather - 100 KP
Lamia's Locks - 100 KP
Queen Lamia's Locks - 100 KP
North of Lufenia Stone, on island.
Aries Recipe - 200 KP
Taurus Recipe - 200 KP
Gemini Recipe - 200 KP
Cancer Recipe - 200 KP
Leo Recipe - 200 KP
Viro Recipe - 200 KP
South of Citadel of Trials stone, past "Conquered Trials" Gateway.
Libra Recipe - 200 KP
Scorpio Recipe - 200 KP
Sagittarius Recipe - 200 KP
Capricorn Recipe - 200 KP
Aquarius Recipe - 200 KP
Pisces Recipe - 200 KP
Land of Discord
Secret Shop - Past “To a Foreign World” Gateway.
Rosetta Stone - 10 KP
Adamantite - 250 KP
Samurai Spirit - 250 KP
Blue Moon - 300 KP
Chaplet - 300 KP
Snowflake Sweater - 300 KP
Lunate Armlet - 300 KP
Ultima Weapon - 1500 KP
Omega - 1500 KP
Hecatonchier - 1000 KP
*This is the shop you need to go to get the Best Customer Kupo accomplishment.
Well that’s all the moogle shops.
Now here is the list of all the names of the gateways.
1. The Forsaken Lands (Level 100, 10 Floors, No final boss)
2. Dreams of a Flying Castle (Level 100)
3. Eastern Mirage Gateway (Level 80)
4. The Forgotten Lands (Level 80)
5. Gateway of Melting Snows (Level 60)
6. Frozen Continent (Level 60)
7. Chasm in the Rotting Land (Level 70)
8. Curses and Hopes of Yore (Level 75)
10. Gateway to Depature (Level 50)
11. Gateway of Good and Evil(Level 50)
12. Beyond the Continent (Level 50)
13. Encounters and Treason (Level 60)
14. Gateway of the Great Will (Level 60)
15. Conquered Trials Gateway (Level 80)
16. The Dragon King's Gateway (Level 100, Win within 60 sec, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
17. Confinement and Flight (Level 100)
18. Pervasive Sorrow (Level 100)
19. Solitary Salvation (Level 100)
20. Edge of Discord (Level 100, Win Battle, Rules Disabled, Skills Disabled)
21. Inherited Memories (Level 100, BRV Break within 60 sec, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
22. Gateway of Artificial Life (Level 100, BRV Break within 60 sec, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
23. To A Foreign World (Level 100, Win within 60 sec, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
24. Land of the Stolen Crown (Level 80, Win within 90 seconds, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
Well that’s all the information for now. I will update the list once I continue the story mode.
Here is a World Map with the locations of all the Gateways, Teleport Stones, Treasure Chests, Moogles Shops and manikins.

Here is a list of all the moogle shop with their items and location.
Cornelia Castle
Moglin - Next to Cornelia Castle Stone.
KP Earned|Item|KP Cost
240 Pre-EX Revenge - 200 KP
280 Banish/Death - 10 KP
340 Behemoth - 50 KP
410 Armorless - 115 KP
500 Dusty Elixir - 25 KP
600 Pre-Ex Mode - 200 KP
710 Pupu - 50 KP
850 Pre-Air Dash - 200 KP
1000 Hatless - 140 KP
1200 Level Gap >= 90 - 180 KP
1500 Elixir - 50 KP
1800 Ultima, the High Seraph - 120 KP
2100 KP Bonus - 10 KP
2600 Gloveless - 100 KP
3100 Hi-Elixir - 75 KP
3700 Weaponless - 150 KP
4400 Megalixir - 100 KP
10000 Gilgamesh - 1 KP
*All of the above items are limited. You may purchase one per day. The Level Gap >= 90 booster and the no equipment boosters are found in this shop on one of the two days following your Bonus Day. Pupu and Behemoth are acquired from 2 post special day buys. Some of the limited items are unlocked after you've earned a certain amount of total KP in the game, not saved.
North from Cornelia Castle Stone.
HP = 100% (x1.5) - 15 KP
HP <= 50% (x1.4) - 40 KP
HP <= 25% (x1.5) - 40 KP
BRV = 0 (x1.4) - 20 KP
No BRV Damage (x1.3) - 15 KP
No Damage (x1.5) - 100 KP
Full EX Gauge (x1.3) - 100 KP
Empty EX Gauge (x1.5) - 100 KP
EX Mode (x1.3) - 100 KP
EX Revenge (x1.4) - 60 KP
Maintain EX Mode (x1.4) - 100 KP
Full Assist Gauge (x1.3) - 40 KP
Empty Assist Gauge (x1.5) - 100 KP
Assist (x1.4) - 40 KP
Maintain Assist (x1.5) - 100 KP
Full EX & Assist Gauge (x1.5) - 100 KP
Damage Time >= 5 sec (x4) - 100 KP
Pre-Bravery Attack (x1.5) - 40 KP
Pre-HP Attack (x1.4) - 80 KP
Pre-Jump (x1.4) - 100 KP
Pre-Guard (x1.5) - 100 KP
Pre-Evasion (x1.5) - 100 KP
Pre-Assist (x1.4) - 100 KP
Grounded (x1.5) - 40 KP
Aerial (X1.5) - 40 KP
(Opp) HP = 100% (x1.3) - 40 KP
(Opp) HP <= 50% (x1.4) - 40 KP
(Opp) HP <= 25% (x1.5) - 40 KP
(Opp) Break (x1.3) - 60 KP
(Opp) Pre-Bravery Damage (x1.3) - 30 KP
(Opp) Empty EX Gauge (x1.3) - 60 KP
(Opp) EX Mode (x1.3) - 15 KP
(Opp) Pre-HP Damage (x1.3) - 100 KP
Level Gap >= 10 (x1.3) - 40 KP
Level Gap >= 20 (x1.4) - 60 KP
Level Gap >= 30 (x1.5) - 80 KP
Level Gap >= 40 (x2) - 100 KP
Level Gap >= 50 (x2.5) - 120 KP
Level Gap >= 60 (x3) - 170 KP
Level Gap >= 70 (x5) - 230 KP
Level Gap >= 80 (x8) - 280 KP
On a island between "Gateway of Good and Evil" and "Beyond the Continent" Gateway, west of Pravoka Stone.
Ifrit - 50 KP
Shiva - 30 KP
Ramuh - 30 KP
Carbuncle - 50 KP
Magic Pot - 40 KP
Demon Wall - 30 KP
Magus Sisters - 30 KP
Odin - 40 KP
Phoenix - 30 KP
Alexander - 50 KP
Leviathan - 50 KP
Bahamut - 60 KP
Chocobo - 60 KP
Mandragora - 20 KP
Bomb - 20 KP
Asura - 20 KP
Titan - 80 KP
Atomos - 80 KP
Iron Giant - 80 KP
Cactaur - 60 KP
Tonberry - 30 KP
Malboro - 60 KP
Ultros - 20 KP
Typhon - 40 KP
Deathgaze - 40 KP
Lich - 100 KP
Marilith - 100 KP
Kraken - 100 KP
Tiamat - 100 KP
Scarmiglione - 100 KP
Cagnazzo - 100 KP
Barbaricca - 100 KP
Rubicante - 100 KP
Land Worm - 120 KP
Calcabrina - 120 KP
Giant of Babil - 120 KP
Syldra - 120 KP
Zalera, the Death Seraph - 120 KP
Brynhilder - 120 KP
Ancient Volcano Ring-Gulg
Next to “Encounters and Treason” Gateway.
Scarletite - 50 KP
Gear - 150 KP
Pink Tail - 200 KP
*You need 6 Gears to complete the Machine set and 20 Pink Tail for the Ribbon.
Elven Snowfield
Past “Frozen Continent” Gateway, east from Elven Castle Stone.
Warblade - 200 KP
Heike’s Blade - 200 KP
Heike’s Shield - 200 KP
Warlord’s Soul - 200 KP
Heike’s Helm - 200 KP
Heike’s Armor - 200 KP
Warlord’s Coreselet - 200 KP
Warlord’s Gauntlets - 200 KP
Southeast island in Elven Snowfields, past "Gateway of the Great Will," south from Crescent Lake Stone.
Flame Equipment - 60 KP
Ice Equipment - 200 KP
Mythril - 20 KP
Gold - 25 KP
Diamond - 50 KP
Crystal - 30 KP
Rusted Metal - 50 KP
Shiny Metal - 50 KP
Corel Ore - 50 KP
Narshe Ore - 100 KP
Gulg Steel - 100 KP
Gagazet Steel - 100 KP
Figaro Gravel - 50 KP
Yaschas Massif Gravel - 50 KP
Basilisk Pebble - 50 KP
Gargoyle Pebble - 100 KP
Epitaph Stone - 100 KP
Golem Stone - 100 KP
Mithra Tooth - 50 KP
Bangaa Tooth - 50 KP
Wererat Claw - 50 KP
Silver Lobo Claw - 100 KP
Sphinx Fang - 100 KP
Cerberus Fang - 100 KP
Chocobo Chick Powder - 50 KP
Chocobo Powder - 50 KP
Skeleton Fragment - 50 KP
Skull Knight Shard - 100 KP
Unknown's Bone - 100 KP
Dragon Lich Bone - 100 KP
Mandragora Twig - 50 KP
Alraune Twig - 50 KP
Rafflesia Vine - 50 KP
Treant Branch - 100 KP
Macalania Timber - 100 KP
Golmore Timber - 100 KP
Flan Membrane - 50 KP
Black Flan Membrane - 50 KP
Sahagin Skin - 50 KP
Lizardman Skin - 100 KP
Coeurl Hide - 100 KP
Chimera Hide - 100 KP
Glass Beads - 50 KP
Oerba Beads - 50 KP
Ore - 50 KP
Polished Ore - 100 KP
Floating Continent Gem - 100 KP
Elemental Jewel - 100 KP
Fish Scale - 50 KP
Delicious Fish Scale - 50 KP
Aged Turtle Shell - 50 KP
Ancient Turtle Shell - 100 KP
Scorpion Shell - 100 KP
Garchimacera Husk - 100 KP
Zombie Rag - 50 KP
Ghost Rag - 50 KP
Fine Cloth - 50 KP
Silky Cloth - 100 KP
Walse Fabric - 100 KP
Troian Fabric - 100 KP
Mu Fur - 50 KP
Moogle Fur - 50 KP
Cockatrice Feather - 50 KP
Zu Feather - 100 KP
Lamia's Locks - 100 KP
Queen Lamia's Locks - 100 KP
North of Lufenia Stone, on island.
Aries Recipe - 200 KP
Taurus Recipe - 200 KP
Gemini Recipe - 200 KP
Cancer Recipe - 200 KP
Leo Recipe - 200 KP
Viro Recipe - 200 KP
South of Citadel of Trials stone, past "Conquered Trials" Gateway.
Libra Recipe - 200 KP
Scorpio Recipe - 200 KP
Sagittarius Recipe - 200 KP
Capricorn Recipe - 200 KP
Aquarius Recipe - 200 KP
Pisces Recipe - 200 KP
Land of Discord
Secret Shop - Past “To a Foreign World” Gateway.
Rosetta Stone - 10 KP
Adamantite - 250 KP
Samurai Spirit - 250 KP
Blue Moon - 300 KP
Chaplet - 300 KP
Snowflake Sweater - 300 KP
Lunate Armlet - 300 KP
Ultima Weapon - 1500 KP
Omega - 1500 KP
Hecatonchier - 1000 KP
*This is the shop you need to go to get the Best Customer Kupo accomplishment.
Well that’s all the moogle shops.
Now here is the list of all the names of the gateways.
1. The Forsaken Lands (Level 100, 10 Floors, No final boss)
2. Dreams of a Flying Castle (Level 100)
3. Eastern Mirage Gateway (Level 80)
4. The Forgotten Lands (Level 80)
5. Gateway of Melting Snows (Level 60)
6. Frozen Continent (Level 60)
7. Chasm in the Rotting Land (Level 70)
8. Curses and Hopes of Yore (Level 75)
10. Gateway to Depature (Level 50)
11. Gateway of Good and Evil(Level 50)
12. Beyond the Continent (Level 50)
13. Encounters and Treason (Level 60)
14. Gateway of the Great Will (Level 60)
15. Conquered Trials Gateway (Level 80)
16. The Dragon King's Gateway (Level 100, Win within 60 sec, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
17. Confinement and Flight (Level 100)
18. Pervasive Sorrow (Level 100)
19. Solitary Salvation (Level 100)
20. Edge of Discord (Level 100, Win Battle, Rules Disabled, Skills Disabled)
21. Inherited Memories (Level 100, BRV Break within 60 sec, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
22. Gateway of Artificial Life (Level 100, BRV Break within 60 sec, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
23. To A Foreign World (Level 100, Win within 60 sec, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
24. Land of the Stolen Crown (Level 80, Win within 90 seconds, Rules Enabled, Skills Enabled)
Well that’s all the information for now. I will update the list once I continue the story mode.
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