012: Duodecim Dissidia 012 Music Wishlist


ShinRa Guard
Feb 7, 2010
Any Music that you want to be put in the new dissidia. So far as i know, J-E-N-O-V-A is in it for FF7.

this also includes speculation on any music that would be put in it.
Final Fantasy VII, battle music, form the normal battles. and from Final Fantasy X : To Zanarkand, i love that Song, it's soooooo nice'n'calm <3
the original battle theme for final fantasy IX :) also the summoned beast battle is in it :)

the ending theme for ffx would be sooo epic to fight to :)

and the black mages version of seymour battle ;)
Calabrena Battle Theme (I think that was the dolls name) from FFIV. Safer Sephiroth's Battle Theme, and of course, FFXIII's Epic Battle Theme
Wasn't the FF8 boss music in Dissidia 1? :hmmm:

Chaos battle for FF1, the Vedlt battle music for 6 (or that one that plays when Cyan gets pissed off after Doma), The Birth of God for FF7, The Landing from FF8, Vamo Alla Flamenco or Feel My Blade for 9, Challenge from FF10 (or for humour, the Blitzball theme)
Wasn't the FF8 boss music in Dissidia 1? :hmmm:

Chaos battle for FF1, the Vedlt battle music for 6 (or that one that plays when Cyan gets pissed off after Doma), The Birth of God for FF7, The Landing from FF8, Vamo Alla Flamenco or Feel My Blade for 9, Challenge from FF10 (or for humour, the Blitzball theme)

no that was the normal battle theme the boss battle is remixed and is going on 012 ((has it on my comp and loves listening to it))

Ah, I thought it was the other way around :lew:

For 13 I wouldn't mind the Fal'Cie boss theme, not sure on 12 tbh :hmmm: been forever since I played it
i would like the(FF8) dollet battle theme
and blitzball(FFX) theme
or the (FF8)card battle theme
or the selphie(FF8) FH concert those R my picks
I don't remember if some of these were announced for DLC music tracks, but I'd like the following:

FFXIII: Test of L'cie, Eden Under Siege
FFIX: Vamo' alla Flamenco
FFVIII: Premonition
FFVII: Opening - Bombing Mission

well i have an app on my psp that lets me play whatever music I want and i hate dissidia buuuuuuuuuuuuuut

music that should have been in it -

Final Fantasy VII: Birth of a God (Bizarro Sephiroth)
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core: SOLDIER Battle
Final Fantasy X: Seymour Boss Battle
Final Fantasy X: Challenge

I'm sure theres others, but thats all that immediately comes to mind.
Opening bombing mission was in the original dissidia lol.

Ah, for real? I honestly don't remember hearing it :/

L: Seymour's boss battle is in (which I thought was strange since he wasn't, but oh well xD), and Birth of God is available in a DLC music pack if I remember right :hmmm:
Really? I'm on PSN right now and the only thing I see is

Final Fantasy FF BGM Pack 5 Tracks (id assume is just FF1 but lol buy bgm!)
Final Fantasy VI FF BGM Pack 3 Tracks
Final Fantasy XIII FF BGM Pack 5 Tracks
Final Fantasy Warrior of Light (free dlc costume)

But I dunno, maybe Seymour's Battle theme is unlockable or something. I never saw it.