Dissidia Fighting


Gamer Girl
Dec 5, 2008
Ok....So more than likely....if this game is in fact able to be played between 2 psps or more then there will be people that have a main character that they fight as.

Everyone will also have a favorite character, but some characters in the game will be able to fight better than other characters. So....If the person you want to play as sucks....will you still use them as your main or will you find how your good at and play as them?

*That was a bit confusing so heres an example:

Say, that I wanted my main to be Squall.....BUT he sucks. =[

Then I would force my self to get better at playing as him because hes my favorite.

Would you do the same? Or find a new main?
I'd still use my favourite. I'd refuse to spam everybody with Cloud just because he might be the strongest character, and a stronger one than Terra, Kefka, Bartz and all the other characters I'm really looking forward to.

I never use the strongest on strength alone. In Dragonball Z Burst Limit for example, everyone would be spamming each match online with Goku, Vegeta and all the powerhouses... and there would be me stood there playing Krillin. :P Dodging for my dear life, and then waiting for the moment to destructo-disc the hell out of them (more than often failed).

So yeah, I'll try and keep to using characters I like, or are fun to play as. I wouldn't want to be ONLY Cloud just so that I could win battles. If it comes to it, I'll just have to play who I like and accept that I may lose, but claim an inside victory of sorts for going against the norm, and doing as best I could.
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I think i'll end up using a favourite and not worrying about power... besides, skill>power most of the time ;)

Best part is that dissidia can be played online even if players only have the demo I hear, needs only 1 person with a genuine copy i think... least with wipeout (the example provided in playstation news, for any ps3 owners)
I usually stick to my favorites because using the most common used strongest characters alone isn't as challenging which can make the game somewhat boring to me. That is why I usually stick to characters that will most likely bring challenges along the way for me to overcome when playing this game. In this case, I will most likely pick Cecil or Terra most of the time being as they are my old school favorites.
I'm going to main my favorites regardless of how "weak" they are in the game. I'm of the opinion that tiers are nothing more than a mass delusion, and that anyone can be great with any character in a game as long as they practice with it. So no matter what the tier lists say, its Sephiroth and Golbez for me.
I'll have a character that I'l have become good using him(or at least I'll try)but I'll use them all.And remember;the game is for fun you don't have to take it professional.
Yeah of course even if one om my favorite character sucks I will still use him or her and make them stronger and master them. Anyways no one sucks its just how the player plays. If the player sucks the character sucks but if the player is good then the character is strong.
I'd probably use my favorite character (Tidus) but not stick with him all of the time. I definitely want to check out the other characters.
obviusly, i play as my favourite character, i dont do that usually , but, in this he seems to have the atributes that i like.
but, otherwise as i dont play the ff1 , i will play with garland, he remainds me nightmare from soul calibur, so i think that i'll enjoy playing as him.