Dissidia: Final Fantasy - Death Match


Blue Mage
Aug 29, 2009
New Zealand
Imagine if, on Dissidia, you could make team matches... O.O OMG!!! The powerful combos that could be made!!! If you've played Dissidia, or are playing it, then you've GOTTA post in this thread.

Tell me what your three-man cell would be, and the pros and cons!

Imagine that power... -drool-
well now there is my friend...so u can stop drooling...lol.

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this is a website i created just for dissidia and team/clan deathmatches, go to the website and look around, (and make sure you read through everything or you will be utlmately lost on the website) if you like what you see sign up for it, and advertise to all your other dissidia friends.

ps. if i need to add something new to the site please by all chances let me know, my name on the site is Omega_sinroth2 and im the admin of the site

Mod Edit: Please don't advertise other sites, if need be do so in the Advertising Board
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Anyone wants to be the bait for all of us by clicking the link from the one-time poster?

Anyway, back on topic. I'd love to have a team of fighters! I'd have a magic user, a physical attack user and Gabranth. The magic user will spam long range attacks (for distraction), the physical attacker will attack the same enemy, while Gabranth is charging the EX bar and he will start the attack against the other two enemies.
omg, please u might not trust me and dis is my first post cuz im going on other sites trying to advertise...its pretty rude that you put me off like that tho...but believe what you wanna believe, i was being serious, and you can look at the site for yourself if you wanna...
Oooh, Dissidia team matches... that'd be so EPIC!
Online team battles too, and where your friends could be a character and form a team of four (like in all the final fantasies). :O
.SkyE, I always felt that something was missing in Dissidia, now you made me realize what it really should have. xD ....... *also drools over the power*
well using the characters from dissidia i would probably have Terra, cloud and gabranth, i think they would pose a threat to most teams as they are well balanced and have different skills
I would like to see a battle against Kefka, Ultimecia and Kuja. I think that it will be one of the toughest team since they all have deadly attacks like Ultima, Flare Star, Forsaken Null, Time Crush, Apocalyspe, Havoc Wings, etc. Those three would be a great spellcasting team and a challenging one. As for strenght I think that Jecht, Gabranth and Chaos would be the perfect selection for that type. They are the strongest characters and have the deadliest combos in the game. That's why I choose them as the ultimate team to fight against.

The match that I really want to see is Cloud, Squall and Zidane versus Sephiroth, Ultimecia and Kuja. That is the match that I always dream of to watch. It will be a awesome if you could fight them in the story mode or as a special match.
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I don't know if I would really like that. I like the one on one style, but a whole team would just make me lost and confused. :-) Maybe just because I'm not very good at multi-tasking.
My three man cell would be Titus for the speed...I learned to trick players while using the environment and his quick moves are one of the best. Garland for power...slow and steady will crush all who try to pull a fast one on him and Blaze comes in handle...his sword has great reach and that is really where it counts. Lastly, Kuja for range...despite SE didn't give him link attacks...using his holy rings and remote flare (air abilities) as a combo will easily break almost any if he is leveled up correctly
Cloud, Tidus, Zidane. Built for the ground Cloud can handle his own, and keep people at bay with his Buster. Zidane will take to the skies, constantly bounding around, and keeping the air clear of projectiles. Tidus, would be at the forefront, using his agility to lead enemies back to Cloud, or serve them to Zidane...
I'd actually go with: Ex-Death, Golbez and Cloud of Darkness.

Golbez would be front line with Ex-Death and CoD at the back, it would be very difficult for anyone to get within melee distance of this team, Ex-death with his counters and ability to teleport to get in the way and protect the other two from any blow, Golbez with his combo's, glare hand and genesis rock...and CoD with her area denial lasers.