Dissidia Graphics


Blue Mage
Feb 10, 2010
Don't you guys think Dissidia would have been so much better if they didn't update the graphics of characters? Say for instance they used the graphics from the game in which the characters stared in. It would have been sooooo cooooooooooooooooool to have an 8 bit character fighting Tidus who is 128 bits.

Tee-hee. What do you guys think?
it would have been neat, but it also would have destroyed any chance of fans taking it seriously (though in the end we didn't anyway). also, i like the updated character models.
That would be cool, as an alternate costume or an add-on. Haha, the original warrior vs. tidus. xD
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
It would have been cool in the story mode. Probably would never happen anyway, but it sounds neat nonetheless.
Well, as we all know, Dissidia was more of a disappointment then it was anticipated to be. haha. But I totally agree, and also with the ALT costumes being more... we more options. :) Just think, Ultimecia in her "I AM ULTIMECIA, TIME SHALL COMPRESS, ALL EXISTENCE DENIED..." form. haha. She'd be huge. :D
Ummm, that would be really complicated and would probably mean the gameplay would have to return to turn-based or ATB with 1 guy on the left and another on the right not allowing movement freedom in battle that Dissidia has given. If Dissidia 2 came out Final Fantasy 13, 14 and onward graphics might be too overpowering.

Warrior of Light100 Garland1 Firion50 Emperor50 Onion Knight50 Cloud of Darkness1 Cecil100 Golbez100 Bartz100 Exdeath1 Terra100 Kefka1 Cloud100 Sephiroth100 Squall100 Ultimecia10 Zidane50 Kuja1 Tidus100 Jecht30 Shantotto80 Gabranth100
Dissidia 2 might very well be on the PSP2, so PS3-ish graphics aren't out of the question.

Well, as we all know, Dissidia was more of a disappointment then it was anticipated to be.
Don't generalize. I for one love Dissidia, and this thread is not the place to be making remarks like '<insert> was a disappointment/failure/total-suck'.
Don't generalize. I for one love Dissidia, and this thread is not the place to be making remarks like '<insert> was a disappointment/failure/total-suck'.

Oh, no, I'm not saying that it wasn't an awesome game. I'm saying, it's not a Final Fantasy game. Well, It's characters are, but you really can't make a "hack-and-slash" final fantasy game. I really did like it, but I can't just sit there and level up in that game the way I can in a real final fantasy. I'm terribly sorry if anyone got that confused. I personally expected a more free form of FF12, and while it did achieve that, there's so much potential in a game like Dissidia that I personally believe they just didn't do. And generalizing isn't something I tend to do unless I believe it's true. Sorry if I upset you. But calling people out is also not the point of the thread now is it?

But yeah, I guess making Ulti's outfit so large would limit the game wouldn't it? LOL, could've done a "Bayonetta" type costume for her. :P :D I'd like to see ulti in a relieving outfit like that. :P
dissidia wasn't meant to be like an actual FF game. it's a fighter meant to pit every main FF character against each other. The story is just a huge excuse for everyone to brawl it out. you have to think of this like a 3d arena fighter with FF characters, and not a new FF. it's a whole bundle of fanservice.

yeah i went overboard calling you out. it peeves me when i see comments like 'this game fails' in threads that have nothing to do with that. it seems i misinterpreted. my apologies.
no worries. It's my fault really, I tend to say thing without thinking about how they'll be interppreted, get's me in a lot of trouble sometimes, luckily I'm really good at explaining myself once I know I need to. haha. I'm cool if you're cool. :)

And yeah, I guess that makes sense. haha. like Ehrgiez, only...pure ff. lol. at least it's better than Ehrgiez was. :haha:
How could a 16 bit or a 8 bit character defeat people set in Poly graphics? It would have been an eye sore -- cool, definitely! -- but an eye sore. People wouldn't take it seriously and I doubt other people would pay money for something like that (a game that could be easily made by a fan >.>).

Maybe a switch mode would have done. Personally, I would have loved being a 16 bit character destroying a character zillions of feet higher than me lol
lool this is a funny topic

it would be cool but annorying 8 bit warrior vs 128 bit tidus..... na lool

i liked the way that the characters were in modren graphics, it was intresting to see how the older characters like terra and zidane turnt out in 128 bit graphics and how their voices would sound

dissidia is one of the best games there i on the psp

and on the psp graphics i would say the current psp in inbetween ps2 and ps3.. higher than ps2 but lower than ps3
Another thing that would of been funny is if the original 9 games used the old word box. I would of ROFL'd every time someone would try to talk. Cosmos, Tidus and Jecht would be the only ones to talk during cut scenes (and at the beginning or ending of battles too). That would of been awesomely amazingly funny!
-Bretboy129 ~ Bret Hudson
The game would be awesome with upgraded graphics or not... It's the replay value that counts and Dissidia has it!