Dissidia Modding Suite


May 31, 2010
Hello everyone!

I am here to share with you my last program: ever since I discovered how to edit dissidia textures (and all the images in general) I knew I would end up doing a program like this. SOme examples:


The software is not yet complete, but it should enable you to preview everything in the game and edit most interesting thing (I´ll be completing a tutorial on how to use it as soon as I have time.) This is the program:

Version 0.6 BETA:

Changelog 0.6

-New extraction/reinsertion engine, much lighter, that only takes about 30 MB scanning the whole ISO.
-Added Sound extraction.

Changelog 0.56:

-Added three more resolutions
-Fixed a BUG
-New stand alone version (Lite) able to extract form ISO with only taking 480 MB of RAM

Changelog 0.5:

-Added 256x128x8 resolutio to the editable list
-Fixed a bug that prevented user to inser 2 consecutives GIM´s into a GMO (thanls to Kraid for the tip


-Dissidia ISO (I´m sure most of you guys have already ripped it off you UMD´s)
-.NETFramework 4.0 (probably you already have it installed, if not, it´s just a small windows update)

Limitations of the BETA:
not all the image resolution can be edited, some combinations are not yet supported.
-After editting a model, it could appear as trasparent, it will be fixed on future releases

TO-DO list

-Implement alpha correction (fixes character ghost-like trasparency)
-Add support for more resolutions
-Implement direct bitmap reinsertion (for example, if you want to edit an image from any menu, or any bitMap that is not embedded in a 3D model)
-Add more mesh2rdm functionality (to export model into 3ds max format)

List of compatible image resolutions:

-256x256x8 -> Character face and body texture +more...
-256x128x8 -> Most weapons textures + more...
-128x128x4 -> Most stages texture + more...
-256x64x8 -> The Buster Sword, Ultima Weapon and maybe more...
-128x128x8 -> Some textures from clothes + more...
-128x256x8 -> Textures for lip movements and eye blink + more...

1-Extraction and preview:

Guess I could just skip this part, but anyway, I wanted to point out that you can also select the entire ISO when extracting GIM images, that would extract 5000+ GIM images, including summons, caracters, menus (in english and french????), etc.. But note that the conversion of 5000+ images can take a while... ALso, while previewing a model file, you can watch its moves by pressing F5 or you can swap texture set (if there is more than 1) by pressing ENTER, that helps to identify if it´s a battle model or just a model from a cutscene


When trying to reinsert a GMO in the ISO or a GIM in a GMO, you have to specify the position, so hit "View LOG for this file" after selecting an inserting file and browse to the item you want to reinsert. Then paste its position in the "position to insert" field, select the original file (ISO or GMO), and press insert. Insertion may take a while, but if you are trying to insert a file bigger than the original, you will get a message telling you that it was cancelled (inserting a bigger file would kill you ISO)

Since PNG are completely diffent than GIM images, I implemented editing through TIM2 image format: you can do the conversions (GIM -> TIM2 and TIM2 -> GIM) in the BitMap conversion TAB, but only 128x128x4 (stage textures) and 256x256x8 (most character textures) images are supported in this version.

Now about editting a TIM2:
The best program for this job Is "Game Graphic Studio". So open you tim2 file with it. Then select the interleace mode (stage textures use PSP and the rest, BGR) to preview the image correctly. If you feel GGS is not enough and want to edit in photoshp or similar, you can export in tga format... or BMP/PNG (not recomended), edit and then import back to tim2.
for questions/doubts email me: keybladecloud@gmail.com or simply post here

Hope you like it!!

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