Dissidia NT has been recently datamined and we have a list of characters in the game including non announced ones so if you want to remain spoiler free I'd suggest turning back now.
Name for Gilgamesh's manikin.
Name for Locke's manikin.
Name for Tifa's manikin.
Name for Zack's manikin.
Name for Rinoa's manikin.
Name for Laguna's manikin.
Name for Vivi's manikin.
Name for Yuna's manikin.
Name for Prishe's manikin.
Name for Kam'lanaut's manikin.
Name for Vayne's manikin.
Name for Gabranth's manikin.
Name for Snow's manikin.
"the Dominion of Rubrum stage" (Type-0) and "the Lucis stage" (Final Fantasy XV)
Some facts:
Characters by franchise:
Final Fantasy - Warrior of Light, Garland
Final Fantasy II - Firion, Emperor
Final Fantasy III - Onion Knight, CoD
Final Fantasy IV - Cecil, Kain, Golbez
Final Fantasy V - Bartz, Gilgamesh, Exdeath
Final Fantasy VI - Terra, Locke, Kefka
Final Fantasy VII - Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Zack
Final Fantasy VIII - Squall, Rinoa, Laguna, Ultimecia
Final Fantasy IX - Zidane, Vivi, Kuja
Final Fantasy X - Tidus, Yuna, Jecht
Final Fantasy XI - Shantotto, Prishe, Kam'lanaut
Final Fantasy XII - Vaan, Vayne, Gabranth
Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning, Snow
Final Fantasy XIV - Y'shtola
Final Fantasy XV - Noctis
Final Fantasy Tactics - Ramza
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Ace
Link to the Datamine: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/285744194?t= and
What do you guys think of the roster choices? It's not a full roster as they want 50 characters. I'd assume this is Season 1 remaining and 2.
Name for Gilgamesh's manikin.
Name for Locke's manikin.
Name for Tifa's manikin.
Name for Zack's manikin.
Name for Rinoa's manikin.
Name for Laguna's manikin.
Name for Vivi's manikin.
Name for Yuna's manikin.
Name for Prishe's manikin.
Name for Kam'lanaut's manikin.
Name for Vayne's manikin.
Name for Gabranth's manikin.
Name for Snow's manikin.

"the Dominion of Rubrum stage" (Type-0) and "the Lucis stage" (Final Fantasy XV)
Some facts:
- DLC weapons were included in the base game.
- In terms of raw storage size, Cloud's Nail bat is actually the largest when it comes to weapons.
- Alexandria castle is massive and very well detailed.
- Same thing can be said for both of the airships in Floating Continent and Alexandria maps
- Noctis' Engine Blade has 8MB worth of textures, but the model itself is 500 KB.
- Numerous characters have unused lines.
- There is apparently a Model Viewer.
- There is also apparently a voice test option.
- Midgar has over 600 textures.
- Despite Alexandria Castle being very well detailed, Narshe's houses are tiny.
Characters by franchise:
Final Fantasy - Warrior of Light, Garland
Final Fantasy II - Firion, Emperor
Final Fantasy III - Onion Knight, CoD
Final Fantasy IV - Cecil, Kain, Golbez
Final Fantasy V - Bartz, Gilgamesh, Exdeath
Final Fantasy VI - Terra, Locke, Kefka
Final Fantasy VII - Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa, Zack
Final Fantasy VIII - Squall, Rinoa, Laguna, Ultimecia
Final Fantasy IX - Zidane, Vivi, Kuja
Final Fantasy X - Tidus, Yuna, Jecht
Final Fantasy XI - Shantotto, Prishe, Kam'lanaut
Final Fantasy XII - Vaan, Vayne, Gabranth
Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning, Snow
Final Fantasy XIV - Y'shtola
Final Fantasy XV - Noctis
Final Fantasy Tactics - Ramza
Final Fantasy Type-0 - Ace
Link to the Datamine: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/285744194?t= and
What do you guys think of the roster choices? It's not a full roster as they want 50 characters. I'd assume this is Season 1 remaining and 2.
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