Dissidia: Quick Leveling


Red Mage
Aug 15, 2007
Two things u need to do to maximize exp:

One: Reset psp clock to ur bonus day

Second: Buy all the CPU level caps in the system catalog and the villian Ex-Death in the character catalog.

Go to quick battle, set Ex-deaths CPU to the highest difficulty possible. Start battle.

You don't have to win since even if u lose u still gain the exp u just have to hit him and u will gain 1000 exp each hit (not counting the bonus day).

The reason for Ex-Death is cause hes really slow and easy to hit.

Found this strategy at neoseeker.com
well if you put chocobo feather, down and wing on as well as the 5x bonus exp from the grind lover day plan, you could let him hit you with a brave atk until he gets 9999 brave then just magic pot him and give him the beat down. this way i got my shantotto from 1 to 100 with that 1 hit.

mate found this on youtube and showed me
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Omega Friend Card.
Password is 827669534 IIRC.
Level 100 ExDeath, max AI, has Barbariccia summon equipped.
Get him to 9999 bravery, use any summon that doesn't alter your enemy's BRV, and Barbariccia will trigger, switching your BRV with his BRV, granting you 9999 BRV.
Again, ANY summon works, except Cactuar, Odin etc. Use Shiva, Titan, Iron Giant etc.
With Chocobo Feather and 5xExp Chocobo Bonus, you might get to 100 in one try. But the higher your level, the lower the exp - don't forget that.
Omega FC gives more EXP than a normal level 100 Exdeath.
This is insane! I even found some videos of this on youtube showing what kinda exp you can get from doing this. Gotta try it if you haven't already!!!
Same trick my friends used to level up my Squall to 100. XD
I never knew some accessories and summons could help in doing this.
I must try this now. XD
Omega Friend Card.
Password is 827669534 IIRC.
Level 100 ExDeath, max AI, has Barbariccia summon equipped.
Get him to 9999 bravery, use any summon that doesn't alter your enemy's BRV, and Barbariccia will trigger, switching your BRV with his BRV, granting you 9999 BRV.
Again, ANY summon works, except Cactuar, Odin etc. Use Shiva, Titan, Iron Giant etc.
With Chocobo Feather and 5xExp Chocobo Bonus, you might get to 100 in one try. But the higher your level, the lower the exp - don't forget that.
Omega FC gives more EXP than a normal level 100 Exdeath.

I tried the code and i got the emperor and CoD :/
And i keep trying to do the ExDeath thing with my lvl 56 Zidane but i keep missing my magic pot everytime i use it ==

EDIT: Okay i found out why it kept missing, it was cause i was on break and it wouldn't switch -- ANYWAYS, love the quick training :D and the code for omegaFC US: 49326576
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Thanks dude, this helped me alot. My tidus is now lvl 100 all thanks to you. your the best.
Wouldn't it be easier just to put exdeath on maximum and make sure he has huge BRV boost and magic pot him? Would it level you up to 100 in one shot though?
I wonder why most prefer level 100 Exdeath over level 100 Gabranth. Lol.

And I kind of agree with calze6. The Omega FC process just seems so much more... complicated.
The problem with gabby is that his BRV atks are easier to hit. You do get extra EXP for beating maximum right?
You do, setting the AI to max strength increases the EXP gained. It's why Exdeath is preferred since characters like Cloud of Darkness or Garland would rip you apart. While Exdeath is the turtle fighter, purely defensive. Aslong as you avoid hitting his shields you'll be fine.