012: Duodecim Dissidia Video Uploading Tip


England's Answer to A Epic Wheelchair Driving Arml
Feb 25, 2010
Southend, UK
Yuno Mizuno
FFXIV Server
Free Company
Silver Lining
hey dissidia uploaders.... i been doing this for a while and i decided to share it with you guys... very handy for uploading dissidia vids

I came across a program called XviD4PSP.. it an encoder that converts files to mp4... converting this reduces the file size alot... for example take this vid:

this is a 6:40 video... which when rendered using stranded quality in dissidia added up to 486MB.. this would take me an hour and 20 mins to upload... now when using the encoder... the file size after conversion was 109MB.. that almost a 380MB decrese in size... and trust me no quality is lost.... and the video after this took just 20 mins to upload onto youtube... sooo yh good program to have :D

one thing... you need the mp4 codec on ur pc to use this.... download ffdshow to get this :D
That's great, but how long does converting the avi to mp4 take?

I always put everything in the low quality 'cause I'm running low on space on my memory card in the first place to save a converted replay files. I always delete it after I put it on my PC.
That's great, but how long does converting the avi to mp4 take?

I always put everything in the low quality 'cause I'm running low on space on my memory card in the first place to save a converted replay files. I always delete it after I put it on my PC.

for me it takes about half the time the video is... so that video took about three mins... but i'm running a 2 week old pc :D which has 3.20GHz dual core Intel I3 Processor XD

but i wouldn't think it would take longer than say 10 mins :D as long as you dont have something like 1GHz atom processor or something :mokken: