DJ GloriX's Art

DJ GloriX

Chocobo Breeder
May 11, 2007
Far away....
Well I'm not proffesional I'm just still a girl at school so go easy on me -_-;
Anyways these are some artworks I'm showing....

These are from last year, Tradditional(they're on my deviant because I'm to lazy to upload them on photobucket) :

Kuja (with some other clothes design) :
Sephiroth(looks weird) :

Digital work:
Hurr Pucca! :
Some character I created :

For this year Tradittional work:

Pucca and Ruby Gloom:
Fabian(Mine) and his Cementery:
The moon ain't heavy:
Ricardo (Also my character)
Pauly & Skunk (Mine)

And for this year's digital work:
Alay and Rafael:
Draconis and James:
Esther and Maria-Antoinette:
Myself in KH:
My Nobody:

And the piece I'm kinda proud of ('cept sucky background) :

Sorry if it's big, I'm done now, I still have 2 exams to go so I'll see if I make something new after that...
Well hell, I'm impressed. I'm surprised no one else has posted on this thread yet.

I like your coloring style, not to mention I haven't seen much chibi style stuff lately. Nice work!
Hey! There really good, to say that your only still in school, when I was at school I couldn't draw half as good as that and i'm pretty damn good now, but thats through alot of practice, keep on working on it and you could be a pro :)
Thanks, I still need practise though.....
Now I have kind of lack of ideas, gee -_-;......
Yet I will try to post something new this week maybe...
Some ideas would be greaaaaat...I only do SMALL request D:.....not big ones, small ones, single simple pictures......becuz I'm bored but also have a life. :dry:
Talent show?....hmmm...:3 I'm listenning, is there a link to the topic?

Anyways I was just looking around, I did had some pics, Dohw!


Omigawt, Linkin Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark D:


SIMON! <3 my little half human half lynx breed character, he's a nerd XP I did made the background with lazy D:

THat's all...
The feline?'s there because the space was kinda....empty....*shrugs* before I slapped in the background with photoshop :B

Thanks for the comment and Link, I shall read it later on ^0^
I was referring to the art style and clothing choices, I wasn't saying she ripped off his character design.
Well my art style is kind of based on Kingdom hearts with slight of my own chibi style, and clothing choices, I create them myself, I always make clothes that fits the character persona or background, and since I like tetsuya normura art style allot I always try to make my clothes design very detailled, and I Worship Tim Burton so I kinda also slap in some of his dark style. ^_^;

Hmmmm...double post...*drool*...
Sorry for it, just wanted to show something I made lately:

I know, digital artwork, but I'm to lazy to be tradditional now...and I did not edit it from any other KH artwork I made it completely by myself, sketching with tablet was hard because the stupid thing always goes like "Weee" "Woooh" "Uwee! " but flat colouring it and then making the lineart go ninja vanish, it worked, of course I was looking at CG's from Kingdom hearts to know how to shade or else I would go nuts. <--Green version, I'm pondering weither Blue or green is better....*sighs*....I love turqoise though...

EDIT: OH MY GAWT! Double post gets merged 80 that's so fo shizzle, if other forums knew this there wouldn't be spam in the world, K. I'm done now.
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Thank you friendly! ^_^


New pic, don't mind the watermark I have my reasons D:
This one I made for my big brother (He's the blonde guy in the card) because he's sweet and my big handsome brother ^0^ Yay! <3 Hope he likes!
Awwww. ^_^ I'm sure he'd love it.

...and I'm partial to the green one over the blue. Either that or that's just me being weird. XD

You're not weird! ^0^

And to Vagabond: Since I drew it on a A4 paper I used watercolours, and markers for the smaller detaills, and skin colour pencils, I also used markers to shade a bit!

New Pic! A nameless Katana guy! =0