Do the characters know each other?

Tifa Lockhart

Martial Artist~
Jan 30, 2011
Texas, United States.
In the new, upcoming Dissidia game for PSP, it appears as if most of the characters from the same game don't even know each other. (Example; Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart.) I think that's strange.. I've never played the previous Dissidia, so I don't know if the characters knew one another in that one either. xD

What are your thoughts/opinions on this? Don't you think it's strange? Or does it make the game more exciting..?

P.S. I'm so glad they added Tifa to the game. <3
hmmm this was ture in the first game but not soo true in the second game, as yuna seems to have memories of tidus in dissidia 012
hmmm this was ture in the first game but not soo true in the second game, as yuna seems to have memories of tidus in dissidia 012
Tifa doesn't know Sephiroth though? I mean, she seems not to know Cloud either, because when Cloud saves her she simply says "Thanks for saving me" instead of "You're late" like she usually would
Yh I know it weaid because it looks like that they could do something like comos wiped everybody's memory but for some reason Yuna has seemed to have keeped hers :D
I wonder if she really kept her memory though. To me, it kinda looks like she re-interacts with Tidus and Jecht rather than using previous memories. *shrug* I'd love it if she did retain her memories... :D

EDIT: *watched the English subbed trailer* Ah... I retract my previous statements. It looks like she really has kept her memories, Jecht too maybe. *bows to Yuna Lover* Whoops. ^^
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In the first Dissidia all the characters strangely knew each other, which i found really odd because all of the ff's are from "different" time periods/worlds.

cant say anything about the sequel though
I believe in the Dissidia world,for both games, all the charecters have a form of amnesia..In certain cases they can remember things,dreams,peices or their world but that dosent apply to everything.As for the chaos side apparently they are able to recall events of the cycle of fighting but at this point I havent botherd to figure or hunt down why.
As for the charecters in the first Dissidia they didnt realy know each other they bonded quickly for a common goal hence the close companionship they had.
But all togeather the Dissidia world hasnt been played out story wise to its fullest potential so some things may seem odd or out of touch
90% sure they do not. In the first one they did however. For example, Cloud and Sephiroth refrenced FFVII in their dialogue. Also, Zidane/Kuja + Tidus/Jecht knew each other. I'm not sure exactly what the story is for this one, but they don't seem to know each other beyond names.
I kind of agree with Edea, with the amnesia thing.

My theory is that when they were pulled from their worlds, the heroes and villians were allowed to keep only the memories that would keep them on their path (i.e. Cloud hating Sephiroth, Zidane hating Kuja, etc.) and a few other faint memories to remind them what they're fighting for, and what they're fighting to return to. I haven't looked into the sequel much yet, but from what I've been hearing, they'll have more memories than last time, but won't completely remember everything.

By the way, hells to the yeah for introducing Tifa into the series? :D
1st dissidia.... yes everybody kinda forgot eachother but things like tidus knowing jecht is his father, zidane knowing about kuja etc they remember. but on the other hand.. some of the characters in dissidia duodecim have kept there memories.. for example. i seen a screenshot where tifa reference to her game.. also yuna references to her game a lot like "he forgot about me, and our pilgrimage, and jecht" if that's not talking about Final Fantasy X... then i don't know what is :D
Not so much I would think. It looks like in Dissidia 012 most of them have lost memories or something. In the first game some do know each other. Bianca said most of it, and I kinda agree that the dissidia characters do suffer from amnesia. Yuna seems to know Tidus in 012.. which is weird. All three heros on the side of chaos are all being mind controlled/puppets if I could take a guess..
Did you guys not finish the storyline yet or something? Yes, all of the characters have amnesia of varying degrees. They bonded rather quickly and regained some memories through the experiences they've had with people from their world so a few people like Yuna know more than others. As for why everbody knows each other in Dissidia is because all of the characters were around during Duodecim. They just didn't focus on their story. Duodecim is a prequel to the previous game. They go over a lot of these encounters in the Reports.