Do you go out alot or do you just stay home most of the time?


Aug 7, 2007
I stay home most of the time.I've actually become a bit uncomfortable about going out.I only go out when I need to or really feel like it. :P
Home, honestly. I don't like to be behind a computer screen all day long so I really try to get out and do different things... but they're all pretty much on our own property. We have a pool and a nice backyard. I have a punching bag and a lot of projects and stuff. So although sometimes I can just vedge for hours on end, most of the time I like to be around the house doing something semi-constructive... I don't really ever go out unless Busta invites me somewhere. He is like my portal to the outside world.
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I stay home all the time. I'd go out once or twice a week...just to do shopping at Wal-Mart. =/ Then twice or thrice a month, we'd actually go out to the movies or go to the mall or something.

But since I'm hoping to get a job by next month, I'll be out more often...
Meh, it depends. I normally go out every saturday with my friends to the movies or someplace fun like that, or we just go hang out somewhere - normally the park if it's chav free.

I like to stay at home if i can or if i've got homework - so i spend most of my weekday at home and most of my weeekend out :)
I love staying at home to be honest. I pretend not to be alive at some times just so that the pesky neighbors don't ask me to go around, go to his or her hours, blah blah blah. It sounds fun, but it really isn't.

Anyways, I spend most of my time at home watching TV or on the forums (a LOT of time on the forums), but since school started, I'm gonna be out more often. And since it's senior year, there's also college apps to look forward to.
I go out once a day to run, but lately it's been to hot to do so. I do the gardening around the house and that can take about an hour since we have so many flowers. :O
If I'm not at work then most of my time spent is at home, usually either glued to this computer screen. When it's not I'm probably only a few feet away sticking my nose in a book, watching TV, or playing a video game. I have plenty of friends, and some of that time is spent going somewhere and bullshitting with them. But I've merely always been the most comfortable left to my own devices.
Well over the summer and winter break I'm usually out a lot. When friends are back from college they always want me to hang out with them. I usually end up going to a friends house anyways, which is basically just staying indoors again. It usually ends up just us watching a movie, show, talk, or play video games.

Other than that I just go out when I have to, or once in a while I go out for fun. Only times when I have to go out is for work and school. It's nice going to the city or mall once a month. I'm not a mall fan though, >< I go on days were I can avoid traffic and busyness. Other than that, I don't go out 'partying'.
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Aside from the rare occasion when someone wants to hang out or i have really crucial shopping to do, the only time i'm out of the house is when i'm at work. When i'm not out i'm just in my room, on the comp and sometimes playing my PS2 (i multi-task, i'll be on here and MSN and AIM and playing FF12 all at the same time).
I'm more of a study person so I stay home a lot. I only go out aside from schooling when my family or my friends invite me. I guess you'll find more people here who stay home a lot too.
I usually stay at home, to be honest. I'm not much of a hanging out person, and I'm not keen on shopping. I guess I do walk once a week (usually) but I wouldn't really count that. From time to time I will go shopping with friends, but that's it.
Im a true gamer/geek.

I get up in the morning. sit infront of my PC, or consoles.
Sit there. then go to bed.

I cant be out in the sun. cause My skin cant take it (well. I can. but it dont look too good after 30 min) . (yes. I get rashes. VAMPIRES FTW)
thats not the only reason.
I live so far from anyplace to go. that I just wont bother.
I have 1 friend. and he comes to me. thats the way its always been, and shal be for a time yet.
we cant go to him, because he lives with his GF.
and Im not a party person.

so. yes. in all of my awake time. I use 98% of my time on consoles or PC.
the 2%, is bathroom breaks, food, shower.. sutch things.
well. close to new years, I have other stuff ^^ (hinting to the nuke)

so. yes. im the typical geek.
It really depends on the day. Usually on sunny nice days I like to be outside somewhere. A lot of the times I go to some of the large parks here and rollerblade or I go to the island we have close by here and just hang out. During cold and rainy days I love staying at home and just lounging around in my pjs and just hanging out.

Night I rarely get a chance to go out since almost every weekend at night I'm working so I rarely get to go out and have fun at night. But the occasional nights off at work I'll go out with friends to the club or bar if I'm in the mood.
I'm an unsociable bastard, so I just stay home 24/7. :monster:
Well, not exactly. I go out just about everyday to get my lunch - there's this really good sandwich shop just down the road - and I'll go into town a couple of times a week. And maybe once or twice a week, I go up town and get drunk with my mates.
I play football once a week too, and I work all weekend, so I'm not actually in the house too much. I don't usually do much with friends though unless there's something special to do.
I'm starting to find the sociable company somewhat distasteful these days. A few friends feel this way too, so we just go to eachother's houses. Considering mine's quite large, they're around here most of the time. Either way, I'm on my laptop. xD

I prefer staying at home, but I have no problem with heading out for a meal, to watch a film, or just wander around for a bit. I just don't do said things often. :monster:
Well normally, I don't really get out of the house too much. I don't really have any means of transportation except for my boyfriend, and he's gone about 12-15 hours of the day sometimes. I usually do leave the house in the mornings to go run errands. I go to school on Tuesday and Thursday for about an hour and a half, and on Monday, Friday, and Sunday, I'm usually at the store, or the doctor, or picking something up...

I do get out of the house more on Wednesday and Saturday. My bf has Saturday and part of Wednesday off, so we scour around town together as much as possible. ^.^

You know, I've been begging him to take me to work or let me have a job somewhere, but he keeps telling me "no, no, later, later". Either he's planning something, or he's keeping me confined. XD
I stay inside most often. I go out with the guys and light up a few while screaming like a jackass out the car's window every now and then, but I usually just stay home and play video games or do stuff on forums or photoshop.

But whenever I go out with my mates, it's always fun... I shouldn't even have to explain how much fun shooting those retarded bicyclers with airsoft guns was. It was epic lulz.
Haha since I left school and got my driving license... I'm hardly ever in.. be it going to work/out driving/going to Glasgow/friends house/comedy clubs/big random days or night outs.
I get sad if I don't.. too many people to see.
But I love my days in, days where I can go back and forth for the PS2 and the PC, watching films, drawing, reading, playing gamesss, on sites etc. I just.. don't make it a priority :-) only live once you know. Might aswell cram everything in before I leave home for uni!
I’m usually home parked in front of my computer or watching TV on a weeknight. However, I try to go out whenever possible on a weekend (mostly Friday and Saturday nights).

Now, if a new FF comes out, no one will see me for weeks. ^_^