Do You Like School?


Apr 15, 2007
I've heard a lot of people who say that school sucks, it's boring, and it's nothing but a joke. But I, for one with risk that I could be yelled at for, love school. There's a lot of things to do, there's your friends, most of whom you can only see through school (whistle :whistle:), and there's the education factor.

You can talk, eat, play, and do many other things while at school that you can't normally do at home.

So, question, is: School, yay or nay in terms of likes?
I used to. The last few years have left me with a different impression because my schooling has essentially been worthless except for earning me different lettering on a diploma at the end. The paper itself has worth but my education for the last two years pretty much hasn't. I could have graduated two years ago and done just as well as I will when I graduate at the end of this semester. Sadly, even though that is very much the case, it will earn me another ten to twenty grand annually for base salary in whatever position I'm given.
my schooling has essentially been worthless
Ohhhhh the comments I could make here xD

There's essentially more than one question in this title.

I don't like being in school, sitting with textbooks, cramming it all in.
I don't like being dictated to by teachers (although there is the occasional teacher you can talk to like an equal).
I don't like how unrealistic it is.

I like how it prepares you for the outside world.
I like how I've made so many amazing friends there.
I like how it's the essential starting point for everyone in the world.
I miss school, yes. I even miss waking up at 5 a.m. I've been out of high school for over 3 years now (I was seventeen when I graduated) and although I couldn't wait to get out of high school that last year, I'm really sad now that I have not been able to keep in touch with my friends.

Now as far as college goes...heck, I miss that too. I admit, I only took a semester, but it was cool. I miss learning...everything. College environment is different from high school, yes...but I love both and learning in general.
School, I'm at it right now. I'm in my forth year at high school and I'm even doing higher earlier than wht i should (i find it easy)

But...I love the music bands, some of my subjects such as chemistry and biology, The freedom of time you have, my kick ass friends and the atmosphere.

I hate neds (bullies), killer badgers, modern studies (politics) and french, mainly because i cant do them that well. As a matter of fact I'm supposed to be studying for a modern studies test tomorrow but I'm actually here:monster:
I enjoy school a lot more than I used to now. I have more friends so I'm always socialising at lunch-time. I also find the lessons themselves more friendly. The lessons I take I've chosen to do. I don't have to take those I dislike. In fact, I only take 3 different subjects now. The people are more grown up and so it's easier to discuss things with them. Many of my lessons now consist of class discussion rather than the old: "Copy out of the text-book!"
Okay, I'm a total nerd. I really like school, especially now that I'm in college. High school was pretty fun, though sometimes it felt like a waste of time. I didn't like that you couldn't really choose what classes you wanted to take. AHHH! But college gives you so much freedom! You can choose whatever classes you like! I love learning, so yes...I admit it...I really like school. ...Though I *don't* like writing 10 page essays :(
I hate school, but I'm actually excited to go back! What is wrong with me?!
i hate school simply because i hate homework, tests, and FUCKIN powerpoint presentations. i also hate my teachers, and a lot of kids at my school. but i at least get good grades, so its not like im completely wasting my time.
I hate shool because

1) the uniform
2) Homework
3) Powerpoint presentations
4) Extra Homework
5) school ends at 14:30
6) I get bad grades on maths
7) I hate maths
after recently finishing school i have figured out that the only thing i miss about it is my mathmatics lessons, its not like i mis my friends coz we speak on msn and meet in town to hang out and stuff so im not really missin it that much but i did enjoy it while i was there
High school was cool :D I had great 4 years :D lot of fun memories, a beautiful chapter from my life...
We did wear uniforms or did PPpresentations so ... :D
I hate shool because

1) the uniform
Thankfuly Lekis school has no uniform. It has a dress code, but no uniform.

Leki does like school actually. It takes up alot of times and gives the day a kind of schedule to go around. Its organized, and Leki likes organized.

Leki is very curious by nature, and loves to learn about new things. Text books arent horrible because Leki reads alot anyways. even though historical and math stuff are the least interesting to read about to me, few exceptions made.

Plus Leki likes mornings, when its quiet and not many people are up yet. How light it is, the birds singing, its pretty. 6 or 6:30 is when Leki usually gets up, by the way.

And as for the meetnig of friends, Leki honestly doesnt really have any. Leki prefers to sit quietly through the day and let her thoughts amuse her, and just watch other people. Its interesting what you can learn by just being quiet and watchful. People tend to say things in front of you they normally wouldnt say if you wree talking.
Instead of Do I, I'm gonna post past tense... I Didn't. :P

High School... For the most part, no... I couldn't stand waking up early in the morning (never have). I think I was bored to death 3/4 of the time, the other 1/4 I was sleeping. As far as fun goes, that would only be during most Science classes or Computer Lab's that I had (favorite subjects). Also, the first high school I went to had off campus lunches, essentially you could leave so long as you came back in an hour.

College... It was neither boring nor fun, just something I just had to do for a better life. Although, I have to admit, college was a whole lot more tolerable.
My Secondary School was horrible due to it being filled with morons who bullied pretty much everyone. I enjoyed primary school because it was, as you'd expect, relaxed and all that. I'm in college now and that's quite ace; there aren't any idiots this time and I actually enjoy learning so it's good for me.
Some aspects of school can be a real bitch... pulling all-nighters, failing mid-terms, tests, taking required courses in things you're not really interested in.

But I really like going to school. In society today, school is really central to moving forward in the most efficient (albeit conventional) way. Not only is it the best path to fulfillment or money, but there's also the idea of education for education's sake. You'll get to learn things you actually want to know about ones you get the pesky reqs out of the way.

And of course, there's the social aspect of it, which in a large way, is the heart of school. Outside of K-12, there really isn't any place where you get to hang out with so many friends nearly every single day. It's not the same as getting to see friends at work. A large part of most educational systems (excluding home-schooling) is learning about social interaction, which is pretty fun and vital.

Also, depending on your school, you'll get lots of different opportunities, hear different views, etc. that you wouldn't get from just sticking around with your own crowd.
My school USED to be good. then we got a new headteacher and he made loads of crappy rules and now I HATE school!
School: A love/hate relationship. ^.^
There are a lot of things that I love about school. I love the atmosphere, making new friends, socializing, I love learning...but there are some aspects that I just abhor. Like giving speeches (standing in front of a large class in general is something I hate), I don't like homework. I like being IN school, but I don't like bringing it home with me. ^.^

We should all be greatful that we are able to go to school, even if it means bringing it home with you every single day. ^.^
I like school but...Lines are the most poitnless punishment ever >< "Maths homework must be completed and handed in on time" Blah blah, it gets so boring writing that out 50 times.

And i have an english teacher who irritates me so much that whenever i see her, my instinct tells me to take a very sharp object and drive it into her skull :)

I'll Elaborate upon this post later, for it is sleepy time now XD