Do You Like the Character Yunalesca?


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Aug 25, 2008
Accessory (Arms)
Chocobo Egg
Ellia Lombardia
FFXIV Server
Yunalesca is a cool character but almost has nothing on. I find Yunalesca was good at talking during the game but once you hit the boss battle think again impossible. So what are your thoughts on Yunalesca?
Hmm, cant really say much about her as a person, her role in the game isnt huge. Although i did like the speech on false hope, and each characters reply when they decide to fight her.
As a boss she was a real pain, mega-death was a bastard specially wen all your characters are not ' zombie ' status.....owned...and yea her outfit was pretty exotic. How did i know that would be the first thing you would mention.
Well yeah her outfit is really exotic. Yunalesca is indeed very powerful but why did Yuna get her name from Yunalesca? Was Yunalesca good at first but just do not tell me what happens after the boss fight because am still stuck lol.
Well yeah her outfit is really exotic. Yunalesca is indeed very powerful but why did Yuna get her name from Yunalesca? Was Yunalesca good at first but just do not tell me what happens after the boss fight because am still stuck lol.

Shes not really bad at all, she gave the people of spira the first ever ' calm ' but now she keeps the lie going that sin can be truly defeated through complete atonement, and faith in the final summoning.
Because Yuna declares that she will abolish the final summoning, this clashes with yunalescas ideas, so she fights them. She doesnt want the people to lose hope in an eternal calm ( evidently she believes sin cannot truly be defeated )
Yunalesca's character design is pretty awesome, and her attitude is pretty hardcore too. I like the boss fight against her as it's kind of like a milestone in the game for me everytime I reach this point in the story. I just love it :D
Why do they call Yunalesca the reaper of souls when you sense her. Is she like a zombie or something or is she really a human?
Why do they call Yunalesca the reaper of souls when you sense her. Is she like a zombie or something or is she really a human?

She is an unsent. She was human but her strong ties on Spira prevent her from passing through to the farplane.
It doesnt sound like you're following the story in FFX very well man.
Well Laguna I know the story but its been a long time ive been stuck on Yunalesca I just can not beat her you understand? Well I know the story but when I saw Yunalesca the first time I thought she looked wise not bad. Yunalesca just believes the final summoning is true right and that sin can not be destroyed right?
I'm going to talk about her as a character personality wise. I think she's fantastic. Forgetting about her obvious love of nekkedness for a second- her persona is very deep and multi-layered. Being a summoner in the first place, we know straight off that she is brave and wants to do good for human kind (erm...and guado/ronso/al bhed-kind). The interesting thing is that you can link her to Seymour- they both 'want to help humanity'. The difference, is that Seymour hates the idea of hope for the 'petty mortals', and seeks to end their suffering instead.

Yunalesca on the other hand, is willing to give false hope, and keep the cycling continuing. She believes that those few years or months between Sin (s?) is worth it; that those times a more valuable than normal life would be; that people value life more as a whole, because it has become so delicate. She is willing to renew that hope again and again even though people have to keep dying in the cycle.

However, she refuses to accept that their could be an alternative. And the very fact that shes willing to let people die in the first place could also be seen as a downside. However to paraphrase: "people will die anyway..bla bla bla... you would be willing to take away that hope?" She's trying to do the right thing- but does the right thing wrong ;)

Theres also the obvious point that shes a very wise/intelligent, humble and mentally beautiful person.

Yunalesca is a complex character- and I love her for it.
I really like Yunalesca because she is just a cool character and she knows it lol. I think she is pretty good at talking about the final summoning and how Yuna's father sacrificced himself. What I would like to know is how does she change form?
I liked Yunaleska, Her speech on false hope was good, and she decided to fight for what she believed in, so i never took her as a bad person but as a fighter in what she believes in which is a good thing, much like yuna and her guardians. The fight against her was strong but I beat her the second time because i knew what kind of attacks she had plus i leveled up to an acceptable level just to fight her.
However, she refuses to accept that their could be an alternative. And the very fact that shes willing to let people die in the first place could also be seen as a downside. However to paraphrase: "people will die anyway..bla bla bla... you would be willing to take away that hope?" She's trying to do the right thing- but does the right thing wrong ;)
This is one of the reasons I like Yunalesca as well. She's not neccesarily a bad person by continuing the final summoning because she actually believes she's doing the right thing. She's a flawed character who, in trying to help, actually hurts.

Something else I find interesting about her character is that she's willing to sacrifice the one most important person in her life for the sake of Spira. I, just like Yuna, can't ever imagine doing something like that, even if I knew it would help others. This just goes to show how deeply Yunalesca believed in what she was doing.

As for the boss battle against her, it's one of my favorite battles in the whole game. I don't understand why people think it's hard though because I haven't had trouble with it at all the two times I played through the game. You just have to be prepared for the battle and know what to expect from her. If you don't, yes you'll get killed, but if you do you will be victorious.
Yunalesca was cool and all but when i hit the boss battle i started to hate her every minute of it it was one of the worst battle in ffx history she was almost impossible to beat then i just hated her after it.
well if she was supposed to be the huge hero she was made out to be...why did she let her loved on die..why did she die?
why didnt anyone think like yunaxtidus did and would try anything to have the other live? she killed auron and she seemed coldhearted
i saw her as a godess until she talked and did what she did
I like her even though i yelled like a maniac until she died the whole talk before the battle made her seem like a goddess but then Yuna and her guardains found out that everything she said was false hope and dont know why i think this but she kind of reminds me of Jenova if she could speak and not all blue.
If Yunalesca is just a minor character that does not play a huge role in the story, what is her true objective to make people use the final summoning and die? Anyways when I first saw Yunalesca I thought the party was going to fighter in a test of power or sorrow.
Good point Laguna made is that Yunalesca is an unsent. She is attached to Spira so strongly that she can't rest in peace. Is this attachment due to her hunger for power, or is it her love for Spira?
Yeah, she is beautiful until her hair turns into snakes >.<
Yeah Yunalesca is really Beautiful but when her hair turns into snakes she is less beautiful. Yunalesca is attached to spîra but isnt Yunalesca good at first? Or she does not like it when people find the final summoning false.
Yeah Yunalesca is really Beautiful but when her hair turns into snakes she is less beautiful. Yunalesca is attached to spîra but isnt Yunalesca good at first? Or she does not like it when people find the final summoning false.

If you read my second post it pretty much sums everything up really clearly. Heathen also stated it very well.
Basically she doesnt think theres any other way to beat Sin. Therefore she relies on summoners obtaining the calm (she knows sin will come back) Yuna doesnt agree with this and decides to abolish the ' final summoning ' Yunalesca believing this to be the only way to temporarily stop sin, has to fight Yuna and co to stop them.
Yeah I get you laguna But why does the scanner indentify her as the Reaper of Souls. I know Yunalesca thinks it is the only way to beat Sin. Why did they give her boss fight the same music as seymour I thought it was going to be completely different.